A.N This is a HP/Grimm Crossover, I have changed the timeline of Grimm around a little, and some of the story, there will be no Blackclaw in this timeline, and Adalind didn't steal Nick's powers or sleep with him.

For any of your reading who are not familiar with the Grimm fandom, this is pretty easy to follow along with, but the wiki is handy for knowing the creatures. wiki/Wesen

This will be ongoing, I hope you enjoy!

Harry sighed as he tried to get comfortable on the bed in Monroe and Rosalie's herb shop. Really over the few months his life had been like a joke, and a lot of stress from the events that had happened during that time. Honestly when he was sent out here for the investigation he never expected to fall for Nick Burkhart, while working with him on a case they had gotten closer and closer quickly, it was only within a small amount of time that fell into bed together.

Harry had fun with Nick, and he could be who he really was without the added details of his fame that he had back home. They spent hours together both doing work and in their bed. Months spent together and Harry had fallen more and more for Nick. But he had known that he had to go home, and then Juliette started regaining her memory. Harry had realised that he couldn't win against her for the love Nick held for her. Nick was already spending more time away from him towards the end, clearly hoping Juliette would fully regain her memory.

And so Harry had chosen to leave the night that Nick had gotten the call to say that Juliette had gone to Rosalie asking to see a wogue. Harry had known that the writing had been on the cards. Honestly in hindsight he was gathering his pride around him and running before Nick could chose Juliette over him.

He had gone back to Britain and tried to forget Nick, burying himself back into his work and his friends, and he had tricked himself into believing that he had not felt as strongly for Nick as he had thought, that it had been lust and not love.

And then he had felt ill, nausea had been a daily thing that he had not been able to ignore anymore. He had known the cause of his sickness, he had known exactly what was going on. The trip to St Mungo's had been a formality. He was pregnant.

He had not planned on telling Nick, sure the man knew that he was a wizard and he had seen some of the things that magic could do, but showing up pregnant? When he was no doubt back with Juliette and happy. But then he had started seeing wesen without them choosing to wogue, he had been able to see them and they had been able to tell he knew them for what they were, and they mistook him for a Grimm.

Somehow it seemed carrying the baby of a Grimm gave him the power to see Wesen when the woged as well, he was suddenly able to see all wesen, just as Nick had described but he had never really and fully seen before.

He had managed for months, but as he got further along in his pregnancy he found it harder to fight, harder to win. And finally he had realised that he would have to go back to Nick and seek his help after his attempts to find any other Grimm had been scuppered - The wesen council had not appreciated his call when he had finally managed to get hold of their number and called to ask them to let him know where the nearest Grimm to him was.

When he returned he found that things with Nick and Juliette were not as he had imagined it. They had got back together but she had not been able to adapt to life among wesen and they had been struggling. It seemed that him showing up pregnant had thrown an even bigger strain on their relationship. It had been an awkward few days to say the very least.

And so he was here at Rosalie and Monroe's shop to have a few tests done on his blood and magic to try and figure out what they could expect from the birth and the baby. Really this was all trial and error and guess work, as far as they knew a Grimm and a wizard or witch had never had a baby together.

"Are you ok Harry?" Rosalie asked pulling Harry from his thoughts.

"Sorry just thinking," Harry shook his head trying to smile.

"Are you sure you're ok?" She frowned settling next to him on the bed.

"I...did not want to return here, I think coming back was a mistake," Harry sighed rubbing his eyes.

"Harry, Nick..."

"Would have been better off not knowing," Harry said bitterly pushing himself to his feet and stepping away.

"About his child? How can you think that!" Rosalie protested.

"For the exact same reason I left without saying anything in the first place,"

"Harry?" Rosalie frowned.

"You have all made it more than clear that my being here has caused problems for Nick and Juliette, that my relationship with him has caused problems for them! I did not want that," Harry sighed rubbing his face.

"Things have not been right between them since they got back together, honestly this is just another thing in a list!" Rosalie shook her head.

"I have seen how he looks at me, he is barely interested in the baby, it would have been better if I had stayed away," Harry snapped wincing when something exploded in the shop, glass from the sound of it. "I'm sorry,"

"Its ok, no problem at all. Harry, you need to calm down, you're stressed, that's not good for you or the baby," She said softly touching his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, its been a stressful few months, having to come back and..."

"I did not realise it had been such a difficult decision for you to come back here," Rosalie frowned.

"I really should have a month ago, I was nearly killed, couldn't move fast enough," Harry said sarcastically motioning to his swollen stomach.

"How did you survive?!" Rosalie covered her mouth shocked.

"He wasn't expecting me to aparate," Harry snorted.

"So why didn't you come then?" Rosalie asked gently.

"Same reason I left without saying anything, to try and hold what is left of my pride together," Harry sighed sitting down again.

"Juliette," Rosalie breathed out in understanding.

"Sorry?" Harry turned to look at her.

"We wondered why you left like you did, we were sure that you were in love with him, it didn't make sense that you would just leave," Rosalie sighed.

"I did love him, fool I was for falling in love," Harry shook his head.

"Harry," There was so much sympathy in her voice Harry grimaced.

"Sorry hormones do not help with self pity. And I have someone else to think about now, it was this little one that made me realise I needed to stop being a fool,"

"He is interested in the baby Harry, he just doesn't know what to do, and Juliette...things with her have been difficult for a while, this is just one other thing added to the long list," Rosalie grimaced.

"She seemed to accept it all at first, but then...then she just..." Rosalie grimaced.

"She turned into a right bitch," Monroe said from the doorway.

"Monroe!" Harry flushed to see Nick's best friend standing there clearly having been listening to what they had been saying.

"Sorry, I didn't know how to interupt," Monroe admitted sheepishly.

"He's right though, that is basically what she has become. She blames Nick for pulling her into this, even though he was moving on with his life and leaving her to a normal one. She says she wants to be a part of his life, this life, but then she seems to resent everything that comes with it, good and bad," Rosalie huffed.

"He doesn't know whether he is coming or going with her, and he just feels guilty about everything," Monroe frowned.

"Guys, you realise that I am not here to try and split them up right?" Harry asked looking between them.

"We know, but it doesn't stop us from wishing," Rosalie smiled sadly.

"I am here to make sure that my baby is safe, after the birth and once I have healed I...I don't know what I am going to do," Harry admitted.

"You are thinking of leaving?" Monroe asked shocked.

"You say Nick is interested in the baby but he doesn't show any signs of it. And all I get off of him is that me being here is inconvenient for him. I am not going to bring my baby up in a situation where they feel unwanted, or an obligation. So yes, leaving is a consideration,"

"What about us? What if we want to be a part of both your lives?" Rosalie asked a little tearfully making Harry spin around.

"I know you weren't here long, and that maybe we weren't as close as we thought, but we care about you, and the baby. We are getting really excited about getting to meet them and be Aunty Rosalie and Uncle Monroe," Monroe shrugged.

"I...We were friends, good friends. I really missed you both while I was away," Harry sniffed rubbing at his eyes.

"Harry," Roslie closed the distance between them quickly. They both laughed as the intended hug turned into a little bit of a dance to find a position to hug in without Harry's stomach getting in the way.

"We missed you too, a lot!" Monroe side hugged him.

"I'm sorry for the way I left I just..."

"Hey no, we understand. Though I am not sure Nick would have gotten back with Juliett if you hadn't left,"

"Monroe!" Rosalie hit her husband for his words.

"What? Its true!"

"I don't think so, it was happening, one way or the other," Harry sniffed.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Monroe sighed. "Come on, get settled back down, I will make us some tea,"

"Nick?" Harry frowned rubbing his eyes as he sat up. He grimaced as his back pulled. Merlin put he was feeling aches and pains that he had never felt before in his life since getting pregnant, and that was saying something considering his years at Hogwarts!

"You ok?" Nick asked seeing the wince.

"Fine, why are you here?" Harry asked confused.

"Rosalie and Monroe called while you were asleep, they said the results were in," Nick shrugged.

"I could have just text them to you," Harry huffed.

"Oh, you do still have my number then? And I would like to actually be here for the results on if my baby is ok," Nick snapped.

"What the hell are you talking about your number? Where you expecting me to text or call you with congratulations on getting back with Juliet? And considering you have shown little to no interest in the baby since I got here, why would I think otherwise?!" Harry snapped forcing himself to his feet, batting at Nick's hand when he frowned and tried to help him.

"No, you could have called and explained why the hell you decided to run away in the night without so much as an explination, just a note saying you had gone home and good luck! And I am interested, I just needed a little time to process my male lover showing up pregnant!"

"Guys!" Monroe held his hands up having run into the room with his wife at the sound of shouting.

"I am amazed you even realised I was missing! How long did it take you, five days? Ten? You were barely even around the weeks before I left! I hadn't seen you in two days! Since Juliet started getting her memories back, I was a second thought! And I get that this was a little scary for you, you think it wasn't for me? But even a glimmer of interest would have been nice besides dumping me at our friends for tests!"

"That's not true," Nick frowned.

"You did just dump me here!" Harry threw his hands up exasperated.

"No not that bit, that I was barely around," Nick shook his head.

"We hadn't slept together in two weeks, you hadn't kissed me in five days, I hadn't seen you in two, and I spoke to you a day before I left when you called me to say Juliet needed you and you wouldn't be back. I can be dense Nick, but I can take a hint. I wasn't wanted anymore, you wanted to be back with Juliet. So yes, I was dramatic and ran away. I gathered what little pride I had left after hanging on hoping it would change. I wasn't going to wait to hear the words out your mouth and let you break my heart anymore,"

"Harry," Nick stepped towards him just as he felt tears spilling down onto his cheeks.

"Damn hormones," Harry sniffed wiping at his face. "Don't!" he snapped stopping Nick from touching him.

"Harry...I...I didn't realise...I got swept up...you kept count, of every day I pulled away?" Nick grimaced.

"It was hard not to notice," Harry snapped still wiping furiously at the tears that were falling.

"I...I felt guilty. She was...she was losing grip, and it was my fault, I had to...I had to help her, but I wasn't...it wasn't...I wasn't going to get back with her," Nick stammered.

"You really expect me to believe that?! It didn't take that long after I left!" Harry growled and something in the shop smashed.

"It wasn't...Harry!" Nick gripped his shoulders and made him look at him as something else exploded. "I didn't want her! I have always still wanted you!"

"You're still together with her!" Harry snapped.

"No I'm not!" Nick roared before sinking down onto the bed in the shop with a defeated huff, dropping his head into his hands.

"What happened?" Harry asked feeling more and more confused.

"We haven't been...us not really. We haven't been...we haven't been sleeping with each other, or really kissing or touching. You coming back, it brought up a whole load of things we had both been avoiding saying. I admitted that had never wanted to get back with her, that I only did it out of guilt for how badly I had messed up her life and..."

"And what Nick?" Harry asked slowly, fighting to try and push back the hope that was building in his chest.

"And that I had been happy with you, that I loved you, and I wished you hadn't left, that I wanted...I wanted the baby and you," Nick said so softly Harry barely heard him.


"I'm sorry Harry, I am so so sorry I messed up, I messed it up so badly. I am sorry. I never stopped wanting you, but I felt guilty for what I had done to her, and I felt bad for what I had done to Hank, I couldn't let that happen to her because of me. But I ended up pushing you away, I ended up making you feel like I didn't want you. I messed up and you had to deal with this by yourself, you were in danger because you couldn't bring yourself to come back here. I just...messed up," Nick sobbed.

"Nick...Nicky," Harry sighed closing the distance between them. Nick hesitated for a minute before throwing his arms around Harry an hugging him back, pressing his face gently against his stomach. Harry looked up and met Rosalie and Monroe's eyes, the couple were looking a little relieved even while looking upset for their friend. They nodded however and shut the door to give them a little privacy.

"I'm so sorry Harry," Nick cried softly.

"Hey, this was a little bit of a mess, no denying that, and its not going to be easy. But I want you to be a part of the baby's life," Harry said as he combed his fingers through Nick's black hair.

"And yours?" Nick asked hesitantly.

"Nick...I fell in love with you, that doesn't just go away...and I may have been a little hasty leaving the way I did...but you hurt me...I don't know if I can trust you again, not when you got back with her after I left," Harry rambled nervously.

"I didn't...Harry I felt so guilty for what I had done to her, and she said...she said things that made me...I felt so bad, and I was so hurt and confused when you left my head was a complete mess,"

Harry dropped to his knees in front of Nick and cupped his face, staring into his grey eyes searchingly before frowning. There was something tired and hurt in Nick's eyes, something wounded and strung out. Their time apart had not been easy on Nick, his time back with Juliet had not been easy on him. The things that Monroe and Rosalie had said about Juliet and the way she had been treating Nick, coming back and then blaming him for everything, all of it circled in his head and he frowned deeper.


"You're tired," Harry said softly running his fingers along Nick's face.

"I...its been a long few months," Nick nodded.

"Nick, I want to try this, but its not going to be just jumping back into how things were," Harry said gently, reaching down to touch his stomach. "Things are a little different,"

"Just a little," Nick managed to smile weakly.

"So not starting back up what we had, but starting something fresh? For us and for this little one?"

"I would like that. I'm sorry Harry," Nick's apology was muffled when Harry pressed their lips together.

"Enough apologies. Fresh start remember," Harry smiled.

"I, yes," Nick smiled, that smile Harry had rapidly fallen in love with, small and boyish, slightly crooked.

"Oh," Harry blinked and looked down.

"What? What is it? Is it the baby? Is it ok? Are you ok?" Nick rambled looking around panicked.

"Nicky," Harry laughed capturing his hand and placed it on his stomach. He watched intently as Nick's grey eyes widened and a look of complete awe and amazement settled over his features, wiping away some of the tiredness Harry had noticed.

"That's the baby," Nick beamed looking up at Harry.

"Ah ha, the kid seems to think that my ribs are something to do a tap dance on," Harry said dryly moving Nick's hand a little to follow the movement of the baby.

"That is our baby," Nick breathed out.

"Would you like to feel more?" Harry asked.


"Meet my eyes?" Harry knew Nick was aware of all the things that he could do with eye contact, he had seen Harry do it before, but he met his eyes without hesitation.

"What now?"

"This," Harry smiled before reaching out with his magic. Nick gasped as an awareness swept over him of a second consciousness, tiny and barely anything at all, but there, with a heartbeat he could sense, and an awareness, a small ball of contented warmth. His baby, their baby, he could feel them.

"Amazing, that's its them!" Nick laughed happily. He leant up and pressed their lips together, fluttering kisses over Harry's lips and face over and over.

"That's them," Harry laughed nodding.

"Have you found out if it is a boy or a girl?" Nick asked excitedly.

"No, I wanted that to be a surprise," Harry admitted.

"And they seem to have Grimm powers?" Nick asked.

"Yes, though I know that is unusual, a Grimm inherits their powers older, they aren't born with them," Harry frowned a little.

"A wizard/Grimm baby, the rules are going to be a little different," Nick shrugged.

"Is it safe to come in?" Monroe called through the door.

"You're safe," Harry chuckled.

"Well well," Rosalie grinned seeing the position they were in, Monroe smiled brightly at them too as he hovered a little unsurely.

"Nick, man, I am sorry for what happened with Juliet," Monroe said unsurely.

"The break up, or the getting back together with her?" Nick asked dryly.

"Ah, to be totally honest, the whole getting back together part really," Monroe grinned.

"We didn't feel it was right for you, and we were fairly sure that it wasn't what you wanted," Rosalie nodded touching Nick's shoulder.

"I'm sorry that I put you guys through so much," Nick sighed.

"Hey this is not your fault. We all saw a side of her that we had never seen before," Monroe growled softly. Harry smiled at the Blutbad, his protectiveness of Nick was sweet.

"On a happier note, how about we talk about the baby?" Rosalie smiled.

"Sure," Nick smiled brightly again. Glancing down to Harry's stomach.

"Ok I ran a couple of tests, we have tested for the presence of something Wesen, which as far as I can figure is where the powers of a Grimm are based, they register as the same thing. There is definitely the presence there. But I also found this old test to differentiate between wizarding and hexen magic, it would seem that there is the presence of wizarding magic too. And the baby is completely fine, everything is coming along normally, there is nothing to worry about. Honestly if anything the baby is a lot stronger than normally seen. The ultrasound that we managed to do showed that the placenta is stronger than normal and the sack stronger," Rosalie told them brightly.

"I have one question I have kind of been wondering about," Nick said softly looking concerned.

"Where the baby comes from?" Harry asked amused.

"Ah, I have been wondering that a little myself," Monroe admitted sheepishly.

"It has to be done by C-section," Harry chuckled.

"Ok," Nick nodded, but Harry noted he was looking more than a little queasy.

"Seriously, all the things you have seen as a cop, all of the things as a Grimm, and you get queasy over a C-section?" Harry laughed teasingly.

"You're different," Nick gulped glancing back to Harry's stomach. Harry smiled softly, running his fingers through Nick's black hair again.

"What are you going to do for somewhere to live?" Rosalie asked Nick concerned as she started putting away the many ingredients and instruments she had used for her checks. Harry looked to Nick curiously, wondering about that answer too.

"Juliet left the house but..."

"But?" Harry urged.

"I don't know, that house has seen too much blood, has too many bad memories...including the last seven and a half months," Nick frowned.

"So, if you wanted, we find a hotel for the next few days and start looking for somewhere," Harry suggested.

"Somewhere for the three of us?" Nick asked hopefully.

"Of course, we could find somewhere with a spare room, and a nursery, a large kitchen," Harry hummed.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Nick nodded happily.

"You guys can't go and live in a hotel till you find somewhere, not with Harry in his condition," Rosalie laughed when Harry huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Rosalie is right, you should move in with us for a little while," Monroe agreed.

"We can't put you guys out like that...again," Nick grimaced.

"You wouldn't be,"

"Thank you Monroe, if you are sure its ok?" Harry smiled before Nick could argue. He could tell the couple wanted to help, especially with Nick.

"Come on, lets head home," Rosalie moved to grab her coat before Nick could argue.