
So last chapter someone asked about Calypso. I actually had the last chapter all typed up before, but I forgot to save it and lost everything. I had to type it all over again, so I probably forgot to include some things. Originally there was a single line of dialogue it which Mr. Wittle told them that Calypso would be meeting them there. Sorry for that! I'll be changing it. I hope that clears up the confusion:)

Without further adieu, The story!

Percy POV:

Inside the plane, Mr. Wittle handed out seat tickets. I quickly sat down at the seat I was assigned to, hoping I could catch some sleep. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep..."That's my seat."

I startled awake. "Huh?" I looked up.

I found myself face to face with the grumpy girl from earlier. "I said you're sitting in my seat." She said annoyed.

"No." I looked down at my ticket and wrinkled my brow. "This is seat 6A. That's where I sit."

She took it from me. "You idiot," she hissed. "You're reading it upside down! You're in seat 9A!"

I gaped at her, then cleverly responded, "No wonder the "A" looked kind of funky."

A few moments passed in silence before she spoke up again. "Well?"

"Well what?" I looked up at her.

"Well aren't you going to move?" She sounded majorly pissed, but I decided that her temper couldn't get any worse.

"But I just got comfortable."

She looked about ready to strangle me. "MOVE!"

Mr. Wittle came up to us. "What seems to be the problem here, Annabeth?"

Annabeth pointed to me. "He's in my seat."

Mr. Wittle looked at the connected empty seat right next to me. "How about you sit in Hazel's seat? She's already decided to sit back there with Frank."

She frowned. "So everyone's got their seats?"

Mr. Wittle nodded. Annabeth sighed and sat down. Once Mr. Wittle had left I asked her, "So your name's Annabeth?"

She glared at me. "No duh, genius."

I would never admit it, but that kind of hurt my feelings. "Whatever." I turned away.

She seemed to sense that she had gone too far. Sighing she asked, "And you're name's Percy?"

"Yeah," I responded.

She grinned a little. "Did you really not know that you had won until this morning?"

I crossed my arms. "Hey! I don't know about you, but I have a whole lot of nothing piled up in the afternoons!"

She laughed. I decided that she was kind of pretty when she smiled. Being the quick sleeper that I was, I drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes.

Annabeth POV:

After my little feud with Percy, I felt kind of bad, so when he fell asleep on my arm, I didn't mind. When he started drooling on me, was when I minded.

I managed to shove a napkin I had gotten from a flight attendant under his chin, thus preventing the drool from reaching my arm. He didn't look as annoying when he was asleep, though I would never admit it.

At one point, he shifted a little and put his hand on my breast, to which I pushed his hand off blushing. Piper had seen it a few seats over and giggled. I blushed further.

When he finally woke up, I was reading a book. He seemed confused for a second, then realized that he was leaning on me. He shot up, cheeks red. I laughed and jokingly told him that he drooled when he slept.

For the rest of the ride, he kind of just sat there, interrupting my reading (which he quickly learned was not okay) and asking me stupid questions.

"Do you own an octopus?"


"Have you ridden an octopus?"


"What color are octopuses?"


"Are you even listening?"


"Hello? Is anyone in there?"


"Ok. Are you at the beach?"


"Are you not at the beach?"


"So you're at the beach?"


When the plane finally landed, I was the first one out.

Jason POV:

As soon as the plane landed, Annabeth bolted out. I saw Piper looking over at her seat and giggling during the plane ride. Oh man, Piper. I am so glad her seat was connected to mine. We talked about a bunch of stuff, from which I learned the three most important things about her (according to me):

1. She doesn't take any bullshit.

2. She's a smart and funny person.

3. She's perfect.

I felt like I had a Romeo and Juliet thing going with her where no one died and we lived happily ever after. So basically the opposite of Romeo and Juliet. I shook my head. I usually prided myself on being a sensible person. Where were these thoughts coming from?

I exited the plane with everyone else and followed Mr. Wittle to a local bus.

"We have this bus to ourselves," he announced. "It will be taking us to the site. Everyone climb aboard!"

We arrived in half an hour. The site was small, with only three cabins for visitors.

He showed us the girls' cabin and the guys' cabin. He himself would be sleeping in the third guest cabin.

We were introduced to Calypso who had had an emergency last minute, so was dropped off here by her rich father in there private jet. We were given an hour to settle in before we began our first adventure.

A guide took us deep into an African safari to learn about the cacti. We learned that young cacti are better to eat raw, because older cacti contain more acids. We were taught not to drink cactus water because it stores carbon dioxide.

In the midst of it all, Percy had gotten curious. "What's that?" he asked touching a plant next to him.

The guide's eyes went wide. "That is a severely toxic plant! If not treated, it will slowly suck up your energy and dehydrate you two times faster than normal!"

Percy looked at him for a second. "So that relates to me how?"

The guide looked at Mr. Wittle. "Is it possible for a person to be so stupid?"

Annabeth hissed. "HOW DARE YOU? I'm the only one allowed to call him stupid!"

Percy looked surprised, but nodded in agreement.

The guide glared at them, but turned to Mr. Wittle and said, "There is treatment back at the site. I can go and get it."

"I'll come with you." Mr. Wittle followed him to the bus in which we had come. He turned around and told us, "You guys stay here. Don't go anywhere. We'll be returning in this spot."

We nodded in understanding and watched the two leave.

Percy turned to Annabeth and asked, "So you're the only one allowed to call me stupid, huh?"

"Shut up, Seaweed brain." She turned around and stomped away.

"Seaweed brain?" he asked.

"Yeah, 'cause you had that whole ocean thing going in the plane."

"So you were listening to me..." He followed her.

Piper laughed. "Oh god. They're so cute."

I turned to her surprised. "What do you mean?"

She gaped at me. "You can't tell? They're so into each other."

I could not in fact tell, but I decided not to tell her that. I was just about to answer her when Frank spoke up.

"Guys. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that a lion I see glaring at us?"

We all turned to look at where Frank was pointing. I squinted at made out the shape of a lion definitely looking our way.

"Well, I don't think it's going to get any closer," I tried to reassure him, attempting to keep my voice confident. I saw Frank shaking from the corner of my eye.

"Are you sure?" Percy asked. "That sucker looks pretty angry to me."

Frank's eyes went wider and I could tell he was about to bolt. "I'm sure." I glared at Percy. "He'll leave."

Percy was about to respond, but then saw Piper and Hazel trying to calm Frank down and closed his mouth.

Calypso was braiding and unbraiding her hair, trying to make it seem like she didn't care, but kept an eye on the lion from the corner of her eye. Leo was fidgeting with something in his pockets and Annabeth looked down to avoid looking at it.

"Guys," Frank spoke up once more, "I've read all about lions. Our best chance is to keep quiet. They're colorblind, so that makes it harder for him to know that we're here."

The group managed to follow Frank's advice for about a total of two seconds.

"AHHHH!" Annabeth shrieked.

I quickly looked up to see the lion snarl our way and start to pace. Percy leapt to Annabeth's side.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.

Annabeth kept screaming and grabbed on to his shirt. "HELP! OH MY GOD!"

"What is it?!" Percy panicked (at the disco).

Annabeth kept hold of her deathly grip on his shirt. "IT'S A SPAWN OF THE DEVIL!"

"What is it?!" Percy asked again.

"IT'S A SPIDER!" She pointed to a spot near her foot and there was a huge spider. Not stopping to hesitate, Percy stepped on it. It died with a quiet crunch.

Annabeth let go of his shirt and pulled herself together.

Percy cleared his throat. "So um, I take it you're afraid of spiders."

Annabeth looked up to see everyone staring at her. "Yeah. I get a little freaked out."

Everyone was quiet. "So can we all agree to pretend that never happened?" She looked up, waiting. Slowly the rest of us nodded.

With a start, I realized we had forgotten about the lion. I turned around slowly, to see the giant cat within a mere 600 feet of us. "Umm... Maybe we should get out of his way..."

Frank saw the lion and blurted out, "That's a lion's hunting stance!"

With Frank in the lead, our entire group bolted. The lion bound after us.

We got lucky because the lion bumped into a baby zebra and stopped for a meal. Frank, on the other hand, kept going.

Hazel tried to tell him to stop, but he only responded with: "I know why seeing the lion there felt strange. Lions always hunt in packs! The others are probably nearby!"

Everyone decided to follow his lead. By the time Frank decided to take a break, we were nowhere near where Mr. Wittle had dropped us off.

"We should head back now," Calypso declared. This was the first thing I'd heard her say all trip.

"Yeah," Leo agreed. "You wouldn't want to get lost out here would you?" He grinned.

I stared at him and Hazel sighed. "And these are the stupid jokes he makes. You get used to it."

Frank refused to lead us again, so Annabeth was nominated in his place. We wandered around for a while before coming to the conclusion that we were, in fact lost. When the sun started to go down, we took a break.

Annabeth got out a pack of trail mix and we all shared a little. I don't know why, but in a crazy moment of insanity, I started laughing.

"We must have looked so funny running away from the lion. I'm still not even sure how we escaped."

Leo grinned. "But what if Mr. Lion decides to come back for round two? Who are we willing to sacrifice?"

All fingers pointed to Leo. "Hey!"

Percy's face took on a mischievous grin. "I don't think the lion would even want to eat you dude. Your hair looks kind of hard to digest.

"What! No way!" he said, indignantly. "Don't be getting all cocky. Have you seen your own hair?"

"That lion would want to eat me way more than you!"

"Don't lie to yourself. He'd obviously want to eat me!

"Are you sure about that? I'm seriously doubting it!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Annabeth decided angrily. "We'll be sure to feed you both to the lion if that's what you want."

I sighed. "Let's try to get some sleep here. I'll keep first watch."

"Watch?" asked Calypso.

"Yeah. To make sure that there are no lions or anything."

"Well, don't wake me up to take watch. I need my beauty sleep," Leo declared, lying on the ground.

Please! I screamed in my head. Someone find us already!

I liked what I wrote at the beginning of this chapter, but I'm not really enjoying the end. Sorry if some of the facts are incorrect, I researched the part about the cacti, and gave up.

If you think anything sounds wrong or I made a mistake, please let me know! Bye!