Saito's Pov

Old Osmond got me some faculty clothes. The first thing I did was enchant it with low grade enchantments. These provide boosts to my regenerative abilities. It is the day before the exhibition and everyone in the school was out waiting for the princess to arrive. I stood with Osmond in front of the path into the school while Louise is over with the other students. While waiting, I was working on a plan on how to cleanse my mansion. Colbert offered to help me with the process. I accepted. Finally, the carriage came into view. I was dumbfounded when I saw it was being pulled by horses with horns. They were quite beautiful to look at. Then again, everything I have seen before was gritty and horrendous. As it got closer, my old thief and assassin instincts were kicking in. I immediately saw how I could steal all the valuables from the guards without anyone noticing. I wouldn't even need spells or magic in general to do so. Next, I saw all the openings an assassin could use to slip into the carriage undetected. The crowd wouldn't have made things any harder because they were regularly being distracted by the guards. Her only line of defense would be the guard in the carriage with her. If I get a chance, I will have to have a chat with her or the head of her security. Then she stepped out of the carriage. Damn she is beautiful. I would bet anything that her looks are half the reason she is so loved. After all members had exited I noticed that there wasn't a guard in the group. I resisted the urge to face palm. Soon the girl came up and greeted each of us. Okay, her voice just sounds naïve. When Osmond asked why she wanted to come, all she said was, "personal reasons."


Osmond's Office

The headmaster was introducing me to the princess.

"This is our newest staff member your highness. He is a spell sword, and an incredibly powerful one at that."

"I see. A pleasure to make your acquaintance sir," she said as she gave a quick bow. I did a curt one in return to keep that cleric guy that was standing next to her off of my case.

"Likewise Princess."

"I question the wisdom of hiring a mercenary to teach. Wouldn't he be likely to betray the school," asked the cleric. I simply raised my gaze at him. Really? Last I checked spell sword doesn't always equate to mercenary.

"He has proven to be a man of his word as long as I have known him. Not to mention he has made more progress with some of the more troublesome students then any of the staff that have spent years teaching. I trust him."

I blinked at the words, "Thank you Headmaster."

He smiled and the walking church went silent. The princess hid a giggle and said, "Seems like you made quite a name for yourself already."

I chuckle, "Don't know why I'm surprised. This usually tends to happen when I go anywhere."

"Oh, I wonder why I have not heard of you before now."

The Headmaster seemed to grow nervous. I confidently said, "That is because I come from a far away land known to me and my fellow countrymen as Skyrim."

"I have never heard of such a place."

"Nor have I," stated the priest.

"That is because we were cut off from the rest of the world about seven thousand years ago."

"Before Brimir's time?!"

"Yes. Also, the entire populace of Skyrim has the ability to use magic but most chose not to or can't afford to study it."

"If that is the case how do you determine who rules?"

"Merit. We pick those who help the people and who is the most capable. On rare occasions is birthright used."


That should keep the church from investigating me for a while. The princess retired for the time being. Osmond looked at me.

"I can't say I approve of lying to the princess."

"I know. I also know that you won't risk the students' safety with the church."

"A fair point. I hope this doesn't come back to haunt us."

"I doubt it. I do plan on telling the princess if she earns my respect."

"That is all I can ask for."

I walked out after bidding farewell. I went outside to practice with Derf. I was working on mastering the power granted by the runes. After the dream fight, I decided to try it in real life. It took some time but I can now activate the ability on command. The only problem is that I can't end it prematurely without putting away my blade. I want to master that before I try to push the limits of my new power. After a while I went to go get lunch. While I was eating, Guiche came up to me.



"I came to warn you. My brother came in with the princess."

"Okay, I don't understand what the problem is."

"Well, he heard of our duel. Now he wants to duel you to reclaim the family honor I lost."

"You fought me. Most people in Skyrim would hail you a hero just for coming out of that alive."

"I know, but Lamark doesn't see it that way. He sees my loss as a stain on the family name and honor that must be purged. He wants to start a duel with you during your performance tomorrow and humiliate you."

"I see. Let him try. Wait, why are you telling me?"

"Because he is my brother and I don't want to see him hurt or dead. I realize that you were probably holding back against me. As much as I want to see him get his just desserts…"

"Alright, I promise not to hurt him. At least not too badly."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. By the way, how are your new golems coming along?"

"Quite well actually. Momorency is helping me with the explosive surprise suggestion."

"That's good to hear."

"Also, I have improved the weapons my golems use with the lesson you gave us."

"Even better. I hope I get to see the day that your abilities suppress that of your brothers or even some of the teachers here."

He blinked in surprise before smiling. He bid farewell before departing. Afterward, I finished eating and went back to training. Hours later Louise came and got me so that we can finalize our plan for tomorrow. We decided that I would sing one of the songs from my homeland. The question was would I sing The Dragonborn Comes or The Song of the Tongues? While we debated, a knock came from the door. Louise went to open it while I quickly cast the Detect Life spell and the person outside lit up blue hue. When she opened the door, a hooded figure ran in and shut the door. I made sure to have my hand on Derf just in case.

"Wwhho are you," stammered a startled Louise. I kept silent and willed myself to be less noticeable. The figure looked at the shorter girl and said, "It has been a while hasn't it Louise."

The figure threw off their hood, revealing themselves to be the princess, and embraced Louise. I lowered my guard. After a moment, the pinkette pushed the princess back a bit and started into a whole spiel about how this was too humble of an abode the room was. If this is humble then call me a dragon priest. Then the princess started her own speech. By the Nine, will you both shut up! After she finished, I decided to speak up before either of them started again.

"Princess, I am rather concerned that you are not with your guard and are roaming about at night."

Henrietta jumped before she turned to me. Then a look of confusion came over her. After a moment she immediately started to blush.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your time with your lover Louise. Although, I believe it still isn't proper for a teacher and student to have a relationship, I won't say anything."

Louise turned red as a tomato while I burst into a fit of laughter. When I recovered, Louise had her face covered and Henrietta looked even more confused. So I decided to clarify.

"Sorry, but I'm not her lover," I showed my runes, "I'm her familiar."

"Huh, I thought you were a teacher?"

"I'm both. After Louise summoned me and I got in a duel, Old Osmond decided to hire me. It was the best option for all those involved."

"I see. Well, as for your concern, I personally chose my guard so that I could sneak away from them to see my childhood friend. My carriage was trapped so that additional people, even invisible, would release a sleep gas. I also know several spells for combat and distraction if need be."

"Huh, quite a risk you took just to see a friend," Henrietta looked almost hurt, "call me impressed."

Her eyes shone and Louise started to lower the riding crop she pulled out when I seemed to be talking down her friend. I then continued, "Impressed enough that I'm willing to take a chance on telling you something."

"Saito are you sure?"


"Tell me what?"

"The truth."

She looked confused until I began, "The story I told you in the office earlier was only mostly true. The lie was that Skyrim was cut off from the rest of the world. You haven't heard of my homeland wasn't because we were isolated. You haven't heard of it because it is part of a different world."

She looked stunned. As she was about to say something, Louise butted in.

"What he says is true. I have seen visions of his home."

Her eyes widened. Then she asked, "So why lie?"

"Different world, different faith."

"You mean…"

"Yes, by your standards, I am a heretic," she then started to say something else, "No, I will not renounce my faith and any attempt to force me to do so will end in the entire destruction of Tristain."

"He's not joking. He has done it before."

She seemed to become frightened. I need to ease her fear now.

"However, I am not here on behalf of my faith," she seemed to calm a little, "All I ask is respect for my faith and I will respect yours. I won't try to spread my faith if you don't force yours upon me."

"I don't know what to say."

"How about you accept the proposal? Otherwise you would condemn me for being summoned to a land that doesn't accept my gods and your friend for summoning me."

Louise shot me a glare for the last statement. I ignored it. Finally, Henrietta relented.

"Have you at least told the Headmaster?"

"He was one of the first I told. Now, where was I? Oh, right!"

I looked at my 'master' and said, "I'm singing The Dragonborn Comes and that's final."

"And I'm saying you should go with Tales of the Tongues."


"Why not," said a frustrated Louise while her friend just looked dumbfounded at how easily the subject changed.


"Because why?"

"Partner," Derflinger spoke up, "She won't let up unless you give her a reason."

"Because… Because it was the last request of Runa."

An eerie silence filled the room. Then the princess asked, "Who."

"A girl who was part of a group of orphans that I came to see as my siblings. She was attacked by an assassin that was sent to kill me. I couldn't heal her because she was already too far gone. She knew she wouldn't make it and asked me to sing that song," I sighed, "I'm going to bed."

Louise's Pov

With that Saito left. Henrietta just sat there. We spent some time in silence.

"He's dangerous."

I looked at her, "you have no idea."

"Louise we have to do something about him, he is insane."

"He is a boy who has already fought wars princess."

She looked at me surprised. I could only sigh, "Those visions I told you about. They were of his past. I saw glimpses of two of the wars he dealt with. He has fought and killed things that would make a unit of men run in terror."

"Like what."

"Elves, for starters."

"For starters," she stuttered in fear.

"Yes, he is far more powerful than anyone in this world. In all honesty, I may be the only one capable of actually harming him. And he knows it."

"He is that dangerous! How do we make sure he doesn't turn on us?"

"All we can do is place our trust in him."

"I…need to go rest. I'm sorry for all the trouble."

I thought about all the arguing Saito and I did before she showed up, "No worries, that last bit was a long time coming."

After she left, I went to bed.

Saito's Pov

I was walking on stage holding a lute that the Headmaster lent me. Apparently, it came out of the school vault and had the power to create illusions based on what I was singing. I wore the clothes I came in and had Derf on my back.

"Hello people! And Louise," she shouted something, "I bring you a legend passed down by the bards of Skyrim."

I began to sing.

"Our hero Our hero claims a warrior's heart," a smoky figure in bone like armor materialized.

"I tell you I tell you the Dragonborn comes," the figure took a stance with a sword and shield in hand.

"With the voice wielding power of the ancient Nord arts," Two creatures in the form of a horned demon and a winged one appeared. They represented Miraak and Harkon.

"Believe Believe the Dragonborn comes," the armored person fought them and easily won.

"It's an end to the evil of all Skryim's foes," a large shadowy figure started to emerge behind the victor. Alduin.

"Beware Beware the Dragonborn comes," the two start to fight.

"For the darkness has passed and the legend yet grows," after a brief and brutal battle, the armored individual wins and stands on top of his defeated foe.

"You'll know you'll know the Dragonborn's come," the figure shouts into the air dispelling the smoke.

With that, the crowd gives a standing ovation. However, I heard one set of applause getting closer. I turned to see an older version of Guiche walking on stage. The difference was he wore a feathered hat and some light armor.

"A good performance Familiar, though I fail to see how you were able to defeat my brother."

"You must be Lamark."

"So you've heard of me."

"Not really, your brother warned me you would do this and asked that I don't hurt you too badly."

He glared in Guiche's direction, "You hurt me. Impossible."

"I do the impossible all the time," I said as I quickly and quietly cast Ebony Skin while his eyes are off of me. He turned back and growled.

"Is that so? Then you wouldn't mind having a duel with me here and now?"

I gave Louise the lute I borrowed and drew Derflinger, "I was hoping you'd ask."

We took our stances. With a swish of his rather thin sword, a silver golem appeared. It was slender and elegant and wore an outfit similar to Lamark's, except this was a female variant. It also wielded a rather thin blade. It lunged at me with the tip of the weapon pointed at me. At that moment I knew that it was meant for piercing, not slashing. What an interesting weapon. I just stood there smirking. When the weapon hit me the audience gasped. The sound of breaking metal seemed to echo in everyone's ears. The golem lifted the blade to examine the broken tip. My smile grew.


"When you weren't looking I cast a spell on myself that harden my skin, adding to my defense."

I cut through it with little resistance. Lamark seemed angry and tried to use a different approach. A wave of his blade caused pillars of earth to storm toward me. I raised my free hand and cast the strongest ward spell that I could think of. The attack collided with the barrier and became harmless. Lamark growled again. He then started to summon golems and fire spells randomly. Sadly for him, it didn't help. The golems would flank me every time and the spells were all coming directly at me from the front. I didn't even have to move to defend against them. Finally, I felt my spell wear off. As I went to cast it again I noticed Lamark smirk. His smirk turned to shock as I heard a sound of metal ripping. I turned to find another one of Lamark's golems behind me with another green golem tackling it. I recognized the design as the one Guiche was working on. The armor of the new golem resembled the full plate armor I was accustomed to. Guiche came out from behind the stage and holding a silver blade that the golems his brother made would use.

"Brother, you really thought you could get away with cheating in a duel?"

"Guiche stay out of this. You are already a disgrace; I will deal with this fool so just stay out of this."

A thought occurred to me, "you knew about my defenses didn't you."

"I heard from Mott how you attacked him. I prepared for anything you could throw at me."

"You didn't, Mott only saw a fraction of what I could do."

Everyone's jaw dropped. Lamark started to summon all the golems he could. I then shouted, "Yol Toor Shul!"

He had about six summoned when my plume of fire ripped into them. The melted forms lurched forward to attack but crumpled. He was about to try again, "Wuld Nah Kest!"

He felt the blunt end of Derf pressed against his neck. Fear could be seen in his eyes and face. The audience was completely silent. Derf started to chuckle.

"Well that was easy. Partner, why didn't you use that from the get go?"

"I recently developed the bad habit of toying with my foes before finishing them."

Lamark swallowed. I stared him down for a solid minute before he said, "I give."

I removed my blade and put it away. The crowd went wild. Then they started to scream in horror and point. I looked at them and followed their gazes to see a towering rough looking golem trying to break into one of the towers. Without thinking, I drew Derf out again. I turned toward the golem while activating my runes and using the Whirlwind Sprint shout again to get over to the attacker. As I continued to close the distance, I cast Lightning Bolt at a moving figure that was on its shoulder. They blocked with barriers created from the golem's 'flesh'. I let the runes run at full power and easily tore through the leg of the golem. The figure on the shoulder was able to restore the lost limb easily. As I turned I saw a green hound creature going for the other leg. It was long and lanky. The ears and snout were rather pointed. Finally, the rib cage was rather large and rounded. The charge was ended by the golem stepping on it. Then the leg exploded. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Guiche summoned two more and sent them out. The explosion from the last one forced the golem to balance itself with its hand. The new golems ran up the arm. The mage healed the leg and the golem tried to crush the hounds. One of them suddenly dropped its speed so that only the one was caught. The survivor jumped onto the stump created from the resulting explosion and hauled itself up and continue toward its objective, the mage on the shoulder. The target prepared to cast a spell. I launched Fire Bolts at the thief. They changed tactics to defend against me and were left wide open for the walking explosive. It got within feet of the target when its ribs imploded. The explosion knocked the thief off the shoulder. I tried to charge where they would land but was intercepted by the collapsing golem. I was about to use a shout when the golem exploded, sending the debris in all directions except my own. When I turned back to my opponent, they were sinking into the ground. A smaller version of the attacking golem jumped from where the larger one was attacking and handed off a case. As they slowly vanished, I was able to make out two distinct traits; long green hair and a pair of large breasts. How familiar.

Time Skip

Everyone was gathered in Osmond's office. Everyone was bickering over the theft from the school vault. Sadly, they were preventing any effort to track down said thief. I noticed that they kept referring to the thief Fouquet as a 'he'. After a bit I started to let my Thu'um seep into my words and shouted, "Silence!"

The entire room shook. When it stopped, all the occupants looked in my direction.

"I thought we were teacher not toddlers! We should be discussing the missing items not who is to blame!"

The room becomes quiet and the princess mouths a 'thank you' since most were trying to blame her for the theft.

"Now then what was taken?"

The headmaster spoke up, "It was an item known as the Staff of Destruction."

"Great," I say in a monotone voice.

At this point Louise, Guiche, Tabitha, and Kirche came in. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why are they here?"

Colbert answered, "Aside from you, Louise and Guiche fought Fouquet while Tabitha and Kirche evacuated the bystanders. You five are the only ones that have gotten a good look at the thief."

I raised an eyebrow. That speaks volumes about Fouquet's abilities. This is going to be fun.

That's when I saw the last person I expected walk in.

"I also took the liberty of going into nearby towns to gather some information. With the descriptions, I was able to make a composite sketch," said Longueville.

She then presented her sketch. Louise, Guiche, and I were able to confirm its accuracy. Doesn't anyone here notice the resemblance? Ugh! The Headmaster then asked for volunteers to go after the thief. I had Derf drawn and raised as fast as I could. Sadly I was the only one. Osmond sighed in disappointment when the four STUDENTS raised their wands and staves.

"Why are you going Zerbst?!"

"I can't afford to lose to a Vallière."

"Tabitha? Guiche," I asked.

"I have fought Fouquet once and now have a personal investment in stopping him."

"Worried," the smallest said while gesturing to the others.

Osmond chuckles, "Well then, I'll leave it to the five of you. Several of you have already seen what Fouquet can do as well as that Tabitha is a Chevalier knight of Galia."

"A knight," the remaining students shouted. I looked at her. Why doesn't that surprise me?

"Ms. Zerbst and Mr. Grammont both come from renowned military families. Ms. Vallière eh…."

"Louise has potent offensive abilities that can bypass magical defenses," I interjected.

Everyone turned toward me, "Not to mention, she summoned me as her familiar. I am a hero back home and a Thane in all nine holds. For those who are unfamiliar with the title, it is a low rank position given to those renowned among the citizens and have done great things for the benefit of the hold."

"Equal to chevalier at least," said Tabitha.

With that the team was decided. Longueville offered to act as our guide. When asked if she was sure she said, "I planned it from the beginning."

So have I.

Time Skip

We were in a wagon heading toward the location Fouquet was last seen. We were all talking about what we knew about her. With me leaving out key details to keep her from knowing that I'm on to her. So far, the only new piece I have learned is that she is a fallen noble.

"All nobles are mages but not all mages are nobles. Kinda like how all Thalmor are elves but not all elves are Thalmor."

Everyone shivered at that. Looking for an excuse to change the subject, Kirche brought out the golden claymore from the weapon's shop.

"Oh darling I got you thi…."

"It's a decoration not a weapon. I have made plenty of weapons and have used even more, I know my blades."

Kirche deflated. Tabitha glanced over and said, "Told you."

"Don't remind me."

We continued the rest of the way in silence. After that we went on foot for stealth's sake. We came upon an old shack. Tabitha and I departed to check for traps. After finding none we signaled to the others. We then split up again. Tabitha, Kirche, and I went into the shack to investigate. Louise and Guiche stood guard while Longueville went to patrol. Once she was out of sight I used the clairvoyance spell and found what we were looking for. The two with me were surprised when I used the spell and it lead me to the case. I opened it to check. It was a cylindrical grey item with a strange box midway. There was red glass on the box. I closed it and signaled to leave. When we got to the door Louise screamed. Outside was Fouquet's golem. She wouldn't risk murder would she? We then unleashed a barrage of attacks. Guiche used more of his exploding golems but quickly informed me that he wouldn't be able to use too many more. Tabitha and Kirche's wind and fire spells just bounced off Louise and I were the only ones that could damage it but it was recovering too quickly. It would attack us, but I would notice that the attacks would have barely hit and were easy to dodge. Is she even trying? My old instincts from the Thieves Guild kicked in. No! She is trying to get us to use the staff! That's why she went back to the Academy! You can't sell something no one knows how to use! I'll have to sabotage it before she gets her hands on it. I rushed over to the case and grabbed it. While the others kept the golem off me, I sheathed Derf and pulled out the staff. I let the runes work in hopes that it would improve my abilities enough to use it. What I didn't expect was the flood of information on what I was using, how to use it, and the limited ammo supply. One shot, better make it count! I turned as Guiche used the last of his golems with Louise's explosion to disable the golem from attacking for a moment. I took the opening to aim and fire the rocket launcher. It destroyed the entire left side of the golem. As the pieces fell Guiche created a barrier to protect us from the debris. However, one person was just outside the safe space.

"Louise," I called out while I dropped the launcher. I then threw myself in front of her to shield her. After I heard the last rock hit the ground, I relaxed a bit.

"Professor," shouted two of the other three as they all ran toward me and the walking explosion.

"We're fine."

Louise then started to say something when we heard our missing companion speak up.

"My, my, the staff of destruction is a perfect name for this."

We turned to see Fouquet undoing her hair and holding the weapon. I started to reach for Derf when she said, "Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that. If you try anything I will blow you all to pieces."

I slowly gathered magic in my hands as she continued, "My plan was thrown off by the fact that a bunch of students and the newest professor came instead of a senior member. However, I figured that the legendary Gandálfr would be able to use it. So in the end, I guess fate worked in my favor. All that's left to do is to get rid of any witnesses."

She went to use the weapon but it only made a clicking sound. I took the moment to strike her with a Paralyze spell. She fell to the ground. I started to tell them to restrain her when the world went dark.

Louise's POV (Time skip)

I was waiting with Henrietta in the infirmary. I owe Tabitha a huge debt for catching Saito when he passed out from the shrapnel in his back. If she hadn't, the damage of having them shoved further in would have been fatal. Guiche and Kirche were able to tie up and disarm Fouquet. The Headmaster's secretary, I never would have guessed. Then again, I don't think anyone other than Saito could have figured it out. Tabitha had me help her with first aid on the way back. After returning the Staff of Destruction and turning in Fouquet I was brought here. They had realized that they couldn't heal him right away due to the risk of shrapnel getting stuck inside him and doing more harm. Thus they were stuck trying to remove all of it so that he could be healed properly. I had just finished explaining the events to the princess.

"To think I only saw him as a danger since…"

"I honestly don't blame you."

"Still, I can't help but feel guilty for my judgment. Worse still, there is the fact that he was brought here against his will and is under constant danger because of it."

"What do you mean? I understand the 'against his will' part but the constant danger?"

"Do you honestly think that he can keep someone from sending word to the church about his faith? It only has to happen once Louise, just once, and both of you are as good as dead."

"That's if he doesn't go all out on them."

"True, but that doesn't mean he might not feel guilt."


"When he stormed out of your room that night after he talked about Runa, I could tell he felt guilt over not being able to save her. However, I still judged him based on a clouded perception."

"Clouded perception?"

"Yes, I immediately developed a prejudice against him because of the teachings of the Church. With these events, he has proven to be a better person than I expected of a heretic," Henrietta took a breath, "and so, if he survives this ordeal, I would like to have him as a guest of honor and present him with the title of Chevalier."

My eyes widened, "It will be my way of thanking him for all the help he has given as well as slow down the Church if they come after him. It is the least I can do."

Before I could say anything, a nurse came out to say that he was conscious again. Henrietta departed to make preparations for the Banquet. I went in to see him stretching. He looked over to me and asked, "What'd I miss?"

"Quite a bit, at least, by Halkeginia standards. By yours, not too much."


"Professor" asked one of the nurses, "You came awfully close to death. We were forced to remove the shrapnel," she then stands aside to reveal a table with a tray on it that was full of stones of varying sizes that were anywhere from being half covered to completely covered in blood, "When we removed the last piece you started to fade fast. We were worried that we wouldn't be able to cast fast enough when suddenly your body healed itself, for lack of a better description."

I was dumbfounded and would have said something except, "Oh, that? That is a side effect of being so proficient in Restoration magic. Sadly, it only works in near death situations and only once a day."

"Ha ha, damn partner, you really are tough to kill!"

"If I had armor or a skin spell going I wouldn't have needed that to survive."

Saito and Derf laughed for a bit before I could inform them of what the princess told me. Needless to say they were shocked.

"And another title. I'm surprised that I can keep track of all of them."

"Wow, you already got so many? *Whistles* I got a good one this time."

"Could you not act so casually about this? This is a big deal for us!"

"Sorry, but this is kind of normal for me, remember?"

"Oh right. I forgot. Well, could you at least pretend for my sake?"

Saito looked at me for a bit then said, "Sure."

Saito's Pov (Time skip)

I was walking through a corridor to the ballroom, It didn't seem round to me, wearing a ceremonial armor that was given to me by the Grammont family. Guiche and Lamark pulled some strings to get it as an apology for the duels which they referred to as 'harassment' and as a sign of good faith. It consisted of a set of white clothing with a metal chest piece that was reminiscent of General Tullius's armor, gauntlets and greaves that reminded me of imperial armor, and some plating around my waist and groin. Honestly, I looked good. However, I hated getting into it. Siesta was giggling the entire time she helped me get into it. I would've had bruises if it weren't for the stone skin spell. As I approached they announced me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Saito Hiraga, Archmage of the College of Winterhold, Harbinger of the Companions, Mediator of the Greybeards and The Blades, member of the Dawnguard, Orc tribes, and House Telvanni, familiar to one of the daughters of Duke Vallière, and Professor of Tristain's magic academy."

I walked down a flight of steps in a confident manner. Those gathered applauded me as I descended. After a few moments they dispersed to their original activities. I adjusted Derf on my shoulder and cringed a little when a tender spot was struck.

"You alright partner?"

"I'll live."

"Well what do you think of the party?"

"Much different then what I have seen. There's hardly any food or ale that can be seen."

"You expected otherwise?"


I glanced around. I noticed Guiche with Momorency talking calmly. Good for them. Kirche was surrounded by suitors. No surprises. And then I saw Tabitha with a large roasted beast and was cutting a rather large chunk while chewing something. I walked over to her.

"You would fit right in back in Skyrim."

She glanced at me and swallowed.

"Thank you."

"No problem. How's the food," I ask as I start getting myself some.

"Not bad."

"Good. Nothing kills a party faster than bad food," we chuckle, "So, if you don't mind my asking, how did you get your title?"

Tabitha froze. She probably didn't expect me to ask. I had a lot of time to study up on titles that could be granted. After a while she said, "Would rather not say."

"Alright. Again; if you need anything, even to just talk, I'm here for you."

I noticed a look of fear and concern move through her eye. She hid it well, "And if someone is trying to harm you or those that are close to you I will deal with them to keep you safe."

Her stoic expression broke for a moment with surprise and a blush. She turned and walked off, and I didn't follow.

"Partner, do you really thing that someone is harassing her?"

"I had the same look in my eye when the Thalmor were after me."

"I see. Well, while you are answering questions, could you explain how you were able to pile the plate a foot high and already have half of it gone?"

"It's called being a Nord."

"Presenting Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, third daughter of Duke Vallière."

Louise walked down in a beautiful pink dress with her hair done up. She honestly looked cute. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, boys surrounded her and ask her for a dance. She simply refuses them politely and proceeds to me. I finished my food and turned to her. Soon we were dancing. After a few pieces, the sound of someone taping on glass drew our attention.

"Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make!"

Everyone turned to Princess Henrietta. She then continued, "This banquet is not only to celebrate the familiar exhibition, but also the capture of the notorious thief Fouquet."

The crowd applauds and cheers, "I would like to announce the winner of the exhibition, or should I say winners."

Gasps and murmurs went around, "The first is Tabitha of Galia and her familiar Sylphid!"

Tabitha was brought up to be presented, "And the second is Tristain's own Louise Vallière and her familiar Saito Hiraga."

At first there were murmurs than they applauded and cheered.

"Could you three stay up here for a moment longer?"

We agreed and she called up Kirche and Guiche, "I would also like to thank the five of you for your capture of Fouquet," she then stood in front of me and continued, "I would also like to thank you for protecting the students as you did and to say how happy I am that you survived your injuries."

Whispers were almost audible, "Thank you for your concern and as for Fouquet, well, that is a normal day for me."

She giggled, "Of that, I have no doubt. In honor of your accomplishment, I would like to present Louise Vallière, Kirche Zerbst, Guiche Grammont, and Saito Hiraga with the title of Chevalier. Tabitha, as you already have the title of Chevalier, you will be given the Elven Medallion."

We bowed. Afterward we were dismissed back to the party. However, I went to talk to the princess.

Author's note: Sorry for taking so long to release this chapter. I didn't have access to my computer for a while plus revisions made to this chapter. Although I do have some good news, I have mapped out the events for the rest of the story. Expect things to get interesting.
