Important Notice

Hey, everyone. So, I've been getting a lot, and I mean a lot of comments about my grammar and how I frequently switch from writing in past tense to present tense. Normally I wouldn't let this get to me but I'm finally doing something about it. I will be rewriting all of my current stories both here and on archiveofourown. Until further notice I won't be posting new chapters or working on the sequel for anything until I improve my writing style.

I've come a very long way and have improved greatly since I first began writing; something I am very proud of. However, I know I can't spot every mistake I've made by myself. I am looking for a beta for both my Harry Potter stories and my Undertale stories. I've already reached out to two people, though I haven't heard back from them just yet. If any of you would like to become my beta for either my Harry Potter or my Undertale stories then I'd be more than grateful. Just send me a private message. If you do want to offer your services as a beta, please note that I've never had one before and therefor I'm not sure if there's a way to share documents here on the site or if we'd need to exchange actual e-mails.

Anyway enough rambling from me. As each chapter is redone I will replace the current chapter with the new one along with giving credit to whoever my new beta(s) may be and the date when the new version of the chapter has been added. Thank you all for your dedication and for trying to help me along. I truly appreciate it.