Chapter 1: Realisation

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravity Falls! Alex Hirsch does!

Okay, so this is my first Gravity Falls fanfiction, but flames are allowed!

After hours of darkness, the dark, grey clouds finally parted, revealing the beautiful night sky. The raging waves calm. No more lightning or thunder were seen or heard. The twins, who were on a boat, heaved a sigh of relief. They slumped onto the floor, panting heavily. They were extremely exhausted from navigating their boat-dubbed the Stan O' War II-through the huge storm for hours, trying to get away from a creature of unimaginable horror. Stan turned to his twin brother, Ford, who was lying down on the ground despite the fact that it was wet.

"Oi, Pointdexter, did that thing hurt you?" Stan asked worriedly, walking over to Ford.

"No!" Ford answered hastily, groaning in pain when he accidentally moved his arm.

"Seriously, Sixer! I'm a master at lying and a professional conman! You're a terrible liar! Plus, you didn't hide your pain well enough," Stan commented, rolling his eyes.

"Fine! I admit defeat! Here," Ford lamented, sighing as he held his right hand up.

Stan gasped at the sight of his twin brother's arm. There was a huge, angry wound on Ford's arm, which oozed blood that stained the remainder of the torn-off sleeve. Ford winced in pain, gritting his teeth as Stan held his arm to observe the injury, although Stan was very gentle.

"How does it feel like?" Stan asked, scowling.

"Like a flaming dagger that stabbed me," Ford answered softly, resisting the urge to scream in pain.

"Alright, let's fix you up," Stan stated, sighing as he helped Ford up.

First, the twins went to the bathroom to wash Ford's wound with water. Ford hissed as the pain was excruciating. After what seemed like hours of pain, they went down to their cabin, where their bunks were. After getting Ford to sit on the lower bunk, Stan went to get the things required to treat the nasty wound. It did not take long for Stan to return with the first-aid kit. Sitting down next to Ford on a chair, Stan began to apply some disinfectant on the wound. Ford bit his lip, squeezing his eyes shut as pain shot through his entire body.

"Sixer, what was that thing anyway?" Stan questioned, still applying the disinfectant on Ford's arm.

"I don't really know, to be honest. There is a high probability that the creature was a kraken but with those kind of claws, it can't be anything that I have heard or read of, Stanley," Ford answered, wishing that the pain would just disappear.

"That beast was huge! Nothing back in Gravity Falls is as big as that thing!" Ford continued, sighing.

"That beast managed to rip off my sleeves, injuring my arm in the process. Funny how the boat and my arm survived. We could have died," Ford added.

"And… done! I've bandaged your arm up as good as new! Probably!" Stan exclaimed after securing the bandages on Ford's arm.

"Thanks," Ford muttered, eyeing his bandaged arm.

"Look, I hate to break it to you, Sixer, but I don't think we're strong enough to defeat the anomalies and supernatural beings of the Arctic Ocean by ourselves. We need help!" Stan admitted loudly.

"I agree with you, Ley, but who in the whole multiverse could possibly help us? Also, if we don't hurry, the world could be destroyed!" Ford stated.

There was a moment of awkward silence between the two twins as they stared at each other. Ford scratched the back of his neck, looking away. Stan picked up a photo frame from the desk, which was covered with maps and calculations, nearby. He beckoned for Ford to look at the photo. Stan and Ford smiled as they looked at the picture of their great-niece and nephew, Mabel and Dipper. An idea began to form in Stan's mind and he grinned at Ford.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pointdexter?" Stan inquired.

"But it will be an insanely risky move to bring the kids along! I know that the summer break is coming but we can't just take them away! Anyway, they'll miss out on their lessons!" Ford protested, frowning.

"Says the Brainiac with twelve PhDs. Besides, we can ask them to join us during the summer break!" Stan pointed out, narrowing his eyes.

"Fine, fine, you got me! But, let's discuss this tomorrow, okay? It's time to call it day," Ford stated, struggling to climb onto his bunk above Stan's, yawning.

"Yeah, whatever. Goodnight, Sixer," Stan said, lying down on his bunk, placing his spectacles next to his pillow.

"Good night," Ford mumbled, drifting off as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Ford was in the Fearamid, held by some blue chains, hanging from the ceiling. Stan was stuck inside a blue pyramid prison near him. Stan was banging on the wall of the prison, screaming. Ford's heart pounded wildly when he saw the triangle dream demon, Bill Cipher, towering in front of him. Bill cackled loudly as he watched Dipper and Mabel struggle, trying to get out of Bill's clutch.

"Kids!" Ford screamed, feeling panicky.

"Well, Fordsie! Still not giving me the equation of breaking the barrier preventing me from escaping Gravity Falls and making Weirdmaggedon worldwide? I think I'm going to kill one of these midgets for the heck of it!" Bill threatened.

"Eeny!" Bill Started, flashing Dipper's zodiac, which was the pine tree, causing the two younger twins to scream.

"Meeny!" Bill exclaimed, flashing, Mabel's zodiac, which was the shooting star.

"Miny!" Bill shouted, flashing the pine tree symbol before flashing the shooting star, causing Ford to gasp, horrified.

"You!" Bill roared, clicking his fingers.

"And a shooting star falls!" Bill yelled in glee as Mabel fell limp in his hand next to Dipper.

"Oh no! Mabel!" Dipper hollered, terrified.

"No!" Stan howled.

Ford felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He tried to speak but no word came out from his mouth.

"And so did Pine Tree!" Bill sneered and Dipper fell limp in his hand as well.

"Kids! No!" Stan hollered, tears trickling down his cheeks like rivulets.

Ford felt like a knife had stabbed him in the heart. His heart skipped a beat. Mabel and Dipper were dead. Bill dropped the two younger twins, cackling as he grabbed Stan from the prison.

"Still not going to talk, IQ? Then maybe killing your twin will help!" Bill leered.

Ford was scared out of his wits. He flailed wildly in the air, trying to break free.

"Don't kill him!' Ford screamed, finally able to speak.

However, Ford was too late.

Stan let out an ear-piercing scream when a huge sharp icicle pierced through him and his heart. Blood oozed out, staining Stan's clothes. Bill cackled loudly, full of joy.

"Stanley! No!' Ford hollered, tears trickling down his cheeks.

Ford woke up with a start, screaming. He sat up, banging his head on the top of the bunk. He fumbled to adjust the spectacles on his face, panting. The nightmare felt so real! He messaged the back of his head, moaning.

"Sixer, are you okay up there?" Stan asked, looking up at his brother worriedly.

"I'm fine, Stanley. It's just a nightmare," Ford answered, messaging his temples.

"What was it about?" Stan asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Ford mumbled, burying his head in his hands.

"Come on, now. Talking about it can help to make you feel better," Stan pointed out, causing Ford to sigh.

"It was horrible. I-I-I dreamt that Bill killed you and the kids while I just helplessly looked," Ford recalled, sobbing.

"Stanford, you know that the accursed dream demon is dead. He can't harm us anymore. Also, it's only a nightmare," Stan stated, beckoning his twin brother to sit beside him.

Ford slowly got down from his bunk, sitting down on the lower bunk next to Stan. Stan did not expect Ford to bury his face in his chest, sobbing. His shoulders shook like a leaf every time he sobbed and tears flowed freely down his cheek like rivulets. Stan quickly overcame his shook over Ford's abrupt movement and wrapped his arms around Ford, pulling him into a hug.

"It's okay, Sixer. I'm here for you," Stan said in a soothing voice, trying to calm Ford down.

"Stanley, I-I-I'm s-sorry for letting Dad k-kick y-y-you o-out of t-the h-house w-when you accidentally broke my P-Perpetual M-M-Motion M-machine! I-I'm s-sorry f-for p-pushing you away! I'm s-sorry for n-not co-contacting you for ten straight years when you needed me the most! I'm s-sorry that I am a-a-a u-useless brother w-who is a s-six f-f-fingered freak!" Ford sobbed, his voice muffled.

"Ford, don't say that to yourself! I have already forgiven you!" Stan exclaimed.

"I'm sorry for p-p-punching y-you in t-the face when I first came out of the p-portal after y-you s-spent thirty years trying to g-get m-m-me b-back!" Ford hollered.

"Stanford Filbrick Pines! I have already forgiven you!" Stan repeated, rubbing Ford's back.

The twins sat on the Stan's bunk for a really long time in silence. Soon, Ford's sobs wre only hiccups and sniffles as he wiped the tears of his face with his hand.

"Sixer, I know that the kids haven't hear from us for almost five months now. Why don't we post a letter to them at the next port? They must be worried," Stan suggested, wiping the remaining tears on Ford's face with a handkerchief that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"I know it is a terrible and dangerous idea, but let's ask the kids if they want to join us," Ford stated, looking at Stan.

"Alright! High-Six?" Stan asked, raising his hand.

"High-Six!" Ford answered, smiling when they gave each other a High-Six.

"Now, get changed, Pointdexter. You didn't change out of your clothes since yesterday!" Stan commanded.

"Says the guy who hasn't done so as well!" Ford commented before they burst out laughing as they got up, about to prepare for their journey to their next destination.


Mabel reluctantly walked to the front door to pick up the letters they have received. She picked the envelopes and junk mail up, looking at them with a bored expression. It had been a while since her two great-uncles had sent a letter to them and she was hoping that they would soon. But then, an envelope addressed to her and Dipper instantly caught her attention. She squealed in excitement, dropping all the junk mail before bolting upstairs to her and Dipper's room. In her rush, she bumped into Dipper, who was walking over to the table to charge his handphone.

"Woah! Why are you rushing?" Dipper asked, looking at Mabel curiously.

"Finally, another came!" Mabel gasped, jumping for joy.

"Another what?" Dipper asked, placing his phone on the table.

"Isn't it obvious? It's another letter from Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's open it!" Dipper stated as he grabbed the envelope from Mabel, opening it.

The letter was written on a crisp, clean paper which was neatly folded. Carefully, Dipper smoothed it out as he sat down next to Mabel on her bed, revealing the message which was definitely written by Ford and Stan:

Dear Dipper and Mabel,

How are you two doing? How was school? We're sorry for not writing to you for a while now. We have been busy trying to stop the new anomalies that we have encountered on our journey.

After months of being out at sea, Stan and I have decided to pay you a visit on the fifteenth of June for a while to check on how you are doing. We hope that your parents allow it. Now I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that you are not going to Gravity Falls this summer. But the good news is that Stan and I would like you two to join us on our journey. The last few anomalies that we have encountered at the Arctic Ocean were too powerful for the two of us to handle alone so we are asking that you accompany us.

But be sure to ask your parents first. We do not want them to kill us for bringing you two with us without their knowing. If your parents allow you to go, we will be heading out on the fifteenth of June itself. Remember to pack your things because the journey will be a long and tiring one. But if your parents do not allow you to, we will still visit you but you two would not be following us back to the boat.

Take care of yourselves. We hope to see you soon during our visit!

P.S.Also, if your parents do not allow you to follow us, just tell them that my nerdy bro here has twelve PhDs. I guarantee that it would help! And maybe bribe them with money, too. Do not listen to my brother's suggestion of using bribery on your parents. Trust me.


Stanley and Stanford Pines

"Wow! A journey to the Arctic Ocean with Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford! That is so cool!" Dipper exclaimed.

"But will Mum and Dad ever allow it?" Mabel asked worriedly.

"Well I'm sure they will! Let's try to reason with them. They'll give in eventually. Like how you convinced them to allow you to keep Waddles," Dipper reassured.

"Yeah, you're right. I just have to look at the bright side!" Mabel agreed, grinning.

"Race you downstairs!" Mabel challenged, getting up and bolting out of the room.

"Last one there would be the rotten egg!" Mabel added.

"Hey, no fair!" Dipper yelled, running after his twin only to trip over Waddles, who was sleeping on the floor.

The two twins pushed each other playfully, trying to get to the living room before the other. Despite the fact that the both of them were thirteen, they remained their playful selves, even after nearly a year since their thirteenth birthday. The two, who were distracted, both lost their footing and tumbled down the flight of stairs. They then landed on the ground with aloud thud.

"I'm okay! Also, it's a tie!" Mabel yelled before the two siblings burst out laughing.

"Wow, finally! After about a year, we are finally see our two grunkles again this Saturday!" Mabel said excitedly.

"Wait, they are coming on the fifteenth of June, which is this Saturday, right?" Dipper asked, shocked.

"Duh! Unless you're blind or deaf!" Mabel answered, nudging Dipper playfully.

"Wow, Mabel, I think we can make their visit more special because of an occasion that Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford have never celebrated for forty years," Dipper suggested.

"Oh! I get it!" Mabel gasped, grinning widely.

"You know what this means!" Dipper said.

"It is time for the us to decorate!" the two said in unison.

"What is all this about?" Mrs. Pines asked as she walked by, frowning at Dipper and Mabel.

"Mum! We need to discuss about something with you and Dad!" Mabel screamed.


A/N: Okay, this was long and fun to write. Also, my other fanfiction, The Adventures in The Utopira Region, will be completely vaporised, so sorry to people who had read it and want me to continue the story. Also, please review. Comments and flames are welcomed! Now, back to throwing stuff into the bonfire to roast marshmallows!

Mabel: Also s'mores!

Yes, that too, so keep reading! I will update as soon as possible.