AN: Ayy, we made it to another chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

The Blonde With Three Souls

Chapter 6

Time Dilation


Qrow woke up in a jolt, raising his upper body to sit up straight. His head twisted back and forth, sweating profusely. Even when knowing Summer's current situation, he was still worried. He didn't know the blonde nor did he know his intentions.

He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. It was a very delicate situation. While he didn't want Summer to die, he also didn't want her to be stuck in someone else's body, let alone someone he didn't know if he could trust.

While Ozpin was intelligent, he more often than not only saw the best in people. His sister was a testament to that. So when she left, Ozpin was a bit… shaken. It was the first time in a while the old man's instincts had been proven wrong and it took a toll on the Headmaster's trust.

He could still see Ozpin's disappointment when he found out about Raven leaving Taiyang, and the worst part is that they still don't know why she left. She left Taiyang confused and heartbroken and the last time Qrow had talked to her, she was extremely cold. Colder than she'd ever been before.

Deciding to stay sober today, he got up from the couch he'd been sleeping on and made his way towards the Kitchen. He gazed over to the clock and noted he'd slept for around four hours. He felt satisfied, it was the highest amount he'd gotten in a single night in two weeks.

The coffee machine still had coffee in it, he noted. "He must've made more coffee than just the two cups we had." he thought as he put his knuckles on the coffee pot. The coffee was cold. He sighed as he grabbed his mug that was on the counter and cleaned it before pouring coffee into it and put it in the microwave.

He leaned against the counter and waited patiently for the coffee to get hot enough in the microwave. As he did, he felt his brother-in-law's aura move down the staircase. Smirking, he watched the blonde father of his nephews groggily walk into the kitchen.

"You look worse than I do now." The shape-shifter joked. Taiyang flipped him the bird as he too went to clean his mug. "So, did ya get any sleep at all?" Tai nodded lightly.

"Yeah, got a few hours." he responded as his gaze went from the mug to his brother-in-law. "Ruby and Yang should be waking up soon. They'll be happy to see you."

The dark-haired bachelor nodded as the microwave beeped, signalling it was done warming up the coffee. He took the mug out and took a sip of the coffee and winced a bit. "Microwaved coffee will never taste the same as newly brewed..." he muttered "Why did you make so much coffee earlier?"

The blonde shrugged. "Minimal effort when you wake up." he responded as he went over to the coffee machine and poured some into his own cup. He then nodded sagely as he put the coffee in the microwave. "And yeah, microwaved coffee will never taste the same as newly brewed." Qrow merely snorted in amusement.

"The kids will probably be waking up soon." The blonde noted. "At what time does the next airship to Vale depart?" Qrow took another sip of his coffee as he pulled out his scroll and went onto the airship application.

"It'll be at the harbour in four hours," he responded "Plenty of time." Taiyang nodded, patiently waiting for his coffee to heat up. The microwave beeped and he quickly took the coffee out of it. Taking a sip, he moaned in delight.

"Really?" Qrow inquired, raising an amused eyebrow. "You're gonna moan over microwaved coffee?" Taiyang looked at him, ready to flip him the bird once more. "Don't give me that look, you weirdo."

"Hey, can't I have just a small moment of joy?" Taiyang asked "I've been worried sick for two weeks!" he sighed as he put the coffee mug on the counter. "This was her first mission in three and a half years and she almost got killed on it. Hell, we don't even know how much of her is left inside of that blonde! We don't even know if we can trust this man."

Qrow agreed on this. The man was an enigma to him. The first thing he'd done was to tuck Summer's body away in a paper scroll. Just that raised a bunch of alarms. Then comes the part where he somehow dragged her soul out of her body when it was dying! What sick and twisted ability was that?!

The duo sighed before taking a sip of their coffee at the same time. Right now, they were too tired to even think about this and they'd need to keep a positive face for Ruby and Yang once they woke up.


The corridor James Ironwood walked through was white. Behind him, two of his guards flanked him. He didn't need them, but the council demanded that he'd have a protection detail, should there ever be an attempt on his life.

His destination was the office of Doctor Polendina, the head of Atlas' RnD division. He walked through the RnD department, seeing the different experiments they were conducting on campus. Many of them were merely different forms of weapon designs but Polendina had converted his office into a workshop for his latest project.

Said project was what James was interested in. Supposedly, it was an android body capable of generating an aura. It was incredibly early in development, barely just on the schematics table.

He got to the office door and opened it, not even bothering to knock. Some would say it was a disrespectful move, but James was in command and as such, he could waltz in wherever he wanted.

Doctor Polendina sat there, fiddling with a soldering pen's power supply James noted. The doctor's tinkering habits were not unknown to anyone, but he always wondered why the old man did it to a soldering pen.

"Doctor Polendina." The Headmaster called out from the door. The guards stood outside, guarding the entrance as Ironwood had his little meeting with the doctor. Polendina perked his head up before turning with a smile.

"Ah," he gave out "General Ironwood! What a pleasant surprise!" he turned off the power to the soldering pen and put it on the holder just above the power supply. "What can I do for you? Come to check up on my progress? I only started with this project a few months ago but it has come a long way for such a short amount of time."

The General nodded as he looked around the room. Robotic parts surrounded him, hanging on the walls and lying on the many workshop tables in the room. "You have indeed made progress." The Atlesian Headmaster replied.

"Tell me," James started, earning the undivided attention of his subordinate "is it possible to make a synthetic body for a non-synthetic soul?"

The doctor made a thinking pose. It was an interesting question to him, one that he would very much like to answer. "I believe so." he responded "I'd even wager that it would be easier to make a body capable of holding a soul something to hold said soul in, while also generating an aura than to actually create a synthetic aura. The body, however, would more or less be the same though."

James nodded in response. The doctor gave him a positive answer, that was good. "Can you divert your attention to that, then?" he asked. Polendina nodded slightly before he raised his left eyebrow.

"If you don't mind me asking, who's the body for?" The old man asked as he sat down on the chair behind the desk that stood in the middle of the makeshift workshop. Feeling like he should sit down too, James sat down on the chair in front of him and ran his metal hand through his hair as he sighed.

"Summer Rose." he responded, earning a pair of wide eyes from the Doctor. "Summer Rose is in need of a new body and Ozpin has asked me if Atlas can't provide one for her. I owe her my life, so giving her a new body would be up that alley." The doctor slowly nodded.

"You know we cant guarantee her having the power of the silver eyes should she survive the procedure, yes?" He questioned the General.

"Yes, of course I know that." James responded "But I'd rather her be there for her children than to be gone from their lives, silver eyes or not."

The doctor nodded sagely. This wasn't necessarily about making a battle-ready body. Just a sturdy body the woman could be put in so she could be with her children. It gave his experiments a very noble goal, one he very much would like to fulfil. "This could revolutionize the prosthetic industry!" He thought in delight.

"I'll get started immediately, General." He said as he gave the younger man a salute. Chuckling, James returned it. "Now leave me be, General. I have lots and lots of things to do before it can even come close to being considered a prototype, let alone a final product." James nodded as he stood up and walked out of the makeshift workshop. His Head of Research and Development had approved of his request. That was good. Now all they needed was time.

Beacon Academy

Inside of one of the larger buildings on campus were eight different training rooms located. These rooms were large and built like arenas, meant for either individual versus individual or team versus team.

They were designed to keep the spectators safe from the fight so they could observe and learn. They were tools for the students in their studies to become certified huntsmen and huntresses.

Currently, in arena room 2, sat twelve students in the spectator seats. Two other students could be seen down on the arena floor, with what looked to be an instructor leaning on a wall, seemingly ready to jump in just in case the spar went out of hand.

The instructor was a dark-skinned, green vertical-slitted eyed old man with no hair on to the top of his head and a thick, long grey beard that reached below his chest. He wore a black shirt with an orange encircled arrow on its back, a pair of shorts of the same shade and a pair of white laced black military boots. On his hips rested two scimitars that almost scraped the floor when he moved.

The students clothing were very different compared to the ones that were spectating. The student to the left from the spectators position was a muscled average length teenage boy and had a light tan, purple hair, teal eyes, wore a black hoodie and camouflage pants.

His shoes were barely visible as the legs of the pants reached down to the ground, but you could see steel-caps on each shoe. His hands were covered with bandages that went under the hoodie and in his hands rested a naginata.

The other student was a female with long, blonde hair that was tied up in a pony tail and her orange eyes were covered by a pair of squared glasses. She had a slender body that was covered by a purple short dress with black stockings that went just above the knees and under the dress you could see a pair of black shorts.

Her hands and arms were covered by a pair of cloth gloves that reached over her elbows. In her hands rested a huge battle axe with a gun handle and a straight magazine coming out of it. The axe was double-edged with black inscription that led straight down to the blade.

They both leaned forwards on their weapons, panting. Both of their auras were still in the green, the girl sitting at roughly fifty percent while the boy sat at fifty six. Throughout their whole spar, they had matched most of each others blows, only landing hits a couple of times. They were both exhausted, however, as the duel had gone on for almost ten minutes.

"Alright, I'm gonna end the spar right here." said the teacher as he walked between them. The two duellists nodded before collapsing down on the ground, panting even harder. Both of them were exhausted, the teacher reckoned. "Can ya walk back to the changing room?"

They groaned and nodded in unison, earning a wave of chuckles from their peers. The girl tiredly put her hand up in the air and gave them the finger in a comical fashion before getting back up and tiredly walked towards the door.

The teacher nodded to himself in thought. The two students shared the top spot and they had put on a good show for their classmates. They did, however, make way too many mistakes in their fight. That was something they knew and he'd take it up with them later when they were back from changing their clothes back to their uniforms.

He turned his focus towards the spectators in thought. They didn't have long until lunch break. All of them looked slightly tired from the three hour long combat training class but he needed them to hold on for just a little bit longer. He sighed lightly.

"Alright, Any volunteers for the next spar?" He asked the class. All of them hesitated as all of the students that were eager to spar had already done so.

"We'd like to have a little spar here if you don't mind, Professor Gray." Came a familiar voice from the spectator exit. Gray's focus turned to the voice and was surprised to see the headmaster together with a spiky blonde haired young man dressed in casual clothing and a leather coat.

"Oh boy… Of course, Headmaster Ozpin." he said with a smile. "Students, you're in for a treat now." Ozpin and the blonde calmly walked down from the spectator area into the hallway beneath that lead out to the practice area. They emerged a moment from the hallway, each walking towards the opposite side of the room.

The students looked in confusion. While it was pretty much known that Ozpin's cane was his weapon, the blonde did not have any at all. The blonde calmly pulled out what looked like a paper scroll before kneeling down and unrolling it. Raising an eyebrow, Ozpin observed the young man as he prepared for the fight.

Weaving through hand seals, Minato slammed his hand down on the scroll. To everyone's surprise, several pouches emerged in a puff of smoke. The blonde gathered them together and put them on his person before he put the scroll back in his coat.

He then walked to one of the three benches underneath the stand took the black leather coat off and put it on the middle bench. Once again, Ozpin raised an eyebrow at the sudden course of action but decided against saying anything as the blonde calmly walked back to the middle of the arena.

"Okay, I'm ready." The blonde said as he pulled a tri-pronged kunai out of one of the pouches, readying himself for the fight. He leaned forward slightly with his kunai in a reverse grip in his right hand and his right foot barely on the ground with only his toes down behind his left.

Ozpin readied himself as he slid into a stance by bringing his cane up with his left hand and right foot behind his left. "When you're ready, Professor Gray." he said, not taking his eyes off the blonde speed demon.

Gray walked over to the benches and sat down, readying himself to enjoy the show. All eyes were on the duo, ready to see what two huntsmen were capable off. "Ready..." he said, as he sensed Minato tense up lightly "Set..." The blonde lowered his body slightly and Gray arched his eyebrow lightly "Go!" The young Hokage disappeared from his position.

She sat on her knees in front of her father, watching him pace back and forth behind the small tea-table in front of her. The man was irritated, that much was evident as soon as you looked at his face. To her though, it was amusing to see him like this, but she also knew that if she showed said amusement, it would come back to bite her with the jaw strength of a crocodile.

Her father had a reason to be irritated too. The young maiden from the Kara Tribe was powerful to say the least and while she demanded respect, she rarely returned it. To top it all off, Sakura Kara ruled her tribe through fear, much like her father. The only difference was that Sakura was a genuine psychopath that gave zero regards to others.

And so, Raven sat in front of her father, nursing the spot her father's hand had stricken not long ago. After a few moments of pacing back and forth, he stopped and sighed. "Finally, he stopped." She thought as she took a sip of her tea. "What is on his twisted mind?"

He sat down on the other side of the table and picked up his cup of tea. "I want you to kill Sakura Kara." He said out of the blue. Her eyes widened ever so slightly. This was not something she was capable off. While Sakura's Maiden Powers were given to her at birth, Raven had only had hers for a few months.

She still didn't know how to fully control them. She still didn't know what kind of limits they had. Ever since she had gotten her powers, her father had become even more violent towards her.

She regained her posture, closed her eyes and took another sip. Her father was insane. Someone had to put him down but she knew she couldn't do it. "Maybe that blonde could do it for me..." She thought as she opened her eyes again.

"What makes you think I'm even capable of doing so?" She asked. "You know how powerful she is. You know EXACTLY what she's capable off. You've been on the receiving end of her wrath before." She sighed as she put her cup down on the table. "It's a miracle you're even alive right now."

His eyes bore into her in anger. She'd seen those eyes before. "He's just as much of a psychopath as she is." She thought. "We both know I will try," she started "but sending me to kill her is equal to giving me a death sentence."

The anger in Kraai's eyes disappeared. "He still have some of his humanity left, at least." She thought.

"You are right," he sighed "it would be sending you to your death." he stood up and walked towards one of the crates in the tent. "However, this is the last thing you'll do for me. If you succeed, then you can consider your debt paid in full."

Minato appeared behind the headmaster with his right foot poised to strike the man's head. He missed, however, as Ozpin leaned forward with his right leg going backwards, using his cane to balance his upper body.

Ozpin's kick connected with Minato's stomach, sending the blonde flying into the wall behind them in a high velocity. Before he connected, however, Minato twisted his body and hit the wall feet first and landed in a crouching position. As his feet connected, smoke erupted from him.

Almost immediately, two identical tri-pronged kunai came out of the smokescreen in a blinding speed. Ozpin reacted quickly and raised his upper body and lowered his right leg and turned around. He deflected the two kunai with his cane but was surprised when a third, a shadow, graced his right arm. Once again, he felt Minato's presence behind him as he swung his cane behind him, but hit nothing but air.

Suddenly, he felt a foot connect to his back as he too was sent flying, this time towards the other side of the room. He landed on the ground and tumbled a few times before he twisted his body and landed on his feet, stumbling backwards a few steps.

"I see..." he murmured as his gaze turned to Minato "Your semblance is teleportation." He could see the playful smirk on Minato's face as got back into his stance. "I must say, you're incredibly fast for someone who doesn't have a speed semblance."

Minato cracked his neck lightly and rubbed his stomach where Ozpin had struck him. "Yeah well, you kick like a mule." The blonde responded "But I have yet to see your semblance."

The headmaster chuckled lightly. "You're gonna have to do better than this to force it out." he responded. Minato's left eyebrow rose slightly. Did Ozpin just try and bait him?

"Is he… Is he serious?" Minato thought, earning a howling laughter from the humongous fox inside of him and a giggle from young woman. "Is he trying to rile me up?"

"I believe so, Yondaime." The fox said as his laughter died down "So, are you gonna take the bait or?" The blonde refrained from shaking his head as his eyebrow went back down to normal.

"Nah," He said as his face adorned the playful smirk once more "This is a test, I'll just have to out-play him." and with that, he took off once more, this time going straight through Ozpin's guard with a palm strike poised for Ozpin's chest. Ozpin barely dodged the strike as he sidestepped it, jumping to the side and landing a meter away. When his gaze turned to the wall that was a few meters away from his former position, his eyes widened slightly as an unseen force struck it, leaving a crater in the wall.

"Holy shit that blonde is fast!" Said one of the students from the spectator stand and Ozpin was inclined to agree with the teenager's statement. The man he was facing was not normal by any means. While the attack wasn't as flashy as some of the maiden powers he'd seen in the past, what he just witnessed was far more deadly.

"What was that?" The Headmaster thought before his eyes narrowed "Was that what he called chakra?" He didn't have time to think, however, as the blonde once again disappeared from his peripheral view. Letting his instincts kick in once again, he raised his cane to the right and grabbed the other end with his other hand, blocking a kick meant for his head. "His speed is incredible. I'm barely able to predict his moves and I can barely see him!"

Ozpin threw a straight kick towards Minato, but was surprised when the blonde used his cane as a lever, manoeuvring himself to the side. The blonde twisted his body at an incredible velocity and sent his left foot towards the Headmaster's face.

It connected, sending Ozpin backwards. He curled over mid-air and landed on his left hand, vaulting backwards. Quickly, he brought his cane up horizontally with both his hands, blocking the sole of Minato's sandals. "As fast as always..." He thought "It's time to turn the table."

Putting pressure on the Minato's leg, he pushed forward, hoping for Minato to lose his balance. The blonde leaned backwards and vaulted backwards before doing a mid-air somersault. As the blonde landed in a crouch, he launched two kunai at the Headmaster. This time, Ozpin went on the offensive and in his own burst of speed, he ran straight towards the teleporter.

Dodging the kunai, he anticipated the blonde to teleport to the kunai he'd thrown, like he did beforehand, but was surprised when Minato didn't. Deciding to go for the blonde, he continued towards him but just as he was about to strike Minato with the tip of his cane, the Hokage disappeared.

Ozpin came to a stop as his cane went through the wall, causing it to crack. He looked back to where the kunai went and sighed. Minato had teleported to the kunai he'd thrown and now stood on the opposite side of the room, holding one in each hand.

"You know, we're not gonna get anywhere with this." The blonde said as he looked Ozpin dead in the eye. A pregnant silence rose as they stared at each other. He went down extremely low, left leg bent forward and left hand supporting his upper body.

The headmaster's left eyebrow rose in slight confusion before he understood what the blonde was doing. "He's channelling energy into the limbs that are on the floor!" Ozpin thought as he barely had time to prepare for what was to come.

In a speed he couldn't even follow if he wanted to, the blonde was in the air right next to Ozpin with his wrist poised to strike Ozpin on his forehead. With no time to react, Minato thought, this would be the end of the fight.

She sat there, in shock. Her eyes were widened as a tear went down her cheek. "Is he… is he serious?" She wondered. "If I do this, will I really be free from his chains?"

What was running through his head? "Are… Are you serious?" She hesitated to ask. "You've held me with a titan grip for five years now." He nodded before a twisted smile formed. There it was. The twisted smile she oh so hated.

"Of course..." He responded "However, if you fail and survive, I will kill you myself and put a chain on your child. What was her name again, Yang?" With a growl, she was up on her feet. Her blade was inches away from his neck, her crimson eyes surrounded by flames of hatred.

"You will not lay a hand on her, Kraai." She growled. "I will do this job, but you will NOT touch her." He chuckled.

"Oh?" He said "Are you threatening me?" He grabbed the blade, hand shimmering from his aura lighting up. "ME? What gave you the right, you little bitch?" The blade snapped from the pressure as he swiftly landed the underside of his foot on her stomach, forcing her out of the tent in a single strike.

"Stupid brat..." he muttered as he walked out of the tent. She was already on her knee, blade in its sheath. "You are nowhere near my level, Raven. Empty threats won't sway me and you know that."

There it was again. His semblance. It was subtle, but she could feel it. It didn't just give him the ability to control people, he could also make them doubt themselves. It was the seeds he'd sow into everyone's minds. The Power of Persuasion. One of the most deadly semblances anyone could have.

His words were weapons. The more effort he put in, the more they struck at someone's core. How Sakura was able to fully resist it, she didn't know. "Maybe it's the control she has over her Maiden Powers that gives her that mental strength." She thought as she looked towards her father while she nursed her stomach.

"This is the last thing you'll do for me." He growled "Now go, She's more than likely almost halfway to her camp." She nodded ever so slightly as she stood up, wincing as she felt the pain.

"After this, I'm done being his punching bag." She thought as she started walking out of the camp. "I wonder if I could somehow get in touch with that blonde man and sic him on Kraai." She hummed in thought as she continued to walk, slowly but surely picking up the pace. It was time for her to regain her freedom and reunite with her family.

"Where is that man anyway?" She wondered. "Maybe he got into contact with Ozpin or Qrow..." she muttered as she started running before turning into smoke. Out of the smoke flew a raven, making a b-line for the Kara Tribe.

"It's time for the head of the Kara tribe to die, even if I have to go down with her."

Minato's foot never connected. To most people, it seemed like his blazingly fast kick phased through the Headmaster. To Minato, however, it was something else entirely. It was like Ozpin moved as fast as he did. He saw the headmaster move his head backwards as he manoeuvred his body extremely quickly, spinning around the leg. As he was about to land, he was struck in the back by the length of the cane and was sent sprawling on the ground.

"Damn, what the hell was that?!" Minato thought as he slowly got up, holding his back. "That movement was beyond what I've seen him use before." Narrowing his eyes as he gazed upon Ozpin, one thing was clear: He had just seen Ozpin's semblance.

"Back on my world, only a single person was able to move like that." He thought "That was no ordinary speed. It felt like he was distorting time, rather than moving at a high velocity." Deciding to test his theory, he once again channelled chakra into the muscles of his legs.

He saw the Headmaster brace himself for the coming storm and smirked. Discretely, the air around the blonde became thinner as he took off, B-lining for Ozpin at incredible speeds. In the blink of an eye, he had once again crossed the distance and this time, he stopped right in front of Ozpin with a fist in a collision course towards Ozpin's stomach. He was, however, sure that Ozpin would dodge this speed-augmented punch.

Proving his point, the fist never connected. "Yeah, that confirms it." The Hokage thought as he once again smirked. Ozpin had leaned to his left and taken a step back to dodge the attack and was now getting ready to hit Minato with his cane.

Feeling the air around him become normal once again, Minato's both hands opened up and directed his palms in the opposite direction of Ozpin. He was sure Ozpin could feel the air change as well as almost instantaneously, Minato launched himself towards Ozpin.

Not ready for this kind of tactic, he had little to no time to react, even with his semblance. Dropping down on the ground at an incredible rate, he could feel the strain on his whole body as his back went into the ground and started to bring his cane towards the now flying Minato.

The blonde manoeuvred himself mid air to face the Headmaster with a smirk and just as the cane was about to collide with Minato, he disappeared. "What?! Where?!" The Headmaster thought as he momentarily deactivated his semblance and turned his head around.

Confusion struck as he saw Minato back on the spot he'd have started at. What was the blonde Hokage playing at? Getting up on his knees, he could see the calm expression Minato adorned. Had this been an actual enemy, he'd be incredibly unnerved.

"Your semblance is powerful." Minato noted as he sighed. "Much more powerful than mine ever could be." he started to walk towards Ozpin as with his palm upwards, as if he was holding a wine-glass.

Ozpin himself quickly got up on his feet as he saw something he wasn't sure he'd ever see in his lifetime. A sphere formed in Minato's hand as the wind around the blonde picked up. To most people, this would either be called magic or an extreme level of aura manipulation. Ozpin, however, knew what this was: This was raw chakra manipulated to form a sphere and with the speed of the wind around the blonde, a hit from it could be lethal even if your aura was up.

Once again bracing himself for the blonde, he activated his semblance once more just as the blonde appeared before him, not even seeing him disappear in the first place. The cane burrowed itself into the arena floor as a translucent, green sphere formed around Ozpin.

"Uncle Qwow!" The red-eyed shape-shifter heard. He chuckled as he saw the blur that was Ruby Rose tackle his legs. Taiyang gave her an amused look as he came into the kitchen with Yang in his arms. "Did ya miss me?"

"So, are you two ready for the trip?" Qrow asked, ignoring her as he ruffled her hair. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Yah!" She exclaimed, raising her arms upwards, as if wanting to be carried by the sober drunk. Smiling, he picked her up. "We'w gonna go to Beacon!" she continued her enthusiasm as she hugged her while laughing.

Yang, on the other hand, didn't look as enthusiastic. Not surprising considering she overheard Taiyang's conversation with Qrow over the scroll during the night, but it couldn't really be helped.

"C'mon, let's go to the airship." Taiyang said as Yang nuzzled in his neck. "We'll eat at the station."

"Yay!" Ruby exclaimed "Fast food!"

Tai chuckled at his daughter's enthusiasm. If only he had even an ounce of it, it would be fine. Sadly, that wasn't the case. He feared for his wife's life, even if her soul was tucked away in a man's body. It didn't sit well with him, that a man had violated the cycle of life and death like that, but if they could find a way to get her out of Minato and not kill her in the process, then he was willing to accept it.

Qrow was on the same page as Taiyang. He didn't like the situation, but it was the cards they were dealt. Even the slightest sliver of hope was enough to keep the two going. Ironwood had put his RnD division on making a body for Summer and if she had to be a beta tester for a new system in order to continue being alive, then so be it.

"Yeah, let's go." Qrow mused as they walked towards the door.

"Heard anything new yet?" Taiyang inquired as Qrow stood next to him, Ruby still in his arms. The red-eyed shape-shifter sighed as he ran his left hand through his hair.

"No, Still haven't heard anything." He responded "Ozpin should be testing Minato at the moment, to get a look at the man's fighting capabilities. Dunno about him though, he doesn't seem to have an aura."

"What's a auwa?" Ruby asked, looking funny at her uncle.

"I'll tell ya when you get older, kid." he said as he once again ruffled her hair.

"Hey! Quit that!" she exclaimed with a pout as Qrow started laughing. Taiyang looked at them with a smile. Not long ago, Qrow wouldn't want to be close to the children because of his semblance. But times changed and the blonde knew he could count on Qrow to keep a lookout in case his semblance went haywire.

He knew the shape-shifter didn't want to be here, to keep accidents from happening so close to Yang and Ruby, but he was there for all three of them, including himself, emotionally. He sighed just thinking about it.

"Alright, let's go to the station." Taiyang said, earning a nod from Qrow before he walked out the door with Ruby in his arms. Taiyang followed closely with the blonde mess that was Yang.

The two spheres collided, both parties putting every ounce of focus into their techniques. Each second, a shockwave was sent out from the two circular forms of energy as they latched onto each other. Every time a shockwave was released, cracks would form in a straight line on both sides going from the floor, walls and ceiling. With every second, the winds were getting stronger. The air seemed to get thinner around the duo the longer they let the spheres grind at each other.

"Woah..." One of the students exclaimed "This is insane!"

All of the students sat there with wide eyes, watching the two spheres slowly but surely tear at the training facility's walls and ceiling. Not even the instructor, Kayn Gray, had seen something like it before.

"An immovable object getting hit by an unstoppable force..." The instructor mentally remarked as he was getting ready for the fight to end. "However, it seems that the unstoppable force is only getting stronger, while the immovable object is getting weaker."

It was true. The protective barrier around Ozpin grew smaller. It had already gotten too small for him to stand upright and had forced him to go down on one knee as he poured all his focus into the shield.

Minato's Rasengan, however, was growing bigger and bigger for each passing moment. Professor Gray could practically feel the raw power of the sphere increase at the same pace it grew.

"There must be a limit to how much it can grow..." He thought as his eyes widened "How much aura does that blonde have?!"

What felt like minutes, was over in seconds. The reaction wasn't instantaneous, but it happened.

Suddenly, the two spheres exploded, sending both the blonde teleporter and the headmaster their separate ways. A crater with the diameter of a Goliath with cracks forming all around it.

The two fighters flew straight into the walls behind them and fell to the floor. Ozpin's aura cracked and shimmered around him, eyes wide in shock from the feeling of his line of last line of defense shattering.

Minato wasn't too much better off. He'd coated his arm with a thin layer of chakra to keep it from shattering completely, but even then his arm was fractured and his back was hurting a lot from the impact.

"Well, I guess I'll call this fight then." Gray said as he stood up, concerned about both of the fighters. Minato turned his gaze over to the Professor in a nod. "That was some fight right there, probably the most interesting one I've ever seen."

Minato turned his gaze back to the Headmaster who was groggily standing up. "Must've had just about enough aura to shield himself from the impact." Minato noted as he used his working arm to bring himself up to his knees.

"I must say though," Gray said as he looked towards Minato "I'm surprised you never actually went into close quarter combat against Ozpin. With that speed and not using a weapon beyond those two knives of yours, I thought you'd be a close quarter fighter."

Ozpin, however, was deep in thought. Chakra was much more complicated than Aura. The applications Minato had used them in were vastly superior to what Aura ever could do, even with the highly advanced control Ozpin had over his.

"Was he holding back in this spar?" The Headmaster thought as he fully stood up, looking over at the blonde teleporter. "The amount of power in that last technique… had it hit me straight on without me expanding my Aura, it would've ripped through it completely, and maybe even me."

He watched as Minato struggled to stand up. It was clear that the man before him was worse off than he was, but also knew that Minato could more than likely power through the damage done to his body. Unlike himself, the Fourth Hokage was not dependant on Aura to protect him: His reflexes and reaction speed did it for him.

The blonde stood up, hunched over and cradling his arm. The grey-haired Headmaster could feel something pour into said arm, but he wasn't sure what it was. "Hmm..." He thought "I wonder of he'll be truthful if I asked him."

"You okay there, Blondie?" the proctor of the spar asked. Minato gave him a half-hearted smile as he laughed awkwardly, finally standing up straight. The two more experienced people could see him mask the physical pain he was currently going through, even going to such a length as to force himself to not cough.

"Yeah, I'm good." Minato responded as he started walking. They noted him dropping what they thought was a wounded arm to his side as he curled the arm socket to stretch it a little. He stretched his arm slightly and twisted it, wincing slightly as he did so, something only Ozpin and Gray picked up on.

The two simultaneously looked over at the crater in the middle in sighed. The amount of destruction they'd caused was incredible and Minato wondered if it was even safe to be in this section of the building after the fight.

"Well, that happened." Minato pointed out with a sigh. Gray snorted in amusement and turned towards his students. The students quickly realized this and shook themselves out of their frozen state.

"The VoD of this fight will be up on the school's website," he started "I want you to analyse it and hand me a paper on it." he gave them a chuckle. "Please do find some faults in the fight. This is your homework for the month."

The students groaned and started to talk amongst each other, feeling rather confused about the fight itself. Both of the fighters had moved with such speed, they didn't even see them move. This fight had been on a completely different level compared to every other fight they'd seen and they had both shown an unrealistic level of control over their auras. It was literally a fight between two masters of combat.

"Uh, Professor Gray?" One of the students, a girl with green eyes and purple hair set up in twin tails, voiced "Will the VoD be in slow motion too?" The other students looked at the professor for a confirmation. This was a question they all had in mind since there was no way they'd be able to analyse this fight without slow motion footage.

"Of course it will." The Professor responded. "The class is over now so you may leave. Thank you for coming today and I hope to see you here next week as well! Remember to keep training your body and techniques so you don't get rusty." The student's stood up and waved their good byes to the adults that stood in the arena. Once they were gone, Minato looked up at the ceiling and let out an audible groan.

"Ah..." he let out "Sorry about all the damage." Ozpin cracked a smile as he walked over to the blonde Hokage, circling around the crater they had created.

"It is fine, Mr Namikaze." He responded as he stopped in front of Minato. He extended his right hand towards the blonde, who in confusion took it. "Thank you for the spar. It has been a long time someone pushed me that far."

Minato nodded as they shook hands, wincing a little. "Let us go to the nurse's office," The Professor said, earning another nod from the young Hokage "I believe you want to get that arm checked up on."

"Yeah," Minato agreed as he let go of Ozpin's hand "It's not in the best condition." The professor hummed for a second as the Professor of the class joined the two powerhouses with a smile plastered on his face.

"That was one hell of a fight, Mr Namikaze." He said as he patted the blonde on his back. The blonde once again winced in pain and Gray started to howl in laughter. "Even when in such pain, you still stand up straight! Now that is the spirit of a warrior, Oz."

Ozpin's head bobbed vertically in agreement. Not many had the pain tolerance to still be standing after such a fight without aura, let alone standing up straight. He swore he could've heard Minato's arm snap the second his shield and the blue sphere of raw chakra exploded, but decided to not voice his concern since the tall, muscled professor next to him didn't know about Minato's origins.

"Yes, he is indeed a fine, young warrior." Ozpin absent-mindedly responded. "Ah, yes, I'm sorry. Minato Namikaze, this is Professor Orion Gray. He's one of our Combat Specialists and he's one of five teachers in combat training here at Beacon Academy."

Minato nodded as he turned towards the tall combat specialist and extended his arm. Orion took it with a smile and shook his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr Namikaze," he voiced "And please, do call me Orion." The blonde smiled.

"Only If you call me Minato." he responded. "I wonder, and forgive me if it's offensive but are you a Faunus?" The Professor smiled and nodded as they broke the hand shake.

"Yes I am indeed," he answered "I am a Tiger Faunus with a pigment mutation to my eyes. And no, I'm not offended by your question. That in itself is silly." Minato nodded sagely. "We may be discriminated, but that hasn't stopped me before." Orion then looked at Ozpin. "Now, I'm sure the two of you have to get going to the infirmary to take a look at your wounds. Be careful in the future though, recklessness may get you killed in the wilderness."

Minato nodded with a serious look on his face. He knew fully well what could happen if he wasn't careful. Summer was a testament to that. "If only I'd been faster." He thought sombrely.

'It's not your fault, Minato.' The red-haired young woman inside of him responded. 'Hell, if you didn't arrive when you did, I would seriously have been gone forever, without even a sliver of a chance of seeing my family at all.'

"Let's get going, shall we?" the Headmaster inquired. Minato nodded in response as he went to pick up his trench coat before the two left for the infirmary.

"That's one helluva fighter." Orion said to himself before he looked around at the battlefield. Sighing, he pulled out his scroll and sent a text message to the administration office of the school. "This is going to be expensive to fix..."

AN: And that's a wrap! This chapter took a while as well since I want wrap this part of the fanfiction up as fast as possible without actually rushing it. I think I did a good job but I'm piling even more things on and... yeah... Oh well, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time!