Let Me Give You the Ocean

By: Aviantei

[A Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Poem]

Let me give you the ocean
let me give you the sea
Let me give you—
My sister, I want to give you everything
I wanted to grant your every wish
But some of the things you asked for couldn't be bought with money
Couldn't come from me scrambling change for a year
What else was I supposed to give you?
But this can't even compare
We were reaching for a solution
A way to keep you beside me
How were you even still here
I remember you-
I don't want to remember you that way
It means I failed
It means that I didn't make true on your Christmas Wish that year
That I wasn't actually your Santa
And codenames mean absolutely nothing
They can't make me who I want to be for you
Even as we drive away together, I still can't believe I'm seeing you
You told me in that future we lost
That it was because of that you could still be here
But even now I don't know what to believe
I think I should have shot him
Ended it there but you said no
Were you just sparing me?
Was it because I'm weak?
I couldn't save you then, and I wasn't the one to save you now
It was him
So why are we running away?
Don't you want to smile with him
I thought that's what you wanted
More than smiling with me
I just don't know what to do for you anymore

You've done enough.

[NOTES] I found this in my documents. I think I wrote this on a day I needed a tiny bit more words to fill out my word count for the day. It started out random, but I had recently finished up my playthrough of 999 and it leaked through. Not the most polished poem, but I like it as a little drabble.

Needless to say, Santa is my favorite character. I also should find a copy of Virtue's Last Reward sometime and give it a play.

In any event, thanks for reading.

[POST] 11.21.2016