Hello! It's been awhile since I've written some good old fanfiction, but I've recently been inspired to write. I've always been a fan of Boy Meets World so when I decided to watch Girl Meets World, I fell in love completely. Since I'm a little bit older than the normal viewer of this show, I must warn you that this is a MATURE story. Also, this is a CROSSOVER between GIRL MEETS WORLD and VAMPIRE DIARIES, which is another show that I hold dearly in my heart. So if you're not a fan of that show, please be warned that there will be several unavoidable references to TVD-world; this includes its characters, ideas, and settings. Finally, the last warning is in regards to the main couple of this story. There will be no Rucas, Lucaya, Riarkle, Rilaya, or any other widely-known ship as the endgame couple of this story (well maybe except Corpanga of course). Although I love the characters of GMW, there will be some negative ideas about some characters implied in the story, but this story is RILEY-CENTRIC.


- GMW: Season 3, post-Girl Meets High School, before Girl Meets Triangle. Riley is 14.

- TVD: Season 3, but Season 4 never happened completely. The Originals are in New Orleans. Elena is in a vampire-coma, Klaroline happened, Damon and Stefan still love Elena.


REALIZATION - a game of chess

Bright lights trickle into the room. The bay window is open, and the smell of flowers from the fire escape garden and the smoke emulsion coming from the New York streets bombards the sleeping brunette as she lies in her bed. The girl is half-awake, yet she refuses get out of bed, refuses to accept the reality waiting for her beyond the bedroom.

"RILEYYYY!" a voice erupts from the living room. It's her younger brother, her beloved annoying alarm clock in the morning. The girl opens her eyes and stares at her ceiling.

On most days, Riley would jump out of bed and sing her way to the kitchen, where her family waits to eat breakfast in communion. Yet today, Riley was simply too tired. In fact, the young 14 year old had been tired for a while now. She's tired of pretending to be Smiley Riley. She's tired of the Triangle. Oh the Triangle. She feels sick to the bones whenever she thinks of it. Her gut fills with dread and her heart wrenches as she is reminded of the drama surrounding her and her friends.

The worst part of the whole ordeal is that she couldn't talk to anyone about it, about how she was feeling. At times, her friends made sure to make the situation obvious, as if to find something that bonds them together. She theorizes that the triangle for her friends is something that makes them stronger while she, herself, gets weaker.

She wonders if Maya feels that way too. She wonders if Maya wakes up in a sweat everyday just worrying over if she hurts somebody because of feelings. She wonders if Maya barely eats like she does everyday. She wonders if Maya feels as useless as she does. Also, she wonders when she started saying Maya's name with such distaste.

Maya was her best friend, but nowadays, it didn't seem that way. Riley dreamt of the days when Maya would look at her with such friendly, adoring eyes. Now, all she sees in the blonde's eyes are signs of competition. Its as if Riley could already hear the wheels turning in her best friend's brain, thinking of ways to one-up her in favor of Lucas' heart.

And then there was Lucas. The cowboy to her princess. The subway boy to her city girl. The one who captured her heart. The boy who just couldn't decide. There was a time when she could look into Lucas' eyes and stare at him with love plastered obviously across her face. These days, all she felt was shame. She felt that her feelings for him had to be hidden, in fear that she would wreck the fragility of feelings circling the three of them.

But then she felt lost because at night, she goes to sleep doubting her feelings for the blonde boy, who apparently captured her heart and that of her friend's as well. She watched the classic princess stories with Auggie, and she finds herself comparing her situation. Despite all her feelings for Lucas, it seems as though their love was fleeting when it hasn't even started.

They're all chess pieces, unmoving. No one brave enough to make their move. No one willing to lose.

"RILEY MATTHEWS! You're going to be late for school!" her mother shouts, cutting Riley off from her thoughts. The brunette moved frantically off her bed and into her closet to look for something to wear.

By the time her mother yelled for her again, Riley is out of her room, not even sparing a glance to the bay window. She knows that Maya isn't coming; her friend was probably already in the train station, waiting for the train Lucas was in.

"Riley, it only seems fair that I get to go with Lucas to school. This is my only alone time with him, since you get him during Math class while I'm in Science class", her friend explained to her a few weeks ago.

At the time, it probably sounded great to both her and Maya's ears, but Riley couldn't help but think about how unfair it all really was, how unfair that she was stuck in this situation. How unfair of Lucas to not make his choice. How unfair indeed.

"Hey look who decided to get out of bed" her dad joked as she joined her family in the kitchen.

"Sorry, I was tired. Guess I stayed up too late studying…" she murmured, knowing all too well that she was lying.

"Yeah you do look tired" said a pouting Auggie. Riley gave him a small smile, her heart lifting a little bit for her brother's concern.

"Don't study too hard, Riley. You're going to tire yourself out" her mother said with a stern voice. "Besides there's still space for you on the fridge beside Maya's A"

With that statement, Riley felt her throat constrict. She couldn't help but be angry at how her parents treated her and her friend.

"Mom, what am I good at?"


"Maya is a fierce amazon warrior"

She understood that Maya needed a family in her life. She understands that Maya needs that acceptance she's craved for so long. She loved Maya with all her heart, and she wanted to give this to her. But a small tiny part in Riley bitterly thought of how Maya has chosen to get and Riley has given too much. She's always been the sacrificial one, but she knew that maybe, she needed to start loving herself more and her family's not exactly helping her in that regard.

"I know I'm just tired, Mom. I promise" Riley lies through her teeth. Her hands ball up into fists under the table.

"You know, you're tired because of that darn 'Triangle'" her dad says. "If only Friar could just make up his mind then we'll all finally be free of this mess"

Riley looks up at her father, and she tries to stop the tears. How could her father say those words without even considering how hurt she is because of her situation? How could he just disregard her and her feelings?

"Dad…" she whispers, but no words come out. She couldn't even think of what to say; she was too hurt to say anything.

"Dad you can't just say that! What if Lucas does make his choice?" Auggie pipes in. He, thankfully, was too distracted to notice Riley and her conflicting emotions.

"Then we'll help whoever gets hurt and accept whoever gets chosen. It doesn't really matter" her dad answers.

Riley could feel her happiness dwindling down as the seconds passed. Her parents didn't care who got chosen. Her parents didn't even think about how hurt she'll be if Lucas picks Maya. Yes they'd help her, but she knew that they'd be ecstatic for Maya. Sometimes, they just couldn't decide who their actual daughter was. Sometimes she felt like her and Maya were always competing, for Lucas, for grades, and for her family.

"Well I think whoever doesn't get picked should have their own family helping them" Auggie argued. He's too young to really understand the situation, but he's also too smart for his age and loving in nature.

"Auggie! We'll help whoever gets hurt, of course" their mom rebuked.

Let Katy handle Maya, for god's sake. Handle your own daughter!, Riley says in her head. She's tired of competing with Maya. Too tired.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna go ahead" Riley excused herself from breakfast. She was too tired of hearing her parents talk about her and her friends.

She tries to hide the fact that she only ate a couple of spoonfuls of cereal, and she knows her parents are completely oblivious to her uneaten meal; Auggie, on the other hand, looks at her with narrow eyes as he sees her full bowl. She shakes her head at him, giving him her 'terrifying-older-sister' face, and he looks away.

"But Riles, you can just ride with me. I just need to fix my bag and then we can go to the car" her dad says as he reads the newspaper.

"Its okay, dad. I promised to meet Farkle by the train station today to help him carry his art project" she lies.

"Okay, then. Just text me if you and your friends are going to the bakery later!" her mother barely finishes her sentence before she's already out the door.

She practically sprinted down the stairs of the main hall. Finally, she's out of the apartment building and on the sidewalk. She looks up to the sky and sighs. Her tears finally come pouring down the side of her face, and she shudders. The people around her, random New Yorkers, push and shove against her still frame as they try to make it to their workplaces on time; they are blissfully unaware of the turmoil going on inside of her.

Yes, they were all parts of a chess game. All playing their own roles, all playing to win and to lose. Unfortunately, she was the stalemate.

Please favorite the story if you liked it! Also, leave a review and comment on the story to let me know what you think! TVD becomes more evident in the coming-chapters so please be patient! Hope you guys enjoyed.