Yeah, well, forgot about this again.

Became a little too focused on writing my full-length fanfics, due to me being like a month behind writing. I wish I was kidding. It was because of a stupid Doctor Who fic (Hunted, if you want to check it out) that I wrote. Put my heart, soul and time into it, writing 2,000 word plus chapters for it just to flop (and yes I am bitter about it, so bitter about it).

Anyway enough of that.

As I am taking a break from writing full-length fanfics for a bit (trying to find the time to redo coursework that I failed), I am going to try and get these done as there are only two more of ones like these left. I am going to get them done... and hopefully not too much longer after this one. I think I have just hit a bit of a block and work isn't helping (I am going to stop this now before this AN becomes a rant longer than this one shot).

Prompts are still open and are welcomed.

Title: Ice Cream

Characters: Merlin, Morgana

Pairing: Mergana

Word Count: 518

Summary: You could be sad about your otp but consider the both of them going out to a park and getting ice cream to sit with and eat on a bench

"It is a lovely day. Maybe we should go to the beach again."

Merlin looked at her and raised his eyebrow. "Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"And you said that you would stop bring that up."

"I never said that. Anyway, we are meant to be going around Arthur's later for dinner with your step-father."

"I forgot about that." Morgana sighed loudly. "Why did we agree to that?"

"Because Arthur practically begged us to come. I think he hoped that if we were there, it would lessen the blow for him when he announces to Uther that Gwen and him are now engaged. You know what Uther thinks about Gwen. It is the same as what he thinks of me."

Aithusa meowed in response, telling them that Uther thought the same about her as well.

"But Uther still lives in the sixth century. I am glad that Arthur is marrying her." Morgana said. "Well, I want to go out. I can't be stuck inside on a day like this."

"Hyde Park isn't far. Maybe we could go out for a casual walk and find somewhere to sit." Merlin suggested.

"That isn't a bad idea." She said as she stood up and walked over to him. "Then we can blame the reason we are late on that."

"So we are going to pull the 'sorry we are late, traffic was bad thing' because we actually left that the time they said that we should be there at."

"Merlin, it is dinner with my step-father and step-brother. The less time we are in their company, the better."

"You don't mean that about Arthur."

"Arthur is the exception now because you and Gwen have seemed to make him more human rather than a carbon copy of his father."

Merlin smiled down at her. "Come on. Because I need a shower before we go as well."

They were glad that Hyde Park wasn't busy. It wasn't as warm as they first thought but they both agreed that a bit of time out of the flat would do them some good. They wandered through before finding a spot for them to sit down. It was only then that Morgana noticed the ice cream van.

"Oh, an ice cream would be nice." She said.

"It would."

"Shame we didn't bring any money."

"You might not have brought any money but I have. Come on." He said as he stood up.

Morgana smiled as she followed him to the ice cream van.

"You know you are the best boyfriend." She said as they waited for their ice creams.

"You do say that a lot."

She smiled at him as he handed the ice cream over to her. "Only because it is true."

They both sat back down on the bench to eat their ice cream. Morgana laughed at Merlin as after a few licks he had managed to get ice cream on his nose. He wiped it away with the sleeve of his jumper. There was no better day than this.