Hello Everyone. Here is the final chapter and I hope that you all enjoyed the story but don't worry. I am writing the sequel as we speak. I hope that you enjoy the final chapter. :)

Everything about Radiator Springs had changed and it was all thanks to not only me but to also my best friend Lightning McQueen since Radiator Springs was redecorated and the whole town looked brand new again with countless customers coming in and out of the town.

I even got my own training centre and I also became a racing coach as well as a teacher both here in Radiator Springs and at a local school where my adoptive daughter Tracy attends and she now has her best friends Billy, who is an young male black Mercedes-Benz, and Amy, who is a young female Porsche like Tracy except her colour is yellow while Tracy is purple, to play with whenever she went to school or whenever her best friends came here to play with her.

As a racing coach, I taught my students which included Tracy about racing fairly and I even teach them the skills as well as techniques that I have learned from Doc Hudson whenever we race on willy's butte and I do mind them to watch out for the cactus though since I don't want either of them getting hurt.

Speaking of Doc Hudson, me and Lightning are currently training with him on Willy's butte since Doc has yet to teach us all of his tricks even those that he has up his sleeve and I was mentally preparing myself for those tricks that he was going to pull off and I even let my own students watch us train together so they can learn something from us.

"Whoo!, whoo!, yeah!" whooped Doc Hudson before he spoke to Lightning. "Well, you're sure ain't no dirt boy".

"Not today, old man" said Lightning as he drove alongside Doc Hudson. "I know all your tricks".

"Are you sure, Lightning?" I asked since I wasn't so sure myself. "Because I think that Doc has-".

We suddenly heard a whoop behind us which got me and Lightning but we eventually realized that it was Doc Hudson himself who had drove himself into the cactus patch on purpose which got me and Lightning worried for him.

We drove over to the part where Doc Hudson drove himself off but we couldn't find him until he suddenly popped out of nowhere and right over our heads before he eventually landed back on the ground and he carried on racing around Willy's butte.

"Doc!, Doc!" shouted Lightning before he spoke to me. "Enzo!, can you see, Doc?".

"I can't see him" I said as I continued to search for him. "But he should be right h-".

"Whoo-ah!" whooped Doc Hudson as he jumped out of the patch and ended up behind us. "Not all my tricks, rookie!".

Me and Lightning just laughed at that before we continued to race after the legendary race-car knowing that we did indeed have a lot to learn and one of them was that you must never ever underestimate your elders even if they do seem to be slower than you or even older than you.

As a teacher, I teach my students, which also included Tracy, stuff like history and English as well as Maths but I also promote LGBT which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and transgender as well as Equality whether that would be racial Equality or any other type of Equality.

I also took part in the racing charity tournament for a long-forgotten town as a representative for Radiator Springs and I won the prize money which was $40,000 and I gave one half of the money to Radiator Springs while the other half went to the charity called help for heroes which was charity that funding money to those who were wounded in battle as they fought for their country.

Lightning and I along with Sally opened the Wheel Well, which was formerly a motel, as a restaurant much to the cheers of those who were present at the opening of the new restaurant which was in the perfect spot where cars of all ages could see the beautiful view.

Me and Lightning are still in a relationship with Sally which continued to grow and we stood on top of the edge of the cliff that over-looked the whole of route 66 with Tracy on top of my head so she can see the view better and we looked at the sun-set before we briefly looked at each other knowing that no matter what, we are going to go through this big adventure, together as a family.