AN: I hope you are enjoying the story! Sorry for the lack of dialogue so far but I thought it was important to show Rory's grief in a different way besides just talking it out and being magically better after the talk. I do not own Gilmore Girls!

As Rory became more comfortable in Logan's embrace she found herself only half listening as he ordered her food. As Logan hung up the phone he noticed her breathing had evened out. Logan smiled slightly.

"That's my girl rest Ace" he stated as he gently kissed her on the top of her head. The next thing Rory remembered was being woke up by Logan's gentle kisses on her cheek.

"Hey you" She responded as she opened her eyes.

As she sat up Logan presented her with a plate of food which consisted of a cheeseburger and fries.

"Please eat something" He stated with pleading eyes.

Rory picked up a French fry and tore it in half. She put half in her mouth and half back on the plate.

He put her plate down on the table as he sat down next to her. Placing a hand on each cheek he leaned in close to her. She could feel his warm breath against her face.

"Ace." He began in a whispered tone. "I love you and I will help you through this every step of the way but you have to help me out a little by starting to do again the things that living requires like eating."

As he leaned over to get her plate and put it beside him he felt her climb back into his lap and wrap her arms around his neck as she locked eyes with him.

"I love you." Rory whispered. "How do I do this?" she replied as fresh tears ran down her cheeks.

Logan sighed slightly as he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead gently.

"One day at a time, one moment at a time. I know you are in a lot of pain but in order to allow yourself to heal you have to allow yourself to grieve. I'm here together we can do this I promise."

Rory leaned up to kiss Logan softly on the lips. For the first time in weeks she felt something she had not felt in a long time. She deepened the kiss slightly and as she did she felt Logan hold her tighter.

Pulling back she started: "I don't feel as empty or alone now."

"You aren't. I'm here. I will always be here."

"Thank you for always being my hero."

Logan fed Rory her food until the majority of it was gone.

"Is it sitting the stomach ok?"

"So far so good" she replied giving him a thumbs up.

"I feel like my entire body hurts. I need a shower."

"How about a bath?" he asked kissing her forehead.

Rory looked up at him with her big brown eyes.

"That sounds even better."

"Give me a few minutes."

Fifteen minutes later Rory was getting in the hot bath that Logan had ran for her. She let her very tense, tired muscles relax in the water. She took in her view. There were probably a dozen candles lit around the bathroom with a scent of lavender in the air. She felt a sense of peace in the candle lit room. Damn, it's been a long day…correction long week. She thought to herself. As Rory laid her head on the back of the tub she felt Logan come up behind her.

"Let me take care of you" he whispered.

She felt him take the clip out of her hair and proceed to wet her hair with a cup of water. He then gently in a massaging manner washed her hair. After rinsing it with the same cup and allowing a large bowl to catch the water and shampoo she raised up and looked at him. She reached out her hand for his. Taking her hand he slowly climbed in the tub behind her. Rory felt Logan wrap his arms around her. She turned her head to look at him.

"I couldn't save him" she echoed as tears welled up in her eyes.

AN: I hope you are enjoying the story. Let me know what you think More to come!