Hey guys!

This fanfic isn't quite a female Yuri K, but is instead his twin sister who poses as him.

While this first, introductory chapter is short, I hope you enjoy reading it ~~

Thank you XD.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. Just some storyline plots and the OC.

Chapter 1

ALMOST A YEAR has gone by since he passed away.

He had felt ashamed and embarrassed with his performance at the Grand Prix Final. Seeing the man he looked up to, and the blond-haired boy who shared the same name do so well, he had felt a wider distance in his and their abilities.

Yumei knew there had been something wrong. They were twins after-all, and the closest connection they had was with each other. Yet, she didn't brood over his mood, or the way he shut himself in. She had dismissed it as a feeling which would fade, and grow less intense with time.

How wrong she was.

Yumei had believed that she knew her brother so well, every detail from the way he would look down and tightly squeeze his fist in determination, or how the corner of his eyes crinkled when he gave a fake smile.

When he had first approached her with his new dream, to become a legendary figure ice skater, she had decided to work alongside him in his endeavour.

She would create musical masterpieces, and he would express her music through his skating. While she did compose several pieces, he had always puller her onto the ice with him, and soon she took to it like a fish to water.

A natural, he had called her, and while he praised her she knew the darker feelings he kept inside. Ones that she didn't dare to bring up, and he didn't ever want to mention. So he didn't say anything when she decided to stop skating to focus on composing.

Or so she said.

She still secretly went out to skate when she knew he would be too busy with something else to catch her. When she returned from these sessions, he would give her a look that seemed to stare through her very soul. Whether or not he knew about her secret skating sessions, even she couldn't tell.

Now here she was, posing as her late brother. They were identical in every way, save for her smaller stature, slimmer face, and wider eyes. No one had ever been able to tell them apart. Not even their own parents.

While everyone believed Yumei to have passed away, only her parents were aware that it was in fact, her brother. She told them that she wanted to continue his dream, picking up from where he left off. Though to do that, she had to pose as him so she could enter the men's skating competitions. While her father had been worried, her mother understood her feelings and supported her.

Picking up the bandages from the floor, Yumei carefully wrapped them around her bust. She then pulled her hair up, placing a wig over it. It would have been easier to cut and style her hair like her brothers', but she couldn't find it in herself to cut it all off when it took so long to grow down to waist length.

Yumei then made her way over to the Ice Castle Hasetsu, knowing just who she would find there.


They hadn't seen each other in a while, so Yuko wouldn't notice any significant height difference. Knowing what she wanted, Yuko let her use the ice skating rink. There was something she wanted to show to her anyway. One of Victor's ice skating routines.

As the music played over, she felt herself glide across the ice, her body moving seamlessly into each step, jump, and sequence. She felt relaxed, and free. However, what she loved most about skating was that her reflection in the ice didn't look like her.

It looked like Yuri.

It was as though he was skating alongside her just like when they were younger. As though he was alive again. Skating on the ice was as close to her brother as she could ever get, so she skated as much as she could.

All too soon the performance came to an end, and she was struggling to breathe. Her stamina was just as good as her brothers, yet her bound chest limited her quite a bit. Even Yuko noticed and made a comment.

"That. Was. Amazing! But you seem more tired out than usual, Yuri. Your stamina is the best, but even with this I guess you did put on some weight…"

Yumei felt indignant, but didn't say anything. She knew she wasn't overweight. It was definitely the bandages.

"Hey! What are you three doing!?"

Yuko's three children had filmed the performance and uploaded the video. While she found this troubling, she didn't think about the full consequences.

And so, it was unbeknownst to her as she turned in for the night, that the one person her brother had always admired, found himself clicking on a video that would once again bring him the inspiration he had been searching for.

Thanks for reading! Reviews/criticism is welcomed.