Damn. It feels like yesterday I first joined this community. A lot has changed. Fights, awards, new stories and lots of other things... but that's why I am here... well no. I am here because I promised a release of Rio of The Dead and here it is. I decided with help from Congress that I needed more love in this story. Now because it has no connection to the outside world we call home I will be taking names I randomly pick. Plus it helps keep emotions in check. (Which around here we should all keep our emotions on check) Well nobody probably read this whole thing and if you did thanks your great... hahaha enjoy your charter people of the world.

Chapter One: You Think it Was Easy?

The cool metallic paint glistened in the light from the overhead lights. It was chilly, shockingly damp, for a police room. But the thing that scared the half beaten group the most, wasn't this dark and foreboding place. No not at all, what scared them the most.. was the black glass screen hiding the sure to be integrator. They were scared, but scared was a feeling they've come to know. After all when you lose half of your friends to a virus that makes them... a monster. Fear isn't a thing that's would be foreign.

As the group took their seats. The metal chairs screeched as they got settled. Not too long after, a heavy British accent filled the room from behind the one way glass.

"Please tell us your name in the order that we sat you in." The group looked at one another, most if the decision making was left to their self chosen leader. A Barn owl a taste for adventure. Shortly followed by a falcon with an unusual mate. However the police got what they wanted. A second falcon spoke, the first in the row. One who made this journey a little less dark. Despite it's tragic ending.

"I am Anthony Carmine. But most just call me Carmine." His voice was deep. Not too deep though. His tan and Brown feathers seemed darker in the lighting. As if what he saw was making him a shadow. Carmine glanced at a Snow Owl sitting next to him. This snow owl had a fresh bandage on his injury... a head wound. But that didn't stop him from speaking.

"I am Alex. You don't need to know my last name. It's no of your business to know." As he finished. The group hung their heads. As if, they knew why Alex was being so cold. Was it the weather. Nope. Two weeks in hell can change someone. Followed in line was a blue Macaw. She had a necklaces on, a beautiful one. It had four colored stones on the center, it nearly glowed in the dim light.

"My name is Sorrel Jackson" her voice rang clear and proud. The way it seemed the last few weeks had made Sorrel even stronger. She was clearly one to get things done. She then glanced affectionately at the Falcon next to her. She then gestured for him to go next.

"Oh yeah, right... my name is Tomada Jackson." He finished with a nervous little nod. Maybe what happened hadn't changed him. Or maybe in a different way. The Voice from behind the one way glass spoke again.

"Are you two married or siblings?" This time, Tomada turned red in the cheeks. While Sorrel answers smoothly. The others just keep quite. As if they knew a matter plan that wouldn't happen until years later.

"We are married. And proud of it sir." Sorrel finished with a slight relaxation in her chair. Which was the opposite from Tomada. Hwo got even more nervous. All the while the others didn't seem to notice the display of love, or at least one sided love. However they knew that wasn't the case.

"Next please. We need to get a move on." The voice on the intercom sounded much more impatient as if he was getting annoyed by the slow answers.

"I am American. Sorry? This is England. Okay I am Hyrum Gorman." The Barn Owl sitting next to tomada said. He has blue eyes, Odd for his species. Yet everything changed with evolution. As a matter of fact even flight. No one flies anymore.

Flash back.

In the year 1894, the most dominate world leaders gathered in Berlin. The topic was not the ever pending war that would happen in twenty years. It was about flying. Because of the advances in machinery birds found no more use of flying. They found it to hard, and to old. Most caring calling it "savage" or "primitive". No one knew that flying could've saved millions if lives 122 years later. The netting of world leaders announced that all flying was banded. All natural behaviors such as eating raw nuts if a tree they found in the park, was banded. So with evolution... the birds wings became more like arms. Stronger tip feathers used as fingers. Muscles became stronger for lifting, and every other daily task. They even started to wear cloths. Everything charged that day. Everything.

Flash forward

"That's not funny. We the British have been allies with Americans for nearly 200 years. And that alliance is helping out your country men as we speak." The voice in the intercom sounded fierce. As if he had a last with shit like this.

"Alright then." Hyrum replied "Dont get your feathers in a bunch. I was just joking" the group shrugged. Not impressed by the joke nor the timing of it. The intercom voice spoke again.

"Next. We have a time cap. We need to hurry. Your story may save lives." Now with some new evidence besides being forcefully taken from their boat to here, the group became less uptight. If what they said could save lives, they might as well try.

"I am Wayne Neilsen." A blue macaw spoke up. He was to the right of Hyrum. He looked native to Brazil but carried no accent or a name to match, he seemed like your average joe. Next in line was a second Barn owl. Or "tyto"

"I am Casidy Phisher, nice to meet you sir." She was pretty. Sleek creamy feathers for her face. She sat neatly and have a curt nod. Casidy shot a glace towards Hyrum before staring back at the glass.

"Thansk. Next." The voice on the intercom didn't seem to care for Casidy's "nice to meet you." As it seemed not to matter.

"I am Knave." A tyto from the edge of the table spike up. He seemed dark and tricky. Almost as if his truth wasn't the truth. Or he didn't want you to know his true emotions. The voice in the intercom laughed

"Your real name good sir!" He seemed to chuckle as the face of "Knave" grew even harder.

"That is my name. Do you need me to come in there and beat your tiny ass skull until you remember?" The group starred at him. There eyes round with fear. Not fear of him, fear of what the voice on the intercom might do.

"No need good sir. If you try anything your a dead man. Now, we need your story. Every detail about it. How you got here. How you survived. Because if you can, others will to." The voice on the intercom lost it's "charming" accent and became serious. Evryoone in the group looked at Hryum. Even Knave. Hyrum sighed, then spoke..

"Uhhh, every detail might be hard. After all we've seen. All the killing. We saw a rich women shoot herself in the head. Look I know that shits gotten bad... real bad. But asking rattled survivors isn't gonna do you any good." Hyrum finished by glancing around the room, looking for support. He got it.

"He's right. As of now without Tomada I'd be dead. So asking me is like asking a ghost. Besides. What can we tell you? Rio is dead. The military took care of it." The unlikely supporter was Casidy. When she finished the intercom voice laughed.

"You all should know if you refuse to tell me I have a nice seat on my electric chair that could use a buzz. So I'll ask again. Tell me how you escaped." The voice was raising, so the group, not willing to fight another soul.. gave in.

"If that's the way it has to be." Alex said. His voice full of sorrow. Carmine patted his back, seeing his friend's emotions change. He knew that it was a dark path...

"It's alright man. I got this one.." but before Carmine could speak for the group, Hryum interrupted with a very "appropriate" answer..

"Once upon a time in Rio de Janeiro..."

So. After all this waiting it's finally here. Rio of the Dead is back! If you're an original character and your name wasn't called... shit. You got a huge spoiler. Anyway tell me what you thought. This chapter is only the beginning. The next ones will get longer and more violent. Now please "R&R" for me! Hahaha see you next Sunday. ~ Hyrum