Leo Valdez's Past

Leo: Me again!

Me: Yep, you're my fav character

Percy: C'mon Leo. It can't be that bad

Leo: You don't know my life

Me: Disclaimer, I don't own anything Rick Riordan wrote


Leo had a normal day. Leo was working on machines while the others were dating. He looked at the time. Time for lunch. He stood up but suddenly, a whirlwind caught him. He closed his eyes and opened them when the wind stopped. Leo saw the others, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, and Percy. He glanced around the room, a super large TV, a bunch of couches, food, paper, pencils, almost anything.

Leo asked, "Anyone know why I'm here?" The others shook their heads. Oh well, it was a false hope anyways. A flash of light appeared.

Hera stepped up to the demigods, "Hello my heros."

Annabeth stood up, "Hera, leave us alone."

Hera chuckled, "I'm here because you have all been ignoring Leo like he's less important."

Hera continued, "This is to show you his past. They will not be in order. The outside time will be frozen. Good luck. Leo Valdez, I hope you can forgive me." Leo was steaming. Hera waved and disappeared. All of them sat down in this order, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Jason, and Piper. The TV flicked on, showing a boy about 5 years old, crying.

Jason POV

Jason wanted to shout at Hera for doing this. Invasion of privacy! He had stomped to his place on the couch. He glared at the TV as if it would attack. As the TV turned on, the heat in the room rose.

(OOC, all memories or past will be in bold)


Leo grimaced, his mother hugged him, "Say sailboat."


"Bueno. Now say, fire."

"Fire.", Leo said bursting into flames. His mother screamed as Leo walked to her. The flames were gone.

Leo was concerned, "Mama ok?"

His mom said, "Si."

Leo nodded, "Ok."

His mom looked at the ceiling, "How many more surprises is Leo going to bring?"

End of memory

Leo stared at the memory after it ended. Jason wrapped his arm around Leo while Percy did the same thing. Leo seemed determined to not cry. Leo seemed about 8 on the next one. Suddenly, Leo burst into flames and began to attack the television.

Hera's voice boomed out, "Stop attacking my television or else!"

Leo said, "Or else what?"

Hera said, "LEO VALDEZ!"

Leo smirked, "Yes?" Jason and Percy pulled him back to his seat.

Hera said, "Bye." Her voice disappeared.

Leo glared at Jason and Piper, "What was that for?"

Piper explained, "We don't want to waste time."

Leo said, "But time is frozen!"

Jason said, "Its slowed but Juno can only do so many things." Before they can complain, the memory started. It showed how Leo's mom died.

Hazel jumped on the table, "I hate Gaea!" Suddenly, the video of how Leo's mother died. Everyone hugged him, trying to comfort him but Leo went to the corner of the room, not wanting to be comforted. Everyone slowly began to watch the TV again.

Memory start

Leo seemed about 8, his eyes were red from crying.

He muttered, "Yo quiero me madre!" *I want my mother!*

A woman wearing a red dress said, "Leo. I am the assigner. I assign homes that will welcome you. My name is Emma Isa. You can call me Emma."

Leo stood up, "Nice to meet you Emma." They shook hands.

Emma said, "Let me call your Aunt Rosa and see if she would let you stay there. She's the closest family you have Leo." Leo tapped his fingers along the desk.

He looked at his feet, "Does she want me?" The door opened and Aunt Rosa stepped in.

Aunt Rosa grabbed Leo, "I'm bringing him home. El diablo niño." *The devil child*

Leo whimpered, "Ok, gracious." *Thanks* They walked out and onto the car. His cousin slapped him when he got on the car, Leo but didn't say anything.

His cousin smirked, "Do not ask for my name. I am mysterious… Slave." Leo stared at the ceiling, not replying. The car started and stopped after 5 minutes.

Aunt Rosa said, "Mi hijo, please go to your room. I will show this diablo around." *Mi hijo, my son* *Diablo, devil* Leo's cousin laughed and went to his room.

Aunt Rosa turned to Leo who gulped, "Leo Valdez, you are your cousin and my slave. You will do a list of chores and you may not complain about anything." Leo nodded.

Aunt Rosa smiled, "Here is your list. Your room is the basement. It's small and perfect for a devil. Also, the chores does not have to be done in order. Just do the foods in order. We eat at 9 for breakfast, 2 for lunch, and 6 for dinner." Leo looked like he's on the verge of tears. He slowly went to the basement. He locked the door while reading the chores:

Chore 1. Wash the clothes with soap and water. The clothes are on the bin to the right corner. Do not let it overflow with too many clothes. You may not use the washing machine since your Aunt is using it a lot. Dry the clothes and iron them. Fold it and deliver it to each person.

Chore 2. Set up the table. You must set it with the blue and white tablecloth along with the roses. You must set 4 plates, knives, forks, and spoons. You eat in the basement. Cook your own food. Your food must come from the bin on the left corner. It is refilled everyday.

Chore 3. Cook lunch. Today, we want fried fish, beans, and rice. Take it and cook it in the refrigerator. Also, chicken soup. You may not eat this food from the fridge.

Chore 4. Clean up after we finish eating. You eat in the basement, you aren't worthy to eat with us. Wash, dry, put away the dishes. Throw away or eat the scraps. Clear the table.

Chore 5. You must vacuum the kitchen and dining room. Then, mop and dry it again.

Chore 6. Feed, water, and train your cousin's horse. The name of the horse is Duds. You may not ride it for fun.

Chore 7. Set up the table with the red tablecloth with the lavender flowers. Cook dinner. Today, we are eating hamburgers with fries, and some water.

Chore 8. Clear the table and wash, dry, put away the dishes.

Chore 9. Water the yard, plant, and gardens

Leo finished reading it, tears running down his face. He wiped it away and went to set the table. He looked at the clock. 11pm. Leo began to wash the clothes, one by one.

~Skip to lunch~

Leo served the food. His cousin "accidently" dropped his food. Aunt Rosa laughed but Leo just went to his room, much to their disappointment. Leo ate some bagels with a bit of butter. He went to train the horse. Duds was a KWPN, white, and male. Leo trained it, fed it, watered it, and even (shhh) rode on it. They grew a great relationship.

End of memory

Jason looked at Leo who suddenly had interest in his shoes.

Jason said, "Leo…"

Leo grumbled, "Leave me alone."

Piper looked at Leo straight in the eye, "I'm not going to use charmspeak but please get out of that corner. I think it's amazing that you did the chores, considering your reading problems or dylexia." Leo didn't move an inch. Percy grabbed him but Piper glared at Percy. Leo wiggled out and went back to the corner.

Annabeth POV

Annabeth watched Leo in the video. Poor Leo. He was alone the whole time. Annabeth may have ran off but Thalia and Luke took care of her.

Annabeth said, "Guys, just watch the video. He just needs time." Everyone slowly went back to the seats. Annabeth looked at the TV

Memory start

Leo seemed about 9 in the video. He was holding hands with a girl.

Annabeth heard Piper squeal.

Leo smiled, "Amelia, do you want to go to the dance with me?"

Amelia smiled wider than Leo, if that was possible, "Yes! Thank you so much!"

Leo grinned, "I'll walk to your house at 5."

Amelia smirked, "Deal. Ya better not be late."

Piper squealed and almost tackled Leo. Jason held her back, probably a good idea. Leo glared at the image for some reason.