Well, I guess this ends Chao In Space 2. Short but it gets the message across. lol
A few months later...
Shadow's new born chao was ready to hatch, the dark run chao watched the egg move around as a white and red baby hero chao popped out of the egg. She was a power type like Shiny was.
"Hey there little one..." Shadow purred at his daughter. The baby chao looked up at her father and placed her paws on his face, she smiled and squealed with delight. Shadow smiled back at her and lifted her up a the top of chao rock. Light shined towards the baby chao.
"Heavens, bless my baby chao!" Shadow called to his mate. Golden blessed her little one. The baby power hero chao smiled and tried to catch the dust in her paws, she laughed when she saw the dust going around her.
Shadow was pleased.
"Hey Shadow, what's going on?" Magic flew up to him, he noticed the baby chao in his huge paws.
"My little one is getting blessed by the chao that have went to heaven for us all." Shadow looked down at his baby. Magic gasped and looked at her with awe. Then he looked at Sadow.
"What are you going to name her, Shadow?" Magic asked.
After a few moments, he looked down at her.
"Shenzi is going to be her name." Shadow answered.
"Shenzi? It sounds like a wonderful name." Magic finally held Shenzi, the baby power hero chao clapped her paws in delight, she liked Magic and Shadow. She felt their kindness.
Melody and Dawn watched from below, they didn't want to crowd Shadow at the top of chao rock. Angel Chaos watched from above a tree. Then she looked into the sky, seeing if Golden was still around.
"I know things are harder without you, but I'm glad that Xavier is with you." Angel Chaos was talking to her daughter. Golden answered her mother with leaves flying around the place. Shenzi saw the leaves going around her, she was pleased and felt her mother's touch.
Golden appeared, but no one could see her, she made sure that only Shenzi could notice her as the baby chao squealed at her.
"You are going to become very strong..." Golden petted her daughter. Shenzi looked at her mother, who began to disappear.
"Chao..." Shenzi whimpered, she wanted to see her mother again.
"Hey, Shenzi, what's wrong?" Shadow started rocking her back and forth in his paws. Shenzi looked up at her father, tears starting forming in her eyes.
"Your mother wouldn't want you to cry little one..." Angel Chaos flew down and noticed her finally.
"Angel Chaos, thank you." Shadow dipped his head, causing the Chaos hero chao to respond.
"No, thank you. You are a wonderful dark chao. I'm sorry for doubting you." Angel Chaos looked at him, their eyes locked for a moment.
"It's alright. At least Dark Chaos is gone, he come back here again." Shadow looked down.
All of the hero chao were playing below, kicking balls and swimming in the water. Some chao were planting seeds for new trees to grow so that they had more to eat. Light Chaos beckoned Angel Chaos to follow him finally.
"I have to go, Shadow. Take good care of your daughter. Protect her, make her strong." Angel Chaos blessed Shenzi as well before heading off with the normal chaos chao. They both made their way to Chao Garden, it was nice again. Trees were fully grown, lots of neutral chao were roaming around. Some of them were talking about how new the garden looked. Angel Chaos smiled at this, it looked like a brand new Chao World.
"This is nice. I like it." Angel Chaos purred.
"I knew you would." Light Chaos replied, he flew up to the gray chao rock and looked up into the sky.
"I'm glad things are back to normal." Angel Chaos stood next to him. Light Chaos turned to face her.
"I'm glad too." Light Chaos smiled.
Later that day...
Shadow was sleeping next to his young daughter, she was sleeping peacefully. Magic was with Dawn, talking about how he felt about her while Melody was talking to Shiny and Ed. They were laughing about Dark Chaos's defeat, once they were done chatting, they went to bed. Shiny slept wit Ed in the soft grass, while Dawn, Magic and Melody slept with Shadow and Shenzi.
Months later...
Shenzi was a young hero chao. Not as big as Golden was, but old enough to train and do things on her own. Shadow was watching her from above chao rock.
"Is he always up there?" Shenzi asked Magic.
"Yeah, he misses your mother..." Magic answered her question, she looked up at him and asked him more questions.
"What happened to my mother?" Shenzi wondered, she looked at Magic for a while.
"She was killed in battle in space... A long time ago..." Magic replied, he was being honest with her. He never lied to anyone about anything.
"What? How did she die in space? Who killed her?" Shenzi asked more questions about her mother.
"Dark Chaos... He stabbed her with a golden beam sword." Magic answered.
"Why would he do that?" Shenzi was now concerned.
"Because... He's evil..." Magic sighed.
"Do you think she's watching me?" Shenzi asked her final question.
"Yes... Yes she is..." Magic replied with a small smile.
Shenzi turned and looked up at her father, Shadow was not moving from his spot. He was sleeping up on chao rock that morning.
Both Chao Garden and Hero Garden were saved. Shenzi was introduced to the world and she made a promise to her father that she would be strong, she was train and help them take care of evil that came to them.
From space...
"Ha ha ha ha! It looks like it's my turn again..." A voice laughed.
Dark Chaos rose from a blue light, he looked up and saw his father.
"You are to kill the new hero chao. Stop her at all costs. Do not fail me again..." Dark Chaos's father growled at him.
"Don't worry... This time, taking me down will not be so easy..." Dark Chaos had an armor like skin. His tail was much longer and his horns curled around his head.
A new threat was also going to be by his side... A chao that was going to be unstoppable. Something that Shadow has never faced before in his life. And Golden was ready to give Shenzi a quest.
The End?
Well that was Chao in Space 2, thanks to those who read this, Chao In Space 3 might be coming soon. I don't know yet, but when the time comes, I will write about my chao and their adventures again. Shenzi is a Power Type Hero chao that I made years ago, I miss her, but I got some new chao. Hopefully her quest will be a good one! Please review this if you haven't yet! ^w^