Hello all! Bonnie here with the second installment of Give Me What I'm Hurting For, a few shout outs to MissAmieB, Blindmouse1, rebootfan, and Blair Belmonte! Love you guys for reviewing, and this chapter is dedicated to you guys! And thank you everyone else who has faved and followed the story, you're all great!
I believe,
That this is your life and it can rule you.
You believe that things are better when left unsaid.
Well you're a fool 'cause you don't believe anything good can happen to the people it should.
Well I believe in you,
So get over yourself.
Every semester Dr. Flipsen gets Dr. Morana to come out and parade her job around the class. Tess assumed it was some sort of penance for all the holes Flipsen had to jump through to get Morana her degree. She claims it's to 'help' Tess with her 'people skills'. Tess was pretty sure it's just a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
After a very long day over the table, with grueling questions from oblivious cadets, Tess needed a drink. At a little after six-thirty, she found herself at a bar not too far from the Academy – figuring that since it was a Monday night, there wouldn't be too many people out partying. Her hunch was right, the place was virtually empty at this hour, save for a few dedicated stragglers sitting at the bar. Tess ordered herself a whiskey and coke, before slumping in to her chair and leaning her head on the bar top.
A solid thirty minutes had passed and Tess had slammed two whiskey and cokes by this point. She was on a time crunch – needed to be tipsy enough to make sleeping easy for the night, while still getting home at a decent hour. Tess had just ordered her third round when a familiar voice piped up from behind her.
"Rough day?" It was more a statement than a question, but the sudden presence still made Tess jump. She turned to see Dr. McCoy, sporting his own glass of dark liquid.
"You have no idea." Tess groaned as she turned back to grab her drink. She turned her body to face McCoy, trying to send the invitation to stay and talk without her actually having to speak. He obliged, claiming the seat next to her.
"Every time Flipsen gets me up in front of people it's worse than the last. Almost lost a damn scalpel in a chest cavity today." Tess snorted as she threw back her drink with a large gulp. It burned going down her throat, but she wasn't one to let anyone else know that. After flagging down the barkeep for another drink, she turned her attention back to McCoy. "I guess I never properly introduced myself. Dr. Tess Morana, at your service." She stuck her hand out with a small smile. McCoy obliged and shook her hand.
"Leonard McCoy. Or Bones."
"Like ol' Sawbones! Cute." Tess snorted out a laugh, causing McCoy to shake his head. A few moments passed with comfortable silence, and when Leonard finally concluded that Tess wouldn't contribute to starting a conversation, he injected his own.
"Talked with Dr. Flipsen while you were doing the autopsy." He said, almost nonchalantly. Tess's eyes narrowed as she sipped her drink, though the twinkle behind them was light and playful.
"Really now? And what did the esteemed Dr. Flipsen have to share with you?" Tess inquired, almost innocently.
"That you're a shit conversationalist." He deadpanned. No beating around the bush with this one. Tess snorted again, nearly choking on her drink as she laughed.
"Yeah, yeah… She's not wrong about that one. I feel like most students get over those spotlight jitters after their first year in pre-med. Not I, said the cat." She shrugged, "Guess it doesn't matter though. Everything worked out in the end, and I don't have to talk to my patients." Tess winked and Leonard shook his head at her, letting slip the tiniest grin on his face. She couldn't tell if it was the alcohol that was boosting her confidence in her social abilities, or if it was just the fact that Leonard was just easy to talk to. Tess was inclined to think it was the former – four whiskey and cokes in could loosen anyone's tongue.
Just as Tess was about to inject her own inquiries into the conversation, a stranger walked up to the pair and slung an arm around Leonard's neck.
"Bones!" The man exclaimed, slightly slurring his words. Tess furrowed her brows as she looked at the man… There was something vaguely familiar about him. "Who's your pretty new friend? Not going to introduce me?" The man winked his baby blue eyes at Tess, who was too busy being distracted by her thoughts to notice.
"Tess, this is Ji-"
"James Kirk!" Tess exclaimed, her face lighting up with recognition. The drunk man looked taken aback, not quite knowing who she was. "It was a long time ago, but I'm sure you remember. Even in your drunken state. Contessa Morana." Jim's mouth formed an 'o' as a wave of recognition washed over him.
"Tess!" He exclaimed and wrapped her in a tight, slightly drunken hug. After a good moment he stood back, his arms still resting on her shoulders. "How are you? It's been forever!" Tess smiled up at him, though the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Y'know. Good as I can be." She shrugged. Leonard interrupted the two as they were staring at each other.
"Not to interrupt this very warm reunion or anything," His voice went back to that of the irritated doctor's rather than the charming man that was there before Jim arrived, "but how do you two know each other?" Of course, Leonard thought he had met the one girl in Starfleet that Jim hadn't slept with, and he stood corrected.
"Childhood friends!"
They answered rather quickly, voices overlapping eachothers. This earned them an inquisitive look from Bones. The silence was awkward and stiff between them, only to be interrupted by Tess's even more awkward and stiff cough to break it.
"Sooo.. Jimmy, how do you know Leonard here?" She asked trying to change the subject. Though Leonard looked just as annoyed with the spotlight turned to him anyway.
"Leonard, huh?" Jim winked to Bones beside him, and the older man groaned.
"What? That's your name isn't it?" Tess looked alarmed, as if she said something wrong. Leonard just waved her off as he ordered another drink. She pursed her lips as he ignored her. "Well that's just rude." She heard Jim's cackling coming from beside her.
"He's just like that, Tess, gotta give him time to warm up to you!" He slung an arm around her shoulder.
"Oh, like everyone warms up to you?" She grinned as she peeled herself out of Jim's grip.
"Tess! It's been years and this is how you treat me?" His pouting earned him a grin on Tess's behalf.
"Uh huh, but I remember what a little hellion you were! I'd wager my next paycheck that you haven't changed in the slightest." Tess wagged her finger at him, still smiling.
"If you're wondering if he's still an ass pain, the answer is yes." Leonard's gruff voice finally rejoined the conversation. Tess hid her laughter behind her hand as Jim started whining to Leonard.
"Dude, not cool!" He complained. Leonard simply shrugged and sipped his drink. "Don't listen to him, Tess, he's just a grumpy old doctor." Jim informed her.
"Oh, is that it?" She laughed, sending a smile over to Leonard. "What does that make me, Jim?"
"Uh… Is this a trick question?" He raised his eyebrow. "I mean last time I checked you weren't a jaded, old medic or anything." Tess swatted his arm.
"I know it's been awhile, but Jesus man!" Tess scolded, "I'm a Medical Examiner. I told you I'd do it." She grinned proudly.
"Ew. You actually work on dead bodies for a living. Tess, you're weird. And that's a weird thing for an eight-year-old to want to be." Tess huffed and turned her attention back to her drink. Leonard raised his eyebrow at the girl, listening to their banter. At that moment a gaggle of blondes walked in to the bar. Jim didn't need much coercing to go talk to them, but at least he left with promises to catch up with Tess at another time before he went.
"So…" Leonard broke the silence between them after a few good minutes. "You wanted to be an ME since you were eight?" He shot Tess a sideways glance, the corner of his mouth turned upward in what could potentially be considered a smile. Tess snorted and shook her head.
"Yeah… My, uh, mom.. She was an ME. Always admired her work."
"Even still. A strange interest for an eight-year-old." Leonard dared to probe a little further. A small smile was still on Tess's face, but didn't quite reach her eyes.
"There were nights when she would come home, bone tired. The nights I knew she had seen some grueling things – unimaginable things to most people. When I got older I'd ask her about why she would do it, and she would sit me down and tell me 'Tess, there are some hard things in this world, but someone's gotta do it. Those of us that are strong enough to carry that burden do, so no one else has to hold that pain.'"
"You do it so someone else doesn't have to carry the burden." Leonard echoed. He could tell he hit a nerve with the subject of it all. Despite that, he still craved to learn more.
"Even with just a couple of years under my belt, I've seen things that would make your toes curl, and sick to your stomach." She wasn't gloating, just stating fact. Her eyes glazed over as she stirred her drink slowly. "If I'm strong enough to take it, why make someone else go through it? And not do as good of a job as I could? Does that make sense?"
"A little… But if you do everything for everyone else, when are you gonna have the time to focus on yourself?" The southern drawl in his voice warmed Tess's chest. She'd come across that thought a few times, but always squashed it when it got out of control.
"I already owe my life to the goodness of others. I could spend the rest of my natural lifespan and more giving back, and it wouldn't be enough." Tess gulped down the rest of her drink and stood from her barstool. "And besides, the dead ones don't pester you with questions." Tess smiled and winked at Leonard, who simply shook his head at her.
"Thanks for drinking with me Leo, it's been real. See you around the hospital some time, yeah?"
"Yeah. See you, Tess." He replied quietly as she turned her back and walked away.
What a peculiar woman. All Leonard was left with was more questions than answers, and a yearning to know more. Perhaps, when Jim sobered up, he would talk to his friend about the strange enigma that was Contessa Morana.
Aaaand there's chapter two! Sorry again that this chapter is short... I think it's easier for me to spit out short chapters more frequently than being bogged down by trying to make a 6 billion word chapter once every blue moon that falls on a sacrificial Tuesday. So we're gonna see how this goes! Still not 100% sure if I'm going to continue Tess's story line, still testing the waters with this plot. I only have wisps of a plot and a half baked OC. Pretty much making this shit up as I go! (wow im the worst) Sooo leave reviews, as it bribes me into using my brainhole and make some semblance of a story and stuff. yeh... Much love,