What if...
(8man PoV)
Mankind has, since the beginning of time, understood this world that we live in by various mediums which has been labeled as 'senses,' these are abilities which enable us to understand and predict our surroundings, which are felt by us. Modern science lays down 5 types of senses, namely sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch, by which a person feels his surroundings.
But there are people who argue that there exists in us a sixth sense, something which doesn't exist prima facie like the others, but is felt nonetheless, it is something similar to the 'spider-sense' of a certain superhero. This sixth sense, hence is different from the 5 others completely and not widely understood.
Some people attribute this sixth sense to instinct, a remnant from our cave-dwelling ancestors, something which warned them whenever there was a danger to their life, a feeling that something is going to happen… it is also called a gut instinct by people.
Such a feeling is triggered in almost everybody, sometimes multiple times a day, but is generally avoided by people as being something irrational, something without a meaning or basis.
I have too, over the years, felt this myself on multiple times, but chosen to ignore it. The greater instances that pop up in my mind of the same are something telling me not to touch the send button after typing messages to my female classmates in middle school, not to go for the game of tag I was not invited to, not to stupidly confess my feelings during middle school…
Heck every time I ignored them, something bad happened, and I was left worse off than I was before. Thinking like that, maybe this '8man sense' was truly a god's gift, something bestowed upon me in exchange for giving me the 'dead fish eyes' attribute, maybe it was meant to be some sort of balancer, I honestly would've preferred normal eyes though, life would be so much easier…
By the way, why am I remembering about all this again? Ah right, this 8man sense and my past instances suddenly crop up in my mind due the impossible situation I am currently facing.
I stand still, my hand raised slightly as all eyes in the room focused on me, with what I believe to be 90% of the existing people in the room wondering who exactly I was….
Well, given my 108 skills as a loner and my most prided ability Stealth Hikki, it's no wonder that they don't know who I am, geh, my skills have improved! I'm on the path to becoming the greatest, the loner amongst loners! Hikigaya Hachiman the great!
Wait, this isn't the time for that, I can still feel all the people eyeing me, oh how I hate being the center of attention, my loner instincts prompted me to bolt right this instant, I wasn't that far from the door, maybe I could just make a run for it? Pretend this never happened…Stealth Hikki could be useful too…
"You are… Hikigaya-kun from the 2nd year, right?" our airheaded but sweet Student Council president Shiromeguri-senpai spoke up as she spoke to me, albeit with a bit of hesitation. I'm surprised she even knows my name.
"Ah yes, my name is Hikigaya Hachiman from class 2-F…" I speak up somehow, how did I end up in this situation again?
I wake up groggy and tired as hell, my cute little sister is presently standing near my bed with an annoyed look on her face, what time is it again? I pull the clock placed near my bed, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to clear my blurred vision, I really need more sleep…
"Onii-chan" Komachi speaks up, "If you stay in bed any longer you're going to miss school entirely." She speaks in an annoyed tone.
"Uhhh sorry"
I just mutter a lame apology as I finally open my eyes completely and look at the clock, it can't be that late…HOLY SHIT I'M GONNA BE LATE!
I stand up in attention as fast as humanly possible dividing my tasks in order to ensure maximum efficiency, I need to work as fast as possible, I don't want to be punched again by that single middle aged woman!
I jump into the shower as I hear Komachi going downstairs muttering something about breakfast, like I have time for that! Wiping myself with a towel, I cannot help but remember something telling me to sleep early last night, that I wouldn't be able to wake up early if I didn't, but I simply chose to ignore that and played with vita-chan, oh man I should've listened to that.
Putting on my uniform, I grab my bag and run downstairs, my parents are still asleep, well they returned pretty late last night,…bah I don't have time for that!
Putting on my shoes, I notice Komachi moving towards me, in her hand is a big rice ball and a can of the divine elixir, MAX Coffee, ah my sweet little sister, stay with me forever!
Opening the door, I stuff the rice ball in my mouth and put the can of MAX in my bag as I unlock my trusty bicycle.
"Goodbye onii-chan!" Komachi speaks up before running off to some girls standing at the end of the alley, well she does actually have friends, I simply say goodbye as well before rushing off as fast as my legs can take me on this metal steed, man I wish they would invent hyperloop transport already.
[Scene Change: School]
Running as fast as I can, I throw the now empty can of MAX in the dustbin before rushing to class, by the grace of god, I'm not late and have a few minutes before the first class begins. I enter the class in my usual manner, no one particularly notices my entrance, guess Stealth Hikki is operating subconsciously as well, good, I'm not really one for social interactions anyway.
The teacher enters the classroom as the bell rings, indicating that the first class has begun, all the riajuus and their cliques are now disbursed as a result, each now confined to his or her desk, good, that's how it should be. The teacher proceeds to write some complicated equations on the board as everyone groans collectively, maths is something I particularly suck at, mainly as I find it incredibly boring, I mean with calculators and computers across the board, who needs to do these stupid equations anyway? The education curriculum needs major changes.
Ten minutes into the class and I feel my eyelids becoming heavier, man this is really boring, and the tired looks of my classmates aren't helping either, maybe I should take a nap, not like the teacher notices me anyway…
There, I suddenly feel it again, this sense of foreboding, like it's telling me not to sleep now, or something…something will happen, it's momentary but profound, and jerks me awake, maybe sleeping isn't a good idea after all.
I last for 5 more minutes before sweet slumber consumes me.
[Scene Change: After 1st class]
I stand slack jawed in front of the blackboard, unable to comprehend the meaning of what I see written on it, no this can't be happening…
"W-what?" I meekly speak up before a mature feminine voice answers my questions.
"Do you need an explanation?" Hiratsuka-sensei asks as she looks at me, "You see that next class was about to start, and the guys were still arguing about who would be in the committee." She smiles mischievously as she places a hand on my shoulder, "So I chose you Hikigaya." She moves on towards the desk, "Consider it punishment for sleeping during extended homeroom."
"But sensei, I mean come on…" I tried to mount a weak defence, pathetic as it may be, I don't want to be a part of this.
"Take your seat now" she cuts me off before I can even complete my sentence, "I have to start class." She looks at me again.
Well guess there's no way out now. I lament falling to the pleasures of sleep, oh my sweet slumber, why hath though betrayed me?
Taking my seat dejectedly, I think about the entire situation again. Like any normal High School, Sobu has a host of programmes, clubs and events to signify the 'youth' on the campus. One such event happens to be the annual Sobu Cultural Festival, wherein the students organize various events on the school grounds turning the campus into the correct example of 'youth' for an entire day with lots of singing, dancing and all that crap.
Events such as that hold little meaning for a loner like me, the food offered at the stalls is generally average and overpriced, the noise sickening and the crowds uncontrollable, why any person would go there on a weekend is beyond my understanding, when you can spend the holiday in the comfort of your room, reading novels, eating and drinking MAX while laying down, ah true bliss…
But guess that due to ignoring my instinct, and failing to object when I had to, I too am, begrudgingly, a part of this poisonous 'youth' which is being force-fed to the masses, what an unlucky day for me.
[After Classes]
"Is there anybody that wants to be the girls rep? Please raise your hand if you want to." our class representative asks as he stands behind the teacher's desk, classes are over now, but we are yet to decide upon the second committee member from our class, as the system in Sobu goes, each class has to nominate two reps for the festival, one girl and one guy, nobody normally wants to take up those posts due to the amount of work that they entail, so unlucky guys like me are saddled with the same.
"This is getting nowhere, let's use stone-paper-scissors to decide" the class rep spoke up, what's his name again?
"Haah" the fire queen of Sobu spoke up, it appears that the crude method of this peasant did not bode well with her.
"Is the job difficult?" the resident airhead of the service club, Yuigahama Yui spoke up. Well duh, there's a reason nobody raised their hands yet.
"Not particularly." The class rep spoke in a diplomatic tone, I guess I'll call him 4-eyes for now. "It shouldn't be too difficult unless you do something too wild." He then glanced over at me before continuing, "Though the female representative may end up having more trouble than she bargained for."
Well given my reputation, or lack of any reputation thereof, it's natural for him to think like that, 'Sorry it had to be me, 4-eyes-kun.'
"Though it would be great if you did it Yuigahama-san" 4-eyes spoke up again, "You're quite popular and suited for the role." So he's trying to just pass the buck to the first person that speaks huh?
"Eh, so Yui-chan is gonna be doing it huh?" I hear a voice from the backside of the class, it's the girl whom we met during the festival when I went there with Yuigahama, come to think of it what was her name again Saga-something, well whatever, she pisses me off.
"That's so nice. Two close people working on an event, things may get really exciting." Saga-something speaks in a smug tone as her clique giggles at her statement, seems that she remembers the festival as well.
"Well, Yui's gonna be attracting customers with me, so that's a no-go." The resident fire queen spoke up this time, I caught her glancing at me just before she said that, well looks like she doesn't want Yuigahama to be associated with me either, while I can understand why, isn't that a bit hurtful Miura-san?
"Oh…yeah, attracting customers is important as well." Saga-something wisely backs off, seems that she doesn't wish to encounter the wrath of the fire queen either.
"So basically we are looking for someone who is popular and shows leadership qualities as well." The sparkling prince of Sobu, Hayama Hayato speaks up this time, seems that he doesn't want anyone from his clique to be involved in this,
"It's got to be Sagami-san then" the bird-brained idiot lackey of Hayama spoke up, did he take a clue from Hayama's statement? No he's an idiot, he couldn't possibly read the situation…
"I'm sure Sagami-san will do a great job" the great prince backed up the statement of his lowly soldier, wait, did he prepare this intentionally?
"Uh, me? No way" Saga-something spoke up with overdramatic hand gestures, but you can't fool a loner like me with that…the rejection expert cannot be fooled by something like that, when girls actually reject something they do so with cold eyes, and virtually expressionless faces…
The painful memories from middle school are rerun in my head again, why did I ever even try to talk to her? But that's besides the point.
The point is that your rejection is clearly fake, the real rejection, with cold eyes and expressionless faces, that's how they do it, that's scary enough to make you fear for your heart's well being, seriously, you just want to die.
"Could you please do it?" Hayama finishes this by giving her a wink and a smile that makes half the girls in Sobu swoon, man that is almost cruel, the way he is manipulating her, almost like he's playing her, all to keep Yuigahama away from the committee, does he hate me?
"Umm, uhh" Saga-something is yet to give a response, but considering her expressions, her nomination is probably set in stone, "I guess if no one else is doing it, then I will." Hook, line and sinker, you're actually scary Hayama, how many times have you done this already?
Well, whatever, it's decided, I move from my desk with my bag and head to the conference room where the committee is supposed to meet up for the first meeting today, I'm not even acquainted with Saga-something so there's no need to wait for her.
Yet what is this bad feeling I have…
[Conference Room]
I enter the room, it seems I'm the late one here given that a lot of people are already seated, moving to the end, I take a corner seat next to a guy I don't know, well best to have this over with fast so that I can go home.
I see others come in after me, well good to know I'm not the only late one, glancing over, I notice Yukinoshita seated near the front, seems like she was pulled into this as well. Oh well atleast she will work.
"Well then let us start the Cultural Festival executive committee meeting." A cheerful voice rang out in the room as we were all given handouts relating to this event, man this looked like a pain, too much work is not good for me. "I am Shiromeguri Meguri, the student council president." She introduced herself as she looked over the room, satisfied at the amount of grunts that would be working for this, she smiled as she spoke up again,
"Let's get down to business and elect a committee chairman. Any candidates?" She spoke up cheerfully looking over the room again, this was a natural thing given the Japanese obsession with hierarchy, but no one stood up or even moved, getting stuck in this committee was a pain in itself, but becoming the chairman? No one would volunteer for more work, we weren't even being paid here.
"You're Yukinoshita-san right?" Shiromeguri-senpai spoke up, seems like she was fishing actively for a candidate now,
"Yes" Yukinoshita replied in a reserved tone.
"I knew it, you're Haruno-san's sister right?" Yukinoshita tensed up at the statement, as I thought, the relationship between the 2 sisters wasn't exactly cordial, "She was the chairman earlier, the festival went down as one of the best in Sobu's history!" she spoke enthusiastically before pausing, "So how about it? If you're Haruno-san's sister then…"
"I shall pass." Yukinoshita rejected her instantly, and rather rudely f I may add, did Shiromeguri-senpai touch a nerve there? Well not like it's my business anyway.
From the corner of my vision, I spot Saga-something murmuring with her friends as they giggled and pointed fingers at each other, Saga-something went quiet for a moment before straightening herself as she prepared to stand up, was she going to nominate herself?
Suddenly, my '8man sense' tingled, and this time it was more intense than ever, like at the time when I had idiotically confessed in middle school, and became a butt of jokes and teasing, something was telling me that I had to stop her from becoming the chairman, why? I don't know myself.
What should I do? Ignore it like earlier and sit quietly? I don't even know her, and yet my confession rings again in my mind, I had ignored this sense of foreboding earlier, and suffered quite a lot for it, becoming the loner I was now, what was worse that could happen?
Yet this feeling remained, seeing Saga-something preparing to rise, my mind went into overdrive, in a snap-second, I made a decision to stop her, but how was I supposed to do that?
How dammit!?
Suddenly, I felt all the stares in the room focus on me, collecting my thoughts.
'I didn't say that out loud did I?'
I noticed that contrary to sitting quietly, I was now standing, drawing the attention of all the people in the room. Feeling helpless now, I simply raised my hand slightly to chest level, what am I going to do now?
(Flashback end)
And that's how I ended up like this.
"So umm, Hikigaya-kun, alright then." Shiromeguri-senpai regained her composure almost instantly, "Is there anybody else?" she looked over the room again.
Glancing over the room, I notice that Yukinoshita is looking at me with a surprised face, well I guess this is quite OOC of me, turning my head, my eyes again focus on Saga-something who is staring at me as well, seeing me looking at her, she tears her gaze from me and sits down on her chair.
'Man what a relief.'
Wait, why am I relieved? And why the heck am I still standing?
"Well, since there appear to be no other candidates…" Shiromeguri-senpai speaks up again, "Hikigaya-kun" she looks at me, I gulp slightly, "We'll be going with you for the committee chairman." I nod dumbly,
What exactly have I gotten myself into?
I know you're going to say that I'm supposed to be updating 'A Different Turn,' right?
Well I was doing that, but this idea just wouldn't get out of my mind, so I had to write it.
It felt really interesting when I re-watched episode 10 of the 1st season, I mean things can be really different from here on.
No pairings have been decided as of now.
As usual, feel free to leave any reviews or suggestions.
If you note grammatical mistakes, please mention them specifically in a review.