Jean sat on her sofa next to little Capella who was already reading a story to her grandmother, even though she was not quite three. Cinderella was Capella's favorite story, and now that she had to compete for time with her little brother Leo, she learned to read so that she could hear the story as often as she wanted. Jean, of course, was just charmed and she related to Draco how Hermione learned to read when she was two because she was left with a pile of books whenever her parents brought her to the dental practice for weekend bookkeeping.

Leo, who had just turned one, crawled into the parlor with a huge grin on his face, as chase with his dad was his favorite game. "Papa, look! Cinderella just got her glass slippers so she can go to the ball!"

"But, Capella, if she's in glass slippers, then she won't be able to dance." Leo giggled as Draco scooped him up.

"Of course she can dance, Papa. She has magic glass slippers."

"Oh! I didn't realize they were magic glass slippers."

Capella turned back to her grandmother. "And now she has a carriage and horses so she can go to the ball and meet her prince."

Hermione walked in from the kitchen. "Alright, everyone needs to set everything down. Grandpa has a special surprise."

"Is it the surprise birthday cake for Grandma?" Capella exclaimed.

"Um, darling, I don't think it's much of a surprise now," Draco whispered in her ear.

Capella turned back to her grandmother. "I meant to say, I wonder what Grandpa has."

Jean tried hard to keep from laughing, but kissed the top of her head and replied, "I wonder what he has too. Why don't we ask him to come in?"

"Grandpa, you can come in now with the surprise!"

To exactly no one's surprise, he brought in a birthday cake for Jean. Leo clapped as he had recently learned what a cake was. Everyone sang Happy Birthday and Jean blew out the candle with help from Capella. "What did you wish for?" asked Robert. "What do you think?" Jean winked back as she pulled Capella closer.

Draco laughed. "Well, you'll have to open the box. Hermione, hand her the gift."

Jean undid the wrapping and found a photo album full of pictures of the two grandchildren. She gasped when she got to the last picture. "Is it a third?" She waved a picture of an ultrasound at Robert.

"Look closer," suggested Hermione, grinning at her husband.

Jean shrieked with delight! "Look, Robert! Two more grandchildren!" She ran over and pulled Hermione into a hug. Capella ran over and hugged her grandmother's leg. Leo tried to run over, tripped and started to crawl the rest of the way when he was snatched up by Robert who then joined the group hug.

Draco got the picture framed. It sits in his potions lab and every time he walks in, he smiles and remembers.