Sup guys, lighting Wolf here back for another story, this one about Call of Duty. I don't own Call of Duty, Activison, Infinity Ward and Microsoft do. Enjoy the 500- word chapter.

5 days before Sdf attack on earth.

"Admiral Nicolas, we have reached the Mars system. Unrelenting scanning for signs of Sdf activity." Vice Admiral Nicolas Martian looked out into space as the super carrier moved towards the planet. 5 destroyers, 2 carriers and 3 cruisers traveled with the super carrier as it carved its way through space. Nicolas spoke up a minute later.

"Lieutenant Welsh, ready all weapons and ready the Skelters, I am taking the marines for a scouting mission." The admiral then left the room as he proceeded to the Ship's armory to get his equipment the man typed at a console as a Volk assault rifle and a Kendall handgun rose from the rack as the console turned the admiral's clothing into a combat suit complete with an air mask. The admiral turned to one of his marines who wore the Sdf logo but in a red color.

"Admiral, Sdf isn't going to defeat itself. We have Skelters standing by for your orders, we are ready to be boots on the ground." Nicolas nodded and returned the soldiers salute as the two rode the elevator down to the ground floor within the Super carrier. Crew men and marines alike got ready as a Warden class Dropship was being readied for ground assault. The marine commander turned to his platoon as the admiral walked into the ship.

"Alright marines, here is the mission, we are to scout and destroy minor Sdf fueling pumps located on the surface. We have reports at least one carrier is on station. Admiral Nicolas has put the rest of the fleet onto wild space for now. Any combat data secured on the mission will be sent to the Unsa and Sato. The Unrelenting will be standing by as mission control and air support." Nicolas laughed as he walked onto the dropship.

"Mark, they don't need the same crap fed to them. They know the drill, we have been doing this for weeks." The sergeant laughed and joined his friend in the ship as it took off with 10 Sdf marines on board.

"Yeah well, they don't know the same damn things we do now do they? Sometimes you just got to show the marines who's boss." Nicolas shook his head as the dropship broke through the sky and dropped the marines off. Nicolas readied his Volk as the marines moved over rock and stones, each scanning a stretch of land as they moved like shadows over the Martian landscape. A hostile Sdf marine readied his weapon before Nicolas shot him in the legs before punching his mask into pieces, the soldier died from lack of air a second later.

"Dumbass, marines keep moving. Shadow man to Unrelenting, we are moving on. Keep on station until we are done, Admiral Nicolas out." And with that the marines moved on.

Author notes

Ok two things. One this story isn't going to be all military slang and such because I have two much respect for the military to mess up their lingo. And two the grammar for this story is something I try my best at, I know it's not great at times. But I try. Anyway, next chapter should be up either next Tuesday or Thursday. Until then lighting wolf out!