My new project, these are 50 or so interrelated one-shots about my odd pairing of Artemis Fowl and Luna Lovegood. The one-shots are all related to a word prompt I've got and if any of you are interested I'll post the list. I managed to make four of these in one evening and now I feel guilty for delayed a couple of other projects of mine and the fact I'm not studying for my finals but yeah.
Timeline: Goblet of Fire for Harry Potter books and the Opal Deception for Artemis Fowl books
Word: Jig
Artemis pulled back the curtains around his four-poster bed to see that everyone else had woken up early that Christmas morning.
"Ah Artemis you're finally awake!" Theodore greeted from the pile of gifts he had found himself in.
Blaise was already on the side of Artemis' bed as if ready to perform a spell "That's strange usually the only thing to wake you up on a Christmas morning is if I woke you up with a little rainstorm"
The Irish glared "Not today Blaise not today"
"Glad to see the Christmas spirit has finally caught on to you" Draco was also in the center of the room opening gifts.
"I'm surprised it even reached you!" Blaise placed his wand under his robes "Aren't you tired of receiving coal every year?"
"Don't make me hex you this early in the morning" Draco said raising his wand.
"Come on you two, that's not how you feel the Christmas spirit" Theodore stood between the two boys. "And we've got the Yule Ball to attend as well later"
The blond put down his wand "Well don't want to disappoint your imaginary date with your absence"
This made Blaise snort "You're just jealous that my date has more class than yours!"
"So Theodore, who did you decide to bring?" Artemis spoke feeling sorry for Theodore having to play peacemaker between the two again.
"Well there's Elena Sparrow from Ravenclaw" Theodore replied "She seems quite decent, she's also quite pretty as well"
"Anyone is prettier than Pansy" Blaise raised his finger "And Draco you would be a hypocrite to deny that"
Artemis shook his head "So you couldn't shake her off?"
Draco sighed "Mother told me to be nice"
"Why didn't you just get another date?" Theodore asked "I mean, I'm sure your mother would understand that"
"Knowing Pansy she probably scared the entire female population off the poor guy" Blaise rubbed his chin "She probably hexed that girl who was about to ask you out during Potions"
Draco turned to Artemis "Well I don't see you going around asking girls, are you still going stag?"
"ARTEMIS HOW COULD YOU!" Theodore raised his hands "There were several girls pestering me all week just to mention their names to you!"
The Irish rubbed his forehead "I rather not meddle with such simple matters as looking for a date, there are bigger problems I have to deal with"
"Like escaping the last minute party of girls?" Blaise looked at the window that had several owls tapping the glass "They would seize every opportunity up till the clock strikes . . . uhh what time does the ball start?"
Theodore gave his friend an apologetic look "He's right Artemis the girls would still hunt for you like a hawk, going stag will only add more problems for you"
Artemis nodded "I've prepared for such measures"
"What are you gonna do?" Draco asked "Hide under you Invisibility Cloak all day?"
"If only it were that simple Draco" Artemis said heading for the bathroom to get ready.
The entrance hall was packed with students all dressed in their best attire and dolled up waiting for eight o'clock. People from different houses meeting their partners were calling them by their names and waving their hands just trying to find them.
Blaise was wearing a dark green suit with his hair in its usual slick back manner and covered with a matching green fedora "Honestly how can you find people at this rate, I told you we should have just met them somewhere else!"
Theodore was wearing a grey tuxedo and adjusting his bow tie "We would have if you weren't so cooped up with taming your hair!"
"My hair must be at its finest!" Blaise defended "You were so busy making sure your pants were pressed properly!"
"I didn't want to look pudgy" Theodore turned to Draco who was wearing a burgundy slim fit tuxedo with a black vest and bow tie. "Where's Pansy?"
The blond just shrugged "Probably plucking her brows or something"
"I'm sorry I'm late!" Pansy came running towards them wearing frilly robes of pale pink and her hair done as that of a poodle.
"What have you done with yourself!?" Draco stepped back in shock.
"I only wanted to look at my best Draco!" the girl wailed. "Where are your dates" she asked the two then looked around for the missing fourth man "And where's Artemis?"
Blaise sighed "Probably cornered in bathroom or something, he scampered as soon as we left the dungeons and I didn't know he could actually put effort in running"
"Indeed he hasn't run that fast since we got chased by a troll" Theodore saw that the doors to the Great Hall had opened and he had even spotted their dates "THERE THEY ARE!" he jumped.
"Quit jumping or everyone will turn to see us" Blaise smirked "Then again that doesn't sound like a bad idea"
"Quit dreaming Zabini" said the stoic tone of none other than Artemis Fowl. The Irish was wearing powder blue dinner jacket with black slacks "Your date is a Chaser for the Ravenclaws remember that"
The guy rolled his eyes "Well look who decided to show up"
Draco seemed slightly relieved that his friend decided to attend the ball "I actually thought you'd ditch the entire thing"
"Mother wouldn't forgive me if I failed to make an appearance" Artemis said as they entered the Great Hall.
"Is that Granger?" Pansy gasped as the Gryffindor entered with Viktor Krum in hand.
Draco rubbed his eyes "Well what do you know, she actually looks human for once"
"She seems to clean up quite well" Artemis commented before looking at Pansy "What on earth have you done to your hair?"
"Can't you men appreciate actual effort!?" Pansy raised her fist.
"We can't seem to understand the effort being put" Blaise was still looking for his date "This is hopeless all I see are frilly gowns and grumpy Durnstrang students"
Theodore pulled Blaise's collar "I see them follow me" and with that they rushed into the sea of people locating their dates.
"So what do we do now?" Draco asked.
Before Artemis could say anything he was quickly pulled to a corner by a couple of Beaxbatons students who had been chasing him the entire day.
Luna wasn't a fool she knew she had been stood up by this person called Rooney Plutzbol from Hufflepuff. She knew the person didn't even exist and was just a prank played at her by a couple of Gryffindors who seemed bitter in not being able to ask Harry Potter to the ball.
But rather than sulk in a corner like most girls Luna decided to just enjoy the nicely decorated Great Hall and enjoy the food that the House Elves have probably worked so hard to prepare. She knew she will have to make a large donation at SPEW tomorrow but that will be if she remembers where she had put her money in the first place.
She was busy slicing her pork chops when the Gryffindor girls she assumed played the prank went behind her "Well what do we have here silly old Looney thought she'd actually scored a date with an actual sane person" one of the girls laughed.
"Now who would want to waste their time with a weirdo like her I wonder" said the other girl "They would be under some charm to want to do that"
Luna looked at the girls "You two girls seem to be lost"
"Us lost?" the two girls laughed "You've lost your mind!"
"Oh no my mind is right where it needs to be" the blonde smiled "It's kept in a safe place protected by Hyposnipes"
The two girls just laughed "She doesn't know when to stop now doesn't she?"
"I pity her father having to deal with such a problem child" the other girl said.
At the mention of this Luna frowned and stood up "Well I need to check the bathroom for Supperflips, they tend to eat lipstick from girl's mouths"
"Well took you long enough to leave" the Gryffindor laughed "You need to know your place"
Luna just bowed and headed out of the packed Great Hall, people had started dancing already but she didn't seem to mind it. She'd rather dance by the light of the moon anyway.
She was skipping down the seemingly empty halls when she heard the sound of French girls.
"Now Artemis!" said one student who looked like a Veela "I only asked for one dance"
Luna stopped her skipping and saw that there were three students, one from Beaxbatons, one from Slytherin and one from Ravenclaw cornering the famous Artemis Fowl to a dance.
"This isn't a proper way to ask of a dance" Artemis was trying to look calm but Luna could tell he was holding himself from striking a spell at the three girls. She has heard of the famous Fowl many times from her fellow Housemates, she knew of the little group that would take away his thrown notes and post it in some giant journal of memorabilia from him placed in the corner of their common room
Luna had actually told this fact to Ginny before but the Gryffindor wouldn't believe her saying it was just too odd.
"Well you were just playing too hard to get" said the Slytherin girl. "You actually went missing the entire day"
"I knew I shouldn't have come" Artemis muttered under his breath.
"Oh Artemis there you are" Luna's voice surprised the four as they all turned to her "I thought the Nargles took you away"
The Ravenclaw raised a brow "Luna? I thought you were stood up by a Hufflepuff"
Luna tilted her head "A Hufflepuff? Oh yes well he decided to go run off chasing the Boltshackles in the dungeons I'm looking for Salveo Weed to help him attract some"
"Now you're just making up nonsense again" the Slytherin girl crossed her arms "Like I doubt Artemis would give his time of day for a Looney girl like you"
The French girl waved her hand at Luna "Shoo you pesky girl go chase those invisible monsters you love"
"I wish all of you would stop being disrespectful to my date" Artemis suddenly spoke which made all the girls stare at him in shock.
The first person to speak was the Slytherin "Da . . .date? You're date?"
"You have impaired hearing I see" Artemis crossed his arms "I repeat please stop being disrespectful to my date"
The Ravenclaw that wasn't Luna almost choked "Wait so you . . . you're with her?"
"Well yes she seems to hold better conversation that the three of you combined" Artemis went over to Luna who didn't seem to mind the death glares being given to her.
The Beaxbaton student grit her teeth "So you rather go for her?"
"Yes as I have said before" Artemis then went down on his knee took Luna's hand and kissed it "Now I apologize for being distracted"
"Well nothing wrong with following the singing of the Veela" Luna smiled.
"Is she trying to mess with me?" the Beaxbaton clenched her fist.
"Shall we go?" Luna said "The pudding might run cold"
"Lead the way" Artemis stood up and they left the three girls who could not believe what had just transpired.
"Oh there he is!" Theodore stood up from his seat as soon as he saw Artemis enter the Great Hall.
"That better be him and not another chair!" Blaise had spent the entire night hunting for their dates and when they had finally found them they were too tired to dance.
Draco took a sip of his drink "Hmm . . . he seems to be with someone"
"So he finally sucked up and choose one" Blaise waved his hat "Well that's a relief who did he pick? I hope it's the Veela girl"
"Umm . . . it's a Ravenclaw" Theodore said.
"Well he always preferred brains" Pansy nodded but she almost jumped when Artemis and his date reached the table "WHAT ON EARTH?!"
Artemis had enough of women screaming for one evening and he found it ironic that the only reason he attended the ball was to avoid the screaming lecture of his own mother. "Pansy please we're all tired"
"You choose Looney Lovegood of all people!" Pansy was waving her arms in a dramatic way.
Draco for some reason seemed to find the situation amusing "Well I didn't realize you had a thing for eccentrics"
"DRACO THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER!" Pansy yelled "Your bestman has lost his mind!"
"Anyone would lose their mind if they were to become the bestman of your wedding" Blaise commented "But seriously Artemis how did you end up with her?"
Artemis sighed pulling a seat for his 'date' "It's a long story"
"Does anyone know if they served pudding yet?" Luna asked as she sat.
Theodore just lifted the menu "Umm . . . I think you just summon the pudding"
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