Foxes, few to nobody trust them without reservations, but she was one of those few, who trusted me, a fox.

By the old laws of nature, we were enemies, when we were uncivilized and wild. Now we lived along side eachother in a makeshift peace and are sophiscated but even in the most sophisticated animal, there's a feral one that needs to be let out. All they is needed is a trigger.

And that was exactly what the Nighthowler serum was for, making us realize our humility and to rip away the facade of being civilized.

The serum could make any animal revert back to a feral state, not just predators.

Chapter 1: Alive inside

How do I know all this? well because I've taken the nighthowler serum twice. The first time on accident,it started out with us being cornered and chased by Bellwether's cronies in the natural history museum, then things went down hill even more.

"uGHHH, AAAAHHH" I stopped, hearing Judy cry was bad then I smelled her blood. I turned around and saw her clutching her leg.


She injured her self on the Mammoth tusk, her little leg had a gouge in it.

I knelt down next to her, pain etched on her delicate furry face.

I gently pulled her closer to me.

"Here. Come here. I got you."

She huffed and groaned in pain.

"It's okay relax." I gently reassured her, the coward in me was thinking about making a break for it. Fucking bastard...

I pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket, the same one from my junior ranger scouts uniform.

I opened it, blueberries spilling out.

"Blueberry?" I offered a blueberry to Judy, attempting to help ease her pain. I hated seeing her in pain, it hurt me too.

"Uh pass" She said cringing, I wanted to take away her pain, to hold her.

"Come on out Judy." Bellwether Chimed, Panic filled Judy's face, I bandaged her leg or tried as she tried pushing me away.

"Take the Case, get it to Bogo." She shoved the case at me.

The hell I was going to leave her, nothing could make me leave her again.

"I'm not leaving you behind. Thats not happening" I said in an harsh whisper.

"I can't walk!" She retorted

"Just- We'll think of something!" I whispered urgently

"Come on out, we're on the same team Judy. Underestimated, under appreciated. Aren't you sick of it?!" Bellwether said coyly

She paused, while she was hunting for us, me and Judy came up with a plan which involved switching the pellet serum with blueberries, take out the first pellet and replace it with a berry and let me get hit, and fake going savage and some how nail Bellwether with the carrot pen. That confound it pen, the same one that lead me and Judy on an amazing journey.

Simple, easy and foolproof.

Bellwether continued her semi convincing rant

"Predators, they maybe strong and loud but prey outnumber predators 10 to 1.'"

Carrots groaned in pain, I had to get her out of her, but first I had to distract Bellwether. Then I hit me, to distract Her I put a ceramic bunny warrior in front of a light creating a shadow and then I picked Judy up, her body was warm and soft and small in my arms.

"Think of it, 90% of the population untied against a common enemy. We'll be Unstoppable!" She snarled, i heard her fingers snap in our direction. With Judy in my arms, I ran for the exit.

The exit was insight, we almost had made it undetected, but I tripped over a metal pole, I didn't fall but the clattering of the metallic rod, drew the sheep's attention.

"Over there!" The ewe yelled.

I was panting from running and carrying Carrots at the same time. I was losing my grip on Judy, causing me to slow down, giving the ram chasing us an oppourtunity to Ram into us, sending the two of us into a display pit.

I landed with a thud, Judy landed beside me, I felt a twinge of pain in my ribs. I pushed it off, my first concern was Judy. She was holding her leg, but she was okay.

I looked at Bellwether, she had the gun.

"So now what? You're just gonna kill me, is that it?" Judy said, Bellwether laughed.

"No, he is." She tossed the blueberry at me, horror filled me. My eyes went to Judy, her eyes wide and silent scream echoded through out the pit.

I yelp as I felt the dart enter my body.

My heart went through the roof, and I became electric, inside. I could feel every heart beat, every muscle contract, every hair stand up.

"Oh no." The Sound of Judy's voice brought me back. I was fighting my feral side.

I felt her chest and paws on my back, I felt myself tense up.

"This can't be happening. Whatever happens don't hurt Judy." I thought to myself.

"Come on Nick fight it." i could hear the plea in her voice, I felt her breath on me, her little paws on my side. Her scent filling my head.

A red Haze clouded my vision, while a fire raged through me. I felt like i was boiling, but yet I was shivering. I screamed mentally, while fighting to keep in control.

"NO NO NO! CONTROL YOURSELF! DON'T QUIT!" I screamed mentally

I snarled and twisted and growled, fighting against the serum.

"Come on Nick! Don't be the Monster they fear you are! Please!" I snapped my head in her direction.

with one last exhausting painstaking effort, I gave her an attempt to run.

"RUN!" I yelled at her tossing her by flinging my arm.

The beast was awake.


The sweet Irony scent of her blood filled the air, I crept on all fours towards her, the hunt was on.

She got up and feebly ran, I chased after her, trying to restrain the monster.

I followed Her, chasing her through the dry reeds, her scent, simply mouth watering.

She tossed something at me, by instinct I caught it and shredded it, my teeth sinking into soft material, ripping it. I rolled on to my back legs and used my back claws to shred the belly.

I opened my eyes, It was a fake deer.

I lost sight of Judy for a brief minute, no sounds but her breathing and heartbeat could be heard to me, as I drew closer.

Her scent filled my air, her nose twitching, my aderlinine pumping.

I watched as she crab walked away from me, her nose twitching. A new odor entered the air, metallic and unsettling and it had a twinge of the rabbit to it.
