"Darn it! I need ta see some skin!"

Ginei "Gin" Morioka. The werewolf who became known as Youkai Academy's Serial Peeping Tom on his second year of high school. The sky was grey, grey like any another day, grey from dawn to dusk, grey from Sunday to Saturday, grey like the cold stone pavement that led to the dormitory, grey like the decaying graves that littered the campus grounds, grey like Ginei's fading hope of ever gracing his lustful gaze with the sight of a young girl's body laid bare. Ever since the newspaper club president was exposed for his unruly activities, precautions were instated against him as to protect the privacy of the school's female student corp. He was a wolf in his prime, yet he was leashed like a dog, subservient to man.

The walk was long on the road to the dorms. The air was damp, heavy, unbreathable. The young student could feel it in his hair, flattening against his scalp, reeking of a wet hound, the stench of a feral beast, bitter and foul, tailed him like his own shadow. The flow of time seemed to have stagnated. It was slow, still, unmoving. Gin dragged his feet sluggishly through time as though it were thick mud. Time was grey, time was dull, and the wolf was bored, bored at his own inactivity, bored.

As he reached his quarters, he realized he had left his bag in the club room. Fright shortly instilled itself inside him. He had pictures of his last preys, the girls of the swimming club in underwear, still stashed beneath his notebooks and pens. He turned back around and paced briskly back to the campus main building, shoulders tense and palms sweaty. No one must find his bag before him.

The club room, at last, and no one in sight. The hall is already empty at this hour. Relieved, he's stepped forth, but stopped at the door, however, when his ears picked up a voice from beyond the portal, rapid breathing, soft whimpers, a dulcet moan. His senses on high alert, he could feel every modulation in the in the sounds coming from the room, the faint vibrations running through the surrounding surfaces, the pitch in the voice, the scent of the breath. His ears and nose knew them all. They belonged to his fellow club member and underclassman, the Succubus Kurumu Kurono. Suddenly, in a second whiff, there came a strange odour, something damp and bitter and salty, like a copper coin, a freshly caught salmon, along with a repeated, wet slapping noise. There were pheromones in the air: a female was primed to copulate and bear child. Kurumu was trying to satisfy her basest urges.

Her silent plead fell on open ears. The presence of a rutting woman awoke Ginei's animal instincts, the drive to mate, a burning fire that spread through his blood. An idea ran through his mind in a flash, a blazing light in a grey storm: if he could ambush the girl in this moment of weakness, he might be able to bargain himself some solace, and perhaps, revenge.

Note: Chapter 1 was badly done, or at least not up to standards. This is a retry, this time written from a third person perspective.