The first thing Lapis saw when she regenerated was green. Green skin that took up most of her vision. When her vision focused, she found herself enjoying the green eyes much more. They boared into her soul, hostaging nothing negative toward her. They were curious green, wonderful and inviting.

The gems green skin called out to her, compelling her to touch it when given the chance.

It didn't take her long to act on that urge once formal greetings were out of the way.

Holding her detached hand in her own blue one made her feel calm and safe, and loved.

After she agreed to stay on Earth with the Crystal Gems, becoming one herself, she found her feelings for the green gem growing stronger with each passing day.

Although the tall green gem held menacing scary tech, it didn't frighten her as long as Peridot was the one who held it.

She felt flutters in her chest when she grazed any green skin. She was enamored by her in many ways. The way Peridot would furrow her eyebrows when determined during her work. The way she'd smile and get excited over small things. It made her feel warm inside.

The only thing that Lapis disliked was her tech. It denied her warm green hands that would fit wonderfully in her own.

She finally gathered up enough courage a year after she'd become a Crystal Gem to ask her as they laid on a beach one afternoon.

"Do you have hands?"

Peridot seemed shocked by the sudden question dropped on her.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem too forward. I'm just curious." She smiled lightly ignoring the doubt gathering in her gut.

Peridot chewed her lip, debating internally.

"Yes. I do have hands." Lapis' eyes turned into stars.

"Really? Is your tech like a glove on them?"

"Well I suppose..."

"Could I see?!"

Peridot blushed horribly.


"Can I see your real limbs?" Lapis was too excited to feel any embarrassment from being this forward.

Peridot started to sweat. "I don't know Lapis.."

Lapis physically drooped. "I won't make you do anything but.. I just want to know the real you, you know? I've been wanting to hold your real hand for awhile now."

Peridot blushed heavily, spewing out messed up pronunciation of words. Lapis giggled in response, brushing her hand against Peridots cheek.

"Its okay if you don't want to."

"N-no! I can do it!"

Lapis seemed surprised that she accepted so easy. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! I just haven't..shown my real form to anyone before. Not even Rose or Jasper."

Lapis smiled warmly, nuzzling Peridots neck. "You're cute now Peri, you're probably even cuter without your tech."

"Thanks.." The blush on Peridots face made everything worth it.

She leaned out of the embrace, waiting. "Could you..turn around for a moment? I want to get it all off first.." Lapis nodded and turned her back.

She heard loud metal drop to the floor before things went silent, only the waves from the beach making noise.

"O-ok.. You can look now."

She turned around and squealed. Peridot was not what Lapis expected. She was so used to being the petite one in their odd relationship and would never expect that under all that armor Peridot was really short.

"You're so adorable Peri!" Lapis said as her eyes sparkled like stars. She blushed heavily.

"Am I...alright?" Lapis scooped Peridot up into her arms and squeezed. "You're absolutely gorgeous." She spoke in her blonde hair.

She felt her short arms wrap around her waist in response.

They held hands for the rest of the night.


"And thats how I found out Peri was a secret shorty." Lapis finished her tale, leaning back into the couch.

The two children on the ground stared up at her in wonder.

"Aweeh! Thats so cute!" Steven stated, eyes like stars.

Connie sat confused. "Wait so shes secretly short under her 'limb enhancers'?"

Lapis snorted. "Yeah! Her tech still confuses me, but I love her."

Jasper walked by, hearing only a bit of the story.

"How come I haven't seen you guys affectionate before?" Connie asked. She had no idea the two gems were actually that close.

"Its private Connie." Lapis winked. "Consider yourself lucky Connie." Jasper joined in on the conversation, standing in the doorway.

"Rose and I had to deal with it all the time, even on serious missions. I'm surprised you haven't been tainted yet."

Lapis huffed, crossing her arms. "Sounds like jealousy to me." She teased.

Connie laughed, though she still had more questions to ask. "How come I've never seen her real height? Don't those limb thingys get tiring?"

"She only ever goes without them when shes with Lapis alone." Jasper stated with a roll to her eyes.

"Told you, its private."

Lapis laughed at the group before her. Shes glad she made the decision to stay with the Crystal Gems. With Peri. She would never ask for anything more because everything she needed was here.