A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first Voltron fanfic and I'm really excited for the story I have planned in my head! It's gonna be great! Also I use female pronouns for Pidge in this story enjoy!
She let out a yawn as her fingers briskly typed away codes into her small, hologram tablet. It was late. She could tell by the silence and low glow of the castle lights outside her room. She knew she was tired, but sleep was definitely not an option.
She knew that her out-of-whack sleep schedule was starting to show on the training deck. Her almost falling asleep during the last simulation battle with Keith was not something she wanted to happen again. He almost couldn't stop his bayard when she sleepily fell on him during their sparring match.
She knew she was probably letting her team down by not taking those drills seriously, and there were only so many times she could skip out because she had some "programming" to do on the lions. But she just didn't feel that battling in those simulations was going to get her any closer to finding Matt and her Father. The updates and programs that she stayed up all night scrounging from the Galra tech, on the other hand, would.
After she set in the last of the codes she scrubbed her eyes with her palms and checked the clock on her monitor that she had set to Earth time. It read 4:03 A.M. She decided that she would move to her bed to focus on another project hoping that she would get tired enough and eventually knock herself out from exhaustion.
She stretched her arms above her head and moved to grab a mass of metal and wires that lay on the ground beside her bed. It was a Rover 2.0 that she had been working on ever since she lost the first one when Sendak and Haxus invaded the castle.
She thought back to that event and how crazy it was that she was able to hold her own for so long. She let out a deep sigh. See I told those guys I don't need to train all the time. Or did they just conveniently forget that I was the one that saved Shiro and Lance from Sendak. She let out a disgruntled huff as her agitation led to her misplacing a wire in Rover 2.0's main circuit board. "Damn it! Now I need to find the freakin' wire trimmers..." Pidge placed Rover 2.0 next to her on the covers as she half hanged over her bed scrounging on the floor for the misplaced tools.
That's when it hit her. A sudden sharp throbbing in her head made her fall to the ground clutching her skull. "Ouch! What the Qui-", she was cut off when mumbled speech started to enter her mind.
"Agh! Please No! Stop, not again. I promise I won't do it again. Just please don't send me under! No sto-", the words were cut off by another sharp pain in her head. By now she knew that what she was feeling and hearing was from the Paladin bond. She didn't have to think twice about who these pains and emotions belonged to.
Shiro, she thought to herself, He must be having another nightmare. Pidge decided that she couldn't just stay here while he struggled through these terrors. She groggily lifted herself off the floor with one hand held to her temple to try to dull the pain a little bit.
When she was outside of his door she could hear shallow grunts and uneven breathing. "Shiro? Shiro, it's me Pidge," she knocked on his door, "Please open up." There was no reply just more mumbled talking. "Shrio? Shiro please, open the door!" She thumped on the metal door louder. Her pounding was met with the beginning of a loud yell.
That was it. She didn't care if she was teased later for hacking into Shiro's room. He needed somebody, and he needed them now, before he was lost to his mind. Pidge hurriedly re-crossed some wires in the door's panel control system on the wall. After a few seconds of rewiring the door slid open and she rushed inside.
"Shiro?!" She was met with darkness as her eyes tried to hurriedly readjust to the new environment. It didn't take long for her to find Shiro thrashing in his bed with the sheets strewn everywhere. "Shiro! Shiro, wake up it's only a dream. No one's going to hurt you." She approached his bed slowly so as not to spook him. She held out her hand to lightly shake his shoulder to try to wake him from his nightmare. Bad Idea.
She was on the ground faster than she could say Quiznack. The breath was knocked out of her as Shrio's room turned upside down. Her eyes spinned as she tried to reorient herself. That's when she felt the hand around her neck and the heat from the glowing hand in front of her face. She tried to move her body but she was pinned down by Shiro's weight. "Shiro!," she gasped with whatever remaining air she had from the hand that was getting tighter around her neck. "Shiro! Stop! It's me Pi-" She was cut off by the strong hand around her neck.
"You can't get me now, can you witch." Shiro's breathing was heavy and his eyes were slightly glazed over. "Now let's see who likes getting put under!" He thrust his activated hand towards Pidge's face.
She realized she wasn't able to dodge fast enough as the awful stench of burnt flesh met her nostrils. Her stomach curled at the smell and the edges of her vision started to blur from the lack of oxygen from her lungs. No, stop! Please, somebody! Help Me!
"Shiro," she tried one last time to pull the man from the depths of his flashback. She shut her eyes tightly and thrashed around trying to dishevel the man on top of her. The grip around her neck only tightened.
"Stop struggling you druid." Shiro pulled his hand back for another blow.
No! Please stop. Help! Somebody help! Pidge's vision was starting to fade from the lack of air when she heard another voice.