It's been 9 months since Grey Mann had sent out his army of robots and the last defense for Coal Town before the robots move to the next target is starting to crumble, luckily the best of the best are on the job, but who knows how long they'll last. Grey Mann has been a pain in the ass and the worst villain in the 1970's, his army is very lethal, some build turrets, some have explosives, some with huge miniguns, and many more, why am I not telling you the rest, because I don't feel like it. They were modeled after the 9 mercenaries that are defending Coal Town at this very time.

A loud noise of a minigun revving can be heard from a distance, and a loud battle cry could be heard as well. The crude minigun made of wood and metal (Iron Curtain) was being wielded by a 7 ' 5 tall man, he was very bulky but insanely strong, he was wearing a red shirt, some gray combat pants, black boots, a bandoleer full of bullets, a red military peak hat (Team Captain), some sunglasses with a yellow frame (summer shades), a piece of armor on his left shoulder with large spikes (Bone-Cut Belt), some finger less gloves, a shotgun (family business), a satchel on his belt, and some large brass knuckles with spikes (Eviction Notice). He was mowing down robots that were identical to him and his other colleagues.

The large man then yelled, "Scout, help me defend left route",said in a thick, Russian accent. He then saw some robots with blue boxing gloves that were identical to him rushing at him, the Russian placed down Sasha (the minigun) next to a building and put on his Eviction Notice. He then punched a robot and moved at a blinding speed, he then pummeled the shit out of a robotic copy, he was about to deliver another blow when he was pinned down by two more robots, he tried to struggle but it was no use for the robots were very tough. Another robot wearing a robotic version of a ushanka revved up its own minigun and was about to fill our favorite Russian gunman with the classified bullets it had in its gun. The robot set aside his gun and punched the Russian right in the face then he knocked out one of his teeth and gave him a black eye. The robot then revved up its minigun and said in a robotic Russian voice, this is only the beginning of the pain i will cause you. But then it got hit in the head with a baseball, followed up up by getting its head blown off by a golden double barreled shotgun (Australium Force-A-Nature).

Fem-Scout:" Need some help, Heavy", said the women in a Boston accent wearing a red top, a black skirt, brown boots(Bootenkhamuns), fingerless leather gloves(Digit Divulger), a red beanie(Troublemaker's Tossle Cap), and a baseball bag on her back. She then fired another bullet and threw a bottle of milk (Mad Milk), at the Heavy-Bots, Heavy then grabbed Sasha and fired a stream of bullets at the bots, healing his wounds. Heavy then fist bumped Scout, the two then were about to gonna turn some upcoming robots to scrap only to hear the Administrator.

Administrator: Alert, a tank has entered the battlefield.

The Russian and Bostonian ran to defend the bomb's destination. They then saw a man wearing a helmet with three stars on it(armoured authority), some gloves and black boots(Coldfront Curbstomp), a red wing breaker, a bandaleer with grenades, and dark, red camo pants (Killer's Kit), he was in the air with a green, atom bomb-like rocket launcher(Airstike) heading to their destination, floating down in a green parachute(B.A.S.E. Jumper), and fired a barrage of rockets at some Scout-Bots. The Heavy and Scout ran to The Patriot. An army of Sniper-Bots then took aim at the 3 Mercenaries but all they did was look at each other and aimed their weapons at the bots.

Heavy: "You are going to need much bigger guns!"

Scout: "Let's waste em!"

Soldier: "Give'em Hell Boy's"

On the Front line a black guy in some spike armor(Dark Age Defender), a hood which covered his face and only showed a yellow eye,(Ethereal Hood), and a black cape(Horseman's Handy-downs), a battle damage shield(Splendid Screen), a red long sleeve, some red pants, and a battle worn claymore(Eyelander), was slashing and charging at Demo-Bots and chopping of the heads of Scout-Bots. He yelled, "FREEDOM!", in a Scottish accent. He then saw a Demo-Bot holding a Katana(Half-Zatoichi) and a Splendid Screen. Demo then charged at the Demo-Bot and clashed blades.

A short man was near a automated gun with a rocket launcher and two gatling guns attached to it(Level 3 Sentry), the man was wearing a brown ten-gallon hat(Texas Ten gallon), some black cowboy boots(support spurs), a white bandanna(Bruiser's Bandanna), some brown overalls, some metal by his knees, a robot arm(gunslinger), two colt-pythons that were black with white grips, and a futuristic, tan shotgun, that's probably semi-auto. He was also by a dispenser, and a teleporter, he also had a small, turret, that had no rocket launcher or gatlings guns(Mini Sentry) that was near a rock taking out some nearby Sniper-Bots).He said in a Texan accent, "Take it like a man shorty" to a Engineer-Bot.

A man in a red cape(Scoped Spartan),a black Bruiser's Bandana, and some brown boots(Archers Groundings), a red shirt, some grey pants, a fingerless glove on his left hand, some sunglasses, black hair, and a slouch hat. He was shooting enemy Sniper-Bots with his Railgun-like sniper rifle(Machina), a machete on his left side, and a SMG with a folded stock on his chest(Cleaners Carbine), He said in an Australian accent,"Engie, look out for a bloody Spy", he said to the Texan.

He then saw 3 Sniper-Bots taking aim at Heavy. Sniper the took out his machete and said to the Bot's, "Oy, nice try mates!", Sniper then chopped one of the Bot's heads off, he then clashed machetes with another and slashed at it's torso, then he threw it at the last bot and aimed at it with his Machina, "Now that's, damn right embarrassing", he said and blew the bots head off. He then saw a Heavy-Bot revved up and ready to shoot at the Aussie Assassin. "Aw piss", he thought he was a gonner but then the bot dropped onto the ground with a butterfly knife in its back(Black Rose), he had a red fedora, sunglasses(Graybans), a band of bullets around his waist with a holster on it(Fancy Bandit), and a red suit.

He took his knife and pulled out a snub nose Revolver(Enforcer) and told the Aussie in a french accent, "We've got to stop that bomb", Sniper then yelled to the rest of his co-workers, "Let's get to the bloody bomb, wankers", Demo charged to the point, Engineer took his buildings and went through the teleporter, and He saw a red Pyro-Bot, that had red eyes, a hood (Wraith Wrap), a fire axe, a flamethrower with a dragon's head(back burner), a shotgun, a flare gun, and it mpphed in a robotic voice. A man was also healing the bot with a ghost buster like gun(medi gun), a lab coat, a Robotic bird mask with red glowing eyes(Byte'd beak), a helmets with a red cross on it(Das Naggenvatcher), some black boots, camo pants(Surgical Survivalist), and red gloves, he also has a modified bonesaw (Ubersaw), and a crossbow(Crusader's Crossbow), he said, "Move, schnell", in a German accent. The 6 headed to their 3 co-workers who were still defending and pulled out their guns. Then Gray Mann came to them on a throne being carried by 4 Heavy-Bots.

Gray Mann: You were all a challenge for my Bots, but the time has come to put an end to you.

The Mercenaries took aim at Gray and looked really pissed of.

Heavy: "I promise you pain without end!"

Spy: "Give up and I will kill you quickly."

Soldier: "I am going to claw down your throat and tear out your very soul!"

Engineer: "I'm gonna lay you out!"

Medic: "Auf Wiedersehen... Schweinehund!"

Pyro: "Mmmph!"

Demo: "Don't worry, I'll be gentle!"

Sniper: "You better hold onto your head mate!"

Scout: "I am gonna mess you up!"

They were then blasted by a beam of energy, they were then knocked out only to hear Gray Mann laughing before everything faded black.

Gray Mann: Now put the bomb in.

Gray Mann saw his army weren't moving and they all blew up, Gray Mann then found a modified sapper which then blew up in his face. Gray Man the yelled in anger as he cursed out Spy.

Well, that's all, RWBY will come into play next chapter. Now you're probably wondering why Engie has revolvers, why I call Demoman just Demo, and ect. I'm trying to have an a cast different from traditional TF2, like how scout is a girl, why I used a community item, why demo is going to normally be a demoknight rather than a demoman, why engineer is going to be a gunslinger, why pyro is a robot, and why engie has no goggles and spy has no mask. Now I'm not sure how you'll respond but just keep in mind, different is not always bad, and I don't know how to make this story without copying the amazing Chief of RAGE, or who knows, maybe I'm just full of crap. But I'll try to make this original, be sure to give feedback and tell me what I'm doing wrong. Till next time, adios.