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Chapter 2: The second letter

[Third person view]

Ace was now tied with sea stone cuff on his hands and sea stone chains tying him to the mast of moby dick. The whole crew except the commanders edge away as ace trashed tiredly against the mast, they gagged him with a piece of cloth but the glares he was giving to everyone is not a good sign to let him free. He would growl loudly, he would glare at anyone in front of him or walking pass him. Everyone. He's been tied up for 8 hours straight because whitebeard said he couldn't go and find his sister, he called up all the allies and told each and everyone of them to keep an eye out for the girl in the morning newspaper, she was very important and needed to be brought to the moby dick unharmed. While it gave ace such a huge relief, he just couldn't sit still until he has lucy in his hands, hugging her, making sure she's alive and well, listening to her saying how much she missed him, seeing her bright smile…

"Pops, I think ace is unconscious" someone shouted, this snapped his eyes open and he growled again, and the person who shouted back away with his hands raised in a surrender form with a sweat drop on his head. He continued trashing and cursing out words they couldn't even hear because of the gag.

Marco scratched his head with a lazy look, he took out the wanted poster from his pocket and looked at it again, at first he wanted to comment how hot she looked until ace made his comment about her being his sister. She looked young, especially young, as in younger than him by decades but he couldn't help and look at her face, she looked so confused in the bounty picture, it looked adorable. She looked adorable. But there's no way he was dying because ace murdered him.

"Marco, any news from our allies?" whitebeard asked marco, the other commanders were looking their ways also, wanting to know the answer. Marco sigh and folded the bounty then slid it in his pocket, not noticing how other commanders raised a brow at this but said nothing.

"No news pops, they haven't seen her, but most of them are in Grand Line and some just reached Grand Line-yoi" marco said calmly, ace was still trashing and whitebeard held his forehead thinking of ways to stop his fiery son from worrying so much. marco strolled towards ace and sat down next to him.

"Oi ace, why don't you tell us about this lucy girl-yoi" marco said lazily, he easily took off the gag while the other whitebeard pirates behind them were shaking their heads in fear. Afraid of what ace might shout and scream.

[where lucy is at]

"How the heck do I end up in these kind of places?!" lucy grumbled as she held an envelope in her hand, she tried to search for luffy but either she went into other routes or she never came to luffy's route, she was near the end of Grand Line and she couldn't find her brothers, she didn't know where to go, she had passed more than 30 island in total (strawhats been through 20, I checked) she passed weird islands even an island full of revolutionaries called Baltigo but she couldn't find any of them! Though the Baltigo one, she was forced to island jump in a hurry because kizaru was too close. Now she's in an unknown island full of green shrubs and trees with no sign of civilization…

She couldn't use Geppo for long, Geppo is the skill that helps her island jump, but at the price her legs being heavily exhausted at the force. It might not cause her any problem if she just jump a town distance… this is jumping island distance, a few days of jumping really is very tiring…

"skill list, geppo" lucy said softly, there was no one nearby but she would feel self-conscious if someone called her crazy about her abilities. A light pinkish red window appeared in front of her.

[Geppo Matery (Passive) Lv 89]
A technique of a CP9, geppo allows user to actually jump off the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. This is used to cross great distances without touching the ground. 89% increase in speed. Enable to do Sky Walk that allows user to kick the air and jump higher, enable to do Blue Walk, allows user to travel at incredible speed, resulting traveling at least as fast as a fishman underwater.

Lucy gently tapped the window tiredly to dismiss it, she couldn't find her brother's at least she knows that her brother Ace is the captain on Spade pirates… at least the last she's heard of him… she looked up to the sky and saw a sea gull, putting her finger in her mouth, she whistled for the bird to descend, in a few seconds it cawed at her but fluttered down to the blond. She gave the confused sea gull the envelope and spoke with it, she could understand animals, just like luffy. She told it to find Portgas D Ace. The sea gull cawed and flew away towards where ace was at.

The island was empty from civilization so she decided it's a good place for her to rest for a bit before she island jump again. Her feet were tired. Lucy held her hair down as a sea breeze passed her sending her sundress to flutter against the breeze. She walked in the forest in search of shelter. Lucy looked up to the darkening sky with a sad sigh, her sandal crunch the grass as she walked aimlessly in.

"Ah… when ace, sabo and luffy finds out I'm not on Dawn Island… they'll probably kill me"

[where ace was at]

Its been hours already but ace hasn't stopped growling like an animal, the pirates that passed by him all flinch or shriek and ran away in fright. The commanders face palm. Its been a few hours already and night was upon them, ace hasn't had lunch or dinner but he didn't seem to care much. haruta and thatch were hiding behind whitebeard trying to act brave but failing horribly. Suddenly a miracle happened. ace was silent. This got the immediate attention of the commanders.

Marco rubbed his head tiredly, he tried to talk to ace but… he just growled at him and not talk to marco at all, the whole day he just growled and glared at every single one that came near him. but for him to suddenly stop and went silent got his attention, he looked at ace to see him staring at the night sky intently, marco shifted his gaze upward to the sky like all the commanders did only to blanch, another sea gull carrying an envelope?! It hasn't even been a day since the first envelope arrive. The sea gull flew down to ace who was staring at it. The letter was dropped and it flutter down towards ace.

"I'll be taking this-yoi" marco appeared right in front of ace and grabbed the letter in mid-air, he was careful enough not to crumple the poor letter. He flipped the paper and the same hand writing that wrote Portgas D Ace.

"Oi! Marco! That's Mine!" ace growled from where he was still tied up, staring upwards to his 'brother' marco, who by the way, had a lazy look on his face. He easily opened the envelop and began reading it.

To Ace-nii~
hey ace! I'm so lost right now, I'm near the end of Grand Line, I think the end of Grand Line is at some island called Sabaody Archipelago, which I don't even know if I'm close to it or not. I met weird people, very weird people, I'm so exhausted, you wont believe how much island I jumped because of that weirdo bling bling Oldman, I'm supposed to be resting at this weird unpopulated island, those weirdo's are still chasing after me, I don't know how that bling bling guy keep on finding me. andddd I cant find luffy, at all. And I don't know where sabo is, and I don't know where you are. I think I'll try to shake the marines off me when I reach new world. P.s A nice weirdo guy bought me cotton candy! P.p.s I'm still lost right now. Weird.

Ace looked at the letter with his eyes wide. He fell in a narcolepsy attack while the other whitebeard pirates jaw drop at what ace's sister said.

"SHE'S ALMOST THROUGH GRAND LINE?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN A DAY! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" thatch shouted in shock, never has anyone go accomplish more than half of Grand Line in less than a day. But ace's little sister seems to have done it, her starting bounty being so high. The moby dick burst with shouts and questions unanswered. Whitebeard gestured to the whole crew to be silent while he think of what to do.

"Pops, this is…" jozu said, too shocked to finish the sentence, whitebeard hummed with a grin. marco sweat drop as he realize what kind of grin that is.

"I'm interested in this brat. Marco, make sure ace doesn't harm himself, I believe she'll enter new world by tomorrow and we'll easily find her. Bring me a denden mushi! I need to contact our allies!" whitebeards laugh boomed the whole ship, marco sigh as he unlocked the sea stone chains chaining ace to the mast, the narcolepsy man fell face forward with sea stone cuffs on his wrists. Everyone sigh at the snoring idiot.

"I think there's more to her powers than healing-yoi" marco said out loud, whitebeard and the other commanders looked at marco curiously.

"Think about it, she passed through Grand Line in less than a day and kizaru still haven't caught her, she must really be something-yoi"

[Where luffy is at]

"I cant believe this!" chopper said, he held the newspaper in his hand, it was night time and he didn't get to read the morning newspaper because they all went exploring in an island before Sabaody Archipelago, now that their back on the sunny, he was holding the news co paper with disbelief.

"What is it chopper?" nami asked, she looked at chopper from her map. Robin merely glance at chopper with a mysterious smile, luffy was eating all the meat and sanji was shouting at him from the kitchen, zoro hasn't moved from one place, sleeping. Chopper was shaking softly as he seethe at the newspaper.

"They're hunting a small girl! And her starting bounty is high, so now a lot of bounty hunters are probably after her! She looks innocent!" chopper said as he put the newspaper on the table next to the robin.

"Looks can be deceiving chopper" nami said trying to calm him down. What's this about a small girl with a bounty?

"They said she destroyed an island in East Blue! And because of that three admirals are chasing her! This just doesn't feel right!" chopper grumbled as he crossed his hands. Luffy appeared on deck, running out of the kitchen with a piece of meat in his mouth with a grin and a loud 'shishishi', sanji came out and sighed as he gave up on scolding luffy, he walked to chopper who looked slightly mad. Nami and robin looked at chopper slightly concerned, zoro merely opened his one eye to see what's the fuss about.

Chopper took out the bounty and stare at it intently. Luffy ran behind chopper and glanced at the bounty which made luffy freeze immediately, his infamous grin was wiped off his face and he stared at the bounty from behind chopper with a blank face. robin and zoro saw this, both jolted in slight shock as they watch luffy's face grew shadowed. Sanji went behind chopper to see the bounty also.

"Chopper, there's no need to react that badly, marines lie a lot in the news" sanji stated calmly… until he saw the picture "OH MY! WHOSE THIS GODDESS?!~" sanji's eyes turned into hearts and he clasp his hands together. His sweet moment didn't last long.

"Don't talk about my sister like that" sanji froze from his fawning moment, that growl… came from his childish captain, that was behind him… he knew luffy wouldn't hurt him… but why does it feels like he was being stared down by a undefeatable predator?! The entire crew turned to luffy in shock at the tone he used… sanji felt the weight on his back lift when he spun around, he faced a grinning luffy who was still chewing on a meat, the feeling of being stared down was gone and the tense air vanished.

"l-luffy?!" chopper exclaimed as he looked at his captain shakily, his hooves were slightly shaking, the bounty paper slip pass his hooves and flutter in the sea breeze, only for a rubber hand to snatch it. Luffy pulled back his hand and stared at the paper intently. Very intense, his whole face was unreadable as he chewed slowly. Nami decided to ask the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Luffy, she's your sister?" nami asked. Luffy grinned again.

"Un! This is my sister, Lucy! I wonder why she's in grandline… she's still 16. COOL! She has a higher start bounty than me!" luffy said cheerfully, chopper looked at luffy carefully, same did nami, he didn't know about why her bounty is high… that's a big possibility he doesn't know.

"Luffy… your sister…" nami start. But paused at the overprotectiveness in his eyes when his attention was directed to her.

"What about my sister?" luffy asked bluntly. Robin decided to tell him.

"Captain-san, your sister destroyed an island and is currently being chased by the three admirals" robin stated calmly. luffy had a blank normal look.

"Oh okay" he said. The crew held their breath. luffy's brain finally processed the news.


[Where lucy was at]

"Inventory" lucy grinned as a peach coloured window appeared in front of her. She was in a cave at the side of a mountain. She was sitting crossed legged on the floor of the cave, a small fire in front of her that she successfully made, and she's proud of it. a success!

She pulled out a piece of meat that was bigger than her head and held it above the fire. There were a few clothes in her inventory but she preferred to wear her sundress, there was a half-eaten cotton candy that she got from drake-ossan. One piece of meat in a few slots. Some fruits, nothing much, she managed to get some stuff only, she was never prepared for something like this to happen. The scent of cooked meat hit her nose and she had a small drool at the corner of her lip.

Lucy slipped off her sandals, her tired feet refuses to move anymore. She reached for it and lightly held it and started massaging it. Her hand lightly glowed as she massaged it to relieve its fatigue and pain. She let out a small groan of satisfaction.

[Massage (passive) Lv 148]
Allows user to take fatigue away from human

[Where sabo was at]

Sabo mentally panicked as he stared at his leader in front of the meeting room. Since the top marines were chasing an unknown person across Grand Line, dragon planned they get intel from Mariejoes. They already planned everything and dragon elaborated how to sneak in. Sabo didn't know what to do, when dragon said they chased a girl named lucy, which made a small voice behind his head scream at him. Then dragon pulled out a bounty and said this was the lucy girl and his brain went into a full blown panic. That was lucy. HIS LUCY! After dragon finished, he question them.

"Any saying in this?" dragon's commanding voice rang in the room. Hack raised his hand, gaining the attention of everyone in the meeting.

"Dragon-san, at the start of the meeting you said the admirals were busy chasing an unknown person. Can we check why the admirals would want this person? What's so important that all three were ordered to go after this person?" hack questioned. Dragon looked opened his file and checked it. They had no intel or info on the person, only a name, a picture, and news that she destroyed an island in east blue.

"To answer why their possibly after her: they're after her power. She's 16 years old, she was on dawn island in east blue which is probably the island that was destroyed." Sabo detailed. Everyone at the table blinked as they owlish stared at him.

"Do you know her, sabo?" hack asked, dragon held his chin thinking about what sabo just said. Sabo nodded.

"She's my imouto" this paused everyone's thought. Imouto? Imouto?! Imouto=little sister?!

"Wait Wait Wait, the three admirals are chasing after your sister?!" koala gasped, sabo nodded again.

"What is her power?" dragon asked, the meeting table were full of whispers and gasps of the news.

"I don't… exactly know how to explain, she has… access to multiple er… hundreds of things… but I know the possible specific power their after that's in her" sabo explain as he rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't know how to explain to them about lucy's power, it would take hours of explaining to even grasp the basic…

"What are they after?" hack asked, the murmuring stopped and everyone listened, wanting to know why also.

"Her healing powers" Sabo answered seriously. Everyone blinked, then the murmuring burst out again.

"Healing powers? What exactly do you mean? As in she's a healing devil fruit user?" koala asked, hack tapped the table with his finger in thought.

"She's not a devil fruit user, she can swim just fine. And by healing powers I mean she can 'heal' people" sabo stern the word 'heal' everyone had serious face's because they were trying to grasp the news.

"She can close severe wounds in a few seconds, and it'll look and feel as if it was never wounded at all. Scratches and bruises gone in seconds, bullet wounds, detached limbs. I've never seen the extent of her powers but she once told me that she could revive the dead… under the circumstances that the person is dead for only a few minutes." Sabo elaborated. He could hear all the gears turning in their heads and could feel the questions rising in their heads.

"She can revive the dead?! She can bring someone back to life! That's a useful ability!" someone at the table said, others nodded and more statements being built.

"If the government were to catch her, they might have that ability" another stated calmly, murmurs began to be louder.

"To be able to recover that fast in battles… oh my!" another exclaimed. Sabo rubbed his back neck again, they don't need to know about her other ability's right?

"Sabo, how do you know she can revive someone who has passed away? You said she told you that she could, but have you ever seen her do this?" dragon asked, the table quieted yet again and stared at sabo who rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Which somewhat surprise them a bit.

"Well you see… I'm the person she brought back to life"

[where ace was at]

He face planted on the table in the galley, worrying his brothers who were glancing at him. it was morning now, a day had passed since the letter came, ace now didn't try to jump off the ship and listen to whitebeards order of staying. The other commanders tried to cheer him up but he just sulked on the table. Marco sat next to the face planted boy and glanced at his father figure then to his little brother.

"Ace, why don't you tell me a bit about your sister-yoi?" marco asked, ace raised his head slightly and glared at the pineapple head who had a lazy look on his face. marco raised his hands in defence and continued "woah, I don't mean harm, I meant I wanted to know a bit of who she is to you, like her past, or what she did, or how she met you-yoi"

Ace glare lessen and he put his chin on the table and looked at marco.

"Fine…." Thatch fist pumped in the air behind ace and scoot over closer to listen also, not realize that now a lot of the whitebeard pirates were scooting over to hear about ace's sister.


Ace and Sabo were 8 years old, Luffy was 5. Luffy already had his straw hat and his gomu gomu powers. They already made the treehouse on the tallest and most sturdiest tree they chose. It was supposed to be a normal morning when the three of them jumped out of the window of the treehouse and landed skilfully on the ground and ran to find breakfast.

It was supposed to be a normal morning, while hunting, sabo and ace ran forward to find a target when luffy saw something. It was behind the bushes moving away from where he was and it was enough for the small idiotic brother to run that way instead of following his older brothers.

What he saw peaked his curiosity, he slowed down and peeked from the bushes at the thing he saw. a small girl, he stared at her yellow hair that was slightly glowing to him, her back was facing him and he saw how her clothes looked, a small tattered and dirty sundress. She was barefooted. He watched her walk slightly and looked at a direction. He was about to jump and shout at how cool her hair looks until a boar comes barrelling out and charged at her. Luffy let out a shouted and flailed his hands upwards to warn her.


A loud crash resonated through the clearing where the girl was standing, Luffy's eyes turned into stars as he looked at the blond girl, she was holding out a fist that knocked the boar into the ground in front of her, clearly caused the crater, the boar was K.O

"SUGOIIII!" luffy jumped out of the bushes, scaring the small girl. Luffy bounced to her and poked the boar with stars in his eyes. he snapped his head to the blond girl who took a step back.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! FIGHT ME!" luffy yelled to the sky, the small blond girl staggered back at how weird luffy is.


At the same time, two older brothers paused when they feel the urge to hit their little brother, they turned their head only to see a missing little brother.

"LUFFY?!" that was sabo

"I KNEW HE DID SOMETHING!" that was ace

The two then ran around to find their little brother that has a high possibility of killing himself and no chance of hunting at all. They could hunt later, right now they need to find their idiotic little brother.


Luffy stared at the small girl that was hiding behind a tree in front of him. Her owlish eyes looked adorable, and her blond hair looked slightly messed but still radiated the same glowing colour that peaked his interest.

"Why are you hiding?" luffy asked bluntly, the boar was next to him still in the punch crater that the small girl created. The girl looked like it was confused at what he was saying. She didn't say anything. Luffy grinned.

"My name's Monkey D Luffy! The future Pirate King!" luffy yelled with his hands on his hip, the girl blinked her owlish eyes.

"My… name… Lucy..." the small girl said softly, luffy blinked at her.

"I like your voice!" Luffy said bluntly and bounced to the girl behind the tree. Lucy tensed a bit and slightly start shaking. Luffy didn't notice this and jumped next to her. lucy edge away cautiously.

"How old are you?! I'm 5!" luffy grinned and edged nearer to the small girl that was a few inches shorter and smaller than him.

"..f-four…" lucy answered nervously, luffy laughed his 'shishishishi' laugh. Suddenly his stomach growled loudly, making lucy hide behind another tree near to him and peeked at him.

"Ah, I'm hungry!" luffy whined as he pat his stomach. Lucy blinked and looked like she was thinking of something, luffy turned and was about to walk away until a small hand tugged his wrist that was holding a pipe.

"Want… to… hunt with… me? i'm… alone" lucy said softly, luffy looked at her then grinned again. He grabbed her hand and ran to the clearing again.

"ADVENTURE!" he yelled, his hand that was gripping the pipe fist pumped to the sky, lucy staggered behind him a bit.


"LUFFY! WHERE ARE YOU! LUFFY!" sabo shouted as he and ace jumped branch from branch, they haven't seen a single strand of hair from the rubber boy and it was making the two brothers panic. It's been a while since luffy went missing, and the two brothers are almost at the point where they tear apart the whole jungle to find their brother.

They jumped a few more times until they saw a small clearing further ahead, they jumped from branch to branch and stopped when they saw luffy at the clearing with another person.

About 5 newly killed boar were in the middle of the clearing, and next to the boar's was luffy staring at a small girl that was slightly smaller than him with stars in his eyes, holding a dead bunny upside down to luffy, her back was to the two brothers and they did the one thing that came to mind. Protect luffy from the stranger.

"LUFFY!" the two shouted, they jumped into action and raised their pipes above their heads to the small girl. The small girl managed to turn her head slightly before a pipe came down on her hand that was holding out the bunny, forcing her to drop the bunny. Sabo thrust his pipe to the side, where it hit her stomach and sent her flying to a tree slightly far from the three.

"LUCY!" luffy shouted, he was about to run to the girl, but ace and sabo gripped his shoulder and rushed to check if he was okay or not, slightly beaten and scratched though.

"Luffy! Are you okay?!" sabo gripped his shoulder again. ace pulled back a fist and bonked luffy's head upside.

"Why did you run off you idiot!" ace shouted with shark teeth.

"Ace and sabo hit lucy!" luffy shouted and pointed to where the tree had been unrooted by the force of being knocked over by the small girl.

"Lucy?" the two questioned.

"Un! Lucy! She helped me get breakfast for us!" luffy turn his head towards the tree only to see the small girl running away into the deeper part of the forest while holding her stomach.

"Ah! Why is lucy running away!" luffy shouted confused. The two brothers looked at luffy, and the food next to him and each other. They just hit someone helping luffy. They both cringe at the thought.

"Luffy, what exactly did… lucy do?" sabo asked. Luffy looked at them with a frown.

"Lucy saved me from being hit by boars! Then said she didn't need any of it so she wanted to give me all of it! then she said she would make sure I wont die!" ace and sabo cringe again, okaaayyyy, that really was an unarmed person just helping luffy.

"Hey! Don't blame us for trying to save you! We thought she wanted to hurt you!" ace shouted back to luffy, sabo face palmed.

"Lucy said she was lonely!" luffy shouted and flail his arms. This got sabo's attention again.

"Haaa, enough ace, luffy. Why don't we take all of these back to dandan's for food" sabo asked, this got the attention of the two immediately.

"FOOD!" luffy shouted excitedly, sabo chuckled at his little brother as ace sigh irritated but had a ghost smile on his lips.


"why don't you tell us about lucy?" sabo asked as they carried the dead animals, sabo and ace each dragged two boars, leaving luffy with one and a bunny.

"Lucy's weird! She had you hair sabo! But it was glowingggg! So cool! And she's so strong!" luffy said excitedly.

"Glowing hair?" sabo asked slightly in disbelief. Ace scoffed.

"She's a girl, girl's aren't strong" ace grumbled. Luffy stuck out his tongue at ace.

"But lucy's strong! She killed these guys with one punch!" luffy's fist pumped up in the air as if an example of what lucy did. Ace raised one brow in disbelief.

"Yeah, right" ace scoffed.

"Lucy's so nice! She caught the bunny I was trying to catch for me!" luffy grinned, sabo and ace looked back at luffy, they mentally told themselves to be nice to the girl if they meet her again.

"She looks too young to be in the forest like us, right ace?" sabo said, ace kept quiet.

"Oh! Lucy's 4!" luffy said when he heard sabo, which caused the two to look at each other then at luffy


A few days passed, ace was heading to the cliff where he would have a view of the sea. Sabo walking next to him and luffy bouncing behind them… well he was until he jumped and ran towards a bush.

"LUCY! HEY!" the two heard luffy shout before he jumped to the bush, the two immediately rushed to follow luffy. The pushed aside the bushes to see luffy standing in front of a slightly smaller girl, they couldn't believe their eyes, her hair really was slightly glowing against the sun. she didn't look beaten or scratched at all but her clothes did, they noted that she was bare footed. Lucy had a small smile on her lips as she listened to luffy's nonstop chattering. She looked happy to see luffy even without greeting him back.

Ace and Sabo walked towards Luffy, lucy noticed their appearance and edge to luffy in fear, luffy looked at lucy who got closer to him and was right in front of his chest with confusion, then turned to look at who she was looking at. He saw ace and Sabo walking to him so he grinned and waved at them.

"Ace! Sabo!" Lucy slightly cling behind luffy as luffy called out to his brothers, the two noticed it even if luffy didn't and paused. Luffy turned his head to lucy in confusion again.

"Haah? Why're you shaking lucy?" luffy asked bluntly, lucy still didn't stop clinging to luffy.

"Afraid… hurt… lucy" she said, she then dashed off, luffy yelled her name but she didn't stop running. Luffy tried to chase after her but it didn't last because he face planted to the ground when he tripped. Ace and sabo looked at the way the girl ran. she really could run fast. They were tempted to go after her but luffy was still face planted in the dirt, not moving. So they had to check on him.


Lucy really didn't want to tell them that she could see their levels on their heads. Actually, she's afraid of them because of their monstrosity levels. They were only a few years older, and luffy was one year older! But they had the most highest level on the island! Lucy recalled their levels.

The one that was hyper, wearing a straw hat
Future Pirate King
Lv 15 Monkey D Luffy

The calm one that had a top hat, also the one that hit her
Freedom Seeker
Lv 21 Sabo Outlook

The one with freckles and a mean glare, also the one that hit her
Son Of Gol D Roger
Lv21 Portgas D Ace

Everyone she had encountered were never that high. The highest level she's seen before them was level4, and that was from an old man!

Lucy trudge up the tree she was sleeping on, it was too dangerous to sleep on the ground with all the dangerous animals… she may be strong… but she was still a girl, alone in the woods.

"Status window" she whispered, a peach orange-ish status bar appeared in front of her.

Name: Lucy D Newgate
Job: The Gamer
Level: 1
Title: The Abomination

HP: 50/50
MP: 0/0

STR: 60
VIT: 5
AGI: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 3
LUCK: 20

Elemental Affinity
Lightning: 100
Water: 80
Earth: 10

Point: 0
Money: 0 Beli

She was weak, her level was only 1, even with extraordinary strength…


A drop of water hit her nose, the night sky was filled with clouds, a breeze passed her not that she minded, she wouldn't get any injury if she's hurt, she knew this. Her powers wouldn't even let her get a scratch. It would deplete her 'health bar' but soon recover when she wakes up. More drops of water appeared and lucy slowly closed her eyes and hugged her knees against the bark of the tree. The leaves being her only shelter.

The branch shifted and lucy snapped her eyes open to see a shocked looking sabo who was crouching on her branch. She tensed as sabo blinked. The down pour increased its intensity, sabo looked drenched and lucy who was also drenched looked ready to jump to another tree and run.

Sabo blinked again, lucy stood up faced another tree but before she could jump, a big hand grabbed her wrist and she flinched, she raised her hand to her face as a defence instinctively which caused sabo to narrow his eyes in suspicion.

"Woah Woah, wait up. I'm not going to hurt you" sabo said as he looked closely to the small girl who still had her hand to her face, his grip on her wrist didn't stop and he wasn't going to let go of her hand anytime soon. The rain didn't stop and they didn't care, (or lucy didn't care) that they were drenched.

"I want to ask you some stuff" sabo said still observing the girl. She hadn't said anything at all.

"why did you help my little brother?" sabo asked, lucy slowly lowered her hand slightly to the point where her eyes were looking at him but it still covered her face, and he noted that her eyes were filled with fear.

"…help… bad?..." lucy said softly, sabo opened his mouth to say 'yes' but remembered that if it wasn't for her, luffy might have been killed by boars, and because of her they got breakfast.

"helping isn't bad, I'm asking WHY you helped luffy" sabo said, he was still observing the girl, he knew it was raining and that his brothers were already at the treehouse probably worried about him but this is his chance of asking the questions in his mind the past few days.

"…don't… know…" lucy said.

"Why are you here, where's your family?" sabo questioned. He saw her flinch slightly at the word 'family'

"Don't have… any… I think…" lucy said, sabo blinked the rain water out of his eyes and continued staring at the shaking girl in front of him.

"Where's your house or home, I'll take you back" sabo said, it was raining, and she needed shelter at least, he wondered where she's been staying the whole time. but his thought was cut when she began thrashing in his grip.

"No! Home is bad! Hurt lucy! Aunt hit me! Don't take me back!" sabo used his other arm to grip the girls arm, strong enough to bruise but he didn't notice. She was trying to get away from him.

"Ok! Ok! I wont bring you back to your home!" sabo shouted in the rain as he tried to calm the girl down. Well, it did work, she slowly but surely started to stop her trashing. When she fully calmed down she looked down to her feet and ignored the fact that sabo had pinned her to the tree.


"…do you want to stay with me?" sabo asked, in his mind, he could already hear ace shouting at him for inviting a stranger in the treehouse but a gut feeling was telling him to do it, and luffy in his mind was cheering at him. Lucy looked at sabo curiously.

"Stay? Where?" lucy asked.

"At MY home, a place where this rain wont drench us" sabo explain, he observed the girls eyes, it had a curious glimmer in them. Guess he needs to find a way to make her come willingly.

"…do you want to see luffy?..." sabo tried, lucy nodded instantly and sabo sweat drop at the girl. He slowly let go of her after noticing that he pinned her to the tree. He noticed another thing. She was staring at his top hat.

"What is that?" lucy asked, pointing at his hat.

"It's a hat, you don't know what a hat is?" sabo questioned, more to himself. His brows furrowed. The girl shook her head, the water on her face went everywhere but more rain water covered them anyway.

The two jumped down the tree, with sabo holding lucy's wrist as a safety precaution. Lucy pulled on sabo's coat making him look at her.

"M-my name's Lucy..." she said, trying to imitate luffy but failing. Sabo chuckled quietly to himself, and tipped his hat to her.

"My name's Sabo, nice to meet you lucy" lucy nodded, sabo started to run and lucy staggered behind him because he wont let go of her hand.

"…why are you… helping me…?" lucy asked as they ran, she wasn't tired or exhausted, her stamina is… large. Sabo's looked back at her slightly.

"Donno, you helped luffy, just feel like helping you" sabo said, he kept running with her behind him. lucy tilted her head in confusion.


"Where the heck is sabo" ace growled as he looked out the window to the pouring outside. Luffy was rolling in the blanket making a luffy taco. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was 'slightly' worried about sabo. The wind blew slightly, making a whistling sound come out of the treehouse. A slight creak alerted ace, his eyes snapped to the entrance of the treehouse, someone was entering the treehouse. Ace grabbed his pipe and raised his pipe above the entrance, luffy glanced at ace and kept quiet while watching. A hand appeared, grabbing the side entrance of the treehouse.

"Sabo!" luffy shouted when ace brought down the pipe, a top hat appeared and the sound of metal hitting metal appeared. Sabo used his other hand to stop the incoming hit from ace. ace realized it was sabo.

"Oi ace! it's just me!" ace grumbled and quickly pulled his pipe away, he lend a hand to sabo who took it and ace pulled sabo in. sabo was smiling sheepishly as his drenched hat fell forward to the wood floor.

"Ehe… ace, I invited someone to stay over…" sabo said nervously. Ace furrowed his brow with his firm frown.

"You showed someone a way to our treehouse?" ace asked sternly. Sabo rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously, ace stood in front of him with his arms crossed. Luffy was saying something but his mouth was muffled with all the blankets around him.

"Yeah… it's someone luffy knows… you can come up now!" sabo said, a head poked through the open entrance and stared at all three of them with fear. Luffy jumped… or intended to jump, he manage to flop with all the blankets around him making him look like a worm. Ace glared at the guest that was also drenched wet. Lucy only made half her face visible in case she needed to run, her front bangs were plastered to her face because of the water.

Sabo walked to her and lend her a hand just like what ace did, lucy flinched when he lend his hand to her thinking he was going to harm her. but after a few seconds of staring at sabo's hand, she gingerly took it and sabo pulled her in. ace tensed, luffy struggled to get out of the blanket taco to greet lucy. lucy shuffled behind sabo at the glare ace was giving her.

"H-hey, M-my name's Lucy. Nice t-to meet you" lucy tried to imitate luffy and sabo. Ace still glared at the small girl behind sabo, both blonds were wet. Luffy did a few flops trying to gain all three of their attention but failed miserably. Lucy didn't dare to look into ace's eyes so she looked to the ground and shook in fear.

"That's enough ace, stop glaring at her. Let's go lucy, I'll get us some towels" sabo pulled the small girl to the corner of the treehouse and got a few towels. He passed her some and dried himself, lucy tried to dry herself but it was hard for her to do it to her hair. Her towel was too big for her head and she couldn't move much. Suddenly she felt two larger hands grabbing the towel on her head and rubbed her hair roughly making her eyes spin before pulling the towel off her head. She staggered back and sat down with her eyes comically spinning, sabo sweat drop at what he did, he tried to help her now she looked like a small lion.

"SUGOI! LUCY LOOKS COOL!" luffy laughed, ace snickered smugly at the misfortunate small lion haired girl. Sabo looked at her apologetic. The tense air suddenly felt lighter. Ace looked at luffy who was now jumping and bouncing around the small girl, he let out a huff.

"Only for tonight sabo" ace said as he looked away, sabo grinned. Luffy cheered "Lucy is having sleeping over!" sabo sweat drop at what luffy said.

"Lucy is having a sleep over, luffy" sabo corrected luffy.

"That's what I said!" luffy cheered and jumped. Lucy looked slightly confused.

"Sleep…over? What's that?" lucy tugged sabo's coat, sabo blinked.

"You don't know what sleep over means too?" sabo asked, lucy shook her head. Ace looked at lucy sceptically.

"It mean's your staying at a friend's house" sabo explained, lucy sat down in front of sabo.

"fr…iend? What's that, is that food?" lucy asked. Sabo looked at lucy concernedly. Ace raised a brow.

"Friend is people you depend on! Like, they are nice and stuff! People that don't hate you! They wont let you die!" luffy shouted happily. Lucy looked at luffy. Luffy was playing with her puffed hair that looked like a lion's mane.

"Hum… friend is… people that don't want me dead?" lucy looked at sabo with a lot on question marks above her head. Sabo just nodded.

"Now, can you tell me how you got in the woods?" sabo asked. Lucy looked at him, ace stared at lucy.

"Running from… bad aunt" lucy said softly, sabo scratched his neck and guessed he needed to ask more questions.

"Where's your mother?"


"Where's your father?"

"I don't know"

"Whose in-charge of guarding you?"


"In the forest, you said your aunt hurt you, what do you mean?" this got the attention of ace, ace glanced at sabo in question, one eyebrow raised.

"…hit lucy… always keep me in chains and cage?… don't… feed lucy sometimes… keep saying mean things… don't understand somethings…" lucy said as she twiddled her finger together. ace blinked.

"What?" sabo asked in disbelief, she was younger than him and she's going through child abuse?

"Name… lucy… aunt say I'm… abuh-me-naton?..." lucy tried saying the words. Ace felt something in his stomach when she said that word, he might not know what she's trying to say but a clear word made its way to his mind.

"Why would your aunt say you're a abomination?" luffy asked, sabo looked at luffy with an eyebrow raised, how can he understand that?!

"Uh… blood? Something…" lucy said confused, she didn't understand, same did luffy, he also didn't understand, but both sabo and ace exchange glances. Luffy yawned and grabbed lucy by her arm and dragged her to the mat.

"I'm sleepy! Let's go to sleep!" luffy fell face first in the pillow, lucy stood confused next to a deep asleep luffy. She didn't know where she was supposed to sleep, this was until luffy's arm stretch and wrapped around you two times and pulled you down.

"kya!" lucy let out softly, not noticing how two very awake brothers blushed slightly at the sound. Sabo gave ace a look and made eye communication.

'Let her sleep there' sabo raised his brow to ace, ace was baffled and argued back in eye communication.

'But that's my side!' ace huffed softly, making sure not to wake luffy up, sabo gave him a hard look.

'She's the same as you, at least give her a chance!' finally ace decided that they should whisper instead.

"How do you even know if she's the same as me? she's just a kid that went through abuse, that's all" ace whispered as he stare tensely at the person luffy was hugging, lucy was already knocked out when she hit the floor. sabo sighed.

"Look, she help and saved luffy AND got us breakfast. I think we should at least let her stay here for tonight, it's raining outside" sabo whispered back. Ace looked hard at the girl.

"Why don't she just sleep where she was at?!" ace whispered harshly. Sabo rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced at the girl.

"She was sleeping on a tree in the rain, I think she's been sleeping on that same tree since she came here, I just had a feeling of inviting her" sabo whispered/explained. ace harden look lessen but still had his guard up.

"C'mon ace, just for tonight. Remember, we hit her by accident" sabo whispered, ace closed his eyes and grumbled. He nodded and walked to where luffy was sleeping.

"Your sleeping next to her" ace pointed out and quickly went to the other side of luffy to sleep. Sabo face palmed.