It was another day in Japan as an american boy walked down the street playing on his DS. Currently he was immersed in the New Super Mario Bros DS game.

"Ah, I can't believe I'm late for School!" A voice began to be heard getting louder and louder though the young boy was too engrossed in his game to notice the approaching voice. "All be cause of this dream and...WAH!"

The voice and the boy bumped into each other and they fell down.

"Aw man… I'm really sorry!" The voice spoke, being a young girl with red almost dark pink hair in a school uniform said.

"Whew, not damaged. It's perfectly fine… er…?" the boy said.

"It's Emily, nice to meet you." The now named Emily said with a smile on her face. The boy returned the smile while offering a hand to shake.

"Reggie. I'm a transfer here. And It's my fault, I should've been paying attention to where I was walking. Bit of a game nut." Reggie said with a small chuckle as he showed his DS before putting it away in a jacket pocket for safety.

"Games? Kinda weird, cause I'm into fairy tales." Emily said.

"Hang on, you read tales meant for kids?" Reggie asked, seemingly baffled.

"I know they're a bit outta my age, but they're SO amazing! " Emily said her eyes almost sparkling when talking about her fav subject.

"Well, if you say so." Reggie said rubbing the back of his head. "Hey, am i seeing things or… is a book coming right for you?!" He asked pointing behind her as Emily blinks her eyes before turning around seeing a Pink book somehow flapping like a bird in the air.

"Incoming!" said a cute voice as a pink book made something pop out and hit Emily square in the face. It was some sort of funny as Reggie barely covered his mouth to muffle any snickers.

Reggie rubbed his eyes and got closer. "Okay, either the games are starting to go to my head or…" he touched the new arrival. "You're a real live...what ever you are, you almost look like a pokemon!"

Emily squealed and rushed to pick the fairy up, sparkles in her eyes. "Look at you! Oh my gosh, you're so cute! Are you somebody's toy, really expensive? Where can I buy one like you?" she asked.

"I'm not a toy or… whatever this pokemon thing is. My name is Candy, and I'm a fairy from the kingdom of happy endings, Jubiland!" Candy said with a smile as Reggie and Emily blink their eyes in confusion.

"Your a what from a Kingdom of what?" Emily asked.

"Okay, this is just weird…it's like something out of an RPG..?" Reggie said.

Emily just responded in excitement and grabbed Reggie's hands. "This is amazing! I'd knew I'd find something magical today and i did! A real live magical creature I knew it!" she said.

"Uh, yeah… hey, where'd it go?" Reggie asked a little caught off guard by Emily's excited reaction.

"It's gone but the book is still here. Oh shoot, I'm late!" Emily said grabbing it and getting up. "Uh, you coming?"

"I'm kinda…. A little old for your school. And I'm tutored anyways. Have a good first day, meet some friends, alright?" Reggie said.

"Sure thing! See ya later!" Emily said running off.

"Man, she's weird…" Reggie said walking off to a store and finding a box with a belt buckle in it that had a handle and something like a hero on the box.

"Whats this?" Reggie asked.

"I see you found the Gamer Driver, son." said the storekeeper. "That there's the one for the new series of Kamen Rider."

"Kamen Rider? Oh, right! This is Ex-aid's belt, right?" Reggie said as he saw on the box containing the belt was a chibi figure wearing mostly white armor with a Pink helmet with three spikes on it. The Words 'Mighty Action X' shown on the side. "How much? I'm really into this series even though it just started…!" Reggie asked with a massive smile on his face. His eyes almost glittering like Emily's had been.

"Ah, it's on the house, can tell you're a gamer. These things just click, y'know?" the keeper asked.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Reggie said running out the door with the box. " Hahah, what a score, huh?" Reggie cheered with a smile on his face as the Shopkeeper calmly smiles.

"Soon the first game shall begin.." He said calmly.

Meanwhile as Reggie was running through the streets carrying his box a sudden darkness clouded the bright sky as he looked upwards to see the sky darken and turn blue. A full moon appeared in the sky.

"That's not normal for this town…." Reggie said as he saw a humanoid wolf creature wearing a dark blue outfit holding out some kind of book covered in black ink while sucking up darkness from slumped over people. "Uh oh, and I got a feeling that isn't either!"

The werewolf laughed as the book he had did so. "With every ounce of negative energy i collect shall turn the wheel of doom, bringing me closer to reviving my master, Nogo Emperor of Evil!" in another dimension, some sort of creepish clock turned forward to a one as an evil laugh was heard.

Reggie ran closer to the werewolf to see Candy and Emily there too. "Okay you overgrown puppy, who are you?"

"That's Ulrich!" Candy said in Emily's arms.

"Ulrich?" Reggie asked glancing at Candy and Emily.

"The Big Bad Wolf, to be more exact. See that book he has? He and a few others are trying to change the future of this world!" Candy said.

"To do what, exactly?" Reggie said.

"What else? Give the world a Sad Ending!" Candy said.

"Oh it's much worse than just a Sad Ending little annoying Pixie! We're bringing a Bad Ending to the entire world! No the Universe!" Ulrich said with a grin.

"Okay, this guy is a real fruit case…" Reggie muttered.

As Ulrich ran at them Emily instinctively grabbed Candy and Ran.

"Giving chase are we? I love that!" Ulrich said running after them. "Outta my way!"

He swiped his claws at Reggie who immediately blocked with a box, tearing it open and tossing the gamer driver and the Mighty Action X gashat into the air. The driver landed on Reggie's waist and he clicked it on. But the Gashat itself landed in Ulrich's hands without him even realizing it.

"Ah! The Gashat… where'd it go?" Reggie said seeing it in Ulrich's hands and running after. He saw Emily on the ground and Ulrich charging at her. "Look out!"

"No, It'll be a happy ending!" Emily said as she exploded in pink light taking Reggie with him and found himself in a strange dimension.

"Ah… what is happening? Why is everything all pink?" Reggie said looking around.

"Yes! I finally found one of them!" Candy said.

"Who?" Reggie asked.

"One of the Glitter Force, look!" Candy said as some sort of compact mirror appeared.

"A compact?" Reggie asked.

"Did I win a prize?" Emily asked as well.

"It's your very own Glitter Pact!" Candy cheered with a smile. "Take it and you shall become One of the Legendary Glitter Force!" Candy added with a smile.

"Just like in my dream!" Emily said.

"O-kay. What does she have to do with this thing?" Reggie asked.

"She just has to insert her Glitter Charm into the pact, say 'Glitter Force Makeover!' It'll do the rest!" Candy said.

"You really think that's gonna work?" Reggie said.

"Well, it's better than nothing!" Emily said opening the compact and taking a pink ribbon charm out. "Insert Glitter Charm!"

The charm went into the center hole and made a voice come, flashing lights on the bottom glowing.


"Here I go! Gitter Force Makeover!" Emily said.

The compact shaked and spat out a powder puff like object.

"Now she'll use her Glitter Puff, to apply shades of power!" Candy said.

"This is just weird!" Reggie said as Emily happy patted it.

"Poof Poof, Glitter bands! Poof Poof, Glitter Boots!" Emily said as they appeared on her arms and legs in the color pink. "Poof Poof Poof, I'm Glitter-Tastic!"

As she dusted her chest to develop her skirt and shirt, the dust got on Reggie's driver belt.

"Hey, could you tone down the dusting?" Reggie asked, but Emily couldn't hear him as her hair popped out into two bright pink pigtails as she landed near him with two splotches of makeup on her cheeks. "Huh, could probably get used to that.."

"A fabulous shimmer! A glow in your heart! I'm Glitter Lucky!" Emily said doing a pose.

Reggie only needed on look to guess what she was. "Are you some sort of...Magical Girl?"

Emily then grew startled as she looked at herself. The new outfit and the slight changes in her hair color just to name a few things about her.

"Is this normal?" Reggie asked Candy.

"Sure it is. She is now Glitter Lucky, one of the Legendary Glitter Force Warriors!" Candy cheered.

"Okay, I'm bored. Lets wrap this up!" Ulrich said charging as Emily retreated to a brick wall.

"I know wolves can't touch brick walls from the Three Little Pigs! I did my homework!" Emily said.

"Uh...something tells me that isn't a good idea." Reggie said.

"You're right. Who needs to attack a brick wall myself when I have this." Ulrich said showing a red nose.

"What's that gonna do?" Reggie said.

"Buffoon! Come On down!" Ulrich called out as he thrusted the hand holding the red nose into the air as dark lightning seemed to burst from the nose...targeting that same brick wall that Emily had been trying to hide behind. In an instant, It mutated into a giant wall with clown features.

"Buffooooon!" It bellowed out. Reggie widened his eyes and stumbled back at the sight.

"Okay, giant monster. Yup, that'll help him a bit." Reggie said.

The Buffon charged to Glitter Lucky, who jumped in the air, surprised at the height and pushed the buffon down to the ground.

"Hm. She's more resilient." Ulrich said raising his other hand to see the Gashat. "Whats this? I bet it can power up my buffon!"

"Oh no! He has something else?!" Lucky said while Reggie looked at the device with surprise.

"That's…!" Reggie began with a worried look on his face.

Ulrich laughed and raised the Gashat high. "Hahahahah! This will seal; your doom! I'll just push this black button on the side and….!" A ching sound then came as he hit the trigger and it blazed pink.


After that, a screen popped up behind him with the same words of 'Mighty Action X' emblazoned on the strange screen as what seemed to be strange blocks appeared all over the area, startling Ulrich as music in the form of electronic video music.

"What? What's going on here?!" Ulrich said so surprised he dropped the Gashat and candy caught it.

"Wow, what is this thing?" Candy asked before Reggie took it from Candy.

"Supposedly, this things supposed to be a toy, but the manual never said it did this." Reggie said. "But that said, there's only one thing for me to do."

"What are you trying to do?" Emily said.

Reggie gripped the Gashat in his hand...before a small smile slipped onto his face. "What am I trying to do?" Reggie asked before grinning at this. "I'm joining the game after all!" Reggie said as he calmly held the Gashat in his right hand before he moved it in a semi-circular pattern till it was beside his head with his left hand just under the right hand.

"Henshin!" Reggie declared as he seamlessly dropped the gashat as it was gripped in his left hand with the almost cartridge like slot was pointing downward as he slotted it into the Gamer Driver on his waist!


Let's Game!

Metcha Game!

Mutcha Game!

What's your name?!

As this was said, a select screen popped up with Reggie tapping the pink icon and the form pixelating all round him. After it fully formed, the driver then said...

I'm a Kamen Rider!

"Kamen Rider…?" Glitter Lucky and Candy said in unison. As they took a lock at the newest rider on the scene, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.

"I've never heard of that type of hero, but…." Ulrich said taking a look at the puny, short Level 1 form as he almost held back a laugh, as did Lucky and Candy. "You look so stupid like that! What're you some kind of Chibi?" Ulrich laughed.

Ex-Aid chuckles as he was barely able to cross the stubby arms of his current form. "Well this form was meant for something specific anyway, but since you're not what this form is needed for...I think I'll go to the next level." Ex-Aid said with a grin behind his helmet.

"Next Level?" Lucky wondered as Ex-Aid calmly stood at the ready.

"Dai Henshin!" Ex-Aid called out before his right arm gripped the handle on the Gamer Driver pulling it back.


"Level what?!" Ulrich said as in front of Ex-aid appeared an almost holographic symbol in a Pink color as Ex-Aid moved forward so it passed through before he jumped into the air..


To the beat of the music, Ex aid shed his bulky Level 1 armor showing his true fighting form as Level 2! Mostly with a pink bodysuit with a few black lines running through it, his arms from the elbows to his wrists and from his knees to his feet ending in black fabric of some kind with some grey metallic greaves in his track sneakers. Which seem to have a green coloring added to the sneakers.

"Wow-wee!" Candy said.

"Awesome! You've become a Superhero!?" Lucky said with wide eyes.

"It doesn't matter how many of you there are! Crush them, Buffon!" Ulrich said.

"Buffon!" it bellowed as it moved forward towards

"That's what you think." Ex-aid said summoning the signature weapon.


He then offered a hand to lucky as she took it and got up.

"Riders aren't know for roll calls but they do have catchphrases. And I memorized Ex-aid and modified it for us." Ex-aid said. "We'll bring a Happy Ending with no continues!" He said flipping his other hand out.

"A happy ending of a fairy tale… with no continues like in a video game! I love it!" Lucky smiles brightly as Ulrich growled at the pair.

The buffon slammed his fist into the ground as Ex-aid pushed lucky out of the way and leaped into the air, slamming his hammer down and getting hits a plenty. He pressed the B button multiple times as the damage increase.

"Hah. I don't even need to use blade mode." Ex-aid said as the Buffon was knocked down.

"And you've given an opening for Lucky! Quick, use your Sparkle Storm and finish the job!" Candy said.

"A what?" Ex-aif said.

"It's an attack that can defeat a buffon." Candy said.

"I got something like that too. After you, lucky." Ex-aid said.

"Here goes! Sparkle Sparkle...Sparkle Storm!" Lucy said thrusting her hands out.


"Well that sucks." Exaid said as Lucky tried again and again with the buffon chasing after her.

"Hey! Is there some trick to it?" Ex-Aid asked as he followed after them.

"Her spirit isn't strong enough, she has to focus all of it into the compact!" Candy saud seeing it glow. "Like that! Do it some more, Lucky!"

Lucky glanced at the compact before she quickly turned to face the buffoon before closing her eyes.

"We've got spirit! Yes we do! We've got spirit how about YOU!" Lucky called out as her Glitter Pact began to glow a bright pink color.

"What?!" Ulrich said Exaid spun around and took his gashat out.


"Were gonna be the one to finish things here!" Ex-aid said blowing on the front bit and inserting it into the side slot on his belt.


"Glitter Force! Sparkle….Storm!" Lucky began to call as a Pink heart of energy formed into her hands….just as Ex-aid cracked his hands and energy gathered in his legs. Before pressing a button on the side of his belt.


Ex-aid jumped into the air and landed a powerful kick onto the Buffoon causing a brief 'Hit!' symbol to appear with every connecting kick! Lucky then fired a powerful shot of sparkles as they both hit simultaneously and destroyed the buffon with 'Perfect!' appearing as the Buffon disappeared and Ex-aid skidded to a halt. The completion noise then sounded as the games circled around Ex-aid with Mighty action x in front.


"Alright!" Reggie said deformed and looking at the Gashat with Ulrich gone.

"D-did we do it? We won right? Why am i so…?" Lucky said collapsing on the ground.

"Saving the world's kinda exhausting." Candy said. "Wait, you don't look drained at all?" She asked looking at Reggie.

"Not all superheroes are alike." Reggie said. "So, is she gonna keep doing that alone, or is someone else backing her up?" he asked as the skies were back to normal. Just as something seemed to start falling from the sky which Lucky quickly caught.

"Actually there's five in the Glitter Force." Candy said with a smile on her face. "We'll need all of them to fight Ulrich and the other forces of evil."

"Then let's go find em. Reggie, are there other riders besides you?" Emily asked giving a strawberry charm to Candy.

"Yeah three others, Brave, Snipe and Lazer. Lets just hope they will be more...cooperative than in the actual series." Reggie said before giving Emily a grin. "So to a new pair of superheroes," Reggie said as Emily nods with a the start of a new adventure was about to begin..

See you next game….