Chapter One

The itching had started. The uncontrollable, unrelenting itching that came without fail as she started to get sick. How long had it been? A day? Maybe two? Getting clean was always an option but then the depressing reality of what life was now came crashing in pretty damn hard, that's what the drugs were for. Numbing.

Yet here she was in the predicament she constantly found her self in, she'd run out. Now she had to wait till someone brought it back from a scavenger hunt.

"Hey Lewis!" She yelled to her neighbour; he was a harmless man who idolised all the "working" men. "When's the convoy due back? Did Dwight go with them?" She was desperate, she could hear it in her own voice. Lewis never judges her though, even knowing what she does. Everyone knows what she does though and why the fuck should she hid it. She didn't want to work and slave away working for points just for a scrap of bread. Who would? She just needed some gear and water, and the left overs Lewis always gave her.

"He's down with a new recruit, so the grapevine says?" Lewis replied popping his head into Lexi's compartment. "He's not a nice man Lex, can you not wait?"

It was sweet how he worried about her, and it wasn't like he was wrong. Dwight was a twisted fuck at the best of times, and rumour had it Sherry was back as favourite so his already stellar personality was even worse. Slipping on a tattered flannel shirt, she moved towards Lewis and gently kissed him on the head. "I can handle him. Now you stop worrying and go do you."

The walk to the part of the compound where new recruits were kept was a long one. From the living quarters where the bottom feeders like her lived was central but the holding cells were way West of the compound. It was a nice sunny day so Lexi didn't mind the walk, in fact with the sun warming her pasty skin the itching almost became bearable. Almost. Her feet seemed to pick up speed without her knowledge, the need was becoming increasingly worse. Now she thought about it she needed to be sick. Swallowing it back as best she could, Lexi all but ran to the holding cells block desperate to get her stuff and be back in her bed feeling normal again.

"Dwight?" She called down the seemingly empty corridor. "I need something off you!" Her voice was getting louder. "Dwight you son of a bitch I know you have a new play thing down here so fucking answer me!"

A scrawny, blonde man came around the end of the corridor a smirk plastered across his heavily burnt face. "You know the deal Lexi." He tilted his head in the direction of a cell near to his left, dutifully she walked in and dropped down on to her knees. "Price has gone up, guna need more than a sloppy blow job."

Despite her natural reaction to tell him to go fuck himself, the need for heroin was stronger and she would do nearly anything to get hold of some.

Smiling falsely at him she unbuttoned her jeans. "Make it quick, you know he doesn't like it if you don't do the job your assigned."

"I'm on my break." Was his smug reply as he kicked the door to.

It was all over quicker than she expected. A few thrusts and grunts later and the little silver foil packet was placed in her hand and she was darting into a dark unoccupied corridor to shoot up. She had planned to go back to her room and comfortably slip into bliss in bed but the world had other plans, here body simply couldn't wait so here she was sacking the liquid up into her latest syringe and quickly wrapping a belt around the top of her left arm. The moment it hit her blood stream she instantly felt better like she hadn't got a worry in the world. Every sense was humming and even the stark corridor felt cozy and homely.

A couple more minutes adjusting to the heroin in her system and she tucked her syringe back into her sock, and her spoon in her back pocket ready to go back to her compartment to enjoy the rest of her high. Maybe she'd sit out in the late afternoon sun? Walking back up the hallway she'd found Dwight she even found the horrendous music he was blaring at the latest inmate joyous. Lexi stood on her tip toes looking through the latch of the only closed door. Inside was a man. Who looked like her hadn't washed since the outbreak had began but past that he was quite handsome even with dried blood plastered across his face.

"If I was you, just do what they say. Makes life sooo much easier." He looked up at her for the first time as she spoke. "You don't want to make this place a permanent thing. Trust me."

He said nothing in return, as Lexi had expected. If she was in his position she wouldn't trust anyone who came a knocking, especially someone who was barely able to keep their eyes open as they spoke no more than five sentences.

"Get out of here Lexi!" Dwight shouted. "If you're caught down here it's my balls on the chopping block!" He advanced on her quickly shoving her to the door which led out of the block, his eyes darting around with mild panic. The warm afternoon sun only highlighted the melted half of his face once they were outside. Lexi has seen many things since the world ended but what happened to Dwight was possibly the worst. She could still smell the melted skin and hear his agonised screams.

"I'm gone! I'm gone!"

Lexi had been right about wanting to sit in the sun it felt amazing with the drugs coursing around her system. Closing her eyes as she ambled back in the direction of the living quarters she could almost forget she was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Birds chirped, the slight breeze tickled her face and the usual growl of zombies couldn't be heard. Today was a good day.

"Well what do we fucking have here then?" The deep voice interrupted her moment like a sledge hammer. "I asked you a fucking question sweetheart."

Trying to prolong her good feelings as long as possible, Lexi opened her eyes extremely slowly. There he stood, even outside he completely filled the space with his presence alone. Lucille was casually rested on his shoulder where it usually was when he wasn't using it to cave in skulls. Lexi tried desperately to keep her focus on his face and not come across as the doped up mess she currently was. "I'm just enjoying the afternoon weather," She lied as best as she could. "It'll be winter before you know it." She added pathetically; he was a brute, a psychopath but stupid he was not.

Lucille swung down from his shoulder and the end rested on the concrete before he began tapping the bat rhythmically. "Sugar tits, you wouldn't be lying to me would you?" His face creased into a smile but this dark eyes showed he wasn't joking at all. "Come here."

Dragging her feet painfully slow Lexi tried to think of excuses as to how she'd got high because she knew he'd know and she couldn't handle another session of isolation. Negan's hand grabbed her chin and angled her face upwards to get a better look. Lexi could hear the cogs turning in his head and the terrifying snap she'd been dreading.

"Lexi, you wouldn't be over here because ol' Dwighty boy was all alone, would you?" His eyes bore into her. "Because that would be a fucking mistake of colossal motherfucking size." The grin he'd been wearing had widened in the most intimidating way and he revelled in the fear that washed over her face. "You've got cum on your jeans."

Her eyes shot down in panic giving him everything he needed to know. "Negan, I was sick! I needed a little bit." She pleaded with him, she was not going back into isolation no fucking way. "I didn't know when you'd be back! I asked people I swear, I asked people when the convoy would be back! Please don't lock me up again." Tears began welling in her eyes threatening to drip down her cheeks. She hated showing weakness in front of him it gave him a sense of power she didn't want him to have.

Negan's free hand locked into her long matted hair tugging painfully downwards forcing her to make and keep eye contact with him. He had told her numerous times not to fuck his men and yet again she had disobeyed him. This he couldn't tolerate. True he hadn't said such words to his men, she wasn't his wife and he sure as fuck didn't want people thinking he was like some fucking teenage boy over her but there was something about this girl that drove him insane. Her big bambi eyes were searching his face for forgiveness making his anger bubble and his cock twitch. God damn the fucking bitch for being so innocent looking. Dropping the hold he had on her hair he reached into a pocket a brought his walking talking up to his lips. "Dwight, put Lexi in isolation."

The scream broke from her chapped lips before she even realised the noise was coming from her. "No! Please! Pleeaaasseee!" Two of Negan's men grabbed Lexi by both of her arms and began dragging her back to the holding cells block. "I'm sorry please!" The tears were falling freely down her face now blurring her vision but she could still make his broad figure out following her.

"You see if you don't listen to me Lex, there's fucking motherfucking consequences. Don't matter how good the pussy is rules are fucking rules." His deep voice bellowed echoing through the corridor they just entered. "Apparently a week wasn't long enough last time." He leaned into her tear stained face cupping her cheeks in both hands. "Let's see how you deal with two weeks."

Lexi's whole body was shaking. Two weeks with no heroin she'd die, she literally would die she was sure of it. Negan had never punished her so bad and he'd punished her a lot, the holding cells were basically her second home and each time was worse than the last but when you're addicted to something you'll break any rule to get that vice. "Please." It was all she could think of one last pathetic attempt to worm out of this hole she'd fallen in.

"I hope his cock was fucking worth it." He sneered the grin still in place. Shoving his mens grips off of Lexi he grabbed her by the hair again and shoved her into a cell. She hit the floor with a thud landing in a messy heap of limbs and hair. Fuck she needed a hair cut. "Give me the rest."

Lexi knew there was no point in arguing so obediently she reached into her sock passing him both the needle and the foil packet. "Will he be punished?" She whispered now it was just the two of them in the cell.

"That is none of your fucking concern sweetheart." Watching her this pathetic didnt make him as happy as he'd hoped it would, in fact it just made him think about her with some small cocked fucker more which only enraged him more. What he wouldn't give to burn the other side of Dwighty boys face but oh no the real way to get under his skin was to fuck Sherry in the room next to him. Locking the door behind him he tried to ignore her screams of sorry and please, he needed a distraction quick. Sherry was in for a long night and so was Dwight. Beating his fist on the door next to Lexi's cell he laughed loudly. "Daryl looks like you have a fucking neighbor."