A.N. I'm back again! I told you it would be up quick, I just didn't know it'd be this soon. I mean two updates from me in a day is literally unheard of. But, here it is. The end. Thank you all so much for reading to this point and I hope this wraps everything up and you enjoy it. Thank you all so much
Disclaimer: I do not own. If I did Arthur would not have found out the way he did.
Merlin woke to a light knocking on his door and it opened to reveal a young servant with his breakfast. Merlin sat up and smiled at the young boy as he got out of the bed that he still could not believe was his and look around the room with the same surprise and excitement from the first time he had entered his new quarters. Well, not new per se, he had been in the room for several months and it had been almost a year since his magic had been revealed, but after a lifetime of fear and loathing, every day still felt like it was a dream. That is why every day he wakes up and has the same routine.
He got smoothly out of bed and walked over to his chest of drawers, which was bigger than anything he had ever owned before and chosen one of his numerous, more than ever before, shirts and pants and took them over to his changing screen. Meanwhile, he greeted whichever servant had brought him breakfast that day and, if they were older ones who knew Merlin for who he was, listened to all the gossip from around the castle. After changing, he sat at his desk with his breakfast and either continued to discuss the goings-on of the castle with the servant as they made his bed, or dismissed the servant and read a report or his magic book. Before leaving the room he would grab his signature neckerchief and the plat to take down to the kitchens before heading out to the grounds.
Regularly he would watch the knights as they trained, including Mordred who according to Kilgarah was no longer in danger of the future Merlin had seen in the crystal so long ago, and occasionally would join the training to give the knights practice against magic. A month before he had even got permission to form his own sub-section of the knights with some magic users who could protect Camelot, which also included Mordred and several others.
On this particular day, he smiled as he stood by the knights as they were heading back to the armory and saw a group of children, who included a few druids, play with wooden swords, and smiled as one of the druid girls disarmed a boy and they all laughed. He stopped for a moment and smiled softly as he saw a picture of Morgana in his mind doing the same. Every day he regretted killing her. If he had not, would she have changed? She never got to live in a world where she did not have to fear like this one. Would her destiny have changed, as Mordred's had, or was she too broken by her father to see that? It did not matter because she would not have that chance.
Sensing his train of thought was heading, Gwaine clapped a hand on his shoulder and joked, "That girl should join the knights, huh. Come on there is a council meeting in an hour and I want to see you, commander, that table like you did last time." They all laughed as the knights and Merlin walked into the armory.
Arthur looked around the round table and smiled as his knights, including Mordred, his wife, his Court Physician, and his Court Sorcerer laughed about the earlier council meeting, where Merlin had to explain yet again to, surprisingly, Lord Liam that magic cannot be used for everything. He never in a million years would have expected this to happen, but it had. His kingdom had done nothing but flourish since his reversal of the ban on magic. He had his best friend at his right-hand side and he would never have asked for anything different.
Gwen reached over and grabbed his hand squeezing it as Gwaine began in on one of his numerous tavern stories at which Arthur laughed and turned to Merlin who was laughing just as hard and shaking his head.
Arthur thought back to the conversation he and Merlin had almost a year earlier and the prophesy that Merlin described filled his head. The golden age of Albion. Arthur could not help but feel and truly believe that they were in that time and as long as they worked together nothing could happen. They were the strongest they could be, and yet they continued to grow. Magic had not destroyed the land, as his father had always warned, but healed it and made it prosper.
Merlin and Arthur shared a smile as if Merlin knew exactly what the other had been thinking and Merlin mouthed 'Prat' and him, for which Arthur grabbed Merlin and put him in a headlock rubbing his knuckles into Merlin's head. This was the life, and Arthur would have nothing different.
Merlin before heading to bed that night after a fun dinner with is friends headed over to the large paddock on the edge of the city that they had built for the dragons if they wanted to stay at Camelot for a while. As he approached Aithusa bounded out of the paddock and over to her lord. He whispered soothing nothings as he patted her head and they walked over to the paddock where Kilgarah was laying sleeping. Kilgarah was a very old dragon after all, and it was better for him to stay in one place. He opened his eyes as the warlock approached.
"Ah, young warlock. What brings you here?"
"I was just checking on you."
"It almost makes me miss when you called me to talk about a new magical opponent you needed help to defeat," Kilgarah chuckled and Merlin shook his head.
"That makes only you. How are you?"
"I am alright. The young one tires me with all her energy, but this life is amazing. You have done well young warlock. Destiny is a beautiful thing when you are able to see it fulfilled."
Merlin blushed at the praise and thanked Kilgarah before playing with Aithusa for a little while and heading back to the castle. He checked on Gaius and his two assistance before biding his father figure goodnight and heading for that enormous room that he could call his own.
As he lay in his bed, that was almost too comfortable, Merlin thought back through all of his adventures and how different they had become after his magic was revealed. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined the outcome, and yet here he was. Merlin fell asleep with a smile on his face in the prophesied Albion ready to face anything whether it is magical or not in order to protect his king, the other side of his coin, his best friend.
A.N. Well, there it is, the end. I truly hope you enjoyed it and the entire story. I love each and every one of you, especially the reviewers, followers, and favorites. Thank you all. Stay safe. And always, Read, Review, and Enjoy.