A/N: I realize that I should really be working on my other fic (A RoyAi fic titled, "Mom and Dad"), but I'm being stubborn. I just recently started watching Shingeki no Kyojin because my friends freaked out when I said I had no plans of watching it. They literally tied me to a chair and forced me to watch Episode 1. 25 episodes, 1 prequel and 87 manga chapters later (which, mind you, I have finished in just two days!), here I am writing my first LeviHan fanfic. Please be kind! :D
The crowded streets of Trost District bustled with activity. People were out and about, busy with whatever they did. Merchants lined the streets, trying to woo passersby into purchasing their wares. Children ran around with their boisterous squeals and laughs adding to the seemingly permanent noise that locals associated the area with.
It was a nice, sunny day and the remaining six Survey Corps rookies were granted a precious day off, where they were free to leave the Headquarters to do whatever they pleased, so long as they remaine on-call in case of emergency and they finish the chores assigned to them. It was especially a treat no to have a certain short Captain breathing down their necks all the time with hands wiping under inconspicuous spots in search of leftover dust.
Eren, Mikasa and Jean were tasked to gather firewood from the forest just outside the towncenter. Sasha and Connie braved the busy marketplace to buy food and cleaning materials since Levi had gone through all the detergent they stocked. Lastly, Armin was tasked to go to the Supply Building to request for gas tank refills, a few replacement uniforms and a few thunderpoles and blades.
The titans seemed to have laid low for a while now. Since the battle between the Suvey Corps and the Beast Titan, Armoured Titan and the Colossal Titan six months ago, there hasn't been a significant movement from them. They probably were still reeling from Berthold's death.
Humanity, in turn, gained a new advantage with Armin's new titan abilities. But they have better than be complacent. Those titans could just be plotting something unthinkable and they'd all be damned if they'd just sit around and wait for that to happen.
No, not after all those lives lost.
"Oi, horse face!" Eren called out to Jean who struggled with the load on his back. Really, people from Wall Rose really had it better. Jean's family had gas supplies and didn't need to gather firewood to make fire. Residents of Wall Maria didn't have that luxury. "Hurry up! We should be back at the base before sundown. You really shouldn't be struggling with that little amount of wood."
Said 'horse face' glared at the dark-haired teen. "Quit your yappin'! You're not even carrying as much firewood as me!" Then his expression switched to mocking. "Let's just spar, one on one! I'll show you these muscles are not just for show! Like yours."
"Why you-!"
A hand caught Eren's sleeve before he could tackle Jean. "Eren," Mikasa uttered with a shake of her head, effectilvely stopping any possibility of a brawl between the two teens.
Eren huffed indignantly before stalking ahead and into town with a noticeable limp. 'Shit,' Eren cursed inwardly as a particular step sent jolts of sharp pain down his thigh. It was four days since Commander Zoe hit him with a spear coated with a mysterious substance, and the wound was only now beginning to heal. Though with his titan regenerative abilities, he should've been able to heal himself right after he was injured. But, whatever that substance was, if it brought him down surely it can deal significant damage to other titans as well.
Mikasa still hasn't forgiven the Commander for that experiment, though.
Eren headed to the center of the town with Mikasa and Jean foloowing behind. It was where they'd meet up with Armin, Sasha and Connie when they finished with their tasks. It was a loud and crowded place, perfect for concealing their identity.
When they returned six months ago, the legion reduced to only nine soldiers, the welcome party had mixed feelings for them. While most rejoiced that humanity has taken hold of Wall Maria once more, a smaller group openly displayed their disgust towards the Survey Corps. It wasn't really a big deal, but the Commander ordered the soldiers to bring minimum equipment and identifying objects when going outside the headquarters.
The dark-haired titan shifter scanned the crowd for their friends. Ever since their last face off with the beast titan, they hadn't gone on any mission outside the walls except for the Commander and the Captain. To say that Eren was itching to kick some titan ass would be an understatement, especially after all the information they had gathered from his father's basement.
They suffered massive losses from the last battle just to get to that basement and to take back Wall Maria, but he couldn't exactly say that it wasn't worth it. With the gate sealed with his titan shell and the absence of the enemies for half a year, people slowly began to settle back in Shiganshina to rebuild what was once a lively district.
Queen Historia actively supported the rehabilitation of Shiganshina and even directed resources to the area to encourage new settlers. Food shortage wasn't an issue anymore and trade had prospered once again.
The trio stopped at one of the benches at the center and put their burdens down while they rested their tired bodies. There was a royal courier announcing some news from the Capital, and a few citizens gathered around to listen to the Queen's words.
But there was one remarkably important thing that hindered the continuous prosperity of humanity.
"By Decree of Her Royal Majesty, the Radiant Queen Historia, all unwedded men or women from the age of 18 are hereby required to obtain a husband or a wife and start a family in the soonest possible instant. If, by the end of two months' time, an individual fails to secure a spouse the government shall marry them with another unbetrothed individual. This is to ensure that the humanity fluorishes for generations to come."
A/N: Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading! I had a really hard time with the formal medieval English so I apologize in advance if it seems awkward or just plain wrong. OTL