Disclaimer: MUAHAHHAHA! I OWN THE ANIMORPHS! No, no I'm just kidding. Please don't sue me, I have only 6 pennies.

Note: Yeah, this is my very first fanfic. Please have mercy. And REVIEW. I need some advice. And, um, I like Hawaiin Punch (


Rachel -

My name is Rachel. Blah blah blah, you know the deal. Yeerks bad. We fight them. If you wanted more, sorry. I'm a busy girl.

"Jeez, Cassie, it's a BATHING SUIT! It's not like its lined with spikes or anything!" Cassie and I were shopping. Well, I was shopping. All of us Animorphs decided we needed a day off , were we wouldn't do anything Yeerk- related. We were going to have a barbecue at the beach next Saturday. Today being Sunday, it was our last day of the weekend to shop. Cassie was looking horrified at the thought of her wearing anything that showed leg. Its not like she has ugly legs. I knew what her problem was.

"Jake's eyes will drop from their sockets when he see you in this." I held up the dark blue bikini.

"I don't know." she said, biting her lower lip. "Are you sure-"

"Of course I'm sure!" I said. I grabbed Cassie and shoved her into a fitting room. Then I threw the bathing suit over the door and planted my feet firmly in front of it.

"I'm not letting you out until you wear it!" I called. I heard Cassie grumble.

"Shopping with Cassie again, I see." A voice said. It was Rina, a girl from school. Also a known controller. We had seen her wander in and out a few Yeerk Pool entrances before.

"Umm yeah." I answered nervously. It's kinda hard talking to friends, knowing there a slave in their own mind.

"Hey Cassie, did Feingold give us any homework? I was sick." Rina called into the fitting room.

"No. Marco wasted time by doing Chapman impressions. I think Feingold thought they were amusing too." Cassie said. Rina laughed.

"You know, The Sharing is having a comedy club built were the old Greenway building used to be. Tuesday is opening night. Marco should come." Rina said. The fake smile plastered on my face flickered. The Sharing was basically a bunch of Controllers trying to get more humans infested.

"Yeah. We'll tell him" I said pleasantly. It was hard to not stare at her forehead. "Although I don't know why. Marco's as funny as wet sock."

Rina laughed. "We need all the help we could get. Get some of your other friends to come too. Oh and Marco's dad is some big computer engineer right? Get him to come too. Computers must get boring sometimes." So that's what they want. They want Marco's dad. We'll see about that Yeerk.

"Well, I gotta bounce, I'll see you guys." She sauntered away.

"Rachel?" Cassie said from inside the fitting room.


"We have to go tell Jake. Now. They're after Marco's dad."

"Okay." I stepped aside to let her out, but then I quickly blocked the door again.

"What the- hey!" Cassie exclaimed.



Okey Smokey, That's Chappie One! Review please. The Reviews:0 is freaking me out. It makes me feel unwanted, unworthy of reviews. Bad reviews are good too! Give me anything. Pleeeeeeaaaaase.