A/N:- Hurrah for clichés! Reincarnations are really cliché, but I love them! This is an OC/Reincarnation not self insert.

Alright then, let's go!

Warning- language. The character swears. A lot.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Chapter 1: Messed up rebirth

Dying is weird.

One moment your whole body is screaming in pain, your minds begging for everything to just stop. And then... Peace. Calm.

Right up until it starts again.

Pain wracked my body as my vision suddenly cleared. My head hurt. I felt weak.

I screamed.

A small part of my brain thought 'What the fuck is wrong with my voice?'

I ignored it.

I saw a blonde young man looking at me, his eyes blue and his face pale. He looked familiar. So familiar. Jaw length blond hair, blue eyes and a face that could only be described as beautiful.

Damn, he was hot.

I barely registered the screaming of a woman and another weak cry reached my ears.

"Congratulations! A boy!" The person who was, I realised, holding me previously said.

A boy? WTF?

Ok, now I was pretty confused. What the hell was happening. I tried to organise my thoughts.

Number 1: You were hit by a bus.

Number 2: You feel weak, pathetic and small. Really, reeeaaallly small.

Number 3: The blonde hottie looks exactly like Minato Namikaze from Naruto

Number 4: There's a woman in labour right now.

I suddenly noticed with a start that a guy in black robes was holding me. He wore an orange spiral mask.

Number 5: Apparently Tobi decided to show up.

Conclusion: i... was reborn in the Naruto world?

I decided to just stop and sleep. Maybe this whole thing was just a weird near death hallucination.

Slowly, I closed my eyes and let the darkness overtake me.

Minato Namikaze was freaking out.

His brave, beautiful, amazing wife was screaming her head off. The Fourth Hokage was currently formulating a strategy to calm down his wife when she would recover from labour. An angry Kushina was something he would rather not face ever again.

However that wasn't the only reason to why he was so frightened. Apparently the Nine Tailed Fox wasn't the only complication in the childbirth.

His daughter had an astonishing amount of Yin chakra.

Yin chakra usually corresponded to the spiritual aspect of chakra. Minato was worried of the implications of this chakra. Not to mention the fact that his other child, his son, didn't seem very eager to come out.

While the nurse held the baby girl, Minato concentrated on the task at hand. Preventing the seal from being broken.

"This fucking hurts, 'ttebane!" screamed the Uzumaki.

"Come on Naruto. Come out! You stay in there Nine Tails!" snarled the blonde Hokage sensing the Fox thrashing inside the seal.

A small cry resounded through the cave Biwako held out a young baby boy. Minato sighed in relief. It was done.

"Congratulations. It's a boy!" She said.

"Naruto" Minato trembled racing out his hands just as Kushina moaned.

"It's the mother who gets to hold the children first! Nurse! Give Lady Kushina her daughter!"

The nurse stepped forward obediently when-


Biwako and the nurse slumped over, their throats slit. Above them, holding Naruto and his sister, was a man in an orange mask.

Minato raised his tri pronged kunai.

"Let my children go" he said quietly, releasing all of his Killer Intent.

"You want them, Fourth? Come and get them". The man threw the children in the air.

The Yellow Flash threw his kunai and teleported near his children, grabbing them and then disappearing, no doubt to take them to a safe place.

"Now" the man turned to the still weak Kushina. "Let's see if we can add a Tailed beast to this party"

I was standing in an office. A mahogany desk was at the center of the room. There was a woman sitting in the chair. Her hair were tired in a bun and beside her a big pile of papers was steadily reducing as she quickly grabbed a paper, scanned it's contents and stamped it with a big fat 'Approved'.

"Um hello?" I said tentatively.

The woman looked up, blinking her eyes. "Emily Frost?" She asked.

My heart skipped. Soo what happened before was a hallucination.

Goody, that means this is heaven. Probably.

"Yes. Where the heck am I?"

The woman set aside the stamp and motioned for me to sit.

I sat down under her scrutinizing gaze.

"Um, hello? Miss, I uh asked a question"

The woman frowned. "You're in the Rebirth Department"

Wait, what?

"Um sorry, I thought you said Rebirth Department"

"Well you thought correct. The Rebirth Department was created a few centuries back. There was a major setback in the Soul Factory so we began recycling the old souls. So, Emily Frost. Hold on, I have a file on you here"

The woman opened a drawer and began rummaging through.

"Michael Jackson, Julius Caesar, Alexander, ah there it is. Emily Frost. 22 year old, died on a Europe tour by hitting a double decker bus in London. Your next body was supposed to be in world 248, as Jackie Short.

Sorry but due to an unfortunate mix-up of files, you were accidently reincarnated in World 56"

I blinked. This was... wierd. Bonkers. Complete and utter insanity.

I doubt even my imagination could have created something so bizarre.

"Soo, does that mean I'm, you know, gonna be re-reincarnated as Jackie?"

The woman smiled at me. "Sorry hon, but what's done is done. You'll have to now live your life as Nanaiko Uzumaki"


Nanaiko Uzumaki. I had a feeling my misadventures had just begun.

Parents dead? Check.

Tobi gone? Check.

Nine Tails sealed? Check and mate.

Thanks to my dear jerk of a father (aka Minato Namikaze), I was stuck as a jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails (his Yang half, most probably), along with my brother who was none other than the main protagonist Naruto.

Awesome. No amount of fanfiction could've helped me out at this point. Thanks to the chakra beast in my gut, I would be a target pretty much my whole life. The villagers, the Akatsuki, Danzo.

I didn't mind the Akatsuki. They were awesome. What I did mind was the fact that they would try to kill me before I get to glomp them by extracting the Tailed beast in me.

And Danzo was an asshole. I hated Danzo. I detested him. He was a fucking moron who should have crawled in a hole and died.

And that had nothing to do with the fact that he totally tricked the most awesome person in the whole series and basically fucked up the whole frigging world.

Also Zetsu. There was no way I was letting that filthy little two faced liar let his precious mother come back from the grave. Plus, fighting an honest to goodness goddess would be just a tad bit too much for me.

So I decided. I decided to blunder through this entire world, all the while making sure that all that shit that took place in canon does not take place.

And that there are no more damned fillers.

I'm going to spare you the story of my first five years as Nanaiko Uzumaki. Let's just say it wasn't what the best five years of my life. Whatever you thought about young Naruto's life? It was much worse.

And my dear dear brother, bless him, was so sweet and amazing. I always wondered how Naruto managed to somehow convert the most evil of all the evil people of the series. Now I knew how.

He was like a bright ball of sunshine, bumbling around and just being adorable.

We were pretty close. Whenever Naruto felt lonely, I would cheer him up. Whenever i had nightmares about my old life, he would hug me and I would fall asleep cuddling the crap out of him.

We supported each other fully, and I couldn't have asked for a better brother.

"Ne, nee chan, let's go for ramen!" was his favorite sentence. And I couldn't agree more.

Ramen was fucking delicious. I guess it must be some sort of hereditary trait. However, while Naruto was more of the wolfing down type, I was the sort who would savour every single sip of that yummy broth.

Teuchi ji-chan and Ayame nee-chan were awesome too. No wonder canon Naruto frequented Ichiraku Ramen. They were the only people in the whole village who treated us normally. I guess it had to with the fact that our parents frequented this place too.

And yeah, it was a bit difficult to wrap my head around the idea that I was the daughter of two anime characters. But I had made peace with the idea. This was now my life, plain and simple. Would I have trouble thinking of them as real, actual people? Yes. Definitely. But I can't do anything about that except create bonds with these people. Sure it would be unrealistic. But I intend to have fun, make new friends and improve the lives of all people in this world.

I will make a future and protect this world. I will plow through whatever Fate throws at me, to reach my dream.

And right now, at the age of five, I was facing my first obstacle. The Academy.

I was in the kitchen, packing mine and my brother's bento. It was the first day of the Academy. I was looking forward to the studies.


Fact:Emily Frost was a lazy procrastinator.

Fact:Nanaiko Uzumaki wasn't any better.

The only thing I was interested in was ninjutsu and that will only be taught when we turn ten or something.

With my insane chakra levels, I would definitely be a ninjutsu specialist. And thanks to my excess Yin chakra (yay reincarnation!), I can also become a decent genjutsu and medic specialist.

Apparently Uzumaki talents manifested mostly in women. I was also good at chakra sensing (although that may or may not have to do with my rebirth) and could heal anyone with a bite.

All in all, I was pretty much overpowered. Or atleast I planned to be. After all, it would be a real crying shame if the daughter of the Yellow Flash and the Red Hot Habanero couldn't perform her parents' most kickass moves.

Yep, you guessed it. Hiraishin and chakra chains.

The world was gonna be in for one heck of a ride.

I went inside the room shared by me and Naruto. We had moved to a new apartment after an incident at the orphanage. Jiji Hokage had got us enrolled in the Academy so that we 'can learn to protect ourselves'.

Hahaha. Nice one. I'll bet Tsunade's necklace that the Council had forced the Hokage to brainwash us into weapons. And by Council, I mean Danzo. Who else?

My dear brother was snoring. Hard. He was a pain to share a room with. He snorted, he kicked and he mumbled in his sleep.

I readied my 'Demon Mode' and channeled what I guess everyone would call my 'Killer Intent'. My hair began to float in all their red colored glory, an ominous aura set behind me. My violet eyes flashed with anger and I cooed "Oh Naru chan! Good morning"

My brother opened his eyes, took in my appearance and then screamed.

"GAAAAH! 'Naiko! I-I-I -"

Needless to say, Naruto did not have a good morning.

Me and my slightly traumatised brother reached the Academy and headed towards our class. I don't know how I would factor into the Rookie Nine, being the odd one out. Most probably one of the teams would be a four man squad or they would create a whole new team.

I headed into the class and stopped. Why? Two words. Chibi Rookies.

A cute little Shikamaru was snoozing, a shy chibi Choji was nervously eating chips. Chibi Sakura and chibi Ino were talking. Chibi Sasuke was staring out of the window.

I had to control my urges to hug every single one for eternity because they were freaking adorable.

I spotted a Chibi Shino, complete with oversized trench coat and sunglasses and right in front of him, pushing her fingers together and trying not to draw attention to herself was...

"Come on Naruto. I found ourselves a seat" I grabbed my reluctant brother's hand and dragged him towards that girl.

"Yo!" I said cheerfully. "The name's Nanaiko, this is my bro Naruto. Can we sit with you?"

"I-I-I am H-Hinata Hyuuga and you're welcome t-to sit with m-me" said the white eyed beauty.

'Holy Shit. Hinata is so. Damn. Kawaiiiiii'

"Nice to meet you Hinata. By the way, you are adorable. Seriously"

Hinata blushed slightly as I sat down next to her, followed by Naruto.

I grinned.

'That's it. Go for the kill'

"Isn't that right Naruto?" I asked slyly.

Yes, I'm a NaruHina fan. Sue me.

"Hm? Oh yeah. That's right"

I mentally mimed beating the drums as Hinata turned crimson.

And score!

Our teacher entered the class and he was not Iruka Umino.

"Good morning. My name is Kazama Akiro, and I'm your teacher for the rest of your days in the Academy" he said tonelessly.

Kazama sensei started the roll call. When he reached my name, he scowled at me and gave my brother a dirty look.

I had a feeling things won't be so sunshine and daisies in the Academy.