"How are we getting in?" Finn asks Han.

Finn, Han, Rey and Chewie are traveling at lightspeed to the Starkiller Base.

"Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through." Han replies.

Finn's eyes widen in shock and horror, "We're making our landing approach at lightspeed?!" He exclaims.

Chewie growls a response at him before Han says, "Chewie, get ready."

Finn and Rey both take their seats, Finn grabs hold of the sides, Rey looks over at him and he sends her a terrified look.

"And…now!" Han pulls the lever and they drop out of lightspeed. They've gotten through the shields.

But almost crash into rocks.

Chewie growls at Han to pull up. "I am pulling up!" He yells, trying to maneuver around the rocks. Then they crash through a bunch of evergreen trees. Chewie roars at Han again.

"I get any higher, they'll see us!" Han yells back.

They finally crash through the trees and land hard into the snow, they skid to a stop just before they fall over the side of a cliff.

Everyone on board is slightly shaken up from the rough landing, "Never again," Rey says, "Han don't you ever do that again."

"I don't plan to." Han says.

Caedus storms through the hallway and stops when a lieutenant walks up to him.

"Sir, he was not found in Hangar 718. But all troops are on alert." The lieutenant says.

"Put every hangar on lockdown! He's going to try to steal a ship to esc…" His head snaps around.

"Han Solo" He breathes.

After escaping the half buried Millennium Falcon, Han, Chewie, Rey, and Finn all race across the Starkiller's surface.

"The flooding tunnel is over that ridge," Finn says, "We'll get in that way."

"What was your job when you were based here?" Han asks.


Rey and Han look at Finn with looks of angry disbelief, but then Han has dive out of the way because Rey storms up, grabs Finn by the shoulder and slams him against the side of the tower they were hiding behind.

"Sanitation?!" She exclaims, "Then how do you know how to lower the shields?!"

"I don't! I just wanted to help find Ben."

"For the love of-" Han mutters, "Everyone is counting on us, the galaxy is counting on us, my son is counting on us!" He yells.

"Rey, Solo we'll figure it out…we'll use the Force!"

"That's not how the Force works!" Han and Rey exclaim in unison.

Chewie lets out a growl, "Oh really you're cold?!" Han asks, annoyed.

"Come on!" Finn says, breaking away from Rey's iron grip and leading the others to the flooding tunnel, the others following.

"Report." Hux says to the officer, his voice no longer raspy from Caedus' Force choke.

"Weapon charged in fifteen minutes, sir."

Hux doesn't say anything, he just walks away, his face staying emotionless.

As the door to the elevator Rey, Han, Finn and Chewie are in opens, they come face to face with a Stormtrooper.

"Hey!" the trooper exclaims before he's flung ten feet back as Chewie's bow-caster shoots him.

"The longer we're here, the less luck we're gonna have." Han says as they four of them leave the elevator. "The shields."

"I have an idea about that." Finn says, leading them down the hallway.

Captain Phasma strides down the hallway, when she hears a sound before something big, brown, and fuzzy barrels into her and knocks her over. "GAH!"

After they drag Phasma into a deserted room, Finn gets in her face, "You remember me?" he asks.

"FN-2187." Phasma replies.

"Not anymore. The name's Finn and I'm in charge. I'm in charge now Phasma, I'm in charge!" There's a little to much excitement in Finn's voice.

Rey sends him a sideways glance and bites her lip.

"Bring it down, bring it down." Han mutters to Finn.

"Uh, yeah…right." Finn says, looking a little embarrassed, then he turns back to Phasma, "Follow me." he says, his voice demanding.

Ben sneaks down the corridor, pointing his blaster, when he finds a hangar, 'Bingo' he thinks...but then there's another problem.

There are Stormtroopers, all over the place!

"How am I supposed to get to a ship?" Ben mutters to himself.

He looks around, 'maybe...' he thinks, 'Maybe I can use that mind trick again!' He thinks about it for a moment, but then realizes something, "No, no, no...There's too many Storm-"

Ben stops muttering to himself as he hears footsteps coming from the corridor. He whirls around and sees a group of stormtroopers marching up the corridor, straight at him!

He looks around before rushing over to the ledge 'Here is where all that scavenging pays off.' He thinks to himself as he climbs over the edge.

He climbs a little lower and pins himself against the side and watches as the group of Stormtroopers pass. 'Please don't let anyone see me...Please don't let anyone see me!' Ben thinks desperately.

He looks around before he sees a switch...carefully, he climbs a little lower, grabs it and pulls it. What looks like a compartment opens. 'I can hide here!' he thinks, climbing into the compartment.

It's a tight squeeze, but after years of scavenging on Jakku, Ben is able to maneuver his way through.

"You will lower the shields."

"…I will lower the shields." Phasma repeats, going to lower the shields.

Han walks in and closes the door, "I see it worked." he says to Rey.

"Yes, but not easily. Finn had to hit her over the head with his blaster several times before my mind tricks would work." Rey explains, not taking her eyes off Phasma, "But Han, even if this works, we're not going to have a lot of time to find Ben." Rey says.

"Don't worry Rey, we're not leaving here without my son." Han replies. 'Either of them' he finishes in his head.

There's the sound of the shields lowering, then the sound of metal clanging as Rey knocks Phasma out with the Force, and she falls onto the control panel.

"Solo if they find her like this they'll know we're here, what do we do with her?" Finn asks.

"Is there a garbage chute? Trash compacter?" Han asks, stepping forward.

Finn smiles, "Yeah there is."

'Oh dear.' Rey thinks with a slight roll of her eyes.

"General, their shields are down."

"Thank the Maker!" 3PO exclaims.

"Han did it. Send them in." Leia tells Statura.

"Give Poe full authorization for attack." Statura informs a junior officer.

"Black Leader, go to sub-lights in your call." the officer tells Poe through a pickup.

"Roger, base. Red squad, Blue squad, take my lead." Poe says to his troops.

"Dropping out of lightspeed." One of the pilots says.

They all drop out of lightspeed and fly toward Precinct 47.

"Almost in range. Hit the target dead center. As many runs as we can get." Poe tells his fleet.

"Approaching target." Snap says.

Alarms begin to go off in the Starkiller. "Fighters incoming!" officers everywhere are saying.

Hux strides up to the window, his eyes widening in shock. He turns around to an officer and some troopers,

"Dispatch all squadrons!" he orders.

"Yes General."

"Alright let's light it up!" Poe orders, he and the others fire at the Precinct.

"Ha! Direct hit!" Bastian says proudly. "But no damage!" Ello Asty responds.

"Yeah we gotta keep hitting it. Another bombing run." Poe orders, "Remember when the sun is gone this thing will be ready to fire, but as long as there's light we got a chance."

BB-8 looks over at that moment and warns Poe about the TIE-fighters that are heading their way.

"Guys we got a lot of company!" Poe exclaims.

Han, Rey, Finn and Chewie, walk quickly and quietly through the hallway, stopping

from the door that leads to the cells.

"We'll use the charges to blow that blast door," Finn explains, "Rey and I will go in and draw fire but we're gonna need cover."

"You sure you're up for this?" Han asks.

"Hell, no." Finn says.

Rey sort of rolls her eyes, "I'll try to find Ben but the troopers will be on our tail," Han looks over Rey's shoulder and begins to point with his chin, "You have to be ready f-" Rey notices Han's movements.

"What're you-," Rey, clearly frustrated, begins to mimic Han's actions, "Why are you doing this? Why are you nodding? We're trying to come up with a plan!"

Han sighs and sort of rolls his eyes before he reaches up, gently grabs her chin and turns her head to face the window that's behind her.

Her eyes widen, it's Ben, climbing out of a compartment and climbing up the wall toward the level.

She smiles and turns back to Han, he sort of smiles also, "My kid knows his stuff, huh?" he asks.

Ben climbs up onto the level and sneaks down the hallway, he's really worried now, he knows troops everywhere are looking for him, and he didn't know where he had emerged from that compartment, he could be anywhere!

Ben rounds a corner and, "AH!" he yells, pointing his blaster at-

"Ben!" Rey exclaims, she's the only one who didn't raise her hands to prevent Ben from shooting them.

"What the- Guys what're you doing here?" Ben asks.

"Rescuing you of course!" Rey says.

Han walks up to Ben, "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah." Ben says. Han huffs a sigh of relief and places a hand on Ben's shoulder, "Good." He says, before going to take guard.

"What happened? What did that monster do to you? Did he hurt you?" Rey asks, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

"I…No he…he didn't." 'Not physically at least.' He leaves unsaid.

"How did you escape?" Finn asks.

Ben looks down slightly "I…I really can't explain it…"

Rey smiles, "I know how you did it," She says, "You're learning!" She goes in to hug him. Ben has no idea what that means, but he returns the hug.

"Escape now, hug later." Han interrupts.

They all run to the elevator, Chewie grunts as he hands Han his coat, but before he puts it on he looks over at Ben. Those thin and torn clothes won't keep him warm. He takes off his other jacket and hands it to him.

Ben looks at the jacket, then at Han.

"The least I could do." Han says.