Keith was practically running towards Shiro's room when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He skid to a stop and quickly turned his head towards the sound.

It was Shiro… and he looked awful. There were bags under his eyes and his posture was slightly slumped.

The Black paladin shifted awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head with his cybernetic arm. If someone were to ask how he was feeling right now he would probably have a laundry list ready of negative adjectives and feelings. To put it simply, he was utterly exhausted: emotionally and physically.

He was full of guilt, shame, and anger. His list of people he needed to apologize to just kept growing. He thought it might be better to settle it with Keith before he even thought about getting to Pidge.

That would be another battle in and of itself.

"Hey Keith, is it okay if I talk with you for a moment?" Shiro moved to stand next to Keith so they could walk as they talked

"Yeah s'fine I'm…" Keith turned away, slightly ashamed from what he had done, making his nervous apology come out as a jumble of words.

"I'm sorry Keith, what was that?" Shiro stopped walking and turned towards the younger man.

"I said I'm sorry for punching you!" Keith clenched his fists to his side and then rushed Shiro with a vice-like hug. This took Shiro for surprise as he stood frozen by Keith's actions, his arms stuck to his sides and his erratic breath wisping through Keith's hair.

"I'm sorry okay?" He buried his face into Shiro's chest. "It's just that I-I, I can't…", his words became slightly muffled by the fabric of Shiro's shirt, "I couldn't accept, that that was you. Someone so weak and broken I just couldn't accept that that was you!" Keith let out a breath as he felt Shiro's racing heartbeat through his chest.

"But, I know what you've gone through and should've never said or done any of those things. I shouldn't have put this pressure on you to be something you're not just because I wanted you to be." He hugged tighter as emotion rushed to his face "I know it wasn't your fault. I know that. I'm sorry!"

Shiro was lost for words at Keith's apology. He didn't know what to say because, truthfully, he was there for the same reason. He had lost control and no one else should have to carry the burden of his mistakes.

"Yeah, it's okay Keith. I know. I'm sorry too." Keith pulled away running his jacket sleeve across his face trying to wipe away his tears. Shiro gave him a firm comforting squeeze on his shoulder.

"I know what you mean when you said you thought I was stronger," he sighed, "and truthfully, I thought so too." He looked Keith straight in the eye and then looked down to his prosthetic arm, clenching and releasing the cybernetic fist.

"I never imagined that my weaknesses," he looked down in shame, "would get so out of hand, that I would hurt Pidge, or any of you for that matter. I-I just want to be there for all of you, but you also have to understand that I'm only human," he chuckled flexing his Galran prosthetic, "even though it may be hard to believe."

He sighed, "Keith, I understand that you trust me, and I've done some things that don't really deserve that trust, but I just want you to know that I'm not angry with you and that if you ever want to talk with me about anything you can. Okay?"

Keith sighed and faced Shiro, "Yeah I understand," he nervously ran his hands through his hair, "I was just really worried about Pidge. She's been through so much, we all have really. I just want her to know that we're all here for her, we're a team, and that she doesn't have to hide her feelings just because she's a girl. You know?" He looked to Shiro for support, "If she's ever angry, frustrated, scared," He counted them off on his fingers, "I want her to tell us. I just feel that she's so passive all the time about her personal stuff. It makes me worry y'know, that she's not taking care of herself…"

Keith blushed as he realized just how much he was rambling about the smaller Paladin. "Aw great, her rambling must be rubbing off on me."

"I know what you mean Keith. She's important to all of us." Shiro shuffled a little uncomfortably then, looking down for a split second, then looking to the red paladin. "I was actually looking for her when I bumped into you. Do you have any idea where she might be?"

"Hmm that's a good question have you checked her room, lab, and Green's hangar?" Keith showed three fingers to the older man.

"Yes all three and with no sign of her."

"Hmm have you tried the training deck?"

"No, but I guess it's worth a shot."

The two Paladins turned down the hall and began walking towards the training deck.

She couldn't remember when she had started the training sequence and all that was rushing through her veins was to survive.

Whenever she was in one of the training simulations she got into this zone. It was a place where she felt invincible and strong. Like she didn't need any of the guys there to help her. And she loved it.

Her brow was sweaty, strands of her hair falling into her face, and she was panting but her adrenaline was driving her through, pushing her farther and farther.

Right now she was facing two of the robo gladiators each with a longish sword in their hands.

She was fast and graceful as she dodged their blows. Swiveling and rolling as she took out one of their legs in a quick role, the bot soon exploding into soft blue pixels.

The other was slightly more difficult to pin as it kept slashing every time she tried to advance. She ducked as the bot's blade came dangerously close to her face. She spun quickly, her bayard coming to rest under the chin of the robot, the gladiator's blade still too far away to gain back their ground. She had won. The bot disappeared in a flurry of pixels.

Her breaths came in deep gasps as she lay on the floor of the training deck, a bead of sweat following the curve and shape of her neck falling slowly into the dip of her clavicle.

Little did she know there were two spectators to her little training activity. Keith and Shiro were in the observation deck struck in silent awe of the paladin below them.

A/N: sorry for how late this is! Life can be really hard sometimes... IDK how I feel about this chapter so let me know how you feel about it... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯