Steven stood in the Inner Sanctum of the temple, unsure of the choice he was about to make. It could go terribly wrong in so many ways. He hung his head after thinking a moment longer, beginning to turn back the way he came when he collided with a very solid form.

"What are you doing here Steven?" the familiarly low voice of Garnet questioned.

"I'm leaving, actually. Coming here was a mistake." He replied. His eyes were looking to the right of her feet because he couldn't meet her gaze. She knelt down in front of him and lifted his face gingerly to look at her.

"I know you're scared. You are right to be. But I also see a few distinct possibilities that what you want to do will work." He looked at her stunned and wide-eyed. He always manages to forget her ability to see the future.

"So... I might be able to heal her? How likely is it she will attack me instead of letting me try?"

"She is definitely going to try. But I only see a small chance of her actually hurting you. Your training with Pearl will be invaluable." She stopped speaking for a moment and smiled. The heart of this child always shone brightest for the people and gems that are hurting. The smile faltered as it occurred to the fusion that often times he feels responsible for much of the hurt he tries so hard to heal. For the damage inflicted by or because of Rose. See could see it even now, trying to hide behind those big, sweet eyes. She pulled him into a hug, wanting to squeeze the pain and guilt of things that had nothing to do with him out of his small frame. He giggled a little, and pulled back to look at her.

"Thank you." He said earnestly. Garnet stood to her full height and Steven took a deep breath before both looked at the collection of bubbles.

"She's not here Steven." He whipped his head around to look at her face. It took of moment of puzzlement before he slapped his forehead lightly and chuckled to himself.

"Of course! She'll be in Amethyst's room! Let's go!"