Disclaimer: I do NOT own Rise of the Guardians nor Frozen. If I did there would be a Jelsa movie made already. I don't own the cover image for this story either. They all belong to their respectful owners!
I can't believe it's been two years already of this story. And in those two years I have changed the story, cut it in half and deleting half of it, rewritten it MAAAANY times (which I'm doing right now too), eeeeeem... what else?
It's been a while so I don't exactly remember what I've done to this story anymore... *shrug*
Welp, yeah. There will be some more info down at the end of this chapter. Until then:
Chapter 25. The gloves.
The princess walked down the hallway, ignoring the staff-members that were doing their jobs as she passed them. She tugged on her white gloves as she walked.
Her parents had requested her in her father's study and she wondered what it was they wanted. They always came to her whenever they wanted to discuss something. They always made her stay inside her room, where she felt safe.
She stopped outside the door and knocked lightly on it with the knuckle of her index finger. Her mother opened the door for her and gestured for Elsa to step inside. She made it obvious that she wouldn't touch her so Elsa sighed in relief as she stepped up to her father's desk where her father waited.
Elsa cleared her throat before she opened her mouth to talk. ''You requested me to come here, papa?''
Agnarr's eyes softened as he tried to reach for his daughter, but she flinched away. Hurt, he drew his hand back and started talking. ''I just wanted to inform you that next week me and your mother will be leaving for a business trip,'' he said.
Elsa looked shocked. For the past thirteen years her parents have been staying at the castle. They never left for anything.
''I can see your confusion, Starshine,'' her father said and stood up from his seat. ''I'll only tell you that it's really important.''
''Do...'' Elsa began softly. She looked down for a minute before she looked up into her father's eyes. ''Do you have to go?'' she asked quietly.
Iduna sighed softly. ''Yes, Elsa, we do. Like your father said, it's really important.''
''But you never leave,'' Elsa protested.
''Yeah, and that's got to change, Elsa,'' Agnarr said as he walked up to where his daughter and wife stood. ''We haven't exactly been representing Arendelle for the past thirteen years. We're starting to be forgotten by other kingdoms, except for our trading partners, of course.''
Elsa looked at her mother. ''But what about the isolation. You promised me—''
''I know we promised you,'' the king interrupted, making Elsa turn to look at him again. ''But it's not good for the kingdom. For anyone, actually.
''It's good for me,'' Elsa defended.
Agnarr placed a hand on her shoulder before she had time to flinch away. ''It's not,'' he said with sad eyes.
Iduna wrapped her arms around her daughter as she stood next to her.
''Elsa,'' Agnarr sighed, ''this got to stop.''
''But I'm scared,'' Elsa said.
Agnarr let go of her shoulder as he took a step backwards in disbelief. It took him a few seconds before he started talking again. ''What are you scared of?'' he asked.
''Everything,'' Elsa answered. ''I told you before, I can't control the curse.''
''It's not a—'' Iduna started before being interrupted.
''I'm scared that I will hurt someone if I don't isolate myself. I'm scared I might...'' she trailed off.
''You're scared what, Starshine,'' Iduna asked softly. She leaned a little away to be able to look at her daughter's face.
''Kill someone...''
Agnarr sighed as he tried to hug his daughter, but like usual, she moved away. While doing so, she released herself from her mother's arms. She looked down at her hands in shame and tugged at her gloves. A hair-strand fell out of her bun, framing one side of her fface.
Agnarr and Iduna looked at each other in sadness and worry. They hated how afraid their daughter was of her powers. Agnarr walked over and grabbed his wife's hand in comfort and started to walk back behind his desk, dragging Iduna along as he looked at his daughter.
''Uhm, me and your mother are wondering what you want from the trip,'' Agnarr said, breaking the silence.
Elsa looked up. ''What?''
Agnarr let go of his wife's hand and sat down in his chair again. ''Well, your sister asked for chocolate, obviously,'' he said. ''What do you want?''
Elsa looked back down at her gloves. ''New gloves,'' she muttered.
''New gloves?!'' Iduna echoed, shocked.
The eighteen year old princess looked back up at her parents. ''Thicker ones,'' she continued. ''I feel like these white ones aren't thick enough to conceal anymore, and that I might feel... safer with ticker ones. That it won't be as easy to lose control,'' she explained.
''Alright,'' Agnarr sighed. He would do anything to make his daughter feel safer in her own skin. ''Thicker gloves it is, then.''
''Can I go back to my room now?''
''Just one more thing, Starshine,'' Iduna said.
The princess gazed at the both of them, waiting for them to talk.
''When we get back from the trip we will end the isolation,'' Iduna began.
''We'll open the gates—everything will be like it was before, alright?'' Agnarr continued.
''But what about—?''
''We'll go back to the trolls to find out what to do with your powers,'' Agnarr interrupted.
''Or maybe you can ask Jack to ask The Guardians for any ideas?'' Iduna asked, leaning against the desk.
''Ask Jack?'' Elsa murmured.
''Yeah, he's still around isn't he?''
''I like that kid,'' Agnarr said and leaned back in his seat. Iduna placed a hand on his shoulder and they both shared a warm smile.
''He's older than you,'' Elsa said.
Agnarr looked back at his daughter. ''Well, he looks younger than me. He's around your age, right? His frozen one, that is.''
''I guess so..''
Agnarr just hummed as he closed his eyes.
Elsa felt really uncomfortable as her cheeks warmed. What kind of answer was that?
''You may go to your room again now, Elsa,'' her mother said as she smiled warmly at her daughter.
Elsa nodded, not saying anything and started to walk towards the door.
''We will be seeing you before we leave for the trip, alright?'' Iduna added quickly.
Elsa turned around and gave a tight smile. ''Alright,'' she replied.
She opened the door and walked out. As she passed the staff-members once again she replayed what her father had said in her mind. 'I like that kid.' Her cheeks warmed again and she started running for her bedroom door.
What was going on?
When the news broke out that the rulers of Arendelle's ship had sunken due to a storm at sea the two princesses were left devastated. In a few days the funeral would be held, and Elsa wanted to go. But she didn't dare to, not when she was so emotional and had little to no control over her powers. Her whole room was covered in snow and ice.
She laid in her bed, clutching two light blue gloves to her chest. They had been one of the few things that had been found from the ship.
Elsa had been requested in the dining room by Kai one evening. When she got there she had been given those gloves as well as the news about her parents. The princess had quickly excused herself, running out of the room back to her chambers where she broke out crying, feeling all of her hope and belief fading away.
She opened her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks as she brought the gloves up to her face so she could look at them. They were very beautiful and in her favorite color too. She almost smiled at the thought. It had been her father who had picked them out for her. He knew exactly what she liked.
She knew her parents had told her that they would end the isolation as soon they got back from the trip and that it had been their secret... but Elsa refused to tell any of the council members or Kai or Gerda about that. She had never really agreed to end it, she was still scared. Now more than ever. She would keep her parents' plan a secret. She wouldn't tell anyone about it. Not like she could, anyway, she was all alone in her bedroom. No one ever came around except for when either Gerda or Kai would bring her her meals.
The sound of the window slamming open startled her and she sat up in her bed. She stared at it in confusion for a while.
She stood up from her bed and walked over to it and closed it again. Frost formed on the pane, but she just shrugged it off, thinking it was her, like usual. She walked back to her bed and fell asleep.
Elsa's eyes fluttered open. She woke up in her bed, wrapped up in a blue wool blanket and her bed sheets. On the chair that stood next to her, where Jack would sit during the night when he watched over her, hung her grey robe. But Jack was nowhere in sight.
The queen blew her almost white bangs out of her face as she looked down at her hands. The scars were still visible, but healing nevertheless. She saw another pair of hands holding hers. She trailed the hands until she noticed the dark blue fabric covered in a layer of frost.
Elsa breathed in, happily, as she closed her eyes, smiled and snuggled into his hands. She felt warm. She felt something moving closer to her from behind. Jack's hands suddenly let go of her hands and wrapped themselves around her shoulders. She felt his nose nuzzling against her neck. Her smile widened.
It was still a little too early for Elsa to get out of bed so she decided to go back to sleep.
But she wasn't able to.
Her mind kept going back to earlier conversations and she found herself overthinking all different kinds of things.
One of those things being her and Jack.
They had been friends for almost her whole life, and Jack hadn't changed one bit. His appearance hadn't changed, ever. And he was still behaving like he always had done, well, except for the past few weeks where he had started being flirty towards her.
He was still the good ol' Jack she had always known.
But her. She had changed. A lot.
It didn't matter how many times her sister told her that she still was behaving like she did when she was younger in some ways. It didn't matter how good Jack was to bring back her inner child. She had changed. And it probably was because of all the fear and grief she had dealt with for those thirteen years in her room. Sure, there had been some... 'good' moments, but as the years went by those moments only became less and less.
And when she had forgotten about Jack.
She would never forgive herself for that. She still felt bad for it, even though Jack had told her it was fine and that he kind of always had known that she would stop believing in him at some point because she was getting older.
Elsa sighed and opened her eyes again. She turned around in Jack's arms and looked at him.
'Do your skin tickle each time he stands close enough that you can feel his breath?'
Oh, yes it does, Elsa thought as she looked at his sleeping form.
His hair was messier than usual and his mouth hung a little open as he softly snored.
She rested her hands in-between them and smiled.
'You like him. You always have.'
Elsa moved one of her hands up to his face and brushed his nose gently with her index finger. His nose scrunched up a little.
Jack Frost moved halfway on his back and yawned, moving one of his hands to ruffle is own hair. His grip on the young queen loosened and Elsa moved her hand away from him.
Elsa's eyes widened as she heard her father's words in her head again, like she had all those years ago.
'I like that kid.'
The guardian moved back to his side and looked sleepily at the girl in front of him. He smiled warmly at her and moved a hand to move some hair out of her face. Elsa followed his hand's movement with her eyes, as she swallowed a little.
She met his gaze and just by looking at him she wanted to confess all over again. She wanted to confess the one thing she had been thinking about ever since Anna had helped her realize her own feelings. She wanted to confess what she had confessed to him the night before...
But she didn't. Instead she smiled softly and just said it in her mind as she closed her eyes, feeling the touch of his cold hand near her face.
I like you.
A/N: I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK! (please send help, I need it..)
So for the ever-so-important info about the rewritten chapters:
I have written about 5 chapters now. (Four and a half because I kind of got writers block while writing the fifth chapter..) And they're shorter than what I'd like, around 1,500-2,000 words. Which this chapter is too, but that's because I have been occupied with a lot of IMPORTANT school work, so I kind of wrote half of this chapter one evening and the rest right now...
Which explains the grammar mistakes and the words that are misspelled, that I KNOW I HAVE.. But that doesn't really matter because I'll be revisiting this chapter soon, because I'm changing some details in the story and need to bring that in the latest chapters. As of now, I have written this story so it fits with the previous chapter (aka how the story is now.) But back to the point: the first few chapters where Elsa is still a kid will probably be shorter than the chapters when she's older. I just find it hard to write the chapters where her parents are around and when she's growing up without giving away spoilers for the future. (I HAVE A LOT OF PLOT-TWISTS PLANNED SO GET READY!)
Another reason for the lack of writing for this story may also that the Jelsa fandom is slowly dying-or almost dead actually... or maybe all the stories I've favorited on this fandom hasn't been updated in months. (And with months I mean MONTHS..) Some of my favorite fan fictions haven't been updated in almost a year, which is so sad. So, I've been spending most of my days trying to find new fan fictions to read-only to finish reading them and then don't know what to do with my life. I've also been editing edits for instagram, which I enjoy doing VERY MUCH. So, that takes a lot of my time.
Midterms in school are also coming up-the first one being next friday (NOT THIS WEEK, BUT THE NEXT ONE.) My birthday is also in two days (November 21st), so my time is pretty much occupied until Christmas.
But back to the info for THIS STORY:
I have decided to publish ALL of the rewritten chapter together at the same time, because 1. It may take a while. 2. I don't want to keep you readers waiting for new ''updated'' chapters. 3. If any new readers come along, I want the story to make sense to them.
Alsooo, I still haven't come up with a new summary for this story. I have a few ideas and I probably won't write it until I'm done rewriting the chapters. The cover image for this story I've made. Yeah, I have ACTUALLY MADE my own COVER IMAGE for this story. (Actually I made 2, which both have 2 different colors-so it's actually 4...) And I am still debating on trying all of them out while I rewrite the story to see which one I like best-because I have no clue, I love all of them.
Another thing: I will be leaving notes on my profile (which I've done for a while) where I write updates on how it goes with the rewriting of the story. So, if you think I'm dead just check out my profile and you'll (MOST LIKELY) find a note from me. (:
I think I'm done rambling now. The author's note is actually almost as long as the whole chapter.. xD
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