Wind dropped Jack on the ground. Not violently or anything, Wind simply wanted nothing to do with Jack's death wish. Jack stumbled back toward the fight, ignoring Bunny and Tooth's frantic shouts for him to stay away. Despite the fact that it was four against one, Osud appeared to be winning.
Jack limped into the center of their fight, holding his arms up as if in surrender. "I think it would just be best if I went with Osud," he said quietly, looking up from underneath long bangs at said creature made of ice and darkness.
Osud chuckled, the sound drowning out the protests of the Guardians, and his smirk looked very similar to a black hole, which happened to be quite unsettling if you focused on it. By this point, Jack knew not to, but the Guardians had not had the extensive training that Jack had had. They openly gaped at Osud's attempt at a smile. This did not go over well with him.
The smirk disappeared, replaced with a snarl. He flung out a hand, knocking the Guardians back with a blast of icy dark sand, very similar to the stuff making up Osud. The sand crept back toward him, but the ice stayed behind. It fastened around the Guardians, effectively restricting all movement.
The other hand spun in the air, delicately creating a chain that floated through the air to attach to the collar still around Jack's neck. A portal of swirling black sand appeared in front of Osud and he roughly yanked Jack forward, toward the suffocating blackness.
Jack went limp allowing himself to be dragged to what was sure to be several months of torture, even when his already injured leg got caught on a rock that has sticking up through the snow and gashed him. The snow surrounding him no longer held much healing power. It used to, to be certain, but now there was too much darkness in his blood, or at least that was what the voice had said.
At that moment however, Sandy managed to free himself from his icy prison and shot a blast of golden sand at Jack's captor. The shimmering stream was weak, but it still caught Osud off guard. He stumbled forward through the passageway. In the process however, he still ended up dragging Jack behind him as he had melded the sand making up the chain to the sand that the creature called its flesh. Obviously, he still managed to shoot a jet of black sand at Sandy as he tripped, hitting him straight in the face and knocking him out.
Jack still didn't lose his composure after the sudden jerk, having been conditioned to avoid making noise during his many punishments. At the beginning, Jack would scream and flail about while Pitch was punishing him for doing something wrong, like speaking out of turn. It was even worse when he so much as twitched a muscle during one of his sick experiments.
He had to suppress a shiver at the memory of the experiments. The experiments were where Master had gotten the idea for the combination of their powers. They were… Not pleasant to say the least.
But how else would you be useful to Master? The voice snarked. Also, you can't just continue calling me 'That One Crazy Voice in Your Head ™. But anyway, you should pay more attention to your surroundings.
Jack looked up in interest. Typically, there wasn't much in the outside world that caught the voice's attention enough for it to point whatever it was out. He had just emerged from the portal of doom to the feet of Master. This was pretty normal. The strange thing about the scene was the fact that there was a panting lump of fur on the floor next to him. Jack himself wasn't much more than a lump on the floor at this point either, so he honestly couldn't judge.
Apparently, Bunny had freaked out when he saw the swirling black sand disappearing and so, with super human (or would it be super bunny? Or super pooka?) strength, he tore out of the icy bonds and, with a mighty leap, soared through the portal as it closed. It wasn't exactly his smartest decision, but he did manage to get through, and the only thought on his mind was not loosing Jack the same way as last time.
"Well well well," the menacing voice of Master echoed from above Jack. On instinct, he bowed his head, hoping beyond hope that the King of Nightmares and Terror would focus on the rabbit first. Usually, if Master ended up working off a little steam before a punishment, it got a lot better. There is a huge difference between excruciating pain and a couple slaps and a warning.
Luckily for Jack, his wish was granted. Pitch descended from his throne, looking for all the world like the monster that he was, with the shadows cascading over his face with a surprising amount of intensity.
"Jack," Bunny whispered out of the corner of his mouth. "While he has me, you need to run. I came to this godforsaken place to keep you safe, so while his attention is on me you need to get as far away from here as possible."
Lier," the voice hissed. Don't even think about listening to him. Why would anyone risk their life for a useless piece of trash like you? Jack nodded sadly in response to the voice in his head, but Bunny took that to mean an affirmative to his order.
Pitch had started chuckling as he approached Bunny, having heard every word that Bunny had just said.
"Now why," he said contemplatively. "Why would my pet, who I have spent the last century training mind you, even consider running? It is practically against a pet's nature!" He put a foot on top of Bunny. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him after you." He practically spit the last words, forcing them out of his mouth.
After that, Jack sat off to the said, listening to the voice's deprecating words and Bunny's yelps of pain and pleas for Jack to run.
AN: I'm so sorry for the long wait. On a funny note though, I'm writing a different fanfic for my Language Arts final with my friend! I honestly don't know how an Odyssey fanfic will go, but we do have to finish it by Wednesday, so that should be great...
My robotics team has another competition this weekend! It will probably be our last one, but I'm really hoping that we will move on to districts after this. But seriously, our robot is actually being held together with duck tape. It should be fun anyway. Being a part of FRC is really fun! Everyone is so nice and supportive and other teams even helped us finish our robot last competition!
Again, I'm really sorry for the wait. Bye!