Rory awoke alone in her bed in Stars Hollow in the wee hours of the morning. It had been a week since she told her mother about the life growing inside her. Her baby. Logan's baby. Every morning since she had found out about its existence it was her first thought in the morning, and last thought at night. They had created a life. Except Logan was not here. Logan didn't even know. Logan was planning to marry someone else.

That thought sent her stomach churning. She jumped out of bed and rushed to the downstairs bathroom to throw up. As everyone knew, the tiles were rough on her knees, but she didn't want to risk the trek up the stairs.

After her a few minutes of heaving, when her stomach was calm, Rory closed the toilet and put her head on the cool porcelain. She thought, again, about what Christopher had said. How Lorelai raising Rory alone had been exactly what was supposed to happen. That sentiment had been weighing on her all week. Logan was engaged to another woman. Isn't that the clearest evidence of all that she was not fated to raise their child together with him?

But then, as always, her thoughts turned to her childhood. How desperate she always was to spend any time with her dad. How jealous she was of friends who had two parents. The human growth and development psych class she took at Yale that covered adolescence and how it's healthier if a child can have two parents at that stage.

And finally her thoughts turned to Logan himself. She imagined how he'd react. Not to finding out about the baby. She knew how he'd react to that. Surprise, fear, joy, and action. Action that may put a permanent wedge between him and his family. But how would he react if she didn't tell him? How would he react if he heard from someone else years later that she had a little towheaded child right around nine months after their last encounter?

Rory sat up. Eventually she would have to do something about the situation, but she was just too tired to right now. She returned to her room and crawled back into bed, hoping to shut out all thoughts for a few more hours.

"Of course you can come to Nantucket for a visit." Emily's voice through the phone sounded as close to her old self as any time Rory had heard it in the past year. "I'll take you to the museum so you can see how I've been spending all my time."

"That sounds great, Grandma. I need to get away from Stars Hollow for a bit. And then I'll probably crash with Paris until I find a place of my own in New York."

"Wonderful. So I'll see you on Saturday?"

Rory agreed and hung up the phone. Another week had passed, and she still had no idea what she should do. She needed some time away from Lorelai and her unsuccessful attempts at hiding what she thought about the situation.

"I'm behind you no matter what you do. But I don't want to tell you what I think you should do. I mean, I've never been pregnant with an engaged man's baby, so I just can't comment," had been a refrain Rory had heard at least four times a day since the wedding.

Rory had considered turning to Paris or Lane for advice, or at least for someone who would listen to her, but Paris was still too heartbroken and cynical about relationships, while Lane was already too angry at Logan to have an objective viewpoint. She actually considered calling Doyle for the male perspective. But she was pretty sure that his was a male perspective that would never align with Logan's.

So she was off to Nantucket for a week in hopes that the sea air would finally help her decide.

"Grandma, there's something I need to tell you," Rory began as she sat with Emily on the Adirondack chairs in the backyard. Berta's children were playing in the distance.

"What is it, dear?" Emily's head rested back, her eyes closed.

"Grandma…Grandma, I'm pregnant."

Emily's eyes opened and her head came up in shock. "You're WHAT?"

Rory looked down, but did not repeat herself.

Emily took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. "Rory, I did not even realize you were dating anyone."

"I'm not. I mean, I was, obviously, but I'm not anymore."

Emily's forehead creased and she frowned. "Did he leave you because of the baby?"

"No! No, no. Definitely not. He doesn't even know about the baby. We broke up before I knew."

"Well, I'm not one to say that a baby can save a relationship, but why did you break up? Maybe the baby CAN in your case?"

Rory grimaced at the thought of what she was about to admit to her grandmother. "He's…engaged. To someone else."

To Emily's credit, she managed to hide her reaction to that announcement quickly. "Engaged? Well, that does complicate things. But you know, Rory, your grandfather was engaged when I met him. That should not be a deal breaker if you love him and want to raise your child with him."

Rory was surprised by this response. She recalled hearing about how her grandparents relationship had begun, though it had not occurred to her in years, but she never expected Emily to be so accepting of Rory's role as the other woman.

"So you think I should tell him? Ask him to leave her for me?"

"Do you love him? Do you want him to be the father of your child?"

Rory thought about that. "I do love him. I don't think I ever stopped loving him. But maybe because I love him I need to leave him alone."


Rory's eyes widened at Emily's language.

"What would you be sparing him if you don't tell him? So you complicate his life for a little while. First of all, life is always complicated. Second, this situation will eventually uncomplicate itself and make room for a new complication. Finally, think of what you'd be depriving him of instead."

It was the same thing Rory kept coming back to, but hearing Emily say it made the argument seem to hold even more weight.

"Now, who is this man you've become the other woman for? An ex, from the sound of it?"

Rory smiled, thinking she'd finally be giving her grandmother good news. "It's Logan, Grandma."

Emily's grin nearly lit up the whole backyard.

Rory took a deep breath as she scrolled to Logan's name in her phone. The house was quiet for the first time that day. Emily had taken Berta and her whole family into town for ice cream.

The phone only rang once before Logan answered. "Rory?"

Rory closed her eyes and sighed when she heard his voice. "Logan."

"Rory, what's wrong?" Logan's concern rang through the phone.

"Logan, I need to speak with you. In person. I'm coming to London tomorrow. I have a hotel booked, don't worry. But I have to tell you something, and it has to be in person."

Logan was silent for a moment. Rory knew all the things she could have to tell him were rushing through his head. She even assumed he had landed on the right one. But she couldn't confirm it over the phone. She had to see him, be able to look into his eyes when she said it.

"Of course, Rory. I can have a car meet you at the airport. We can get lunch. Or dinner. What time are you getting in?"

Rory sat in the restaurant waiting for Logan. I should have refused to meet immediately. I should have gone to the hotel to shower and change first. But it was too late for that, and she knew Logan was anxious to hear what she had to say. Knowing him, he had been obsessing about it for the last 18 hours.

She saw him as soon as he walked through the door. Her heart ached as she saw the worried look on his face as he scanned the room to find her. When he spotted her he walked determinedly to the table, holding her eye contact the entire time.

"Rory," he said in greeting as he sat down.

"Logan," she returned.

They sat in silence for a moment as Rory gathered her courage to say what she had to say. Before she could, Logan said, "Please, Rory, just say it."

Rory looked up and saw his eyes were closed and his forehead was leaning on his palm. She quietly said, "I'm pregnant."

There was no shock. Logan barely even moved. Finally, he lifted his head and nodded. Then he smiled, slightly. "We're going to be parents."

Rory grinned in response. "We are."

Logan's smile remained small and tight.

Rory's grin dropped and her fears came back to the surface. "I mean, I hope we are. I don't want to push you into anything. If you want to be involved, I want you to be, but you don't have to be. I can do it alone if your family can't know."

Logan reached across the table and covered her hand with his. "Fuck my family. Rory, this is amazing news. We. Are. Going. To. Be. Parents."

"So you're happy? Really?"

Logan pulled his hand back and contemplated Rory before answering. "I…Rory, I am so excited that you are going to be the mother of my child. But…Rory, what's your plan?"

"My plan?"

"Yes. How do you see this working out? Do you see us as co-parents? Do you want me to tell Odette that she's going to be a stepmother? Or…do you want something more?"

"I want whatever you want." Rory still refused to allow herself to be vulnerable enough to tell Logan what she wanted.

Logan sat in silence once again. Finally he said, "Fuck this, Rory. Why can't we talk? I want to tell you that I love you, that I would leave Odette in a heartbeat if you asked me to. But I can't say that. I can't because we have some weird silent agreement not to tell each other how we actually feel."

"You…you love me?"

Logan gave her an exasperated look. "You know I love you. I wanted to marry you 9 years ago. I still want to marry you today. But when we met in Hamburg, and I was ready to break things off with Odette that next morning, you said that was fun and you hoped we could do it again. You wanted casual. Or at least that's the only signal you ever gave me."

Rory had tears rolling down her cheeks. "You never said anything. I had no idea. I thought you liked our arrangement."

"I loved being with you. That was the only part of our arrangement I liked."

"But when I ended things you could have said something then."

"No, I couldn't. You were leaving me. Rejecting me. I thought it was the marriage proposal all over again. I knew you regretted that our arrangement was over, but I had no idea you wanted more. You never said anything, either."

Rory smiled through her tears. "We're both just a couple of scared idiots, aren't we?"

"Are we?" Logan looked intently at Rory.

It was Rory's turn to reach across the table and take Logan's hand. "In case it wasn't obvious, I love you, too. I don't think I ever stopped loving you."

"Even when you turned down the marriage proposal?"

"Even then. That was more about my mom than anything else."

Logan grinned, then moved to Rory's side of the table and took her face in his hands. He leaned his forehead against hers and said, "I love you. Let's do this. Let's figure this out and have this baby. Together."

Things were about to get complicated. But that was okay. Life is supposed to be complicated. And they would sort through it together.