Hello! If you were a fan of the original version of this story then welcome back. If you are just joining us then welcome to the story. Now in case you are not aware, this is the redone version of my first ever story, "Remnant's Jedi Order". The reason I am redoing it is because I have noticed there were many problems with the old version. For instance, the writing at the beginning wasn't very strong. Almost cringe worthy. I like to think it got better as it went on but over all there were mistakes that I just could not ignore and they affected the story moving forward.

In the end I decided it would be easier to just start over and change what needs to be changed. Now of course there will be differences from the original but don't worry, people who liked the original there will not be too many giant changes. Or will there? You'll just have to wait and see. Anyway I think I've taken up enough of your time so let's get going!

I do not own RWBY or Star Wars they belong to Roosterteeth and Lucasfilms/Disney. I do own this story and any of my OC's that appear though.

Chapter 1 Pt 1: New Beginnings

Space is a wondrous thing. So large that some think it's limitless. Full of galaxies that team with life. In one such galaxy exists a special group of people simply called the Jedi Knights. They are the beacons of light that have assigned themselves the task of protecting their galaxy and preserving freedom for all who live in it.

However every light also casts a shadow, and for the Jedi that shadow is called the Order of the Sith Lords. If they were allowed to flourish the galaxy would be stripped of freedom and crushed under their boot.

Luckily for the people these Guardians of Light have always been there in the end to save the galaxy and defeat the Lords of Darkness, though not without great cost.

As of late the Jedi were again attacked by the Sith and once again were brought to the brink of extinction. Though through the actions of one the dark ones were repelled and peace has returned once more. Although this battle is far from over.

Though their leader, a Sith named Krayt has been killed, the Dark Lords remain. They hide, waiting for the right moment to strike. Although some are more impatient than others and have been trying to consolidate power for another strike at their enemies while they themselves are weakened.

Little did both sides know that on this day something will happen that will bring a whole new world into this never ending war. This is the legend they would never know.

Planet Felucia - 145 ABY

Felucia. A world of lush fungal forests is where our journey begins. On this world sits a large temple that blocks out the sun and near it's base stands a camp. Many people of many different species inhabit this place and are working to uncover the mysteries of this strange structure.

Standing in the centre of the camp was a female Togruta with orange skin and white marks all over her face, chest, head tails, and horns. She is wearing a grey jacket, black shirt, grey pants and boots. Right now she is reviewing notes her team has taken of the temple, all the while waiting for someone to arrive.

"Ahsoka!" Shouted someone. Turning to face the voice, the now called Ahsoka saw a male Twi'lek get off a speeder bike and start running towards her.

"Your back! Good! Are you alright?" She asked noticing his perturbed expression. "Tell me what happened." Taking a moment to collect himself the man spoke.

"We were excavating northwest like you told us to, but then Tyvo had to go um... relieve himself and he accidentally stumbled on a illegal weapons deal. He lead them back to us and well I'm all that's left."

Ahsoka took on a serious but sad face once he was finished. "That's horrible! I'll have to notify their families of this as soon as possible. Head back to your tent and get some rest." She said as she started her work again.

"I'm afraid that's not all Miss." He continued, getting her full attention again.

"I can't be sure but I think they saw me heading this way and it is more than likely they will follow me back here. What should we do?" Ahsoka paced back and forth, trying to come up with a plan. They were relatively small in number, with only a hand full of standard firearms to use in case of emergencies while these people would be much better armed and probably have more people.

That's when a smile stretched across her face. The reason? She just remembered about her teams "Guest".

"Thank you for telling me, now get every gun we have and tell our people to be ready." She said walking away.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to go talk to our mutual friend."

Inside the temple stood a person wearing a brown cloak who was looking over the scriptures on the walls, trying to decipher what they meant. Needless to say he wasn't having much luck. He was brought out of this thoughts when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Any luck yet?" The Togruta asked.

"Not yet." He said without facing her. "I can tell they are very old but they don't seem to match anything I've seen." There was a momentary pause before he spoke again.

"Something has you troubled." This is when he turned to face her.

"Yes one of the workers from site B came back and told us that some criminals are heading here as well. And I doubt they are coming here to invite us to a picnic on Naboo."

The figure chuckled at that. "And Naboo is so lovely this time of year. Don't worry I'll help you out, just get everyone ready." She nodded and walked back down the steps.

"(Sigh) Well I guess what master Torah used to say was true, our work is never done." He said before following her.

Roughly forty minutes had passed and the researchers had put up a crude barrier made up of whatever they could find to provide cover should a fire fight break out. Everyone was very anxious, they didn't sign up for this! But it seemed that there might be no choice but to fight. The only person who seemed to be truly calm was the cloaked figure who at this moment was sitting cross legged on the ground meditating.

That's when they heard it, the sound of engines coming closer. The cloaked person opened his eyes and stood up staring into the distance as he waited for them to arrive. He didn't have to wait long as two shuttles flew up and landed twenty feet away from them, followed by half a dozen people on speeder bikes.

Stepping out of one of the ships was a fairly tall Iktotchi male that was about as tall as the mysterious cloaked man himself. He wore a stoic yet somewhat still smug look on his face as he approached. Stopping a few yards from the entrance to the camp he spoke.

"Attention people of this settlement, I hope you are having a pleasant day!" He said with a deep voice. "My name is Zolnor Zenel and it seems that a few of your people intruded on a deal me and my associates were in the middle of. We took care of most of them yet one somehow got away."

"Alas we can not let anyone speak of what they saw as my buyers are the kind of people that enjoy there privacy, and I'm just kind enough to oblige. However since I am a fair man we are willing to make you a deal. You hand over the Twi'lek and we'll leave you all alone to continue with your lives. I think that is very far wouldn't you say boys?" He said turning his head to his men and receiving a nod from them.

Said Twi'lek was shaking a little in fear before Ahsoka placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him. "And if we don't?" She asked.

"Well you see miss we're going to get him either way. The method in which we do it all depends on you. So I'll ask again, are you going to deliver the tail-head to us or do we have to come in and get him?" There was silence for a few moment's before the cloaked man stepped forward.

"I have a hard time believing that sir." He said, earning a look from the horned man.

"And who might you be?"

"The names Jonlan and as I said, I think your trying to deceive us." The now called Jonlan said to him with a light smile on his face. "You said it yourself, your employers don't want anyone to know about what was happening, plus we've all seen your faces so it would be very unwise to let us all go now. But I do have a counter offer. Simply get back in your ship, leave these people alone and we can forget this whole thing even happened."

This offer didn't seem to impress the Iktotchi. "I'm afraid I can't take you up on that Jonlan. And since I can assume you've declined my offer by your response I'm afraid things will get much more messy then they needed to be. But before that shall I show you what we were selling?" Raising his left hand he showed a small remote with a big red button on it.

Pushing it, the back of his shuttles opened and metallic footsteps could be heard from within. Soon at least twenty battle droids emerged, a blaster rifle in each of there mechanical hands. Stopping beside there master, they all raised there weapons and pointed them towards the scientists.

"A-Are those...?" A random scientist asked before being interrupted.

"Yes brand new Imperial Battle Droids. It took a lot of effort to get these babies and I didn't want to use them here. Now I'll have to sell them as slightly used...ah well. Any last words?" Zolnor asked.

"(Sigh)I didn't want it to come to this." Said Jonlan. "Whatever, I guess it can't be helped." Shedding his cape he was revealed to be a man of about 28 years of age with dark blonde hair, greenish blue eyes and very pale skin. He was about 6'1 and wore a set of brown and white robes with brown armour pads on the shoulders. Finishing it up with black boots and a belt with numerous pouches that held two metal cylinders. These were lightsabers, and while one was twenty six centimetres long the other was only eleven.

"You think we're scared of you? Don't make me laugh!" He taunted while pulling out his blaster pistol. "This will be quick."

"I hope so, these people have a deadline to make. Plus I'd hate to keep my order waiting any longer then need be." Grabbing the longer of the two cylinders he pushed a button on it and ignited an emerald green energy blade. Recognizing the weapon, the Iktotchi finally registered who this man was and a cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Shit! All units fire, kill them all!" He shouted as his men and droids opened fire on them.

Raising his weapon he intercepted each plasma shot that got near him, each one bouncing off the energy blade. Some even redirecting back to there shooter, all the while his comrades provided covering fire. They weren't the best shots as to be expected but every once and a while a stray blaster bolt hit it's mark.

"Come on you idiots kill him! He's just one Jedi!" Zolnor shouted to his men.

As Jonlan deflected blast after blast he turned his head and noticed that the crude barricades were beginning to crumble as well as the scientists themselves being shot down. "Alright time to end this!" He thought to himself.

After deflecting one more blast he leaped about fifteen feet into the air and spun. Landing in the heart of his enemies he raised his hands and scattered them with a Force wave before sprinting to the closest one.

It didn't take long before he came face to face with his opponent and before he could even fire his gun, severed the man's arm. Twisting his body to the right he then sliced off the head of an oncoming droid before dashing off to his next target.

Regaining his footing, Zonlor saw his men/droids falling one by one as the Jedi got to them, either disarming them -literally- or cutting them down. His lightsaber slicing through them like butter. Twirling his weapon Jonlan used a reverse grip to drive his sabre through the torso of an oncoming battle droid before swerving his body to redirect a blaster shot right into it's shooters head.

Throwing his lightsaber, he used telekinesis to direct it's trajectory. As it spun it cut down some droids that were entering the camp. Then recalling his weapon back to him.

"Shit fuck this, I'm getting the hell out of here!" One of the criminals shouted as he ran way. After seeing what happened to their comrades, more soon followed.

"Cowards! All of you!" He shouted at his men. Looking around he noticed that he was all alone. Everyone else had either died, been incapacitated or ran. That meant it was just him and the Jedi. Turning to face him, Jonlan walked towards Zolnor as he fired his blaster like a mad man, frantically trying to kill him and always missing his mark.

Soon his weapon was empty and both he and the blonde Jedi stood face to face. "This battle is over! Surrender now! There doesn't need to be anymore bloodshed."

A chuckle was his response. "I had heard you Jedi were skilled but I must say, even I'm in awe of all this." He said while subtly reaching for something behind him.

"I must say master Jedi you beat me fair and square. There is no way I can win at this point. My men are gone, my droids are scrap and my weapon useless. Though before you take me in, there is something you should know about me."

"And what is that?"

"I'M A VERY SORE LOSER!" He screamed as he pulled out an active grenade, clearly trying to take them both down. Suddenly a green streak zoomed past his face and a searing pain could be felt in his wrist.

Jonlan had severed Zolnor's hand, then using the Force he picked up the explosive and hurled it away. Allowing it to detonate safely out of range.

Zolnor screamed in pain as he held his stump. Looking away from it he could clearly see the unhappy look on the Jedi's face and he begun to panic. "Um, uh w-wait! Master Jedi please I didn't mean..."

"You know what?" The Iktotchi then received a right hook to the side of his head, effectively knocking him out. "Sometimes criminals talk too much." Deactivating his weapon, he placed it back on his belt before returning to access the damage. All the while dragging his new prisoner behind him, while reclaiming his cloak along the way.

Entering the camp he found it had been shot up pretty good. Many tents had holes in them, some were ablaze -those were being dealt with- but what hurt him most was the people.

He saw many people while looking for Ahsoka, most were injured and being looked after by the few that were in better shape. Others were being covered with blankets, signifying there passing. Finally he found who he was looking for.

Ahsoka was patching up a wounded colleague, she herself looking roughed up but otherwise ok. "Hows it going?" He asked.

"Well...it could have been a lot worse. Thanks for the help." She said with a small smile.

"Ya I just wish I could have done more though." He said looking over the destruction one more time.

"Oh don't be such a downer" She playfully hit him on the shoulder. "You did good work here today. I have someone calling for a medic, some of these people need more serious attention."

"I'd also call someone about our friend here." He said motioning to the unconscious arms dealer.

"Didn't even need to ask." She said as they shared a small laugh before being interrupted again.

"Mistress, Mistress! Are you alright?" Asked a robotic voice. Walking towards them was a chrome coloured protocol droid. "I heard gunshots and wondered...oh my."It said registering it's surroundings.

"It's alright D-4O3, everything is under control. Thank you for your concern." The Togruta assured him.

"Thank the maker! Though there is another reason I came searching for you." This earned him an eyebrow raise.

"While I was exploring the inside of the temple I uncovered something. I didn't want to disturb the site so I left it and rushed back here to get you."

"What did you find?" Jonlan asked.

"That's what I was hoping you could tell me." The Jedi and Togruta shared a look for a few moments before talking.

"Take us to it."

"Right away sir." And with that the three headed off into the temple, eager to see what was inside. Ten minutes after they entered though a new figure dressed in black walked into the camp. He stared up at the temple before someone noticed.

"Sir I'm afraid this is a restricted area and you shouldn't be here." There was no response. "Sir did you hear me? I said you can't be here. Please leave." Saying so with bit more force behind her voice, as she grabbed the person's shoulder.

The black cloaked figure turned his head to face her and all she saw was a smirk before a streak of red sliced her in two. The air was soon after filled with both a familiar hum and the sound of screams.

And finally done! Thank God, this took longer than I thought but I finally finished! I would just like to take this time to thank you all for your support and patience with this. I just really wanted to improve on this chapter and it took longer than I thought to write it. That being said I may still need some time to get back into the Star Wars grove so just be patient. This chapter not only signals the return of this story but the return of me to this site so yay!

And before any of you ask, yes the Ahsoka character in this is a very deliberate Easter egg. She's not the once from TCW. Anyhow I would like to know what you thought of the chapter and what you think I could improve on. Only constructive criticism though please, as haters will be Force choked. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I can't wait to write more in the future. See you next time.