Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars: The Clone Wars, if I did, do you really think Ahsoka would have left and it would have ended?

"You never would've made it as Obi-Wan's padawan." Anakin Skywalker said, "Therefore you probably won't make it as mine."

The little Torgruta looked crushed, she looked down, gazing at the ground like she wanted it to swallow her up.

"Come on little one, it'd probably be best to get you back to camp." Anakin said gently, not wanting to hurt her more than he had by rejecting her.

Obi-Wan was waiting for them by a gunship. "Master Yoda said that if you didn't want a padawan, she will be sent back to the temple for further training."

Anakin looked at Ahsoka, "She would be a great padawan for another Jedi, but I'm not ready for the responsibility."

"I see." Obi-Wan rubbed his beard, "She will be sent back to the temple for further training."

Ahsoka bowed to Anakin and Obi-Wan then boarded the ship that would take her back to Corusant, away from the war.

Obi-Wan turned to Anakin, "She would have been a brilliant padawan, I don't understand why you would give her up."

Anakin turned to him, "She's brave, but reckless, she's too much like me for me to teach properly, she needs a proper Jedi, a proper teacher, I will not deprive her if that."

"Maybe not, but you've deprived her of something many others have."

Anakin looked confused at Obi-Wan's cryptic words but instead looked at the ship that was now nothing more then a speck in the sky. He couldn't help but think Obi-Wan was correct, maybe he made a mistake...

-Many Years Later-

"Fall back!" Anakin yelled to his men. They were on Felucia, only thing was, they were losing.

There were various shouts of "Man down!" And "Retreat!", but nothing more then the usual. Anakin sighed, the war had been going on for too long now, and the Jedi and the clones were tired of the endless fighting.

To this day he still regretted not taking a padawan. Every once and a while, he would wonder what had happened to that young, peppy and spirited padawan that had almost been given to him. Sometimes he would wander down to the crèche to watch the younglings train, Anakin tried to ignore the fact that they were training to go into a war that would most likely kill them.

This battle, it looked the same, to the clones this was no different than any other battle, but to Anakin, something seemed different. Well, the battle droids hadn't gotten any smarter, so at least that hadn't changed.

The various shouts of the clones and a explosion in the distance brought Anakin back to reality, he had to focus on the present, they were in a war here! One misstep and they could all be dead within seconds. He had to focus. Anakin ordered his men to wait for the droids to come to them then attack, a painfully similar way to when he and Ahsoka had done so in the Battle of Christophis. Except the Separists had no shield this time.

After about a few more days of fighting, it was over and they could ( hopefully ) return to Corusant for some much needed rest, force knows he needs it. The council had been throwing him on non stop missions that literally came right after the previous one was finished. He knew his men had gotten little to none rest at all so maybe he could that to persuade the council for some time off. It just occurred to him then that if he had a young padawan, the Council might have been willing to give them some time off.

General Skywalker and the 501st battalion were on a shuttle heading back to the Resolute, for his men, they could rest, relax and get medical attention if needed, for him, he had to contact the council and get through a very long mission report then do a written report on what had happened on the mission, including the casualties and injuries.

They finally got out of the planet's atmosphere but the Resolute was nowhere to be seen. But there had to be a shuttle sent for them to be picked up, so where had the Resolute gone? It was then he remembered that right after the shuttle had left to pick them up that Admiral Yularen had contacted him saying that Separists warships were still attacking them and they had to retreat before they were all destroyed. The Admiral had said that another Starship would be here to pick them up, but there was no Starship in sight.

Another ship suddenly came out of hyperspace. Anakin frowned, it didn't look like a Republic or Seppie ship. But if was neither Republic or Separist, who did it belong to? As the ship came closer, one of the clone recognized a emblem on the side of the ship.

"Uh, General? I think you'd better come look at this." CC-5555, also known as Fives, said. Anakin walked over to where the trooper was standing and looked at the ship.

"Oh no," Anakin muttered under his breath. Pirates, off course, they came after a battle end scavenged useful parts to sell and sometimes take live hostages if necessary. That was the big difference between regular scavengers and pirates. Scavengers usually stay on one planet their entire, or most of their life and they don't go around taking people to sell for money, or attack ship. Pirates were known for attacking ships, and taking and sometimes killing their captives.

What was even worse was that he recognized the symbol, it belonged to the Weequay pirate group, Hondo's group. The gang that resided in Florrum, the gang that imprisoned Obi-Wan, Count Dooku and him.

"Sir, we're caught in a tractor beam!" The pilot said. Well, now they couldn't do anything, this ship, well shuttle, was more equipped for transport rather than defense or offense, they couldn't do much but wait.

The shuttle was set down in the pirate's hangar with a loud clunk. Anakin heard the ramp lower and the door open. A Torgruta female walked up the ramp and entered to ship. All the clones were now standing at attention their hands near their blasters in case of a fight. The torgruta's gaze glanced over them all, although it was only a quick sweep to identify which side they were, her gaze was a bit unnerving. She seemed to peer into their very souls and find the deepest and darkest secret they knew.

Her eyes were crystal blue with a dangerous glint. Anakin figured this out when her gaze lingered half a second longer then it should have on him. Anakin connected the dots slowly in his head, until he came to the only possible answer. It couldn't be, he tried to convince himself. He looked at her again, it just couldn't be her.

AN: Okay, so just to clear things up, Anakin didn't accept Ahsoka as a padawan and she was sent back to the Temple for further training. I can't tell you the next part because that would spoil the story. Anyway the rest is pretty clear, I'll explain more later when the story is further along so that I don't give away the plot too soon.

I know I've been missing and I am truly sorry, there were times when I had some time to spare but then I started writing and I'm like, wow, this sucks, nevermind I'll just do it later when I have better ideas. But, look, I just my lazy butt up to work and write, mostly because I promised my friend I would. So yeah, that's the story of my life, bye!