Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or any of it's characters.

3rd Person POV

Jazz turned and walked back into the control center for Danny's intangible earth project, leaving Sam alone with Danny Phantom. Danny's ghost form protected him from the Antarctic temperature, and Sam was wearing her warmest Gothic coat and winter hat. She grabbed Danny's wrist and opened her hand over his, dropping the class ring into his open hand.

"It's the ring you were gonna give Valerie. You asked me to hold it, remember?" The name "Wes" which had confused her for so long could be seen just inside the band. "Something tells me it was really meant for me." She flipped the ring over, revealing the engraved name: Sam. Danny looked at Sam, confusion written all over his face.

"Take it with you, but promise to bring it back." She closed his hand over the ring. "If you promise, then… then I know I'll see you again." Sam looked away, fighting back the urge to cry.

Danny met Sam's eyes. "If we make it through this–"

"When we make it through this," Sam corrected.

"Right. When we make it through this, I have a few things I need to talk to you about." Sam couldn't help but smile. She had a pretty good idea about what Danny might need to discuss with her.

"I think I'd be willing to listen." The smile fell away from Sam's face as the prospect of failing this attempt to save the world crossed her mind. "And no matter how this thing ends, this whole ride we've been on together," Sam said as she took a step closer to Danny, "I wouldn't change it for the world." She took both of his hands in hers. "Not one bit."

"Me neither." Danny placed his hands on Sam's arms. "I…"

Sam figured there was no better time, and she really had nothing left to lose at this point. Leaning forward, she kissed Danny lightly on the cheek. She pulled back and looked at her feet, terrified of how he would react. Danny's hand under her chin forced her to look up at him. And then it happened.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Danny kissed her on the lips. The two teens melded together in harmonic bliss.

"Wow," Danny articulated, smiling at her. "Remind me to save the world more often." Sam returned the smile, and then she remembered what Danny was about to do.

"Go." Danny slipped his hands out of Sam's and flew intangibly into the Fenton Op Center, and just as the Infini-Map had predicted, a ghost portal opened over the South Pole. Sam stayed where she was until Danny's jet took off, and she waved at him just before he disappeared into the ghost zone. Then, she turned and joined Jazz inside the control center.

Danny quickly flew through the ghost zone straight to Clockwork's tower. He flies through the wall and makes it to the back closet. He opened the beat-up thermos and released Dan. "You remember our terms?" He questioned warily while trying to exude an air of confidence.

"Yeah. I know." Dan stated happy that he finally got to work with his younger self. "Don't be scared son." Danny had been in telepathic communication with Dan since he imprisoned him and they have developed a Father-Son relationship. Danny smiles proudly, and together they fly through the ghost zone collecting all the ghosts until the net breaks.

"What makes you think we'll just help you?" Skulker asked smugly.

"Because I am the Ghost King and I decree it!" Danny smirks at him.

"Damn it!" All the ghosts groan.

The Fenton and friends had been waiting as patiently as possible for Danny to return safely. Tucker was watching a screen that his PDA had calibrated to monitor the movement of the Fenton Op Center. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Tucker exclaimed in excitement, "He's coming back!"

Sam ran to the window and watched alongside Jazz and Tucker as Danny's jet burst out of the Ghost Zone. A cheer erupted through the control center as leaders from across the globe realized what this meant: Danny had succeeded. The world was safe.

The jet sailed in toward the control center, and then, to everyone's confusion, straight over it. Sam ran to the opposite side of the room, but the crowd of scientists and national leaders blocked her view.

"Danny," Whispered Jazz, watching the scene with unbelief in her eyes. Sam pushed her way through the crowd and, to her horror, saw the burning remains of the Fenton Op Center crashed into a mountainside, the twisted metal barely recognizable.

"No! He…he can't be." A beep at the radar system alerted the room to their present situation. Everyone watched the screen helplessly as the asteroid crossed in front of the sun, casting a shadow over the people below.

"It's coming!" Shouted Tucker. Sam watched Jack Fenton wrap his arms around his wife and daughter.

"Listen. I just want you all to know that… I love you. And I'm so proud of each and every one of you for trying your best."

"We love you too, Dad," replied Jazz.

"At least we're all together." Answered Maddie. Sam watched Jazz begin to cry, and she understood what was going through the older girl's mind. The Fentons didn't understand that they truly weren't all together… and at least in this world, they never would be again.

"I…" Started Jazz, tears running freely down her face. "Oh, Mom! There's something you need to know." She looked over at the robot posing as Danny, and as soon as Maddie gave it more than a passing glance, she realized that something was amiss. She walked over to it, swiped the wig off of its head, and gasped.

"A robot? Where's Danny? Jasmine, where's your brother?" Maddie Fenton was hysterical. Jazz looked over at the burning wreckage of the Fenton Op Center, and Maddie followed her gaze, giving a gasp of dread. "Jack, where's Danny?"

The Fenton family began to cry together.


"Look! The portal!" It was as if by magic. As everyone gathered on her side of the control center, Danny was sailing across the Antarctic sky. A moment later, he and his older self were accompanied by the largest assembly of ghosts the world had ever seen. There must have been millions of them. Everyone erupted in cheers, and the smile returned to Sam's face as she watched the boy she loved fly in to save the world.

As the numberless ghosts each found a place to touch the intangibility core, the control center became alive with activity. The Fentons, Sam, Tucker, Valerie, and other researchers from across the globe began adjusting the necessary settings to transfer the ghosts' energy across the entire planet.

The ghosts began to focus their energy, sending a pulse of power through the coils that covered the globe, waiting for the right moment. They watched Tucker's satellite feed as the appropriately entitled "Disasteroid" grew ever closer to the Earth. Then, at the last possible moment…

"Now!" Tucker screamed to the ghosts, and every one of them became intangible. Their power raced through the coils, and everyone felt that strange tingling sensation associated with intangibility. Tucker's screen showed the asteroid passing straight through the North Pole.

Danny's plan had worked.

When the asteroid shot up through the ground and flew off into the sky above them, the ghosts released the intangibility core, and the world became solid again. Sam hugged Jazz as Tucker flopped back into his seat, letting out a long held breath of air.

The instant Danny alighted on the ground, Sam jumped into him, wrapping her arms around him, determined never to let him go. A moment later Jazz followed suit, and then Tucker. The combined weight of the teens sent them all crashing into the snow.

"Awesome," Sam said, smiling at Danny.

"Nice job, little brother," Jazz congratulated Danny, "or should I say hero?"

A shadow passed over the four friends, and Sam looked up to see Skulker standing over them. Danny stood up and addressed the multitude of ghosts.

"I don't know what to say, other than thanks, Skulker. To all of you." Skulker leaned forward and grabbed the front of Danny's jumpsuit.

"Don't get too mushy on us, Ghost Child. Remember, I'll never stop hunting you. And now that you've saved your world, you're a much more valuable prize." Skulker's grin was malicious, but Danny could tell from the tone of his voice that neither he, nor any of the other ghosts, would be giving them any trouble that day. Besides the toll that making the world intangible had taken on each of them, there seemed to be a tacit agreement that the rest of the day would be spent in celebrating the fate of both the Earth and the Ghost Zone.

All at once, the ghosts took off into the sky and flew back home through the portal. After the last of them had vanished from sight, the portal faded out of existence.

Dan observed from behind as the Fentons approached.

"Nice job, Danny," Called out Jack Fenton as he and Maddie approached. The four teens turned to face them. "Or should we say… Danny." The way that he looked at Maddie and the tone of his voice made it obvious that they had figured out their son's secret. Danny looked shocked, but quickly gathered himself, assuming a deeper voice reminiscent of the time when he had split his ghost half from his human half.

"What? Ah, sorry, citizens, but I have no idea what you're talking about!" Danny's arm was raised before him, almost as if he intended to ward off his parents with it, but Maddie rushed over and pushed his arm down.

"Isn't there something you want to tell us?" Danny was unable to hide his look of surprise.

Jazz stepped up beside him. "It's okay, Danny. They know."

Danny looked at his parents, and at the crowd of people around him. Sam caught his gaze and smiled at him in reassurance. His face finally setting with determination, Danny Phantom changed back into Danny Fenton. His parents, in spite of all the time they had spent hunting him and vilifying him, smiled at their son. Valerie appeared to be in a state of complete and utter shock.

The crowd began to clap and cheer. People took photographs of the group. All of a sudden everyone gasped as a pink beam of ectoplasm flew down towards the Fentons. Danny watched in abject horror as his family and friends were killed right in from of him. The crowd screamed in horror and ran leaving Danny, Dan, Valerie, and Vlad alone.

Vlad starts laughing maniacally, "HAHAHAHAHA. Being alone in space has got to me, LITTLE BADGER! So, I decided to come ruin your life the way you ruined mine. Starting with killing your family. It's a shame I had to kill Maddie though, but oh well!"

Danny growls loudly and clenches his fists.

"I still won Daniel. Just like al…" Vlad screamed and Danny flew up to him and overshadowed him and after a short struggle forced Vlad's human half out of it and merged with the ghost half.

"YOU FUCKING MONSTER." Danny's body begins to slightly bulk up, his fangs protrude, and his hair ignites. The only different between him and Dan is their height, muscles, and skin color. "I'll kill you." Danny aims an open palm at Vlad and fires blasting off his right arm then he starts to pummel Vlad viscously. Dan grabs his arm "Danny stop. You're not a killer!"

"You don't know what I am!" Danny says after ripping his arm away. "AHHHHHHH!" He screams and fly away with Dan following him and Valarie looking on in horror.

"Danny, stop!" Dan grabs his arm. "I told you! I told you I was inevitable, but I refuse to let you follow down my path."

Danny flies into Dan's arms and hugs him. "W-why d-did he k-kill them?" He stutters out sobbing.

Dan rubs his back and transports them to Vlad's mansion. "Shush. Look we'll get through this together. I promise."

"Can you train me to get strong like you?" Danny cries out.

"Of course I will, my boy." Dan smiles sadly.

Jump to the start of their sophomore year. Danny has grown heavily. He is taller than his dad, or Dan, and a little less muscular than Dash. His hair it the same except the tips are white and an inch longer. He now dresses darker wearing a black leather jacket with his logo in white on the back, a black skintight muscle shirt with a white dot where the red dot was in his old shirt, black skinny jeans with a white belt, and black vans with white vans socks. Over the summer he has gotten more powerful. He has learned everything Dan can do and some others from his training with Pandora, Clockwork, and Frostbite. His ghost form looks similar to his old one except for the flaming hair, fangs, the Ring of Rage, the Crown of Fire, and the outfit improvements (Look up New Danny Phantom on Google Images and click the first picture).

Danny walks into school and everyone applauds to him and runs up to him wanting to congratulate him. All the girls drool at his new visage and all the guys stare enviously. He just turns invisible and flies to class.

"I wonder what's gotten into Fenton." Dash said.

"Didn't you hear Vlad killed his parents, Sam, and Tucker?" Kwan asked perplexed.

"Damn! Let's go cheer him up! It's past time that we repay him and this is how. Come on!" Dash exclaimed.