"My Thane, why have you placed all your arms and equipment in your armory?" asked a woman with shoulder length chestnut hair. She stared questioningly to the man of seventeen winters.

"Because you're supposed to this stuff in an armory," wisecracked the young man with sapphire blue eyes and short black hair to his steel clad companion. He then adjusted his matching colored blue robes to ensure they would protect him from the cold of Skyrim. He then slipped on two gold diamond rings and a gold diamond necklace.

"You know what I mean," she responded. Finally, the young man looked at her and said, "Lydia, I have not found a suitable challenge as of late. I know that is because I brought about a time of peace with my actions. Oblivion, the dark brother hood has started to get mad at me for reducing their workload. On top of that I'm bored. So I decided to travel the entirety of Skyrim without my armor and weapons to try to alleviate my boredom. Don't worry, I have put enchantments on these clothes to help protect me and my rings and arm guards to improve the power of my fist."

"I see well than what do you intend for me to do?"

"Seeing as how I want to challenge myself, you may as well go back to Breezehome for the time be—," he was cut off by the sound of the housecarl wishing him luck and bolting out of the door. Perhaps my eyes have lingered on her physic far too often, he thought to himself. But still, That was a bitch move Lydia. A bitch move. The act moved his thoughts went to the old thieves guild master Mercer Frey and how he betrayed him and the guild just to line his own pockets. He died far too quickly for the dragonborn's taste, but nothing can be done about it now. With a sigh, the dragonborn walked out of the armory into the main room of Lakeview Manor. He glanced around trying to think of what he wanted to bring in the way of food and potions. After some thought, he decided to only take a few loaves of bread and some minor health, magicka, and stamina potions. If he needs anything else he can just find out on the road. Now let's see, I have both rings with resist magic and fortify unarmed. My necklace with resist magic and health regeneration as well as my boots with resist fire and frost. Lastly, my robes with all the magicka regeneration and restoration on it and my hood with the water breathing and conjuration. Finally, he made sure to grab all his coin, lock picks, dadera hearts, and soul gems, counting both to make sure he had it all. He made sure all the doors were locked and walked out of the manor.

A few hours later, the dragon born found a river that had some salmon in it and decided to catch some. He thanked the gods that he thought to put water breathing on his hood. He stepped out of the water a ways away from where he went in and chose a random direction to go in. This is like when I first started out. No idea where I was going, the weirdest strokes of luck, almost walking into a giant's camp. He paused. Hey wait a moment! He immediately cast invisibility on himself and looked to his right. Sure enough a giant had a camp within seven feet of where he was now. However, the giant wasn't there. So the dragon born pillaged the camp quickly and scampered off. All he made out with was a lot of mammoth cheese and some mead. He shivered at the thought of the cheese. He liked cheese; he really did, but thanks to a certain mad god a pang of fear always struck him when he thought about it. More so if he thought of a massive quantity. He snuck out of the camp before the giant got back.

Nightfall came and the dragon born set up camp. Okay, he just found a tree to sleep under. No one could fault him for that. Sleep came easily to him. At an unknown hour he heard a feminine voice wake him from his sleep. He sleepily scanned the area for the source.

"My servant that exists somewhere in this vast universe."

Okay, she was going to be looking for a while. He chuckled.

"My divine, beautiful, wise, and powerful servant, heed my call."

Picky isn't she. Well, hope she doesn't get too disappointed.

"I wish and assert from the very bottom of my heart."

The dragon born felt a strange energy fill the air.

"Answer my guidance and appear."

He saw a green light appear. "Son of a Lur..," an explosion filled his now fully awake vision.

Third Person Pov

Louise hid toward the back of the class. She was trying to get through this class, but knew that she would have to step forth for it to end. She watched as her peers stepped up to summon their familiars. Her rival, a well endowed, tan, redhead just started the ritual. Louise clenched her fist as she watched. When the spell finished her teeth joined her fist as the obnoxious Kirche summoned a fire salamander. A bespectacled balding man approached her. "Congratulations Ms. Zerbst. Now then, is there anyone else who has yet to go?"

"Oh, Professor," the red head sang, "Louise has yet to go."

Louise silently cursed the fiend. "Ms. Vallière would you please step forward."

She silently did so and was meet with jeers and insults from the other second year students. Just as she was about to begin she received one last jab from Kirche, "Summoning a familiar as spectacular as mine should be easy for someone as skilled as yourself, right Louise." Louise glared and silently prayed for the ritual to work. She raised her wand and started chanting.

"My servant that exists somewhere in this vast universe."

"My divine, beautiful, wise, and powerful servant, heed my call."

Some whispers about what kind of chant that was began to roam through the crowd. One student who was reading a book looked up to see the spectacle.

"I wish and assert from the very bottom of my heart."

"Answer my guidance and appear."

Then the area promptly exploded. Many students were knocked to the ground. All of them shouted and verbally assaulted the poor girl. As the professor was about to say something to them, those closest to the petite mage had suddenly gone silent. The silence slowly spread to the other students. Soon the balding man saw why. In front of the pinkette was a light dusting of snow on the ground. In the middle of this patch of snow lay a young man with his eyes closed and his face in a snarl. His eyes shot open then his face went from anger to confusion.

Dragon Born's Pov

Where in Oblivion? Warm air, bright daylight, and surrounded by children and creatures; Sheogorath what did you do this time. I looked around searching for someone who may be in charge. Finally, I saw an older man moving closer to me and I decided to stand up. "Where am I?"

A girl with pink hair that I had overlooked glared at me and started yelling. I realized that we didn't speak the same language. Skeever's ass. I glanced around again and spotted another thing I missed, a young blue quadruped dragon. The dragon seemed afraid. Oh right, dragon slayer. I looked to the dragon and said, "Fen Hi Aak Zu'u? (Will You Help Me?)"

The dragon froze when I spoke to it. After a bit of hesitation it nodded. The people around us seemed to notice what was happening. "Tinvaak Fah Zu'u, (Speak for Me?)" I followed. It tilted its head then nudged a small blue haired girl and made some odd noises. The girl looked at me and started to chant. I tensed expecting battle only to be surprised when nothing seemed to happen. My expression must have shown it because the girl looked at me and said, "Understand."

Then it clicked, "Ah a translation spell. You have my thanks. Now could someone tell me where I am?"

The balding man came closer and said, "Young man, you are in the courtyard of Tristain Academy of Magic in the country of Tristain."

"Okay, so which way is Skyrim?"

"Stop, talking nonsense commoner," the little girl before me shouted then turned to the man now beside her, "Professor Colbert, can I try the summoning again?"

I glared at the mage. "I am afraid that I cannot. The ritual is a sacred act and performing it a second time would be consider blasphemous. You will have to complete the contract with him."

"But he's a commoner!"

I grew even more irritated, "Don't I get a say in this."

"I'm sorry but the ritual traditions are absolute."

"Fine," the girl turned back to me, "Be grateful commoner," she then raised a wand and started chanting.

"Hey, I never agreed to this. Are you listening," I leaned in closer, "answer mmph!"

She leaned up to kiss me. As she pulled away a sharp pain surged through my hand. A normal person would have passed out. I, however, am used to far worse thanks to the civil war and the vampires. The pain passed as quickly as it began. I looked at my hand and found that some strange runes on my hand. The older man came up to me, "May I see the runes on your hand?"

I agreed and turned the back of my hand over to him. He made note of the marks and thanked me. He then turned to the children and dismissed them. I then turned to him and started to open my mouth to say something only to have the little girl grab my arm and drag me off. I would have fought back, but I didn't want to walk.

(Louise's room) Dragonborn's Pov

The girl went on a rant about how I wasn't supposed to be a human. How she wanted something powerful and majestic like a griffion, manticore, or a dragon. She got really close to the last one. How ironic that she isn't happy about it.

"What's your name Familiar."

"Saito. Saito Hiraga."

"I am Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, third daughter of Duke Vallière. But you will refer to me as master. Also you will not take such an informal tone with me."

She then changed into her night gown. When I said something about being a man she said that now that I was a familiar that I was less than a normal commoner. She then ordered me to do her laundry. So I stood up put the basket on the table in the room and left. Once the door I cast muffle and invisibility to hide. As I made my way out, I noticed a couple on the stairway. The boy was using some of the worst lines I have ever heard. I have said some corny things but those may actually kill. Oh, gods! She is falling for them? What the troll piss? I picked up my pace before I hurled. I made sure to recast my spells as I passed another couple. However, this one was going in a better direction; bed. I made it outside when I heard a series of footfalls rapidly approaching behind me. I sidestepped and pressed up to the wall and recast invisibility. Then one of the couples, the blond male from the other, and my 'master' ran out the door.

"Grrr, how did he get away that fast!"

"I shouldn't be surprised that the Zero wouldn't be able to control her familiar," the blond said as he raised a fake rose to his nose. I wanted to punch him.

The girl with a ruby shade of red hair turned to her lover and said, "Come they don't need us anymore. Let's get back to our fun."

The two left and left the pink and blonde. The male soon turned back into the tower. The girl fell to her knees and to my surprise started crying. "Why? Why can't I cast a proper spell? Why couldn't I summon a magnificent familiar? Why couldn't I control what I did summon? Did I offend Brimir? Am I cursed? Why, why, why?"

My spells wore off as I watched. She was worse than dealing with a legendary dragon but, I couldn't leave a girl crying like that. From the sound of it she had it very hard. It didn't make up for how she treated him. I sighed. Well, I did want a challenge. This might be better than what I had planned. Plus, I might finally get some action if the redhead is anything to go by. I walked up to her and said, "Alright I'll stay."