Hi there! This is Willowleaf the Jedi, bringing to this fandom a Bakugan fic!

I love the Vexos. They're just such compelling characters, and I wanted to write, and add, to their stories... so this happened. I have one of those 'fangirl crushes' on Lync Volan, and that's why Lync will be sharing the spotlight with another character... an OC: Erin!Yeah, so this will obviously be taking place in the New Vestroia season... This specific part of the story is taking place in... *checks Wikipedia* ... in episode 9, Freedom Run. (a.k.a. the episode that lead to many people shipping Shun with Ace... you know which one I'm talking about)

So... yeah. Enjoy!

I'm sitting in the stands.

The brawl ended moments before.

Everything is in chaos.

All the Vestals are panicking.

"The Bakugan!"

"What's up with the Bakugan?"

"Why are they out?"

"Who's are they?"

I'm frozen in my place. These Bakugan are beautiful.

The two Vexos who had been brawling – Lync Volan and Volt Lustre – have disappeared. Their opponents – the champions, Ace Grit and Shun Kazami, are smiling smugly, as if they had planned the whole event.


Suddenly, more people appear, and join Ace and Shun. They look around my age.

One of them, an orange haired girl begins to speak. "Wait! You have nothing to be afraid of. The Bakugan are living, intelligent beings."

"She speaks the truth," A Pyrus Dragonoid said, voice low and rough. Everyone screamed in terror. I started at the Bakugan in amazement. For some reason, I felt no fear.

"The Bakugan deserve their freedom!" A boy in red pipes up. "They are our friends."

Everyone is shocked. I pull out my own Bakugan – Darkus Shadowheart. I knew it. I knew you talked.

The Bakugan deserve their freedom!

They are our friends!

… friends.

"Wait up!" I call to the girl – Mira Clay, wasn't it?

She turns to me. "Hey there? Uh, who are you?"

I hold out my hand. "Erin. Erin Algant." She shakes my hand warily. "You're a resistance. Part of one, right?" I questioned.

Mira Clay smiles. "Yup. That's us!"

"Can I join?"

She smiles, and looks at my gauntlet. "What made you so interested in joining?"

I blush. "What you said out there… I always thought my Bakugan was talking. And I've had him forever…" I take out Shadowheart. "If he's my friend, I want to help his kind. It's what friends do right?"

Mira nods. "Of course. Erin, do you think you could just keep you joining the Resistance a secret?" she leans in closer and whispers, "You'll come in handy. Someone no one would expect. You could keep us updated on what's going on in this city."

I nod slowly. This girl is pretty smart for her age. "Sure." I give her a piece of paper with my contact information. "Here." I suck in a quick breath. "I've always wanted to help a rebellion. Contact me if you need anything."

My life is about to change. I can feel it.

My parents would probably call it conspiring with the enemy. "Erin!" mother had shouted, all those days ago. "You come back here, or I swear to God I will…" Father put a hand on her shoulder. "Let her be. She's never going to be what we wanted her to be."

"I'll be what I want to be!" I had yelled. "Leave me alone!"

I haven't seen them since.

My life is about to change. I can feel it.

Yay. Vexos are awesome. I don't give a snap about Gundalians and Neathians and whatever the hell is in the next few seasons... But I'll watch them eventually. :)