Sorry! I'm not accepting any more characters for now

Percy asked, "Leo, you ok?"

Leo smiled, "'Course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Annabeth nodded, deciding to not ask further questions.

Leo saw another boy around the age of 10 in a forest. The boy's eyes were black and his hair had more than one color. Leo approached the boy, "Hi. What's your name?"

A girl stood in front of the nervous boy, "What do you want with Alex?" She sounded mean and Leo took a step back. The boy smiled at the girl.

Leo replied, "Geez. I can't even say hi to anyone now? I never knew that."

Alex tugged on the girl's sleeve, "Athena, let's go."

Annabeth asked, "Is that the goddess?" Leo shook his head, not explaining anything.

A siren wailed and the three froze. Leo pulled them behind a tree and they stayed silent. The police stopped and they began looking around. They found the three. Leo was struggling and so did Alex. Athena screamed when one of the policemen grabbed Alex. A wave from the nearby river hit the policeman. The three ran quickly but the police were quick. They weren't going to be stopped by a little water. Leo gulped as one of the police hit Alex on the back. Alex howled in pain. Leo jumped and the thing that was supposed to hit him hit the tree instead.

The demigods breathed out.

Leo looked around and saw that Athena was too near the river. She was just about the fall in but Leo took her hand and pulled her back. The police sneered and took out their guns... (A/N- I'm so tempted to end it here)

The scene changes...

Triple L and Amara looked like they were going to throw up. Leo as very red from running. They gasped for breath and decided to pause for a few seconds. That was a fatal mistake. Mrs. R came running with a crazed look in her eyes. In her other hand was a very sharp knife.

Everyone besides Leo's jaw hit the floor

Leo hissed, "You two should run. I'll see you in the usual hiding spo-"

Mrs. R screamed, "Leo Valdez!"

The said boy muttered, "And I'm still obviously so popular." The two girls protested because they needed to leave him behind. Leo did something stupid and idiotic. He pushed them into the fast paced river near by. The two girls gasped before disappearing.

Annabeth slapped Leo 10 times, "Leo Valdez! That was completely terrible a-" Percy held her back and she finally stopped.

Leo VS. Mrs. R.

Leo took out his own small flashlight and threw it into the river. It floated before disappearing under water. Mrs. R did not hesitate to hit this time. After a long battle, Mrs. R fell and her glasses fell into the water.

Everyone gasped

It was none other than Ma Gasket