i said i wasnt gonna be on for a bit because publishing and shit but i wanted to get this out there before they actually get married

Yuuri was breathing deeply, but he looked up, smiling, making sure to meet eyes with his boyfriend and everyone else in the crowd.

He hadnt gotten the best score in the Grand Prix, and because he had been skating last, he knew exactly what place he was in before it was even announced.

"Yuuri Katsuki has gotten third place!"

"Viktor?" He said as his boyfriend pulled him off the podium and into his arms. He gave him a kiss on the cheek, then looked Yuuri in the eyes and said,


"Will we still get married?" He looked into the older mans eyes, hopeful.

Viktor smiled at him, and kissed the man long on the lips.

"Of course we are, Yuuri. We would have gotten married even if you hadnt made it into the top three." He said after pulling away.

Yuuri smiled, and was about the kiss his soon-to-be-husband again, when Viktor stopped him.

"I have one question for you," He said. "Whos going to wear the dress?"

i might be drawing both of them in wedding dresses rn. ill post it on my tumblr and deviantart after i finish the art for my 5 secret santas(im way too kind xD)

im also probabily going to go update my fairy tail oneshot collection now because i feel bad at not having a real update there for a while...