The Luckiest

Punk got back to the hotel he was staying at with his family later on after speaking to Corbyn and Harry. He felt so distracted that he had almost forgot to pack clothes for himself, and had just concentrated on the kids and his wife.

He walked into the hotel room, looking on at his wife and daughters sitting on the bed watching TV together.

"Finally." Malia rolled her eyes, "Can we get pancakes now?" She asked sitting up with a smile.

"Sorry I took so long." Punk said, "Hey, babe we'll get pancakes in a few minutes, I just need to speak to mom for a minute." Punk said as Malia nodded, "Why don't you take your sister to look out the window." Punk encouraged as Malia jumped off the bed, taking Vee under the arms, holding her like a football as she was beginning to get a little heavy for her small arms, "Careful." Punk smiled as Malia walked over to the window and sat Vee down on the carpet to look out at the cars passing by. They were on one of the top floors and both of them found it fascinating.

"Did you speak to Corbyn?" AJ sat up, alert and feeling woke as Punk placed the packed bag with clothes and toys on the bed.

"They're not pressing any charges, Ape." He said, taking her hand and squeezing it, "You aren't going anywhere." He promised her as AJ teared up with so much relief.

"Really?" AJ cried, kneeling up and falling into him as she hugged him tightly. She almost thought that she'd never get to see her family again, but obviously there was a lot more to it than she knew.

"Really." Punk hugged her tightly. He wasn't gonna lie, he was a little scared, and now incredibly relieved that his wife wasn't going anywhere, "Juan was working with Hank when he set the fire." Punk told her as she pulled back from the hug and looked across at him.

"Seriously?" AJ asked, "B-But… how?" AJ shook her head.

"Juan was my dad's best friend. He used my parents to feed back to Hank. I don't know why everyone turned against my parents the way they did, but he was part of it."

"So Hank was telling the truth when he wrote you that letter." AJ said, "W-Was he actually looking out for you?" She questioned.

"I don't know, and I don't care." Punk shook his head, "Juan is dead and Hank is rotting prison for the rest of his life, my parents go justice. We got justice." Punk nodded, "It's all over now." He nodded.

"So Juan was out to get you no matter what?" AJ questioned.

"Well his first target was obviously Tommy, once he took care of him I assumed he would be coming after me anyway." Punk said, "What you done… helped put all of this to bed." Punk nodded.

"I still shouldn't have done it."

"If you didn't I'd be dead." Punk said.

"I should have done it." AJ nodded immediately as Punk smiled, "What about Tommy?" AJ suddenly realised, "What did he say to Corbyn?" She asked.

"Nothing of interest." Punk shrugged, "Corbyn said he seemed happy to know we were all ok." Punk said as AJ just rolled her eyes.

"Will this affect his sentence?" AJ asked.

"By how?" Punk asked.

"Well he was under influence of Hank and Juan when he killed Daryl and Rachel. Now the cops know that. They know that Hank and Juan were… like a duo." AJ shrugged, "Maybe they'll go easy on Tommy."

"He still killed them." Punk said.

"I know he did but… maybe they'll reduce his sentence." AJ said.

"I'm gonna go see him." Punk said, "We're gonna go for breakfast, I'm gonna pick your dad up from the airport and we're gonna let him know what happened, and then I'm gonna go visit him." Punk said.

"You don't have to." AJ said.

"I want to." Punk said as AJ just nodded, watching as he stood up from the bed, looking over at the girls, "Ok, who wants pancakes?" Punk asked as Malia's head shot up with excitement, neglecting her baby sister at the window and running over to her father as Punk and AJ laughed.

Later that night, after pancakes for breakfast and after letting AJ's father know about everything that had happened, which surprisingly went well, Punk went to the prison to visit Tommy. He didn't have much to say, there relationship had definitely changed, forever it would seem, but… the man was still his brother.

Punk sat on the chair, watching as Tommy walked over and sat down across from him, "Hey." Punk sat up as Tommy nodded.

"Hey." Tommy smiled, "Is everything ok?" He asked, "Two officers came to see me this morning-"

"Everything is good." Punk nodded, "For once." Punk laughed to himself, "For once everything is good. Mom and dad got justice. Maybe mom solved one part of it, but I finished the rest of it." He said, "Well no, actually. My wife did." Punk said proudly.

"I didn't think she had something like that in her." Tommy admitted.

"She's stronger than me and you combined." Punk told him truthfully, "She reckons your sentence is gonna get lightened because of everything that has went on. With Juan being found out now."

"There's talks about it. But I don't get told anything." Tommy shrugged, "I highly doubt that I'm getting out any time soon." Tommy said, "Why? Miss me?"

"No. I don't." Punk told him truthfully, "You going to prison, Tom… best thing that's happened to me." Punk said as Tommy's smile faded, "I can focus on my family now. I can focus on my girls. My two daughters. My wife. My friends." Punk said, "Whenever you were around, you left a bombshell for me to clean up." He said, "You being in here is gonna let me live my life."

"And I love you too little brother." Tommy laughed, "What are you trying to do here? Rub it in my face that you're out there and I'm in here?"

"No. No, what I'm saying is maybe when you get out of here, whenever… in ten years time, fifteen, twenty, more… I don't know." Punk shrugged, "I'll be waiting on you." Punk nodded, "Maybe all that time, it'll make you realise that you had a brother right beside you, the entire time, who you used, and took advantage of." Punk said as Tommy looked across at him, "And when it's all said and done. Maybe all that time apart with us, maybe I'll miss you, and I'll wanna see you again." Punk said, "But right now I am so looking forward to being with my family and finally taking this fucking weight off my shoulders." Punk said.

"You never had to look out for me." Tommy shrugged.

"No, but I did, Tommy." Punk said, "Because you're my brother, and that's what brothers do. Maybe spending some time in here will make you realise just how fucking valuable I was to you." Punk said, "Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go live my life, watch my daughters grow and love my wife." He stood up as Tommy looked up at him, "We'll see each other again." Punk tapped the table, "But right now. Right now, I'm saying goodbye." He told him.

"Phil, wait-" Tommy stood up as Punk paused and looked across at him, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything." He said as Punk nodded, "I'm sorry for being a shit brother, for putting you in danger, for hurting your wife, for… hurting you." Tommy said as Punk just nodded.

"A sorry can go a long way." Punk nodded, with that, turning his back and walking out of the room as Tommy watched him, running his hands through his hair and sighing.

"I'm sorry."

5 years later…

"Malia, stop feeding Shadow the toast." Punk said whilst throwing any visible snacks he could find into two lunch boxes whilst his two daughters, Malia, 10, Veronica, 5, sat having their breakfast.

"He likes it." Malia rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, until he throws up." Punk looked over to the table, noticing Vee nodding her head on and off, almost diving head first into her cereal bowl, "Vee! C'mon, wakey wakey." Punk said as Veronica opened her eyes back up fully, looking over at her father.

"The baby kept me awake." Vee placed her hand on her forehead as she tried to keep her eyes open, "Do I have to go to school?" She asked her father sadly.

"Yeah, you do." Malia answered for her, "I have to, so you have to." She said as Vee just rolled her eyes.

"Ok, who is it that doesn't like crusts?" Punk asked, trying his best to remember.

"Me." Malia said, "Dad, there is only two of us." She shook her head.

"Yeah, well two is too many." Punk mumbled under his breath, "Who is orange juice and who is apple?" Punk asked, looking in the fridge.

"You ask us every single morning and the answer is always the same." Malia said.

"Orange, please." Vee answered.

"So, Miss I didn't get any sleep so I'm gonna be cranky is gonna have apple then." Punk looked across at Malia who rolled her eyes, "Your eyes are gonna get stuck back there if you keep rolling them, Mal." Punk said, closing their lunch boxes and walking over to their book bags to place the boxes in their bags.

"Where is mommy to do my hair?" Vee asked, "She promised pig tails." She said.

"I said I wanted my hair in pigtails today." Malia said.

"Why can't you both have pigtails?" Punk shook his head with confusion.

"Because." Malia said.

In all do respect, on Punk's behalf, Malia hadn't really changed, she'd just grown a little wiser but still had the same nature and quirky attitude, Vee on the other hand, well she was the most laid back little girl he had ever met in his entire life.

"Where is mommy? We're going to be late again." Vee said just as AJ came through the door with a small newborn baby in her arms.

"I'm here." AJ announced frantically, "He won't catch on. Just give him the formula." AJ passed their two-week-old son over to Punk who gladly took him from her, "Ok, who is first?" AJ asked as she walked over to the girls whilst Punk went about feeding his son whilst still tripping up over the cardboard boxes they had still to unpack. Did he mention they moved house three months ago and they still weren't unpacked?

They'd moved to a bigger house in a more affluent neighbourhood after Punk got promoted to manager in the comic book store. Although they loved their other home together, there was simply no room anymore once they found out they were expecting another baby, so they had to look out for a new house, and AJ had fallen in love with this one.

"Ok, you guys. It's picture day so remember you get the sibling picture." AJ said whilst she pleted Veronica's hair. It was Veronica's first year at being at school and picture day had come around, which meant AJ was excited for an adorable picture of them both to put up.

"I hate pictures." Malia said.

"So do I." AJ agreed with Malia, "But please, for me." She grinned to Malia who just smiled and nodded, "Good." She said, finishing up doing Vee's hair and moving onto Malia, "You girls look tired." She sighed.

"The baby kept me awake." Vee sighed as AJ frowned.

"I know, baby. He kept us all awake." AJ said, "It's because he's a boy." She said as the girls nodded.

"Hey." Punk called from the kitchen. Although he did have to agree, their son really was a loud baby compared to what Vee was, and what he remembered Malia being like, but he still had to defend his son.

"I'm kidding." AJ smiled to him.

"When will he stop crying?" Malia asked.

"He'll settle soon." AJ said, "You guys can go for a nap when you come in." She told them.

"Can I nap in school?" Veronica asked as Punk chuckled from the kitchen.

"No, babe. You can't sleep in school." AJ shook her head.

"Well that sucks." Vee sighed as she stood up from the kitchen chair and walked over to the door hook to get her jacket.

"I know." AJ agreed, helping them both eventually put on their coats, "Ok, shoes are at the stairs, go get them on." She told them, "I'll come with your bags in a minute." She said as they both ran off.

"He's taking the bottle fine." Punk said as he fed his son in his arms as AJ walked over to them.

"He just won't take to my breast. It's like he's a stranger." AJ sighed as she watched their son take his bottle happily.

"Well I was a stranger, look how quickly I took to your breasts." Punk said as AJ glared up at him.

"You're an idiot." She shook her head.

"But you love me." Punk said, "I can take the girls to school if you want."

"No, I want some fresh air before I get back and finish unpacking this place with you." She said.

"You aren't doing anything." Punk said, "You've just had a baby." Punk said.

"Two weeks ago." AJ corrected, "I feel fine. I feel great." She smiled.

She was a lot brighter with her second birth. Obviously with Veronica there were complications but with their son, Ash Brooks, things were a lot more simpler and easier, although she was still in labour for a full day.

"Still, just take it easy." Punk said as AJ just nodded.

"Ok." AJ smiled, "Make sure he finishes at least half the bottle." AJ said, "I shouldn't be long." She said, leaning over and kissing Ash on the side of his head whilst he continued to guzzle his bottle down. With Vee, she never seen her looking like Punk, but with Ash, she could already see them both looking alike.

"Uh… Don't I get a kiss too?" Punk questioned as AJ was about to leave the kitchen.

"You aren't the only boy in my life now. How does that make you feel?" AJ smiled as she walked back over to him.

"I'd like to think your feelings for me are a whole hell of a lot different than your feelings for Ash." Punk laughed.

"You're a jerk. No kiss for you this morning."


"No kiss." AJ warned him as he just grunted, watching as she walked off, listening to her footsteps rushed back into the kitchen, rushing over to him and quickly pecking his lips as he smiled, "Jerk." AJ whispered as she rushed back out of the kitchen whilst he cockily smiled to himself and looked down at his son.

Later that night, after a final day of unpacking everything, and three children peacefully sleeping in bed, no tears from Ash, no resistance from the girls, AJ and Punk finally got to sit down in the living room of their new home.

"What's that?" Punk asked as he watched AJ walk into the living room with a frame, sitting the picture of Malia and Veronica on the mantel alongside a few other pictures, "Hey, they actually got it done." Punk stood up, walking over to the frame and smiling. They both actually looked alike although Vee very much took her traits from her mother. Malia had her arms around Vee from behind and they were both smiling happily. They were good sisters, it wasn't hard to see that. They bickered and argued, but that was normal.

"Sweet, huh?" AJ smiled as they looked at the picture, "When Ash gets a little bigger I want one of all three of them." AJ said as they walked back off to the couch, sitting down together.

"I don't see any pictures of me in this house." Punk raised his eyebrows.

"There's a picture of us in our bedroom." AJ said.

"I want my face all over the walls." Punk expressed as AJ just laughed.

"No one would ever come to our house." She said as Punk laughed sarcastically as she smiled.

"Maybe it would scare that mail man away that thinks it's acceptable to flirt with you, even when he knows we have three kids." Punk said.

"He does not flirt." AJ laughed.

"He flirts." Punk said.

"He has casual conversation with me in the morning." AJ said.

"Casual conversation, my ass." Punk laughed.

"It is casual." AJ laughed, "Why are you so jealous? Making babies with me isn't enough for you?" She asked him as he smiled.

"Trust me, it's enough." Punk laughed, "I just don't like other men looking at you the way I'm supposed to look at you."

"Let them look." AJ smiled, "It's you that I sleep beside every night, doesn't that give you some satisfaction?" She turned her head and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so." Punk smiled to her, looking into her eyes as she leaned into him and kissed him softly, feeling him lace his fingers through her hair as he deepened the kiss, feeling her pull back from the kiss but keeping their foreheads pressed against each others.

"Sorry, baby you have to wait." AJ whispered as Punk smiled.

"I can still kiss you." Punk smiled, pressing his lips back against hers just as they began to hear Ash crying from upstairs, "Oh my God." Punk shook his head as AJ smiled with exhaustion, "That boy has one good set of lungs on him." He said as AJ laughed.

"I'll get him." She told him, standing up and walking upstairs, walking into Ash's nursery and scooping up the baby boy from his crib, placing him in against her chest as she bounced him lightly, walking out of the room and seeing Vee and Malia standing outside their rooms tiredly, "Did he wake you?" AJ frowned as the girls nodded.

"Mommy, I can't get back to sleep." Vee sighed.

"Me neither." Malia agreed.

"Ok." AJ nodded quietly, "Go downstairs you can come watch a movie with us for a little bit, since you don't have school tomorrow." She smiled to them as they both grinned tiredly, rushing downstairs as AJ followed with Ash in her arms.

"What's this?" Punk asked as he watched Vee and Malia run into the living room and jump on the couch beside him.

"Ash woke them." AJ announced as she walked into the living room, closing the door over to the dimly lit room and sitting down beside Punk and the girls, holding Ash close to her chest as the baby boy seemed to have quietened.

"So that means you have to come down and annoy us?" Punk joked with them.

"Mom said we could watch a movie since we don't have school tomorrow." Malia smiled as Vee was already falling back asleep curled into her father's torso.

"Alright then, pick a movie to watch." Punk smiled, handing Malia the TV remote, kissing her head softly as she smiled and leaned into him whilst picking a movie to watch.

Punk looked over at AJ who was whispering sweet nothings to their perfect baby boy who was now back to being fast asleep curled into her chest. He couldn't believe the journey they had been on to get to where they were today, especially when they were just complete strangers in the beginning.

He watched as AJ looked up at him, watching her lips mouth 'love you' to him as he smiled.

"I love you." He whispered with a smile, looking from his wife to his two daughters, one curled into his torso sleeping and the other leaning against him picking a movie to watch. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

A/N: That's a wrap for this one, guys! Thanks for all your reviews. Maybe I'll make a sequel for this, I'm not sure. I have nothing in mind right now for a new story, but you know me, I'll be back soon with something! Thanks for the support! It's much appreciated.