A/N: And here it is, the chapter I apparently wrote months ago and then sat on. Stephen King's advise to writers is to always allow time between when you finish writing and when you go back to edit. I must admit I probably took too much time. But a very close family member of mine was getting married...in my backyard and I believe I spent most of the summer preparing. Anyway, here is the final chapter, enjoy!

"John, why would you post this picture? It has nothing to do with our cases."

John came up behind Sherlock and chuckled when he realized Sherlock was looking over his blog. Sherlock was stopped on a recent post, it was just a picture of Sherlock asleep on the couch, lying on his chest was Rosie. It had gotten more comments than most of his recent posts, which had not suprised John.

"Its sweet, I thought people should see the softer side of you," John said as he kissed Sherlock's forehead.

Two months after the move back to Baker Street things were finally starting to feel normal, or at least as normal as they could for John and Sherlock. They started taking cases together, usually leaving Rosie with Mrs. Hudson, but on more than one occasion Mrs. Hudson was not home and they ended up bringing her with. It did make for an interesting crime scene as they juggled Rosie, detectives and evidence. Somehow they made it work, like they did with everything.

The trouble, or at least what Sherlock thought was trouble, started after they had been living together for almost a year. They had been living as a couple and raising Rosie as a couple and people had noticed. Most people were polite about it, Mrs. Hudson for instance asking if they would ever considering getting married. John had smiled politely at her and Sherlock has frozen, his cup of tea halfway to his lips. Lestrade usually only brought it up to them individually, never when it was both of them together. Sherlock had shrugged it off at first, but the thought stuck with him.

There were comments on the blog asking them much the same question, though somehow they were always nice comments. Sherlock suspected that Mycroft was involved in the removal of the hateful comments.

Sherlock was frantically googling information on proposals when John came home. He snapped his laptop shut and jumped up to greet him, probably a bit too energetically.

"What were you just looking at?" John questioned as Sherlock kissed his cheek.

"Nothing interesting, just the decomposition patterns of different types of fly larva." John shook his head and picked up Rosie from where she was playing on the floor.

"I think it's naptime for you," John said as he carried Rosie up to her room. Sherlock began to pick up the toys off of the floor and try to tidy up the flat as much as possible while John was with Rosie. It wasn't very successful-life seemed to be even messier than it was all those years ago when it had only been the two of them.

When John finally did come downstairs Sherlock had made tea and set a cup next to John's chair. Making tea was something that Sherlock had gotten better at. He had never really needed to make it before, there was always someone else there to do it, so when he moved in with John and Rosie at first he had to figure all of these things out. John probably thought he googled most of it when really Mrs. Hudson had taught him.

"Sherlock, is something bothering you? You seem a bit distracted, more so than usual." John sipped his tea as he regarded Sherlock.

"Did you want to get married, again...to me, that is?" Sherlock asked. John seemed slightly shocked but took it in stride.

"I want to be with you always. I want to raise Rosie with you and grow old with you, and eventually move to the countryside where we can crotchety old men together." John chuckled at this and sipped his tea. "We can discuss this later, for the moment there is a sleeping baby upstairs which gives us at least an hour alone."

"Always using me for sex," Sherlock said as he set his tea cup down and held his hand out to John.

"You love it," John replied. He pulled Sherlock in for a kiss which quickly became heated. They made their way back to the bedroom, shutting the door behind them and falling into bed.

"But he didn't actually say that he wants to get married?" Lestrade asked Sherlock.

"No, and now I don't know what to do. I don't want to push him toward marriage if that will make him think of Mary, but I also don't want to avoid it if that's what he wants," Sherlock said. He downed the rest of his gin and tonic and signaled the bartender for another, Lestrade did the same.

"What do you want? You've been so busy taking care of John have you stopped to think about your own needs?"

"I want what he wants. I want...I want John and Rosie to be my family."

Lestrade smiled and patted Sherlock's shoulder sympathetically. He'd chalk it up to the alcohol, except that was Sherlock's first drink.

"They are your family and John is a very reasonable man, just tell him what you want. Also, I do believe he does want to get married. He's that kind of guy, trust me."

"I'll drink to that, Greg," Sherlock said taking a long pull of his drink. Lestrade smiled and sipped at his own drink.

"Speaking of weddings, how are things with Molly? Haven't scared her away yet?"

"You really are a changed man, asking after my relationship. They're good, really good actually. She's moving in at the end of the month, and we've been talking about marriage."

"Great news, congratulations," Sherlock said with a smile.

When Sherlock finally calmed himself into knowing that John wanted to get married he then had the task of planning a proposal. He spent weeks on google trying to get some advice but everything seemed too boring, predictable or down right dangerous (a ring in food, bad idea).

Eventually Sherlock made up his mind and a plan fell into motion, with the help of a few friends. That plan fell apart when Rosie woke up with a fever and Sherlock was sent into a full panic. She was fine, which he would have known had he been listening to John.

By the time they got her fever down and she was sleeping soundly it was past three in the morning. They flopped down onto the couch, exhausted but not ready to go to bed yet.

"Do you miss it, how things were before?" John asks after they had been sitting there for a few minutes.

"No, don't actually think back on it ever," Sherlock responded. He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out the small velvet box he had been carrying with him for weeks.

"What's that?" John asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Marry me, John."

Sherlock opened the box and turned so that he was facing John. Nestled in the velvet cushion were two identical white gold bands. John sank back into the couch and started laughing-this was not the response Sherlock was hoping for.

"Is this what you have been so secretive about for the last few months? Did you think I'd say no?" John asked.

"Well, technically you haven't said yes," Sherlock mumbled.

"Of course I'll marry you. Come here you big git." John pulled Sherlock toward him, bringing their lips together for a quick kiss. "I love you, Sherlock."

"I love you too, John."

Life at 221B Baker Street was not what it used to be, but all of the occupants were fine with that. Sherlock and John got married, Sherlock adopted Rosie and they continued to live as a family. They still solved crimes and argued about body parts in the kitchen, but now there was the addition of Rosie.

Her Uncle Mycroft spoiled her in the only way he knew how-set up a trust fund for when she was older. Uncle Greg was more hands on, oftentimes he would join them for a tea party; he had even been known to bring scones for their tea parties. Mrs. Hudson loved Rosie like she was her own granddaughter, and in a way she was. Things were good for the Baker Street boys, more than good even, perfect.


A/N: I really enjoyed writing this story, I had a long list of things I wanted to include in the ending but it all seemed wrong so I ended up with this snapshot of them. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've got more up my sleeve for Johnlock, by Zutara month is fast approaching so I may focus on preparing for that. Until next time!