The room was dark. Not dark the way an unlit room was, but completely black. Shysa Fett swallowed hard and closed her eyes. Maybe this was a dream and when she opened her eyes, she would be back in her bedroom.

But she wasn't.

Mommmmmy. The cry rose up in her throat, but her mouth didn't open to let it out. The last thing she remembered was G'ball Square. She remembered running around the big fountain in the center, her hand outstretched to catch stray droplets of water.

Her mom was sitting on a bench. Every time she came around the fountain she waved, and her mother waved back. Something pinched her leg, and Shysa remembered falling. Could she have fallen through a hole in the pavement? Was she in a tunnel underground?

Could this be one of her father's games? The idea gave her some comfort. He'd always warned her before, but maybe this was a test. Maybe she would find a commlink any minute and hear his voice.

Think, Shysa. Stay calm. Where are you?

She put her hand on the floor. It was bare duracrete. She felt her way forward, crawling on her hands and knees.

Watch for traps. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.

A wall. She pulled herself up to her feet. Her head swam a little, and her mouth felt sticky. She began to feel her way along the wall. There was an edge, and a smooth surface under her palms. A door? She found the control panel, but pressing on it did nothing. It was locked.

All doors open. Find something sharp and I'll show you.

Her jacket had a small wire hook at the top. She pulled at it, but it was sewn on. She took off her jacket and worried it with her teeth. Finally the thread gave, and the hook was in her mouth.

Don't swallow it.

She pulled it out and felt for the panel again. Most of them popped off, if you could get something sharp behind it. The hook slipped out of her fingers and fell to the ground. She quickly dropped down to search for it.

She'd never done this in the dark before, but maybe that was the point. Maybe that was the test.

You can do it. Don't give up.

She found the hook and returned to the panel. It took three tries, but finally she got the hook under the edge. She braced her hands against the door and pushed on the other end of the hook with her finger. It wasn't big enough to give her much leverage. She pushed again, with both thumbs braced against the hook

Snap. The panel popped open. She got her fingernails underneath of it and pried it up. There would be an emergency manual release, a circle big enough to fit her fingers in and pull. It was bright orange in most doors, but the color didn't help her now.

She carefully poked at the machinery in the panel. Those were the power lines, it should be just above that-

Got it.

The door opened, letting in a blinding shaft of light. Shysa put her arm over her eyes, squinting and blinking.

"Kriffin' hell," she heard someone say.

Three beings stood outside the door, two male humans and a male twi'lek. They all looked shocked.

"I told you," one of the humans said, while the other one shook his head.

"The door was locked," the twi'lek said. "I locked it myself."

Shysa folded her arms over her chest and frowned at them. "Where's my dad?"

They all exchanged glances, then one of the humans spoke. "Your dad's busy. But he wants you to help us. With a fun game."

There was something not right about this, but she didn't know exactly what. "Meg geroya?"

"What?" The man looked confused.

"Speak Basic," the twi'lek said. "What's your name, little girl?"


"Shysa Fett?"

If they knew her dad, they would know her last name. There was a cold knot in her stomach.

Fear is an emotion. Emotions cloud your judgement.

"How old are you?" The other human asked.

"Five years and ten months." She looked past them into a simple room with a few old couches and tables. "Where am I?"

"We'll explain that later," the man assured her. He turned to face the twi'lek. "Contact C'baoth. Tell him we got a real one this time."

"And we're sure of that?" The other man demanded. "We're absolutely fucking sure?"

"She opened a locked door. How much proof do you need?"

"I'm just saying, after what happened last timeā€¦"

"Jarn raises a point," the twi'lek said. "None of us want to share the same fate as Coil and his crew."

"Fine. We'll make a recording. Get her to do some tricks and send it to the old man. Tell him we want half in advance."

"Now that's a plan I can get behind." The one called Jarn nodded in approval before he turned his attention back to Shysa. "Now then, girl. What else can you do?"

There was silence in the lift as it climbed upward, but it was not a restful silence. Luke Skywalker stood facing his fourteen year-old nephews in the small space, but neither one of them looked at him and neither one of them spoke.

"We don't know anything for certain yet," Luke reminded them. Kyd nodded automatically, but his brother was silent and stone-faced. "Jonah. You need to stay calm."

Jonah's dark eyes shifted toward him. "I am calm."

"Calm is not just something you project on the outside. You have to feel it inside as well. A Jedi can only draw strength from the Force when he is calm and at peace."

Jonah looked away, his jaw clenched tight.

Luke folded his arms, tucking his hands in the sleeves of his long robe. "What have you learned about fear?"

"Fear is an emotion," Kyd answered. "Emotions cloud your judgement."

"The Jedi teaching on fear. Not your dad's."

"Fear leads to anger," Jonah answered, still looking away. "Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Jonah was nearing the end of his first year at the Jedi academy. He was an exceptional student in many ways, but his weakness was always meditation.

Boba Fett trained his sons to fight, to exercise control and to always be alert, but tranquility was not a part of the Fett code. Patience, when required. Endurance, always. Never peace.

"It's kind of the same thing, isn't it?" Kyd shifted his weight and tucked his thumbs into his belt. "Either way, fear will mess you up."

"But only if you let it."

The lift chimed as they reached the penthouse level. Luke had made this journey so many times before, and every time his niece greeted him at the door. Her absence stabbed him, puncturing his own fragile calm.

Leia opened the door. She hugged Luke, and then gathered her sons into her arms as if she never intended to let them go. Luke moved past her to where his brother-in-law was standing in full armor. "Did you just get in?"

Fett's helmet tilted marginally. "About an hour ago."

It was Leia who told the story. She'd taken Shysa to the park, just as she'd done many times before. Shysa was running around the big fountain in center. She was only out of sight for a few seconds on the opposite side, but then she didn't emerge, and Leia went to investigate.

"The city authorities locked down the square and questioned everyone. The most anyone could say was that they saw a human male carrying a girl who matched my description. They thought the girl was sleeping."

"What about the security cams?"

She shook her head. "Nothing."

Luke glanced at Fett, who remained silent and unnervingly still. "Have there been any demands?"

His sister shook her head again. "The authorities said kidnappers never wait long...if they're after money." Her throat convulsed, and she pressed her fingers to her temples. "We've been so careful to keep their faces off the holonet. Is it possible that someone took her because she was a little girl by herself? If we offer a reward-"

"They took her in a public place," Fett spoke up, his voice flat and emotionless. "Without being seen by any of the security cams. That took planning."

"I agree," Luke conceded. "It doesn't feel random to me. So what changed? Has there been anything about your family in the news lately? Anything at all?"

Fett neither moved nor spoke, but Luke could feel his attention, the heat of his unfriendly gaze. "What?" He said, turning sharply to face the bounty hunter. "What is it?"

Instead of answering, his helmet turned intentionally towards his sons. "No," Jonah said immediately. "We are not. Leaving." Kyd drew himself up beside his brother and folded his arms tightly over his chest in silent agreement. Luke often wondered if Fett realized just how flawless their imitation was.

"You're staying," their father replied. "I'm leaving."

Leia looked over at him sharply. "Where are you going?"

"If this was the work of professionals, they'll belong to a crew. I have an old associate on Toydaria with some connections." The bounty hunter paused, lowering his helmet towards her. "This will go public. You have to hold press releases, offer rewards. Whoever took her will be watching. And I should be seen at your side."

She frowned. "It's been years since you've had a double. Maxel and Vim are too tall, and the other two are female."

"Goran would be the right height."

"He's stockier than you, and it would take him at least three days to get here."

Luke cleared his throat. "What about Dyrk Veet?"

His sister turned to face him. "I haven't seen Dyrk in years. I have no idea where he is."

"I do. He's been working on Basilisk lately. He could be here by tonight."

Leia tilted her head to one side as she looked at Luke. "I didn't realize the two of you kept in touch."

Luke shrugged. Kyd raised his hand. "Wait. Who's this guy?"

"He was one of my guards when I first returned to the Senate."

"It could work," Fett agreed. "Contact him. Tell him he'll be well paid."

"You don't need to offer him money. If the Mand'alor calls, he'll answer. Isn't that how it works?"

His brother-in-law regarded him silently for a moment. "I think it would be better if the request came from you."

"Fine. I'll comm him."

Leia's eyes darted between them, a shadow of concern on her face. "Are you sure-"

"He'll do it," Luke reassured her.

She turned back to her husband, lifting her chin to look into his helmet's visor. Luke could sense, with painful clarity, just how much she hated being left behind to handle the press. It was logical, it made sense, but it was still torture for her. And then there was her husband. He had to know how hard this was for her, and he couldn't even do her the courtesy of removing his helmet and looking her in the eye.

"I don't want you to go to Toydaria alone," Leia said to him, and Jonah and Kyd immediately straightened.

"We'll-" Jonah started to say, but Leia cut him off.

"I need you both here."

"Mom," Kyd tried, but her response was just as swift.

"I said no."


She spun around to face them, her hands clenching into fists. "Your little sister is missing. If you think either one of you are leaving my sight, you are sorely mistaken." She took a moment to inhale before returning to Fett, her voice cutting through the air like a knife. "You're not going alone."

"Agreed. You're coming with me."

It took Luke a second to realize that Fett was speaking to him.

"Luke," Leia echoed, equally as shocked. "Why?"

"Because he's a Jedi," the bounty hunter replied evenly. "He's got that handy kill-anyone-for-the-good-the-republic card in his pocket." His helmet tilted towards Luke. "Unless you've got something more important to do?"

Luke glared back at him. "Shysa is my family too. Nothing is more important than bringing her home."

Mando'a Translation

Meg geroya? - What game?