DISCLAIMER: From now on, see Chapter 1. I don't want to repeat it *over* and *over* and *over* again!


Author's note: There are two similar names in here: Legolas' friend Sauraldawen will sometimes be referred to as Saura while *her* friend Saurahaion will be known as just that.

Anything written in italics when someone is speaking symbolizes the dark tongue of Mordor.


Elves, Hobbits, and Dwarves were arriving by the boatload from all over Middle Earth to celebrate the fall of Mordor. It was a wonderful sight to see all of the creatures in Gondor. It was especially good because the coronation ceremony for King Elessar would be in a week or so. To know that he had the support of all of Middle Earth was comforting to the soon-to-be king, who had been through a lot from the Council of Elrond to…now.

Aragorn was walking through the streets of the main city, where he was going to become King Elessar in less than a week. None of the beings around him seemed to be aware of his presence which, in a way, was good. After all, the public's attention would be focused on him for the rest of his life as of next week. Best he enjoy the time while he still could…

Suddenly, he heard it. It was quiet, almost inaudible, but he heard it. As the people pushed by, he heard someone…a woman talking in the dark tongue of Mordor. He looked around, trying to find the source. However, it was tough - there had to be at least 50 people in the same place as him. He turned around, seeing hobbits, dwarves…and one woman who stood out - an elf.

~*~Earlier that day~*~

"Nilannaion? Okay, where did he go now?"

Sauraldawen turned around to the rest of her friends. That elf had a bad habit of running off in the most inconvenient of times… She turned back to her friends and saw that two of them were laughing while one was shaking his head.

"Hallakaliel! Belethserkeion! What's so funny?" The two elves were twins - both had blonde hair and blue eyes, common characteristics among Mirkwood elves. However, they had always been confused about their heritage - they were natives of Mordor, right?

Her best friend Saurahaion shook his head. He was actually a rather attractive elf - tall, brown hair, brown eyes, and was the nicest elf that Sauraldawen knew. Saura could somehow sense that he had a slight…liking towards her, but she never used that against him. After all, there were *many* things which he could use against her. Saurahaion pointed behind his friend, who turned around. "Here we go again," he said as they watched Nilannaion flirting with yet another elf woman.

As soon as she walked away and passed the group, the ditched elf looked back at his friends. He got yet another smile on his face and walked over towards them. "Hallakaliel… still need a date for the coronation?"

The female elf laughed as Belethserkeion put his arm around her. "I'm going with my brother," she said.

Slightly disheartened, he turned to Saura. "What about you? Do you still need an escort to the coronation?" Ugh… if there was *one* thing which she hated, it was when Nilannaion got desperate enough to ask *her* out.

"Auta miqula orqu."

With that, she walked away. The other three elves burst out laughing as they followed her. Nilannaion just stood there, smiled, and began to follow them.

"She likes me…"


Sauraldawen and Saurahaion could hear the sound of laughter from down the hall and the sounds of shouts in Dwarvish. "Are you sure we should have left those three alone in their own room?" the she-elf asked. "You know they're going to be up all night terrorizing the dwarves."

"It's just something that we're going to have to deal with," Saurahaion said in reply. "After all, Master Sauron needs us to do our mission…"

She sighed… ever since she could remember, she had been in service of Lord Sauron. Her parents, she was told, were members of his army and were killed in battle, so she was raised in a sort of training camp for young Mordorian elves. That was where she met Saurahaion (who was about 100 years older than her), Nilannaion, Hallakaliel, and Belethserkeion (who were about 25-100 years younger than her). "Don't you ever wish that we could go back to a life just like other elves?"

"That I do, my friend. It would be nice not to train for just *one* day and just relax…especially with your friends." As he said that, he took her hand. She looked back up to him and he smiled slightly. "Don't forget, you've got a mission later on tonight."

"I know…I know…" With that, she walked out onto the balcony. There were many people down below, just enjoying the day in Gondor. She only stood there for about a minute before she went back inside. "I'm going for a walk," she said to her friend. Not bothering for a reply, she left.


She was talking to herself in Mordorian… it was a bad habit which she needed to kick. It was surprising that no one bothered to look over towards her as she was talking - but then again, it was probably too noisy for them to hear. She stopped off to the side of the square, looking around. "Wait…isn't that…Elessar?" The man stopped as she continued to look over at him. He looked around before his eyes settled onto her.

She silently cursed to herself. Why did the square have to be full of hobbits, dwarves, and other half-sized people? He began to move towards her. She wasn't supposed to get caught - it would ruin the entire mission! What about Saurahaion? What would he think?

The she-elf disappeared down a side alley before the man had the chance to reach him. Her heart was thumping as she waited for a few minutes. When there was no sign of anyone, she began to make her way back to the hotel.


*Be careful, Sauraldawen.*

Those were the last words said to her by her friend. Be careful…peh! Her mission was to get the layout of the castle for its infiltration by her group a few days later. She couldn't get over the wall in time and, after she had fallen backwards, lost her timing on it. Oh, well…maybe she would have better luck with the gates.

Silently lurking around one of the side entrances to the castle of Gondor, Saura was waiting for a delivery of some sort to arrive. That way she could sneak in the gates as they were closing. Everything was quiet…almost too quiet…

"Don't move."

All of a sudden, she felt an arrow digging into her shoulder blades. The she-elf tensed as her captor nudged her forward, into the nearby light. After stumbling a bit, she slowly stood up and raised her hands in defeat. She turned around to look her attacker in the face. She stared in that direction, staring at the longbow and arrow being wielded by none other than Legolas Greenleaf.


Auta miqula orqu = Go kiss an orc.