Summary: Harriet had only just recently begun to 'travel' as she later called it. She wasn't sure where she was going, or how she was getting there, but she was sure she wasn't home. An unfinished tale of the Hobbit in brief, generally told in 100 to 300 word snippets. Roughly connected to the AUD universe.

To Cassandra, for voluntarily poking holes in my Thesis and helping me improve my arguments.

Prompt: Harriet literally runs into Thorin and Company screaming TROLLS! Must be less than 10,000 words all told with each chapter a min of 100 words but less than 300 words.

AN1: This story follows the books, and the book's rather abrupt ending, not the movies.

AN2: The Summary is important. Read it again =)

AN3: AUD is not abandoned. I actually have several chapters written but just haven't had time to edit them. Hopefully they will be posted by the Hols.

"There they sat glum and wet and muttering, while Oin and Gloin went on trying to light the fire, quarreling about it…"

- The Hobbit, Chapter II: Roast Mutton

Bilbo was silently lamenting the fact that adventures were not all pony-rides in May sunshine. And lament he should, considering what was coming.

Then, by some stroke of luck, Balin, ever the look out man, noticed a light. "Look, over there, a light!"

The whole company looked toward the densely forested hill at which he was pointing. Just in the distance, there was, indeed, a light, flickering like fire or torches.

As they continued to watch, they also noticed that there appeared to be something moving, crossing in and out of the path of the light, and moving fast.

"What is it?"

"Doesn't matter. Prepare yourselves!"

The figure, for it was indeed a person, came flying out of the brush. Then, taking notice of them, stopped abruptly, arms flinging wildly about to maintain balance.

It was a woman, nay a girl. It had to be, given how young she appeared.

"Holy Merlin," she whispered.

The dwarves, still armed and ready, stared, occasionally sharing confused and uncertain glances between them.

Then, Thorin stepped forward. "Who are you?" he commanded.

The girl looked briefly over her shoulder, then came to some sort of decision. Hitching her satchel further up her shoulder, she stated, in a mildly hysterical voice, "Look, no time. There are monsters, just over that hill. You should run." And with that, she did exactly as she suggested, cutting quickly to the company's left, deep into the underbrush.

Dwalin looked to Thorin, ready to take action, "Should we follow?"

"No, something sent her this way; we prepare for what lies ahead." So saying, he unsheathed his sword and readied his shield.